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Russian Enforcers Box Set 2 (Books 4-6)

Page 39

by Nic Saint

  “Yeah, laugh all you want, asshole,” he snapped. “But I’m not done with you yet. Why did you bring us all the way to Montinia?”

  The king shook his head, his face still a mask of jollity, then gestured to the couch. “I assume you don’t want to take a seat, but please allow me.”

  And without further preamble he lowered himself to the black leather, then stared owlishly at the two killers before him. “Do you really think I would invite you to my palace to have you killed?”

  “That’s exactly what I think,” bit Mike. “And let me tell you right now, you won’t get away with it. I have six brothers—”

  “And one sister, yes I know,” the king said, sobered. “I did my homework. I know you’re both the very best. Which is exactly why I had you come out here.”

  “You could have sent us an invitation,” Emily returned viciously.

  The king smiled sadly. “And would you have accepted it? I don’t think so. No, I’m afraid there was no other way than to play this little ruse on you. What’s more, I needed to see with my own eyes what Rudolph has been telling me all these years. That you are amongst the best in your profession, Miss Fox.”

  “Rudolph?” Emily frowned darkly. “Rudolph set this up?”

  “I’m afraid he did. My son is worried about me. He fears for my safety. There have been rumblings of terrorists targeting the house of Montinia, of people who covet the wealth this country and its ruling house possess. There was even an attempted kidnapping not so long ago. I’m afraid the upcoming retirement of our head of security will leave something of a gap, and it’s been very hard to find the right person to replace my valued Armand.”

  His eyes twinkled as Mike and Emily digested this information. All of a sudden he didn’t look so menacing, Mike thought. More like a kindly Santa Claus. “Armand?” he said. “Not…” He gestured to the door. “…the little guy?”

  The king’s lips curled up with amusement. “The little guy, exactly.”

  “He’s your head of security?” Emily asked, incredulous.

  “And a very fine one indeed,” the king acknowledged, then leaned back. “I’m thinking about abdicating, but cannot do so right now. Not until Rudolph is well and truly ready to take over from me, and not until this small matter of our security has been arranged. When Armand told me he wanted to…retire, we quickly agreed to take the same route we did when he was first recruited. Like you, Armand was never very keen on settling in Montinia, but once he did he’s never regretted it a single moment. He eventually found love and he and Marcia both enjoyed a long and happy life here.”

  “He didn’t tell us all this,” Mike grumbled.

  “Armand is nothing if not discreet,” the king pointed out. “He recommended I find the best man in the business, and the best woman, and make them team up.” He gestured to Mike and Emily. “That’s why I arranged this little contretemps. Partly as a ruse to bring you out here, partly as a test, to see if you really were as good as Rudolph said you were.”

  “But I thought you despised me,” Emily offered. “When Rudolph and I were engaged—”

  “Contrary to what you might think I never objected to the wedding, my dear. It was my son who had a change of heart. Rudolph had long been in love with Justine de Forest, but she was promised to another man. The moment she got engaged to another man, Rudolph decided to play a little game of his own. One for which he’s now deeply sorry.”

  “He got engaged to me…to get back at this Forest woman?” said Emily, surprised.

  The king gave her a rueful look. “I’m afraid so. I apologize for Rudolph’s appalling behavior in this matter. Though I’m sure when he was with you his feelings were true and heartfelt. Only after a little while did he realize he never stopped loving Justine. Then, when she broke off her engagement…”

  “So he never really loved me after all,” Emily said softly.

  “It was what you might call a rebound thing. And I truly am sorry for the way Rudolph handled the affair. It was quite cruel on his part, but then he was very young when all this happened. I can assure you he’s far more mature now than he was five years ago.”

  “It’s all right,” said Emily, and Mike thought she actually looked relieved. “It’s quite all right.”

  The king searched their faces, looking from one to the other. “I would like to offer you a position. It’s a shared position. Head of security of Montinia. But there’s one condition.”

  “What’s that?” Mike asked wearily. He still didn’t fully trust the bearded monarch.

  The king gestured from Mike to Emily. “Have you two decided to get married yet?”

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business,” snarled Mike, taking Emily’s hand in a protective gesture.

  The king smiled. “It’s one of the requirements of the job, I’m afraid. Armand told me it wouldn’t be a problem. That you two are an item.” He shrugged. “I just needed to see it for myself before I decided one way or the other.”


  Emily stood on the balcony and looked down on the city below. It spread out like a rolling wave of red tile and quaint squares, now illuminated by a descending sun. The fireball was setting the Mediterranean ablaze and she thought she’d never witnessed a more breathtaking sight. She’d been playing the words the king had spoken over and over in her head.

  The old monarch had made it clear that for the position offered he needed two people, both with the same skills and obvious proficiency, and…married.

  She felt it odd that he would add this condition, but he’d explained that a position like this was a commitment not to be taken lightly, and only the person truly content in their personal life could take it up with the full dedication required. Besides, having a partner stand by your side would give an extra layer of support and backup that might prove invaluable when things got truly dicey.

  It was one of the reasons for the unusual procedure he’d opted for. He wanted to find out what each of them would bring to the table, and along the way force them to work together in the hope that the close proximity would stir something in their hearts.

  Too bad, she thought now, that it had worked with her but not Mike, or else she would have loved to move to Montinia and start work for King Francois.

  All her life she’d worked hard to make something of herself—to free herself from an unfortunate past. This job might have been the culmination of both her professional ambition and the blossoming of a love she hadn’t expected.

  But Mike had dismissed the old ruler out of hand, and even when he’d suggested they sleep on it, Mike had assured him he wouldn’t change his mind.

  Emily gripped the balustrade tighter. Why had Mike refused? The answer was obvious: he didn’t love her. He’d enjoyed the physical relationship they’d shared but had never moved beyond it. Perhaps it was a good thing, she now felt. Better to find out now than to live fostering unfounded hope.

  She felt the tears she’d been holding inside trickle from the corners of her eyes. Soon they’d return to America and she would be induced to take up her old job. She knew she couldn’t. She couldn’t simply pick up where she’d left off. Not after all that had happened.

  She’d rather vault over this balustrade now and crash into the rocks below than to go back to a life that held no future.

  And she was contemplating just such a fate when the door opened behind her and someone entered almost noiselessly. Thinking it couldn’t be anyone but Mike, she refused to turn around. If he’d come for a last fuck before they said goodbye, he could forget it. Even though her body, like her heart, belonged to him, she would deny him this final pleasure—this ultimate humiliation.

  “Go away, Mike,” she said softly. “We have nothing more to talk about.”

  The person now stood next to her, and she turned on him, fully intent on giving him a piece of her mind. She gasped in surprise. The man standing before her wasn’t Mike but Prince Rudolph.

  “Rudolph,” she said, surpr
ised. “I thought you were out of the country.”

  “I came back just now,” he said softly. “When my father informed me of the crazy plan he’d hatched I immediately returned.”

  He looked wonderful, Emily thought with a pang. The excess weight he’d carried when she saw him last was gone, and it was obvious he’d worked hard to do it. He was still the son of his father, the square face a clear indication, as were the pale blue eyes that could pierce one’s soul, but he now looked dapper in his white costume with gold trim and red epaulettes. His officer’s uniform, Emily knew, for he’d worn it on one of their dates in America, just to please her.

  “Your father told me congratulations are in order?” she said, feeling ill-disposed to dealing with her former fiancé after all that had happened.

  He took a step closer and took her hand. “I’m so sorry about all that has happened, Emily. I behaved abominably.”

  “Your father told me you always intended to end our engagement,” she murmured. “It was news to me.”

  “He’s not telling the whole truth, I’m afraid. It’s true that my heart had been Justine’s, but since we’d broken up I thought I was free to love again. When we met…there was a very strong connection. You see that, don’t you?”

  She gave a short laugh. “Of course. Though I have to admit I haven't been entirely honest with you either, Rudolph.”

  “I know,” he said. “I’ve always known. My advisers warned me you might have an ulterior motive for walking into my life. That your ties with the Russian Mob were…something of a hindrance to a successful match.”

  She laughed again. “That’s quite the understatement. So you knew all along that I was merely getting close to you because I’d been ordered to?”

  He nodded solemnly and stared out at the darkening skies. “I knew, but hoped against hope that love would blossom and take care of such petty matters. I hoped that you would come to care for me, and would forget about the promises you’d made to your employers. Like I hoped I would be able to untangle my heart from the tethers of a previous affair and would be free to love you.” He hunched his shoulders. “It wasn’t to be, alas.”

  “I always cared deeply for you, Rudolph,” she said, placing her hand on his arm. “But I never considered you more than a friend, I’m afraid.”

  He gave her a weak smile. “I know. And neither could I bring myself to fully lay my heart at your feet. Once that old flame reignited I knew ours was an affair that was doomed. And like a thief in the night I snuck away as soon as there was the slightest chance I could be reunited with Justine again.” He eyed her seriously. “I’m truly, deeply sorry for being such a cad, Emily. You deserve better. You deserve the world.”

  “I don’t know about that, Rudolph,” she said softly. Whatever she deserved, she knew she wouldn’t get what she wanted. Not when her heart was wrapped up with the one man who would never love her. Then she looked up and gave him a comforting smile. “And now you’re getting married to Justine. Will she make you happy?”

  The smile was unmistakable. This was a man in love, and she felt the twinge of envy. Why couldn’t Mike ever love her like this? Why couldn’t she have what Justine de Forest had?

  “Justine would like to meet you,” he said, surprising her. “She would love to become friends.”

  “Sure, why not. Though I have to tell you that tomorrow I’m leaving.”

  His face clouded. “So soon? But I thought you’d been offered the position?”

  “We have been offered the position,” she corrected, “on the condition that we get married.” She shook her head. “That isn’t happening, I’m afraid.”

  “He doesn’t love you?” he asked, his face darkening.

  “He doesn’t,” she confirmed. She briefly placed a hand on his cheek. “Not everyone has your luck, Rudolph.”

  “You should,” he said, suddenly vehement. “A woman like you…” He shook his head, breaking off. “I’m hardly the man to comment on such matters. Not after the history we’ve had.” He eyed her sternly. “I do hope we can be friends, Emily. I detested myself five years ago, and always vowed that one day I’d make it up to you. Which is why I convinced my father to give you a chance.”

  “He said that you’d suggested my name,” she said with a laugh.

  He smiled. “I did. Too bad it isn’t working out. I didn’t know my father would still adhere to this ancient tradition.”

  “I guess he does.”

  “The custodians of the safety of the house of Montinia are usually a couple. Though when one day I rise to the throne, I plan to do away with those archaic traditions.”

  “When you do, you know where to find me.”

  “I do,” he promised.

  Too bad King Francois was in such excellent health, she thought bitterly. The man might be on the throne for another two decades.

  When Rudolph kissed her hand and said his goodbyes, she turned to stare out across the sea, where the sun was casting its last slivers of gold. Rudolph’s visit had perked her up, and she figured she should simply cut her losses and return to her native land in the morning. Perhaps new opportunities would open up some day.

  She’d just turned away from the entrancing vista when she started violently. A dark and brooding figure had appeared before her. It was Mike, and he looked positively tormented.


  God, she looked gorgeous, Mike thought as he stepped into the room. He’d been anxious to see her and when he arrived had almost bumped into Rudolph. Quickly retreating into an alcove, he watched with rising indignation as the young prince closed the door to Emily’s room behind him, a thoughtful look on his face. What the hell was he doing in Emily’s room? Was he trying to set her up as his mistress? For heaven’s sake, the man wasn’t even married yet and already he was recruiting a lover? Not happening.

  Stepping into Emily’s room, adamant to talk her out of this entanglement, he halted when he saw her standing on the balcony, a flowing white dress billowing around her perfect form. Once again he was struck by her beauty and her grace. Drinking her in for a moment, he simply stood there. But then she turned away from the sunset and stepped into the room. Their eyes met, and she stiffened.

  “What are you doing here, Mike? I thought we said all we needed to say?”

  “Not by a long shot, princess,” he growled. He indicated the door. “What was Prince Jackass doing here?”

  “Prince Rudolph,” she declared haughtily, “is a very dear friend, and what we discussed is none of your damn business.”

  “It is if I make it so,” he said testily, and took a step toward her.

  She stood her ground and watched him with glittering eyes. God, she’d never looked more beautiful. The last slivers of sunlight lit up her golden hair like a halo, the white dress hugging her enticing curves, and it was all he could do not to reach out and take her into his arms. He knew he’d lost the privilege to do so when he’d refused to be blackmailed by that old idiot Francois.

  “There’s something you need to explain to me,” he began.

  She raised her chin. “There’s nothing to explain. You made your position perfectly clear. You don’t intend to marry me. Not on your life, if I remember the words correctly.” She shrugged. “It’s your prerogative, Mike, and if there’s nothing else, I would like to be alone now.”

  “Oh, no you won’t,” he said, and joined her in two steps. “You can’t shut me out that easily.” He took her into his arms, but found her as unresponsive as a dead fish. She turned her face away from him, her eyes dark and cold.

  “Let me explain to you how this works,” he began.

  “Let me go, you brute,” she hissed. “I don’t want to hear another word.”

  “What was Rudolph doing in your room?” he demanded hotly. “Is he trying to talk you into going to bed with him?”

  She gave him a withering stare. “I won’t even dignify that question with an answer. Now get out before I throw you out.”

��Not until I have my answer,” he growled huskily, giving her a vigorous shake. “What does Rudolph want with you?”

  “What is it to you?” she snapped. “You don’t care what happens to me.”

  Shocked, he released her, and she took the opportunity to stalk across the room, putting some distance between them. “That’s simply not true.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Mike. When the king asked you if you wanted to marry me, you made your point loud and clear. You said you wouldn’t be married to me if I were the last woman on earth.”

  She swiped at her eyes, and he was shocked to find tears staining her face. He’d hurt her. He didn’t even know that he could. “Emily, I just said all of those things because I didn’t want to trap you into an engagement you didn’t want.”

  “Don’t put the blame on me, Mike. You’re the one who discarded me like yesterday’s newspaper. You’re the one who threw the engagement back in Francois’s face. And mine,” she added bitterly.

  Hope surged in his chest. Could it be… “Did you…” He rooted around for the right words, and when he couldn’t find them, he cursed. “Dammit, Emily!” he thundered. When she looked up in surprise, he ground out the words. “I only said all of those things to save you from a bond with a man you don’t want—a man you don’t love.”

  “How could you, Mike? How could you decide for me?”

  Flabbergasted, he stared at her, his heart turning somersaults. All afternoon he’d been going over the events of the past days, and had come to the conclusion that he’d done the right thing. She couldn’t possibly love him, and he didn’t want to trap her into an engagement with a man she didn’t want. No matter how much it hurt, he wanted her to be free.

  “But I thought you didn’t care for me,” he stammered.

  “Don’t turn this around, Mike. I already told you I loved you, remember?”

  He remembered. He just didn’t believe it. “You—you do?”

  She nodded, eyes brimming with tears. In a flash, he was upon her, and clasping her to him. “I love you, Emily,” he muttered brokenly.


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