Book Read Free

The Sanctuary

Page 31

by Arika Stone

  His eyes softened. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m not feeling well. I need some sleep.” I wiped my nose.

  “All right, but please calm down. Can I call you in the morning?”

  I shook my head. “I’m not sure if I’m going to work. I’ll call you when I wake up. Night.” I slammed the computer shut.

  Chapter 46

  I rescheduled the partnership meeting and took a few days off to tend to my constant morning meetings with my new partner, the toilet. The break gave me the time I needed to gain a clearer vision of how I wanted to proceed with the company.

  It also gave me time to smooth things over with Val. He made me realize any additional records meant a better life for us. More records meant more royalties in the future, and I always had his family and my aunt to keep me occupied in his absence.

  Just as I sat down to begin the meeting, Jude popped his head through the door. “Can we talk?”

  I glared at him. “Excuse me, everyone.” I entered the hallway and shut the door behind me. “How did you know I was in today?”

  “Did you think my employees wouldn’t tell me?”

  “You mean my employees. We have no deal, Jude,” I stated firmly.

  “Why not? You have a better plan?” He smirked.

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m not getting into bed with you again.”

  “That wasn’t the plan I was thinking of, but it could be a better one.” He winked.

  “Don’t you have a business to run? A client to lie to?” My tone was curt. I had no time for his games.

  “And what do you plan on doing to protect yourself? Someone has to.”

  “I’d rather be honest than be deceitful. I will not lie to someone I love. Shit happens, divorces happen. I’m having his child. He’s not going to take away my only source of income.” The rules had changed since I had those two little blue lines to worry about.

  “No, he’ll just hit you up for annual distributions to pay for his coke habit. Because we all know how well he does after a breakup. Maybe you can hope for the best and pray he ODs.” Jude sneered at his knowledge of Val’s personal life.

  “Get out of my office, now.” I gestured down the hallway, making my point.

  He ignored my demand. “So, you’re going through with the partnership?” He cocked his head to the side, awaiting my answer.

  “You already know the answer. Why bother asking?”

  “And when you get divorced? You’ll be alone with his kid, screwed for income.”

  “Oh come on. Do you really think I’ll suffer? I can afford to take care of myself and a child.” I walked away, but he followed. He was a persistent ass.

  “Make me a partner. You know I can run things around here. None of those three nitwits have the business sense you or I possess. They couldn’t even handle the PR when you decided to play stripper in Finland. Besides, I have the cash to offer to you for the majority of the ownership. They don’t.”

  He crossed his arms and stood there cocky as hell, but he made a valid point. They all were excellent planners and organizers, but they lacked the finesse to run a company. Jude knew what it took to keep a company out of the red. He had the financial backing to keep the business running and the client list to retain profits.

  “And if you need to return, you will have a position making your same salary.”

  “Then you’d be my boss. I don’t think so.” I laughed. “If I come back, you return the majority to me at the purchase price.”

  He shook his head. “Then what’s in it for me?”

  I paused briefly. “You get the pleasure of telling me you were right. Did you expect more?” I held open the meeting room door and gestured for him to enter.

  Jude followed. “Let’s get started, people! As of today, this company is going be run differently.”

  “Jude, kindly sit down, or I’ll ask you to leave.” I stared at him coldly.

  “You know that’s not how I do things, doll.” He placed his hands squarely on the table before me.

  I challenged him. “I am not your doll, not in the office and certainly not outside. You can either let me run my business, or you can leave without what we discussed. Now, sit down and shut up.”

  After a half of day of reviewing contracts, negotiating, and policy discussions, the partnership meeting ended. I finalized the deal and signed off on it. I was a silent partner for the firm, with a permanent yearly salary and an option to return full time.

  It was satisfying to know I was getting such a huge chunk of change out of Jude. My staff wasn’t happy, but this was the only solution to keep the company alive.

  “Let’s celebrate!” Jude grabbed me and shouted down the hallway to Vicki, “Oh Vicki, I want your office. I need to be close to Eve. Make sure you move out by tomorrow.”

  “You can’t do that. She’s my right hand around here.”

  “Then she’ll be my right hand, but down the hall. Let’s get lunch.”

  There was little I could say or do to stop his demands. He was in my position now. “That’s not fair, and you know it.”

  “She’ll deal.” He spun around. “Hey you, yeah you, Sharon? Get an interoffice email out about the partnership. Vicki will give you the details. We’re going to lunch, oh, and schedule a meeting with Kristen for four p.m. today. I need a press release out as soon as possible.”

  Sharon kept walking without a reply. She detested the way Jude arrogantly barked orders, and I didn’t blame her. He was demanding when it came to work, but that’s why we got along well. He ran a tight ship and got things done. And I loved it.

  We stood in front of the elevator in silence. I could feel him staring at me. “Are you happy?” His voice softened.

  “Right now, not really. I think I’ll pass on lunch. I’m going home. I’m tired.”

  “But we should celebrate. We did it. There’s no way he can touch the company. We own it.” He smirked.

  The elevator doors opened, and we stepped in, thankfully alone. “And you’re happy because you screwed him or saved me?” I couldn’t help but wonder about his motives. I knew with Jude there always was one.

  “I can’t be happy for both?” He placed his arm around my shoulder. “It’s for the best, or you wouldn’t have agreed to it. You still have some sense in you.”

  I shrugged my shoulder in an attempt to brush him off. “I suppose. We can celebrate next time. I’m going home.” The elevator doors opened, and I quickly breezed out of the lobby onto Madison Avenue to hail a cab.

  “Why don’t I call you around eight, and if you’re up to it, we’ll go out to dinner? My treat.” He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, opening the door to the taxi that stopped for me.

  “I’ll let you know.” I had no intention of going to dinner with him. It would be awkward.

  As soon as the taxi sped away, I dialed Val.

  “Hello, darling,” he murmured in my ear.

  His voice was even sexier over the wire. “I’ve got good news.” I was excited. “As of today, I’m a silent partner, and when I leave, I take a yearly salary to boot. They’re going to announce it on Monday, and I’d say within six to nine months I’m all yours.”

  “That’s fabulous news. I am glad you worked it out.”

  “What are you doing tonight?” I felt impulsive.

  “I’m working, why?”

  “I’m going to take a nap, but I want to talk to you later.” I glanced down at my watch, quickly calculating the hour difference. “How’s eight your time?” It was our usual time, and he wouldn’t suspect a thing.

  “I should be home by eight.”

  “Great, I’ll talk to you then. I love you.” I closed the phone. “Driver”—

  I peeked through the window—“there’s been a change in address. I need to be at JFK as soon as possible, and I’ll pay you double if you get me there quickly.”

  Chapter 47

  I arrived at my L.A. home forty minutes before I expected Val to be there. I
quickly deactivated the alarm and stepped inside. The house was trashed. His guitar was sitting on the couch. There were beer bottles and random lyrics written on half-crumpled sheets tossed everywhere. I stepped over cigarette packs, socks, shoes, and a plethora of other things before making my way into the kitchen. It was totally unacceptable to live this way, especially in my house.

  I opened the fridge. It was empty. I had a feeling of déjà vu, as if I’d stepped back into time when I’d first moved in with him in Helsinki. Unfortunately, there wasn’t time to order food. I needed to shower and change before he got home. Rushing upstairs, I practically tripped over his dirty clothes.

  I swooped down and picked up his laundry, tossing it into the laundry room. Running back into the bedroom, I emptied the ashtrays and tossed the random bits of trash scattered around the room before I headed into the bathroom, to shower and change into a sexy lace cami set.

  I looked at my watch. Ten minutes to showtime. I ran the blow dryer through my hair, threw on makeup, and stepped out into the bedroom at exactly seven fifty-five p.m.

  The door opened and closed downstairs, followed by shuffling and movement. I picked up my cell phone and dialed. His cell phone reverberated downstairs. My heart fluttered, I couldn’t wait to surprise him.

  “Hello, darling. How was your nap?”

  “Refreshing. I miss you though. It isn’t the same sleeping alone.”

  “I know how you feel. The bed seems empty without you.” I heard him open the refrigerator and pop open a beer.

  “My assistant delivered something for you, a surprise to celebrate the sale. She left it in the bedroom.”

  “Why the bedroom?” I heard his footsteps traveling up the stairs.

  “I don’t know. Why don’t you see what it is?”

  The door crept open, and his hand flipped on the light. I jumped out of bed and leapt into his arms. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “What are you doing here?” He kissed me deeply on the mouth, holding me tightly to him.

  It was good to feel him next to me again. “You look like you haven’t slept in days. Are you okay?”

  He laughed and placed his beer on the dresser. “Now I am. I can’t believe you’re here.” He picked me up and carried me to the bed, placed me down, and pulled off his tee shirt, boots, and socks. It figured the first thing he wanted to do was make love. He slid on the bed next to me and ran his fingers over my arm, slipping down the strap of my tank.

  “Do you know what it’s like sleeping in a strange house without you by my side? I am completely—”

  “Lost without you.” I finished his sentence and snuggled next to him. “I don’t know if I can last six months without you. I can’t even leave for a month.”

  He chuckled and reached for his cell phone. “Excuse me. I have to cancel my plans for tonight.”

  I watched him as he spoke on the phone. He seemed too thin, almost frail. As soon as he hung up, I ran my fingers down his abs. “You’ve lost weight. You’re too skinny to lose weight. I’m going to hire a chef for you.”

  “Don’t be silly. I can fend for myself.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Lonely nights, bastardly tiring days, and you know how much I enjoy shopping for food.”

  “You need me,” I teased.

  He leaned into me, pressing me flat onto the bed. “Yes, I do. In more ways than one.” He quickly undressed me and mounted me, devouring my breasts with his large hands.

  “Owww…Be gentle with those. They hurt.” I moved his hands away from my tits.

  He kissed my neck, ignoring my comment and grabbing my nipples and tweaking them while slipping his cock inside of me. Normally, he would feel just right inside, but every area of my body felt extra sensitive to his touch.

  “Oww…” I pushed his hands away again.

  “Did you forget how I touch you?” He chuckled and thrust his cock deeper into me.

  I squirmed underneath him to reposition myself so he wouldn’t penetrate me deeply.

  “What’s wrong, Eve?” He stopped mid-stroke to question me.

  “It’s nothing. It’s probably because I wasn’t feeling right all week.”

  He cocked an eyebrow upward. “We can stop if you’re not up to it.”

  “Are you crazy?” I shook my head. “This is all I dreamed about on the flight here.”

  “So what am I, a booty call?” He chortled and slowed his strokes down. He held me tight to his body, one arm wrapped around my shoulder, drawing himself closer to me, his other arm resting against the bed.

  He groaned in pleasure as he thrust his cock deep, exploding inside of me. “Fuck!” He collapsed, breathing deeply into my ear. “I didn’t mean to come so soon. I’ll make it up to you.”

  “Sorry, Val, I’ll be right back.” I pushed him off and made a beeline to the bathroom, shutting the door and turning on the fan. I was secretly glad he’d come so soon. The plane food combined with his rough handling had sent me over the edge. I hung my head over the bowl, submitting to the demands of our sensitive baby.

  “Are you okay?” Val burst into the bathroom. “What’s going on, Eve? You’ve been sick all week.”

  I stood up and turned the faucet on. “I forgot to take my medicine.” I splashed the water on my face, rinsed my mouth, and headed back to bed to lie down.

  I grabbed my purse from the dresser and pulled out a vial of pills. “I thought I had this beat, but I guess not.” I popped a pill into my mouth and downed water.

  He eyed me and picked up the pills. “What’s this for?” He scanned the bottle, looking for clues.

  “I should have told you this before, but I wanted to tell you in person.”

  His eyes darted to mine.

  “We’re having a baby.” I smiled, and immediately his face lit up with the news.

  “When did you find out?” He lay down next to me and snuggled me into him.

  “Monday, but I wanted to make sure everything was all right before I told you.” It was a relief to tell him. It had been such a heavy burden all week.

  “How far along are you? When are you due?” He extended his hand to my belly and gently caressed it.

  “I’m eight weeks pregnant. We conceived around Christmas. The baby is due September twelfth. You’re not going to feel anything, Val. It’s not big enough yet.” I giggled at his gesture.

  “I know that.” He blushed and smiled, keeping his hand on my belly. “What are the pills for?”

  “Nothing serious. Anti-nausea meds because the doctor thought I might dehydrate.”

  “And how is she doing?”

  “She? We don’t know the sex yet.”

  “I have a feeling.” He winked.

  “She’s fine, if she is a she. She could be a he, too, you know.”

  “I can’t believe it.” He shook his head and leaned over me, tenderly kissing my stomach. “Why don’t you stay here? I could take care of you.”

  I shook my head and watched him. He began singing softly in Finnish. I couldn’t believe how gentle he was. His demeanor was beautiful to behold.

  “What are you doing?”

  He eyed me from below. “Singing, what does it sound like I’m doing?”

  “She can’t hear you.”

  “My child will know my voice before she’s born. And when you deliver, she’ll immediately know who I am.”

  I laughed at his silliness. “And if we’re a country apart, how do you plan on accomplishing this?”

  “I guess I’ll have to postpone the record,” he stated.

  “I prefer if you’re home during the first year than with me during the next nine months. I can handle this. I’m okay.”

  “You could move here. Don’t you have offices here you need to transition also?”

  “I’ve got people on it already. Besides, my doctor is in New York.” Suddenly, my phone rang. It was Vicki. I knew this wasn’t going to be good.

  “Where are you? You’ve got everyone worried sick about you.” Her voic
e boomed so loudly Val could hear her.

  “I’m in L.A. I didn’t know I needed to answer to you.”

  “Well, you never told Edward, and Jude stopped by, and you weren’t home. We’ve been trying to call you.” She paused. “Wait, you’re in L.A.? What the fuck are you doing in L.A.?”

  “I took the first flight out after work. I wanted to celebrate with Val.” My call waiting beeped. “Hold on a sec. Jude is on the other line.” I switched over, annoyed at their antics.

  “What do you want?”

  “Hey, baby, I thought we had dinner plans for tonight. You stood me up. Where the hell are you?”

  “Stop calling me condescending little pet names. I’m in L.A. with Val. I will see you on Tuesday at the office.” I hung up the phone and switched back to Vicki.

  “Vicki? I have to get going. I’ll see you Tuesday.”

  “Wait, Tuesday? You’re leaving me with Jude all day on Monday? Hell no. I refuse to work with him alone.”

  “Then call out sick. I’m no longer your boss.” I hung up the phone and tossed it aside.

  Val’s voice deepened. “Why did you have a date with Jude tonight? More importantly, why is Jude involved with your business affairs?”

  I supposed now was as good time as any to tell him. “He bought out fifty-one percent of my company, and it wasn’t a date.” I watched him for his reaction.

  “Why would you sell to your ex? Don’t you see he’s trying to weasel his way back into your life?”

  It was funny how both Val and Jude tried to twist things against each other. “It’s not personal. It’s business. It was the only way I could wipe my hands clean. He has the financial backing I needed to be bought out.”

  “And for the rest of your life, he can dangle this over your head. Don’t you see it’s just a way to hold you to him?”

  “Honey, I don’t care about the business. I care about you and our baby. Please stop. I wasn’t thinking about myself when I made this decision.”

  “Well, I’m not happy with it.”

  “You don’t have to be. But it was the only way.”

  “I wish you would have spoken to me first. I don’t like it when you make decisions without telling me what you have up your sleeve.” He bit his lip.


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