My Gift To You

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My Gift To You Page 16

by Tracie Delaney

  He shucked his own clothes and tossed them into a heap on the floor, but he removed Livvy’s clothing piece by piece, stopping every few seconds to put his hands, his mouth, or his tongue on her.

  When he’d fully undressed her and she lay naked before him, he sat back on his heels and drank her in. It wasn’t simply Livvy’s body that turned him on. She really was the whole package. Quietly intelligent and with a great sense of humor, Livvy had suffered but had come out the other side. She was a strong woman, a survivor. Her experiences had given her a deep sense of what was important: family and friends, not money and material things.

  All those elements made her his perfect partner because he knew that Livvy didn’t care at all about his wealth. She wanted him for him, not for what he could give her financially.

  Her warm body made him want to press closer, and as he did, as their damp flesh connected, he ached to be inside her. Not yet, Mitchell. Something about Livvy made him almost lose his mind. With other women, except Tab—at least before he knew what a manipulative bitch she was—he’d been able to remain detached from the emotion of the physical act. He might as well have been doing laundry for all the emotional connection he’d experienced. Yet with Livvy, every touch, taste, and smell of her made him go crazy for more.

  His mouth found its way to her neck, and as he kissed her there, she moaned loudly and tilted her hips, rubbing herself against him in a way that wasn’t helping him take things slow. As he fought for control, Livvy took matters into her own hands. Or rather, she took him into her own hands. As her damp palms curved around his shaft and she guided him inside her, Gabe almost exploded. He bit hard on his lip as Livvy began to move. Her hands gripped his ass, and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “Faster, please,” she murmured against his ear.

  Oh shit.

  He thrust into her, but before he’d had anywhere near his fill, her muscles clenched around his cock and nature took over. An orgasm erupted from him, and as he rode it, Livvy pulled him closer even though he must have been far too heavy.

  As his breathing slowed, he rolled off her. He nestled her head against his chest as his whole body relaxed.

  “Gabe?” she murmured lazily, her eyes already closed.

  “Yeah, darlin’?”

  “Thank you for saving me.”

  His heart squeezed because he felt exactly the same way. They’d saved each other. He tightened his arms around her. “I love you, Livvy Mitchell.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Livvy rolled over and opened her eyes. She was alone. She reached across the mattress. Gabe’s side of the bed was warm, meaning that he hadn’t been up for long.

  “Gabe?” she called out.

  He appeared in the doorway to the bathroom, his mouth full of toothbrush. He winked at her before disappearing again.

  Livvy flung the covers off of her and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She climbed out and shrugged into a bathrobe that Gabe had helpfully left at the foot of the bed. She drifted over to the window to check out the weather. Excitement for the day ahead made her stomach clench. Today they were heading back to Cusco, where their hike to Machu Picchu would begin.

  “Bathroom’s free,” Gabe said, appearing at her side. “At least it’s not raining.”

  Livvy leaned on his shoulder. “I wouldn’t care if it was.” She reached up and pecked his cheek. “You’re making all my dreams come true, cowboy.”

  Gabe snaked his arms around her waist. “This is only the beginning, Liv.”

  “Well, you’ve set the bar high. I hope you haven’t peaked too soon.”

  Gabe threw back his head and laughed. “Oh, I have lots of things up my sleeve, and I have a lifetime to share them with you. Now scoot.” He playfully slapped her backside. “We’re meeting our guide in a half hour.”

  They had a quick breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Gabe brought their backpacks down from their room, and Livvy couldn’t help but notice that hers was significantly lighter. She frowned at Gabe as he hoisted his much larger, and clearly much heavier, backpack onto his shoulders. As she opened her mouth to tell him off, he gave a firm shake of his head.

  “Don’t even go there, Liv. I’m not being benevolent. I’m making sure you have enough energy left at the end of the day. A newly married man has needs.”

  And with that, he headed outside. Chuckling under her breath, Livvy followed him. At the front of the hotel, they were met by their guide, Piero. After the introductions had been made, Piero pulled out a map and laid it on the hood of the jeep. With his finger, he traced the route they would follow that day. Twelve kilometers didn’t sound very far, but when combined with a three-hour car ride to get to the start of the trail, and the fact that the terrain wasn’t exactly like walking along a beachside promenade, it would still seriously test their fitness. Not only that, but their altitude would also be an issue. The lack of oxygen in the air would take it out of both of them even though they’d spent the last couple of days acclimatizing.

  As they passed through picturesque villages, Livvy stared out the window, trying to take in as much as possible during this trip of a lifetime. Their guide pointed out landmarks along the way. The closer they got to the starting point, the more excited Livvy became.

  Finally, they reached their destination, and after a quick check to make sure nothing had been left behind, they shrugged into their backpacks, added plenty of sunscreen to any exposed skin, and set off. Despite the fairly cool temperatures by Californian standards, the sun was very strong.

  “This is the Vilcanota River,” Piero said as they followed the trail to the right that climbed steeply. On either side of the river, rust-colored rock gave way to bushes and trees embedded into the rock face.

  Livvy removed her camera from her pocket and hung it around her neck. She paused to take several pictures before slipping her hand inside Gabe’s once more as they continued to follow the direction of the river.

  After a hard hike, Piero drew to a halt. He lifted his hand and pointed in the distance. “That’s the Inca hillfort,” he said, indicating an arched ruin made out of stone bricks. “We can stop for a moment if you want to drink something.”

  Livvy peeled off her backpack and greedily drank some water. The altitude certainly took its toll, and they were only on day one. After quenching her thirst, she picked up her camera and took more photos, determined that she and Gabe would be able to look back on this trip in years to come and have the physical memories even as their own began to fade.

  “You hanging in there, darlin’?” Gabe asked as he held out her backpack so she could slip her arms inside the straps.

  She smiled up at him. “I’m fine.”

  They set off once more, and after another seven kilometers or so, they reached the village of Wayllabamba, which was set about three thousand meters above sea level.

  “Normally, the people I guide stay here, but there are some prettier campsites a little further on if you’re up to it,” Piero said.

  Gabe looked over at Livvy, who nodded and said, “Yep. Let’s keep going.”

  It was the right decision, because when Piero stopped once more, the view was utterly breathtaking. Clouds settled over the mountains, and as the wind blew them across the valley, the peaks disappeared and reappeared in a constant harmony.

  Gabe and Piero set up the tents, and after a quick meal, Livvy promptly fell asleep.

  The next two days were some of the best of Livvy’s life. The climb became more challenging, and she got blisters on her feet, but none of that mattered. When she rose on day four after spending the night on the floor of the crammed Trekkers Hostel, she didn’t care that her back ached and her legs felt like lead. Nothing could take away the sense of excitement coursing through her. Soon, she would get to see one of the seven wonders of the modern world, something she’d dreamed of many times. And the man stuffing their belongings into their backpacks beside her was the one to bring her dream to life.

de, dawn was still an hour or so away, but they had to leave at this time so they could watch the sun rise over Machu Picchu. Gabe took Livvy’s hand as they, along with many other groups, set off towards what would undoubtedly be a very emotional experience.

  As they reached the final set of steps, which would lead them to a view of Machu Picchu, Livvy turned to Gabe. Her excitement was mirrored in his eyes.

  They followed Piero up the steep stairway. By the time Livvy reached the top, her lungs were burning from the exertion, but nothing could have prepared her for the sight that greeted her. As the sun rose, it cast a golden light across the ruins far below them.

  “Oh, Gabe.” She clutched her hand to her chest. Hot tears pricked her eyes at the spectacular sight, which many coveted but, in reality, would never see. “Thank you for bringing me.”

  His lips touched her ear as he spoke. “This is just the start. I want to give you the world, Livvy. And I will.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “We’re home, darlin’.”

  Livvy murmured something unintelligible and forced her eyes open. Despite sleeping through most of the plane ride back to the US, she’d still managed to drop off again in the car, which had stopped outside Gabe’s home in LA. Correction—their home in LA. She’d let her apartment go before they got married.

  Gabe climbed out and came around to her side. After setting foot on the driveway, she found herself swept up in his arms.

  “I can walk, you know,” she grumbled, her eyes still refusing to open all the way.

  “Yes, I know. But it’s traditional for the groom to carry his bride over the threshold.”

  Of course. They hadn’t been back to the house since their wedding day. Livvy accepted her fate and buried her head in Gabe’s neck as he strode through the front door. She expected him to set her down in the hallway, but instead, he took off upstairs.

  He kicked open the door to their bedroom suite and deposited her unceremoniously on the couch at the foot of their bed. Livvy yelped.

  Gabe grinned. “At least that woke you up.”

  Livvy frowned at him. “That is no way to treat your new bride.”

  Gabe bent over and kissed her furrowed brow. “Don’t frown. You’ll get lines, and you’re too young for Botox.”

  He left her alone for a few moments, returning with a bottle of champagne and two glasses. “I know you’re exhausted after all the excitement and traveling, but as this is our last night before we return to work tomorrow, I thought we should celebrate.”

  Livvy pushed herself upright and held out her hand for a glass. “I hope I don’t let you down on the work thing,” she said, chewing on her lip.

  Gabe paused with the champagne bottle in midair, his brows pulled low. “Why would you let me down?”

  Livvy wiggled her glass at him, encouraging him to pour. As the champagne fizzed to the surface, she sipped quickly to avoid spillage. “It’s been a while since I’ve worked. I know I have a marketing degree, but that counts for nothing given how much time has passed since I’ve used it.”

  Gabe set the bottle on the floor and joined her on the couch. He clinked his glass against hers. “I have a feeling you’re a natural.” With a twinkle in his eye, he added, “Although, if you’re terrible at your job, I won’t hesitate to fire you.”

  Livvy narrowed her eyes at him but then couldn’t help but giggle. “If I’m terrible, I’ll resign. How’s that?”

  “Deal.” Gabe slung his arm around her shoulder and pulled her to his side. “So, what do you want to do to the house?”

  Livvy looked up at him. “Nothing. I love this house.”

  “But you must want to do something, put your own stamp on it?”

  She shook her head. “Honestly, Gabe, I hadn’t even thought about it.”

  “Well, do. I want this to be a home for both of us. I can sell it if you’d rather we choose somewhere together.”

  Livvy gave him a horrified look. “Of course I don’t want you to sell it.”

  “Okay, then we won’t sell it,” he said, his emphasis not lost on her. “But remember it’s yours to do with as you wish.”

  Three weeks after their return from their honeymoon, Livvy left Gabe’s offices in downtown LA and jumped into her car. Things were going well at work. Actually, things were going really well at work. She couldn’t wish for a better boss than Edward—the guy really knew his stuff—and Livvy was already learning heaps from him.

  Things with Gabe were even better, if that were possible. He catered to her every whim. He was attentive, loving, kind, and seriously hot between the sheets. When she looked back, she could barely remember those terrible two years after Mark died, and the black days that used to be so prevalent were now just a distant nightmare that belonged to someone else.

  The only blot on the landscape was her lack of energy. She was tired all the time. And she simply could not shake a lingering cold. The minute the sore throat and sniffles disappeared, another virus followed straight afterward. Gabe had suggested it might be best if she took a break when she’d mentioned it to him, but Livvy had immediately cast the idea aside. She’d only just started work. It was hardly going to endear her to her colleagues to start slacking off now.

  She figured her lack of energy correlated to her lack of exercise. Apart from the bedroom workouts with Gabe, she hadn’t been exercising regularly. And that was why she was on her way to meet Paul. A few sessions with her personal trainer would sort her out.

  Ten minutes after leaving work, Livvy parked outside the gym. As she climbed out of her car, Paul was already heading towards her.

  “Livvy Hayes, well, look at you.” He gave her a quick hug.

  “It’s Mitchell now, although I’m still getting used to my new name.”

  Paul cast his eye over her. “You look well. A bit out of shape, but nothing a hard session in the gym won’t fix.” He cocked his head at the building behind him. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

  It turned out that Livvy didn’t have much. By the time the end of the hour arrived, she was totally spent. Paul had drilled her like never before, and she had absolutely no energy left. As she collapsed on the floor, Paul brought her an energy drink.

  He sank down beside her and shook his head. “Well, Mitchell, I don’t know what you’ve been doing in the last couple of months since I’ve seen you, but you’re out of shape. We’re going to need to work hard to get you back into it.”

  Livvy frowned. “I don’t understand it. How could I have lost so much condition in such a short space of time?”

  Paul patted her arm and encouraged her to finish the rest of her drink. “Try not to worry. I’ll pull together a program and get some regular sessions scheduled. We’ll soon have you back on track.”

  Livvy nodded, thankful he was in her corner. As she got to her feet, she wobbled slightly. “Whoa, head rush.”

  Paul clutched her arm. “Take it easy, Liv.” He appraised her, his head tilting to one side. “Hey, Livvy, don’t take this the wrong way, but could you be pregnant?”

  Livvy violently shook her head. “No. Absolutely not.”

  He shrugged. “Okay, it was only a thought. It might explain why you’re so out of shape and why you’re tired all the time, but you know your body best.”

  “Yes, I do, and that’s not even remotely possible,” she insisted.

  Paul dropped his questioning and walked her back to her car. As Livvy put the car into reverse and pulled out of the parking lot, she waved at Paul, but her bright goodbye was tainted with concern. All the way home, his words rang in her ear.

  “Could you be pregnant?”

  Surely not. She and Gabe had been extremely careful. She’d always taken the contraceptive pill, having suffered crippling periods since her teenage years. The only time she’d stopped was when she’d been trying for a baby with Mark. Certainly, during the whole time with Gabe, she’d religiously taken the little tablet each morning before breakfast. No, there had to be another reaso
n. She was probably tired from the whirlwind her life had become ever since Gabe had entered it. Despite giving herself a good talking to, on the spur of the moment, she pulled into Walgreens. Only one way to find out for sure.

  Ten minutes later, she parked the car in the garage, took the pregnancy test into the house, and shot straight upstairs to their bedroom. She unwrapped the package and scanned the instructions. Pee on the stick, and if two blue lines appeared, well, she would need to sit Gabe down and have a serious talk.

  Livvy plunked herself on the toilet, but the tension tightening her insides stopped her bladder from doing what nature intended. No matter how much she concentrated, she couldn’t pee. Deciding to leave the stick on the vanity unit, Livvy wandered back into the bedroom to lie down and wait for her bladder to play ball. She stripped off her workout gear, threw the sweaty clothes in the laundry basket, and although she really should have taken a shower, she slipped under the covers and promptly fell asleep.


  Gabe’s gentle shaking of her arm dragged Livvy from slumber. She forced open her eyes to find him sitting on the bed, his face full of concern.

  She pushed herself upright and rubbed her eyes. Gabe was holding something that Livvy couldn’t quite make out because it was all fuzzy. After a second eye rubbing, her vision cleared… and her heart dropped to somewhere around her feet.

  “Livvy, what’s this?”


  “It’s a pregnancy test,” she mumbled, utterly mortified. This was the last way she wanted him to find out she might be pregnant.

  “I know what it is. I mean what is it doing in our bathroom, clearly unused?”

  Livvy tried to work out whether he sounded angry or amused, but the tone of his voice gave no clue as to his state of mind.

  “Something Paul said made me wonder.”


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