The Second World War
Page 138
Chiefs of Staff meetings at, 509
discussion of Polish frontiers at, 745–6
Churchill suggests, 912, 914, 922, 930–1
Truman’s suggestion regarding, 332–3
date for, 934–5
Churchill’s unfinished work at, 947, 949
Pound, Admiral Dudley, First Sea Lord, 163, 262
death of, 163, 235, 706
afternoon sleep of, 168
gives news of loss of Courageous, 172
reports on magnetic mines, 175
and boarding of Altmark, 199
on invasion chances, 330, 474
agrees to send tanks through Mediterranean, 424
with Churchill on Prince of Wales, 475
announces loss of Prince of Wales and Repulse, 496
accompanies Churchill to Washington, 497–8, 500
flies back with Churchill, 512–13
at Casablanca, 644
and “Husky”, 682
in Quebec, 700
resigns, 701
mentioned, 400
Prague, Russian-German link in, 125
Runciman’s mission to, 127
German troops march into, 142
Russians allowed to take, 919, 922, 953
behind Iron Curtain, 955
Pravda, on Fulton speech, 956
Press, British, and German suggestion of non-aggression pact, 88
demands a National Government, 147
critical of conduct of war, 515, 518, 568
censures action in Greece, 870
Press, U.S., and fall of Tobruk, 566
censures action in Greece, 870–1
Press Conference, at Casablanca, 647
Pride and Prejudice, 753
Prien, Captain, 174, 401
Primauguet, the, 636–7
Prince of Wales, H.M.S., carries Churchill to Placentia Bay, 474–6, 478–9
at Singapore, 495
loss of, 496
Princeton, U.S.S., 837
Prisoners-of-war, British, on Altmark, 198–9
Italian, in Western Desert, 385–6
British, taken in Syria, 441
German orders as to treatment of Russian, 454–5
U-boat attack on ship carrying Italian, 535
Italian, taken at Alamein, 628
taken in Tunisia, 661–2, 671
British, helped by Italian Resistance, 768
German, in Russia, 815
taken in clearing Scheldt estuary, 848
German, in Italy, 917
in Germany, 919
Stalin on use of German, 947
Production Council, 293
Prome, 831–2
Provence, the, 318
Prussia, post-war treatment of, 623, 733, 746
Punch cartoon (1939), 141
“Punishment”, Operation, 415
Purvis, Arthur, 368
Qattara Depression, 577
“Quadrant”, Operation, 691
Quebec Conference, First, 691, 696–9, 700
decisions reached at, 698–9, 708, 725, 963
Second, 829, 861, 921–2
Queen Elizabeth, H.M.S., 425
crippled by time-bomb, 490, 511, 565
Queen Mary, the, 663–4, 691, 693
Queenstown, 120–1
Quinan, General, 481
Quincy, U.S.S., 877, 892
Quisling, Major Vidkun, 195, 210
Rabaul, Japanese naval base at, 539, 541
Radar, 164
warns of aircraft approaching coasts, 349
development of, against U-boats, 400
German jamming of, 531
aircraft carrying, 536
in Battle of Coral Sea, 542
enemy, driven back from frontier, 849
Raeder, Admiral, appeals to Hitler against war, 132
plans invasion of Normandy, 193, 195
and invasion of England, 333, 335, 340–1, 343, 352
wants to attack U.S. ships, 403
dismissal of, 715
mentioned, 68, 185
Ragil Depression, 620
Ramillies, H.M.S., 479
Ramsay, Admiral (U.S.), 800
Ramsay, Admiral Sir B. H., organises evacuation from Dunkirk, 248, 265, 269, 272
Ramsgate, in German invasion plans, 336–337
air raid on, 357
Rangoon, 824
amphibious landing at, 829–32
advance on by land, 830–1, 861
taking of, 832
Rapido, River, 713, 771, 774
Rashid Ali, 437–40, 452
Rauenfels, the, 210
Rawalpindi, loss of, 176–7
Rawlings, Rear-Admiral, 432
Rearmament, German, 35, 37, 41, 51, 53, 55–62, 84–5
Labour opposition to British, 78
Baldwin and, 79, 98
German expenditure on, 95–6
deputation to Prime Minister on need for, 96–7
“Arms and the Covenant” movement towards, 99–100
Chamberlain’s attitude to, 105, 107, 140
British, after Munich, 140
Red Army. See Russian Army
Regensburg, 898
Reggio, 704
Reibel, Charles, 310
Reichenau, General von, 117
Reichstag, 27, 34–5
burning of, 34
Reichswehr, power of, 28
joins with Hitler, 29–30, 33, 35
merging of Brownshirts with, 47
Reigate, 337
Remagen, 893
Rennes, 306
Renown, H.M.S., 75, 425
Churchill’s voyages on, 701, 704, 706, 726
Reparations (1918), 5–6
extorted by U.S. from their own loans, 11
easement of, 30
question of cancelling, 32
Repulse, H.M.S., 495–6
Resistance movements, in Greece, 763–4
in Italy, 767–8, 917–18
in France, 793, 795–6, 802
in Belgium, 845
Dutch, 847
vengeance of, on Mussolini, 918
in Yugoslavia see Chetniks; Partisans
Resolution, H.M.S., at Oran, 316
Rethel, 305
Retimo, 428, 430, 434
“Retribution”, Operation, 662
Revenge, H.M.S., 332
Reykjavik, U.S. convoys to, 404
Churchill in, 478–9
Reynaud, Paul, replaces Daladier, 201
agrees to mining the Leads, 202
sends news of German attack, 241
on French defeat, 242–3
Churchill visits, in Paris, 243, 245, 250, 269
makes changes in Cabinet and High Command, 246, 250
informed of evacuation of B.E.F., 260
at Supreme War Council meetings (May/June, 1940), 269–71, 286–92, 301–302, 306
in England, appeals for concessions to Italy, 277–8
determined to fight on, 290
Roosevelt’s message to, 303–4
and Union with Britain, 308–10
resignation of, 310
Rheims, 860, 919
Rhine, River, French seek frontier on, 5
Germany suggests guaranteeing status on, 16
Germany suggests demilitarizing, 85
Churchill visits French front on (1939), 152–3
Eisenhower’s plan for crossing, 845
crossing of Lower, 846–7
weather prevents advance on, 860–1
French Army reaches, 860
objectives not reached on, 861
Roosevelt on terrain near, 863
Germans driven back across, 892
Allied bridgeheads over, 893, 895, 897
crossings of, 894–5, 897
Churchill crosses, 896–7
Rhineland, Allied evacuation of, 18, 30
“demilitarised zone” of, 86
German reoccupation of, 86–9
of, 92, 113
Rhodes, desirability of taking, 408, 707–8, 747
Italian fortress of, 427
failure to occupy, 709–11, 730
Rhone, Valley, German armour in, 279
projected Anglo-American advance up, 729
Allied advance up, 802–3. See “Anvil”
Ribbentrop, Frau von, 118
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, Churchill’s conversation with, on Anglo-German relations, 102–3
presents ultimatum to Schuschnigg, 115
Chamberlain’s farewell party to, 118–19
puts pressure on Poland, 141, 145
in Moscow to sign Non-Aggression Pact, 157
on British defences, 327
delivers declaration of war on Russia, 453
mentioned, 140
Richelieu, the, 316, 319, 638
Riggs, H. C., 265
Rimini, 804
Rintelen, Anton von, 51
Rio Claro, S.S., 170
Rio de Janeiro, the, 206
Ritchie, General Sir N. M., G.O.C. Eighth Army, 489, 516
defensive position of, 559
position of, in relation to Auchinleck, 560, 573
orders to, regarding Tobruk, 560–1
superseded, 569, 578
River Plate, Battle of, 179–85
Riviera, war with Italy in, 279
projected landing in, 729, See also “Anvil”
Roberts, Major-General G. P. B., 615
Roberts, H.M.S., 848
Robertson, General Sir Brian H., 654, 758
Rodney, H.M.S., 636
Roehm, Ernst, 26, 28
plots against Hitler, 30, 33, 49
leads disaffection in S.A., 47–8
arrest and death of, 49–50
Roer dams, 860, 864, 893
Rogers, Captain Kelly, 512–14, 562
Rokossovsky, Marshal, 822
Roma, the, 704
Rome, Laval in, 53–4
bombing of, 684–5
German occupation of, 689, 703–4
Allies seek to capture airfields near, 698–9, 703, 796
need to capture, 710–11, 728–9, 797
amphibious landing to help capture of, 754–5
Committee of Liberation in, 767
Allies capture, 781, 783, 798, 803
Churchill in, 804–5
Rome Protocols, 46
Rome-Berlin Axis, 92, 275
Romer, M., 852
Rommel, Marshal Erwin, 421–2
in France (1940), 252, 286, 307, 421
in command of Afrika Korps, 421–2
Churchill’s tribute to, 422
victories of, 422–3, 442–4, 516, 568
reinforcements for, 424, 442, 484
supply difficulties of, 442, 482, 484, 561, 579, 620–1
German High Command’s orders to, 442, 484
in “Crusader”, 488–9
refitting of army of, 490
attacks Eighth Army (May 1942), 559–60
determines to take Egypt, 577–9
on attack of New Zealanders, 578–9
counter-attacks on, 579
need for defeat of, before “Torch”, 592, 595–6
story of Montgomery on subject of, 594
Montgomery prepared for attack of, 614–15, 620
attacks and is repulsed at Alam Halfa, 619–21
handicapped by shipping losses, 626–7
illness of, 626, 661
at Alamein, 626
in retreat, 628, 643–5
on British artillery, 629
supplied through Tunisia, 635
in command in Tunisia, 660
in Italy, 698
in France (1944), 787, 789
in conference with Hitler, 789
disabled in air attack, 790
Roof-watchers, 358, 362–3
Roosevelt, Elliott, 476
Roosevelt, Mrs. Elinor, 503
Roosevelt, President Franklin D., helps Flandin, 90
suggests use of American influence to bring settlement in Europe, 107–10, 144
personal message of, to Dictators, 146
and atomic bombs, 154, 564, 963
correspondence of, with Churchill, 173–4, 235–7, 469, 518, 710, 753. 761, 786, 807–8, 853, 861, 863, 898–900, 902–3, 906
Chiefs of Staff of, 235
and MacArthur at Corregidor, 268–9
approaches Mussolini for Allies, 277–8
speech of, on Italian declaration of war, 279
initiates supply of arms to Britain, 283–4, 321
French appeals to, 302–4
Churchill’s relations with, 367
reelection of, 367
Lend-Lease scheme of, 370–1
and appointment of Halifax, 372
Harry Hopkins and, 389–90
extends U.S. Security Zone and patrol areas in Atlantic, 402–3
declares Unlimited National Emergency, 403
believes that Russian front will hold, 461
doubts wisdom of holding Middle East, 473
Churchill meets, in Newfoundland, 474–8
and Atlantic Charter, 476–8
and attack on Pearl Harbour, 491
Churchill gives papers on future course of war to, 501
supports idea of landing in N. Africa, 501–2, 512, 557, 580
Churchill visits, 503–4, 507–12, 562–7, 663–6
draws up Declaration of United Nations, 507–8
talks of, with Litvinov, 506
sets munitions schedule, 510
on escape of Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, 532
sends radar-carrying aircraft, 536
and Second Front, 550, 553, 581–5, 665
drives Churchill in car, 562–3
receives news of fall of Tobruk, 564
sends Sherman tanks to Egypt, 565
memorandum of, on war policy, 582–4
and preparations for “Torch”, 585–6, 631
and de Gaulle, 631, 646
at Casablanca, 644–5, 650
and “unconditional surrender”, 647–9
at Marrakesh, 650–1
holds exaggerated idea of Chinese importance, 644, 726–7
doubtful of Italian invasion plan, 665–6
at first Quebec Conference, 691, 696–9, 963
and command of “Overlord”, 697–698, 725, 729, 750–2
against operation in Ægean, 710, 731
and Anglo-American talks before Teheran, 725–6
in Cairo, 726–9, 747–51
promises amphibious operation in Burma to Chiang Kai-shek, 727, 737–8, 747–9
suggests attack through Istria, 730, 745, 799
at Teheran Conference, 731–2, 734–5, 737, 740
avoids private meeting with Churchill, 734, 737
private talks of, with Stalin, 734–5, 737
plan of, for post-war world, 734–5
misrepresents Churchill’s views, 735, 737
and date of “Overlord”, 737, 740
at dinner at British Legation, 741–4
proposals of, for treatment of Germany, 746
cannot part with Marshall, 750–1
visits Sphinx, 751
sanctions use of landing-craft at “Anzio”, 756–8
insists on “Anvil” (“Dragoon”), 799–801
fears “spheres of influence” in Balkans, 811–13
appeals to Stalin, on help to Warsaw, 819
correspondence of, with Stalin, on Polish question, 876
at Malta Conference, 876–7
at Yalta Conference, 878, 880, 882, 884–6, 888–91, 943
suggests working out plan for treatment of Germany, 880
agrees about Curzon Line, 884
failing health of, 899–900, 902–3
accused by Stalin of bad faith, 905–6, 922
death of, 906–7
fails to bring Truman into decisions, 907
and German occupation zones, 921, 937
nbsp; “four freedoms” of, 958
and independence of Korea, 968
Roosevelt, Franklin D., junior, 478–9
Roper, U.S.S., 533
Rosenberg, Herr, 26, 195
Rostock, 202
Rothermere, Lord, 82
Rotterdam, destruction of, 241
invasion of Britain from, 337
Rouen, retreat to (1940), 285–6
advance to (1944), 794–5
Roumania, uneasy at German rearmament, 41
and Russian help to Czechoslovakia, 128
refuses to allow entry of Russian troops, 145, 149
British guarantee to, 148, 152
refuses Russian guarantee, 152
oil supplies to Germany from, 201–2
Russian demands from, 281
German troop concentrations in, 448, 450
Russians on frontiers of, 764, 810
Russia and, 810, 812, 852, 855, 913
coup d’état of King Michael in, 815
Russian occupation of, 815, 851, 876
Communist Government forced on, 901–2
a Russian satellite, 935, 953, 958
Roumanian Army, 448, 467, 815
“Round-up”, Operation, 551, 566, 580 n.
jeopardised by “Sledgehammer”, 580–1
Roosevelt on, 583
Rowan, Sir Leslie, private secretary, 877
Royal Air Force, loses parity with German Air Force, 56–62
excels in quality but not quantity, 62, 266
Churchill on need to develop, 97
strengthened after Munich, 136, 138
in help for Norway, 210–11
bombing of Germany by, 206, 262, 323, 353, 360, 469, 580, 602, 696, 713, 717, 849–50, 865
in France (1940), 240–1, 328
French demands on, 241, 245–6, 287, 289, 308, 322
required for Home Defence, 241–2, 287, 322
prowess of, at Dunkirk, 266–7, 273, 327–8
part of, in stemming invasion, 261
prevented from taking off at Marseilles, 289
Keitel on, 323
attacks invasion fleet, 330, 338–9, 352
invasion hinges on destruction of, 343
Goering fails to destroy, 344–5, 352
compared to German Air Force, 345
Dowding’s disposition of fighters in England, 346
in danger from German air raids, 347–8
losses in, over Britain, 348, 352
organisation of, during battle, 348–51
wins Battle of Britain, 352
night fighters of, 354
bombs Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, 405–6
in Greece, 414, 424, 867, 872
in evacuation from Greece and Crete, 419, 432–3
weakness of, in Crete, 432–3
in Iraq, 437, 439–40
in Malaya and Singapore, 524
in Italy, 660, 783
destroys Möhne and Eder dams, 692
sinks Tirpitz, 723
and “Overlord”, 739, 790
bombs flying-bomb sites, 789
tries to aid Warsaw, 817–20
Russia refuses permission for landing of planes of, 818