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Pillars of Glass

Page 9

by Michael Polaski

  “You enjoy diner? I mean I know it’s not much but goat soup does grow on you.”

  Aaron forced a smile “It was great, my mind is wandering that’s all. Is there anything dangerous out there this time of night?” Aaron had pointed to the tree line only a few yards away.

  Elijah laughed, “Sure there is, One’s out there somewhere, and everything out there should be afraid of him.” He put his arm around Aaron and led him towards the tree line. “He has his good days and his bad days. In the few short months since I’ve known him, sometimes he wants to destroy everything in sight, and other days, he wants to save as many lives as possible, including the enemy. Like you, and nearly all of us here, he doesn’t see what the purpose of this war is. So he goes out there every night. I’m not sure what he is looking for, but on the clear nights when you can see the northern bridge in Anderhill shimmer off the water in the distance, he seems to be better that next day. I still remember the first time I saw the bridge. I had to be about thirteen or so, and we were flying over the straight when my dad woke me up and pointed it out. He said we flew at night, just so I could see it from above. Did you ever get the chance to see it while you were at school?”

  “Not at night no. Our housing made it so at night all we could see was the glow of it mixed in the city lights, never a direct line of sight.”

  “Well,” Elijah Said looking at the stars, “It’s the clearest I have seen in a long time. You should go and look for a nice perch and watch it for a while.”

  “You wont need that out there,” Elijah put his hand out grabbing Aaron’s rifle. “Take this instead.” He reached to his back and brought a small side arm exchanging it with his guest. “Don’t worry, here’s an extra clip and your rifle will be on your cot waiting for you when you return.” Aaron nodded, pocketed the sidearm and started off for the trees and Elijah made one final request framed by that smile he had shown all day, “And if you find One out there, tell him some bacon for breakfast would be great.”

  Aaron ventured through the trees with his side arm in hand and couldn’t help but wonder how different it was from the desert conditions back home. He hadn’t spent much time in the forest before and it all seemed foreign to him. The canopy above held unknown terrors while the floor below hid many creatures of its own. He soon realized how futile it was to step quietly through the underbrush and not let his feet fall heavily on the small twigs and downed branches. The moon danced just enough through the leaves to help guide him to the rocky base of the mountain and holstering his pistol he looked for a place to start scaling the rocks in front of him. He had seen a flat area about seventy feet above him and slowly he replaced each hand and foot with the other, ignoring the sounds of night that seemed to accompany his climb. Each move slowly became damper beneath his footing, making his feet slip and increased the difficulty of his journey. Upon mking it to the shortened plateau he noticed he was higher than most of the trees around him and could see a gentle glow in the distance. Looking for an even higher place to climb, Aaron went to the face of the mountain where a few trees had sprouted long before his time. He chose one and climbed half way up the pyramid of wood and looking North West he saw beauty for the first time.

  Everyone always said the Bridge was a beacon for the world, and now he understood why. As it sat floating above the Straight of Light, it seeming was placed from the heavens. It was beautifully constructed, flawless in fact. Originally, there was only one tower that stood watch over the straight, the one in Vanahei. Since the end of the Great War however it was decreed that this place would show the unity between the two great nations. Thus a matching tower was built on the western side of the bridge. During the War, the tower in Vanahei was a massive garrison above ground and prison below. In that time, it was rumored to repel wave after wave of men attacking it, making it impossible for any army to advance into Vanahei, and eventually deciding the fate of the War.

  However, since its twin was built, they had become places of beauty, instead of despair. The main archway vaulted itself hundreds of feet into the air and since its inception, had been painted as if it was a gallery of art by itself. Upon it’s decommission, the best artists were summoned to create two of the largest correlating visions that would ever grace any canvas, rock or clothe. Each painting was only half the story, half the vision, but one in its own right. It was difficult to fathom the entirety of what these men had envisioned as you sat underneath it, but one could feel that it was something greater than himself.

  The tower above was another masterpiece cast of steal and rock. Ornate figures of various stones brought forth from the bedrock of the straight itself stood watch on every corner creating their own conversation similar to the glory of the chasm below. Members from antiquity, whose names are all but forgotten sat watch over the path below, and were created in the very image of their fame. Monarch and Philosopher, Slave and Royalty elevated to an even stature in the sky. The windows and archways above gave anyone inside this citadel peering out across the land or gazing across the sea, a view that one could never forget. Distant trees and forests of steal gave way to the various mountains and deserts. It was though one could be at the top and see the entirety of creation. The rustic red peaks sat high above the pale stone that supported this view and yet even higher and only seen on the clearest of days, the banners flew. Eternally flapping gently in the wind from the sea. Since its original construction, the tower has been converted from its days of housing the victims of conflict into luxury homes for the most lavish and important of individuals, as it has been accepted that only people of this stature should have the right to rent the heavens.

  The true splendor to the eye however was not the large towers, but the reforged causeway that allowed travel between the two continents. At first, looking upon the Bridge itself it is difficult to think that there is actually a path there. Even some of the most educated joked in stating, they built the tower, but forgot the bridge. The nave was constructed from fine quartz that allows for foot and wheel to cross with an ease and clarity in seeing the water below, causing even the holiest of men to look down and feel as though they were floating above the water below. On the clear days the suns pureness flows through the walkway breaking off into millions of individual beams, thus letting its children dance along the top of the water. A chimera of color, brought into being by the mile long prism, shimmered from the moment the sun awoke until it touched the horizon again.

  However when the sun’s sister, made her stroll across the heavens, this bridge of glass was transformed and could be seen in its true luster. The grayness of a thin fog hovered over the black water below it, an egress that slowly made its way east. Yet as the moon made her march to and past the zenith, the brilliance of nature once again came forth. Following her dance along the top of the water, all the colors of the world were cycling, flowing with the gentle current of the wave, fighting for their gleaming moment as the borealis do. One could spend their entire life watching the evolving artery of light, and it would only be considered dull when a storm passed overhead.

  This night was clear for Aaron to watch in wonder at the colors upon the water. Its celestial glow eased his mind and quieted his restless heart. After an unknown amount of time passed, Aaron couldn’t help but wish his brother could see this. He felt weight on his left shoulder slowly get heavier until he realized something was actually there. Quickly back to reality he came and reached for his side arm before he realized it was no longer there.

  “I don’t mean to scare you Aaron, I know how easy it is to get lost in just staring at it.” He turned his head slowly and recognized the voice through its whisper, it was One.

  “Why did you take my pistol?” Aaron spoke after a moment of silence.

  “Because I didn’t want you to make a mistake and shoot me. I’ve had it for a few minutes now and am willing to give it back to you, but it’ll be empty.” He extended the weapon and continued, “There’s no need for you to have it at the ready, not many creatu
res out here for you to worry about.”

  Aaron holstered his empty weapon and tried getting a glimpse of his guardians face. The shadows seemed to find their prefect home along the contours of his face. Aaron could only clearly see the blue of this strangers eyes encased by the ivory around them. He smiled and continued the monologue.

  “You’ll learn my name tomorrow with the rest of the world don’t worry, until then just remember that I’ll be looking out for you.” One started to climb down the tree next to Aaron and made it to the plateau before Aaron spoke again.

  “My brother, Alex would’ve liked you I think.”

  “And I’m sure he will enjoy your company again someday.”

  Only if you believe in the afterlife Aaron thought, he watched as One was about to scale down the first face of the wall before he remember what Elijah said “Oh, Elijah wanted me to tell you-”

  “He always wants bacon.” The familiar voice from the darkness laughed. “Tell him not to worry, you aren’t the only thing I’ve been stalking out here.”

  With that Aaron could no longer see his host, but felt comfort in knowing he was still out there somewhere. Watching over him, like he hoped his brother was.

  “Everything is better with bacon!” Elijah stated as if he wanted the MLM to hear him. He decided to run the soup kitchen for breakfast so that everyone enjoyed his special request with their meal, placing a few pieces on everybody’s plate as they went through the line.

  Ortega still asking questions, was the only one out of the loop. “Where on earth did you get bacon in these parts?”

  “There are a lot of wild razorbacks in the woods around here. One caught it late last night sharpening its tusks along the base of one of the mountains.” The bearded man spoke “Now normally, we can make one of those things last a month or two if we are conservative, but it looks like we are getting our fill this morning.”

  “Don’t worry about Raymond,” Elijah said as he placed an extra slice on Raymond’s plate. “He just doesn’t like bacon like the rest of us.” There was a small ruffle at the entrance and two more men joined the line at the mess tent and greeted the men already sitting down to eat. “Aaron about time you join us, and greetings Staff Sargent Walters, welcome to our lovely home.”

  Walters’ voice was shaky as he was still getting his bearings from the previous day’s events. “Thank you, for everything yesterday. We owe you our lives.”

  “No, what you owe us is a new home.” A voice rang in from the back of the tent. “After you eat Sir, I would like to have a discussion in private with you.” One was already in his assault gear, including his helmet and visor. “Men after you are done eating I want you to get Ortega and Ehlinger two of the spare urban packs. My guess is that after today we are going to be assisting in training, and a few of you are going to be in charge of different units. Sergeant, I’ll be packing up one of our transports.”

  “As you wish, what’s your name solider?” Walter’s asked grabbing his plate.

  “You’ll learn that when we sit down with your command at the FOB, until then enjoy being our guest.” One exited without another word and Walters looked at Elijah for an explanation.

  “Don’t look at me, he’s the boss around here. We just kinda listen and live. Have some bacon go from there, It took me three weeks before he told me his name, so don’t take it personally.”

  Aaron took an inquisitive look at the bacon and smiled. For the first time in months he was happy. Elijah noticed.

  “Would you look at that, Corporal Ehlinger knows how to smile after all. Raymond you owe me the next six-pack you find, a bets a bet. And it better not be half empty when I get it you cheap ass! What’s got you so happy Aaron? I doubt you love bacon as much as myself.”

  “The way it’s severed up, with the eggs and hash browns on top of it, it’s how my mom use to do it.”

  Elijah grinned. “Well enjoy your nostalgia for the next thirty minutes because you’re going to have to stow that when we start packing camp and moving to your FOB. This war won’t end just because we decided to cook for ya’ll this morning.”

  Aaron took his plate and followed his Staff Sargent down the line adding what little condiments they had to the meal. At the end of the line Ortega motioned for his fellow squad members to sit next to him and they did so. It was almost like they were all back at the mess hall at school, various units bonding with one another over the things they did before the war started. Who enjoyed fishing, and who hated what type of food. It was finally the break Aaron was hoping for. No MRE’s to warm up, no waiting in a camp to see who was on patrol next. It was a vacation if only for eighteen hours. Vacation from the horrors that would ask kids as old as him to go into battle with no support to try and find medical supplies. Providence had guided him safely through the toils thus far, and he was going to ride the wave for as long as it lasted.

  As One and Walters spoke a hundred yards away from the center of camp, the rest of the men started breaking down tents and deciding what materials they would take and which ones they would leave behind. The most heated discussion happened between Raymond and Elijah about the remaining pork. Eli wanted to take it as a gift to the FOB and Raymond believed it better just to let it lay out in the woods for some coyotes or other animal for a meal. Finally after a quick wrestling match, Eli took the carefully wrapped remains and loaded them in a separate transport from the one Raymond was in charge of.

  There were eleven total vehicles that would make the trek to the NVC camp, a caravan loaded with weapons, food, medical supplies, clothing and most importantly thirteen solider returning from combat.

  “Can you drive a stick?” Elijah asked walking up to Aaron, he nodded in affirmation. “Good because I don’t want that jack-ass Raymond anywhere near my bacon!” He winked and tossed the keys to Aarons chest. Aaron couldn’t help but hope this journey was less adventurous than the previous time he was selected to be a wheelman.

  Walters walked back slowly with ‘One’ shadowing a few feet behind him. “Alright I need all the drivers to come over here,” Walters shouted and motioned with his arm. “Ortega I need you to go to my pack and get the map out of the side pocket.”

  Ortega nodded and ran to the pack giving ‘One’ a high five as he passed him. Raymond walked over to his commander and had a quick discussion with him before crossing his arms and turning slowly. Aaron had guessed it was about the bacon.

  The corporal returned quickly with the map and gave it to his squad leader. Unfolding it Walters started to inform the rest of the men on the details of their journey south. “Ok, Elijah, can you point us out here on the map?”

  Eli pointed at the mountains and made everyone chuckle. Walters realized he wasn’t getting anything more specific than that, and shook his head before continuing. “Alright then, I will need you to drive the first truck out of the mountains and down to route 19-south. As of yesterday, it was a NVC patrolled supply route that will lead us to Highway 22E, which is controlled by the Regular Army. All roads going in and out of any FOB including ones designated to be of the Volunteer Corps, are protected by the Regulars for a quick evac to the more centralized command centers. Now Central Command is not on any map and its location is not shared with me or any other NVC Officers, from what I understand not even the Reg’s know its location. When we arrive at the check points I will state that you are refugees we found leaving Anderhill and need to go to the FOB to radio in someone from Central to confirm your status. It will take them probably two to four hours to send someone in. They are all a little spooked by any type of possible espionage, and will wait to make sure there is no insurrection from our guests.”

  One cut in. “Before we embark, I want my unit to change into regular clothes with blankets and hoods covering our heads. I want to look like we are nomads of sorts. They are more likely to not ask many questions that way. When we arrive at the FOB, my men and I, will be disarmed willingly, and sequestered and wait for the arrival of the Officer from Centra
l Command. We will not speak unless spoken to and be polite with the men directing us as to what we need to do. From there, we will Negotiate our joining of the Regular Army and assist in the evac of the FOB to one of the other locations. The north is compromised and we will need to come up with some sort of tactic to regain control of Anderhill and the northern bridge. Everyone understood?

  They all nodded or gave a ‘Yes Sir’ before he continued. “Alright men load up, Eli you’re in transport two with me. Ortega I want you with Raymond in Transport four and Ehlinger, I want you with your Sergeant’s transport ready to overtake Elijah and I when we give the signal. Report to your transports for radio check and departure.”

  Walters nodded and folded up the map and placed it in his armpit and followed Ehlinger’s lead. The two men hopped into the transport and buckled the harnesses into place.

  Walters turned and looked at his Corporal who was starting up the engine. “Corporal, lets not make this as exciting as it was yesterday alright? It’s just smooth sailing from here to the FOB two check points and we’re at the gates.”

  “I couldn’t agree with you more sir. What do you think Command will say when we bring these guys in?”

  “Hopefully they except them and give me a desk job for a job well done and medial relief.”

  After all channels had been acknowledged and the transports finally loaded, Aaron turned put the truck into gear, and followed Elijah’s transport. Weaving in and out of the trees and a changing terrain, he kept a close eye on his mirrors to make sure the other trucks behind him were close. Getting separated in the woods was not his idea of a nice day.


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