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Cyber Viking 1

Page 36

by Marcus Sloss

A dozen soaking wet troops approached the truck when I stopped. Felix opened the passenger door to distribute the knives. I spun around to take the truck to the charging pads. I had to leave Jevon’s truck in que to get charged. I saw Perci left a towel behind, so I wiped the seats and laid the cloth out over the driver’s seat. I left the truck to go work my worries away.

  Winston may not have joined me, but other dogs certainly did. I do not know if it was the blood smell, but strays came out of the woods as we worked. They were not feral yet, so we fed them meat we had cooked before the rain. With that simple gesture, the abandoned animals joined the community. I saw the three dogs that died earlier received their own separate graves. We were a team; it was only fitting in my mind. I was surprised when household cats came around. I had not been a big animal person in the past. It was neat to see the cat lovers adopting cats that showed up.

  The rain never ceased through the hours of work. There was simply no choice but to salvage as much meat as we could. The drone video told me the Aspen stronghold was doing the same. Even the Cornerstore Stronghold was collecting flapion bodies. Which made me wince, thinking about their pouches. Mclain looted those he killed. Jevon was asked about our official loot split policy, which meant I was asked. I had been meaning to make it official. I put out the message that all loot went to the community until the golden gates provided information. Then payouts would be arranged. We would be flexible when we knew more. Completely flexible when the needs of the community were met and our survival priorities complete.

  That was the last thing he needed to bother me with when I was drenched in rain and soaked in gore. Eventually, we ran out of freezer space. We kept cutting the bodies without a worry. The night crew built a fire pit and placed enough logs around it to add a road sign roof. A large fire was set. We had an excessive amount of wood around, at least. Drying sticks were placed with strips of meat hanging over them. We applied light amounts of salt. It wouldn’t be perfect jerky, but any preservation was vital. I ate a chunk after directly cooking the meat over the fire. Tasted like a boot. I may have overcooked it. Then again, everyone trying the meat gave sour faces.

  I persisted well into the night. The second cycle of looting teams returned before I was ready to call it quits. I kept fearing the flapions would bring a new wave. Thankfully, that never happened. The night was filled with construction, looting, and sorting the dead bodies into food. When it was time to retire, I found my feet seeking Perci. I glanced at my Gpad to find a message from an hour ago.

  ‘We are going to bed. Use your Gpad on the lock. Dry off and join us.’ - queen 1

  I slid my Gpad over the lock, which beeped green. The RV gave a slight rock when I entered. A towel greeted me, with the sound of a snoring bulldog. Yeah, hard to get the jump on bad guys when you couldn’t hear over your own chainsaw snoring. I looked down at the sleeping dog and smiled. I was not certain how and I was not certain why, but this felt like home. I closed the blinds in here and put on the TV while walking to the fridge. I found a chilled bottle of beer. Huh, must have been looted. Bonus. I twisted the top off. The pop woke Winston.

  I snickered, converting the table to a bed and rolling out the side extender. I powered them all off now. I saw the extra space and frowned. Since I was still wet, I left the RV. Winston followed. He pissed on the tire and raced back inside, shaking off the rain. I walked to longhouse three, which was still being worked on. The rain was super loud here as it smacked into the metal signs used as roofing. I saw Felix and Dalila snuggled up and partly wet from a leaking roof. I kicked them awake and waved for them to follow me. They bound up their stuff and ran with me to the RV. I opened it up and we took turns toweling off. Perci came out when our hushed talking drew her attention. I pointed to the bed while I went to Perci. She scoffed before I could talk and brought a new towel.

  “The whole point is to keep you secure and not show favoritism by isolating everyone. People will question why we are living with Felix and Dalila. I know you do not care. Save it, hubby. Part of why I love you. Take this to them; that towel obviously was not enough. Why is the TV on?”

  I fidgeted around the answer, not wanting to tell her I was worried about the coming nightmares. Perci moved my eyes by pushing on my chin until her hazel eyes locked onto mine. I didn’t need to say anything. She hugged me and dragged me into our room. Willow was trying to calm a rotating Nancy, who was having a nightmare. Perci handed me a fresh pair of boxer shorts. She flipped the TV on to one of those old dinosaur movies.

  I moved Willow to the side of the bed and occupied the middle. I clamped down on Nancy’s thigh to wake her. Her eyes shot open, wide with terror, until she clung to me, knowing she was safe. I let her be my little spoon. Whatever hesitation I had about a bad night’s sleep was washed away. I found solace in those I cared about, while burying the images of more dead friends. Sleep consumed me quickly.


  I woke up alone with a gassy stench. Winston was curled up behind my legs. I checked my Gpad to see it was turned off. It did not take me long to figure out Perci wanted me to sleep in. I stretched in the covers, which woke the dog. Winston glared at me, smacking his lips. I saw an outfit laid out for me. Shorts and a shirt. I guess it was casual Tuesday today. I went with it and dressed in the comfy stuff for now. I already missed the morning roll call to relieve Jevon. I laced up my boots and exited the door for the main room.

  Perci was holding a meeting with the Mother Hens. Friendly faces greeted me with warm smiles. The blinds were up with the sun shining in. I went over to the fridge and pulled out a water bottle.

  “You want coffee?” Perci asked.

  The water bottle was rapidly abandoned. I nodded eagerly, yawning. My gear was in the passenger seat. I sat down while Jacky went to get me a drink. I looked back to see Winston on his back, snoring.

  “He doesn’t do much, does he?”

  “The bulldog? No, they are a snuggle pet, not much else. You made him run yesterday. That means a week of extra naps. Come sit. The Mother Hens could use a cock around!” Perci said, bouncing her eyebrows. “Oh, come on, that was a good one.”

  We laughed at her awkwardness with jokes. Mrs. Moore patted the spot beside her. “Jevon left you a few messages. I can summarize, though. Those tavers things are boring. However, someone had the idea to set a rocking chair by the lake to see if they would take it, get a cool photo, or, well, bored people do random things.”

  I immediately pulled up a video of what she was talking about. “Please proceed.”

  “Well, they set the chair out and you will see the rest, I guess. Spoil the fun,” Mrs. Moore said with an umm-hmm.

  A taver studied the chair with its normally limp arms. The pearly white webbed hands combed the details as they were studied. This was all recorded at night while I was working in the rain. Twelve hours later, a new chair was carried over from a nestle of trees. An exact replica. I cried out in joy with a fist pump. Jacky walked in with perfect timing.

  “Easy cowboy, it’s only coffee.” Her smile radiated in the morning sunshine.

  “Thanks Jacky. What is on my to-do list?”

  Perci cleared her throat for attention.

  “I ordered an easy day for half the day troops. Watch a movie, do whatever. I figured a reprieve from looting would not mean a super lazy day. Most people are working on the stronghold with their free time. Military wise, Nancy has command right now. Only two teams are out and Douglas has the drone on Xgate 232. Quiet so far…” Perci paused, sipping her tea. I grimaced at my sip of coffee. It was strong, hot, and put hair on my chest. Deliciousness never tasted so good. “I was hoping to go bunny hunting but you woke up too late. We could go fishing and transfer the fish to our lake. Or we could go looting. I haven’t left the gate since we got here.”

  I winced. I had been protecting her. My world would fall apart if something happened to Perci. She saw that I cared and smiled cutely with an added wink.

  “Neither have we,” Maranda
said, with Jacky and Mrs. Moore nodding in agreement.

  “Okay, I will entertain the idea. What were you wanting to do?”

  “I may have studied how to set fishing lines. We have a bunch of raw meat left. The drone found three lakes nearby. How about we go hiking, fishing, and set some traps? After the duck trap video, some of the wives have been making duck and bunny traps. They want a half bonus for caught animals,” Jacky said with a nod. She eyed me, seeing if I was going to deny the request for a bonus that didn’t exist and she was in charge of. I smiled and she continued. “There are these pathways in. If we leave -”

  “Woah, woah, woah. Jacky. I hear you, I see these side eyes from this table. Let me study this -”

  The situation gave me pause, enough to stop mid-sentence. I chuckled slightly and I knew when I was being maneuvered. I reviewed the plan. Then I gave it a second look. The idea was generic, the plan simple, and the results were something different than looting. Maybe the tavers could be fish managers. The ladies were pretending to be interested in other things, while peeking over at me.

  Hmm. I went to see who had the day off. Eddy’s team and Slister’s team were both on light duty, weapon on hand only. The plan even had drive times set for a full convoy. I tapped on my Gpad to Slister and Eddy, asking if they wanted to take a walk around some lakes. They instantly agreed while mentioning we could also fish, set fish lines, and traps for bunnies. Yup, it was a group effort.

  “What are your advanced deductive reasoning skills telling you?” Perci asked, and I scoffed.

  “Smh… I think that was a confidence booster and a load of malarkey. I had no idea there would be a monster alien attack last night, because there was no probable way for me to determine that. With that being said, I am not overly concerned about that puroon gate. Think about this. I would not go raiding out of the Denver portal. So my guess is the puroon portal is out of puroons. Maybe it will roam closer to additional settlements later. I wonder if a planet can lose portals. Maybe the Xgates are fixed, meaning moving into open areas is how successful species expand. I could only imagine the logistical nightmare of moving planets. Anyway, I think if the buxen march on us, we will have time to get home. I do not think they will, but again, I cannot predict that. What I can predict is not taking risks. I think adventuring as if life was normal is a worthy risk. Then again, if someone gets hurt, I… we will feel terrible.”

  “And if we take half the day shift with us?” Maranda said. If she was pushing the issue, I would get serious feedback if I disapproved. I actually loved this idea.

  “Can you get everyone ready to go in half an hour? I want to take a shower and a poo. Oh come on, don’t scrunch your faces. I woke up and this coffee is so strong it gave me a third testicle,” I said, belching the delicious brew. Perci stood first. She put her Gpad in my face. Ovulating. “Okay, twist my arm why don’t you? Do we have a shower slot?”

  Her wrist flashed that we not only had a five-minute shower slot, but that Nancy and Willow had booked the showers after. Oh, a bonus fifteen minute ordeal.

  “Um… I am awesome, but that might leave me taking a nap after. Ouch!” I complained when Perci yanked out some of my arm hair. “That actually hurt.”

  “They reserved the time for us, not to join us. Quit being a baby. Run along and do your morning duty then meet me in the first floor shower room. It will have our name on the door, Eric. We had to do that so the teenage boys would stop accidentally walking into shower rooms. Quit giggling, you goofball.”

  “What!? I can only imagine a fourteen your old boy playing stupid while drooling over boobs,” I said, and Mrs. Moore went to box my ears.

  I was gone in a hurry. My cybernetic arm whirling the stabilization gyro to keep my coffee steady as I fled. I saw Nancy and Willow on the wall, pointing at crews clearing back more trees. I ran to the ramp until I was beside Willow.

  “Hey, give me a kiss.”

  Nancy pinched Willow’s booty, who eeked in surprise. She twirled her hair to glare at Nancy before she planted a deep kiss on my lips. When we stopped, I smirked. Nancy kissed my cheek. We smiled awkwardly and I waved goodbye. The ladies whistled at my backside while I retreated for the mansion. A fourth, fifth, and sixth building was already in production. I saw the bunny farm was growing and we added more ducks to our duck pen. A glance at my Gpad said we had rescued fourteen people last night. I had to wonder how many spies were inside our walls. Now that we had opposing Strongholds with their own stability, it was only a matter of time.

  I let the thought drop while I hunted for a porcelain throne of awesomeness. The first door I opened worked without it even being someone hollering because they forgot to lock the door. I test flushed the toilet to ensure that I was not going to end up with a disaster. Five minutes later, I was waiting outside my shower door early.

  Jill walked up. Her name was on the door. She looked at me judgingly. “I know Mary calls you daddy, but don’t you have your hands full?”

  “Looks empty to me,” I said, honking the air. I knew it was a tad offensive, but I was jesting. Hopefully she would lighten up.

  “Maybe next time. I am still coming to grips with my loss,” Jill said, and instantly she deflated.

  I then realized she thought I was seriously trying to get into the shower with her. My hand whipped out and stopped the door. “Mrs. Jill, please look at that nameplate under yours,” I said, while her sappy eyes oozed sadness. She lifted the clear paper holder with her name to reveal Cap knocking boots with Perci heart Becca. “I do have my hands full and find you extremely lovely. I by no means am trying to see you naked.”

  “Ah, I am so socially awkward these days. May I talk to you since you are here?” she asked, mostly closing the door.

  “Sure. I even promise to guard your virginity.”

  “You are such a goofball, Mr. Yang. I think that is why Mary likes you so much.” The sound of the shower turning on reached my ears. Perci arrived with a confused look. I stuck a finger over my mouth. “I have decided her spending time with you would be good. I think for both of you, honestly. Willow says the day she met you… you were in a darker place. It is almost like the end of the world brought out the better version of you. Then I see you holding my sweet darling and the two of you glow with happiness. It is beyond cute. Perci brags about how you will be such a great dad.”

  “We are going to the lakes to catch bunnies in half an hour -”

  “I know. I am Jacky’s assistant. We planned this trip all yesterday. Eric, may I call you Eric?”

  “I do prefer to go by Eric when a naked woman talks to me.”

  Perci slugged me on the arm, but was grinning.

  “You are audacious, Eric. Jarod would be crying in a corner if he found out I was doing something as salacious as this,” Jill said with a hint of an odd voice. Perci raised a brow. I shrugged. “I miss him so much. I am so alone. I would be devastated without Mary.”

  “This is going to sound odd to you, Jill. I had a family. A family I trusted, relied on, and never understood how much they meant to me. When I came home, I was separated from them and spiraled into a deep depression. Some of them reached out to me. I pushed them away. I wish I had never done that, Jill. I will try to find Jarod. I will be honest. I am not hopeful. But I can try. If we do not find him…well, we are family.”

  The sound of the shower turned off. Jill came to the door, wrapped in a towel. She opened it up to let us in. Perci closed the door and Jill grew confused.

  “Talk if you need to, Jill. We are here for you,” Perci said. She stripped naked in front of the woman while flicking on the shower. Jill sat down at the powder mirror that the fancy bathroom had. “Come on, Eric.”

  “I do not want to offend Jill.”

  “Remember what you said to Slister and Nancy. That is what Jill needs right now,” Perci said.

  I walked over to the woman, who was seated and doing her makeup. I hugged her from behind and whispered, “You are an amazing woman who is strong
enough to weather the apocalypse and raise a wonderful daughter. We are here for you.”

  “Thank you, Perci,” Jill said. Umm. Shortchanged a bit. “I hear you are wanting to have a baby.”

  “No secret there, I am about to drain this handsome stud for all he is worth. You need to leave to do your makeup. I know the bathrooms smell worse, but we’re about to have sex,” Perci said and I stripped naked.

  “Let me give you space. I hope you hit a home run, as they say, Eric. We will be on RV3 waiting with Maria and Jasmine,” Jill said, kissing my cheek. I saw her giving my naked body an extra look.

  “Hey, I played nice and didn’t peek.”

  Jill shrugged with a ‘too bad’ expression. I locked the door behind her and Perci was laughing.

  “You girls are weird,” I said.

  “She asked Willow and me to be Mary’s mothers if something happened to her. She was polite, cordial, and approached us first. Kind of why we cornered Nancy the way we did,” Perci said as I stepped into the shower. Perci pointed to the tile. I got down on my knees and buried my face in her tight little pussy. My hair was yanked back, forcing me to look up. “No, you goofball. Lay on your back.”

  I went silent and laid in the shower on my back. Perci grabbed a lube bottle that she did not bring with her. I immediately regretted laying on my back.

  “Babe this floor is covered in cum.”

  “Too late, and yeah…” Perci said while squatting on my cock. “I will make up for it, I promise.”

  I watched the tip of my penis head dive into her tiny slit. She grabbed more lube, tried again, and gave up.

  “I am too sore. Bend me over,” Perci said and I giggled. “What!?”

  “Wash my back first. Perci, we do not have to rush this,” I said as she rapidly soaped my back. She removed the showerhead and blasted my skin. Her small hand reached around to stroke my cock. “Okay, never mind. Bend over and touch your toes.”

  “Yes, Master!”

  I lubed her up and dove in deep. I knew she would bleed again from that. Good. I was going to punish her little pussy. My hips smacked her tight ass. She moaned with pleasure and pain. Her little tunnel walls squeezed onto my cock. I was taking slow strokes with harder pushes with louder smacks. We were just getting into a rhythm when I heard a click. I was about to go full killer mode when I heard.


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