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First And Last

Page 2

by Stacey Kennedy

  My magic always did seem to be stronger with emotional motivation behind it so it really didn’t surprised me anymore that my powers exploded when I needed them most. Besides, my mind just couldn’t break away from how insane this all was. “But I have no experience with leading anything. I’m only twenty-four years old for gosh sakes. I can’t do this.”

  Azar placed a hand on my shoulder, his smile kind. “You were born to do this and we’ll be here to guide you.”

  I waited a good ten breaths as I let my mind process the situation. It wasn’t going to go away and would happen whether I liked it or not. So, as they say, better face the music and find out exactly what they wanted from me. “Lay it on me then, what do I have to do?”

  “First, we need to establish rules that your minions must adhere to.” Misa informed.

  Suddenly, a horrific thought came to mind. “I don’t have to live here, do I?”

  “You are the Ruler of the Underworld. You can do whatever you like—the rules are yours to make.”

  My gaze met Kyden’s, relief palpable in my tone. “Well, that’s a bit of good news.”


  “You can assign yourself minions to handle your daily duties, and to look after the world for you, if you don’t wish to live among us.” Misa continued.

  Okay, easy decision. “I appoint you.”

  “Me?” Misa gasped.

  “Well yeah, you seem to know lots. You’ll do fine.” Better than I could do, and oddly, I trusted her. Yeah, I trusted a demon, never thought I’d see the day.

  She started to bow, but I grabbed her arm quickly. “Please don’t. That’s just too weird.”

  “As you wish, my…” she stopped herself and smiled. “Nexi.”

  I smiled in return. Whoever guessed that I’d find a friend in Misa? I would never have thought it possible. Friends come from unusual places, and I couldn’t deny that when I looked at Misa, all I saw was a friend.

  “We’ll be in nightly contact with you about situations that arise and matters you must deal with. It’d be my pleasure to act as your Siren to assist you and deal with most of the trouble without you. The role is normally given to a witch, but times have changed now, haven’t they?” Azar cut in.

  “Great.” Maybe my involvement wouldn’t be as much as I thought. These two seemed to know what the hell they were doing. “So, you’ll only come to me if something really serious comes up?”

  “As Siren, I’ll deal with anyone who goes against the laws you put forth. We’ll detain them here. Then, weekly you’ll need to come so they can stand before you.”

  I sighed loud and proud. There went my whole plan to let everyone else handle it thing for me. “All right, got all that, so what do we do now?”

  “We need to bring everyone back in so you can set in place the new rules.” Misa stated.

  My gaze hit on every face here. “Er…I hope you are all going to help me with this?” I was glad to get a nod from each of them in return.

  Half an hour later, we had rules to set the Underworld to rights. The crowd piled back into the auditorium and took their seats. Misa gave me a quick nod to begin.

  “Here goes.” I said to Kyden, who gave my hand a squeeze before letting go. Nerves rattled me. Public speaking was never my strong suit. So, I made it quick.

  “Rule one: No more taking innocent souls. Anyone who does will face destruction. Understood?” Every head nodded so I continued. “Only humans who have done something wrong, murder, rape, you know that kind of stuff. Those souls you can drain, and do whatever you want with, but that’s it.”

  When a Demon drained a soul, it didn’t actually kill them, just weakened their life force—took a few years off. If they ruined lives, who cared that they’d die a little early. I sure didn’t.

  “Rule two: If a human asks for something in return for giving his soul,” Which was how the majority of the souls were taken—given freely in exchange for something. “You cannot do anything evil. Got it? No hurting others, stealing, murder, anything that falls into those categories.”

  I continued for what seemed like hours, until my mouth ran dry from talking. The rules were simple ones, we weren’t able to change the way of the Underworld, but we could run it along the same lines of the Otherworld. With the only difference being, I was the Council. What a big joke, right?

  “I have put Misa in charge. So, anything needs to go through her.” Everyone nodded again. “Azar will now be my Siren. If there is trouble, go to him, and he’ll sort it out.” With that all said and done, I looked toward Azar. “You need to choose your…” I hesitated, searched for the right word, “…guard.”

  Azar leaned in, his voice low. “Sorry, that’s your job. We’ll arrange for a challenge for you to choose who defends you.”

  “Oh. Well, okay. We can do that.” I had no idea what I was doing and really hoped I didn’t look as ridiculous as I felt.

  “Is that all then, Lady…I mean to say, Nexi?” Misa asked.

  “Yes, that’ll do.” I glanced around the room and looked upon a few faces before me. “I guess I should probably thank you all. If it wasn’t for your support, things would’ve turned out very different.”

  When Magnus called out for help, no one had given him aid. A couple of firm nods acknowledged me, but that was about it. I glanced back at Misa who smiled at me. “I guess that’s it, so can I go now?”

  “You do not need to ask my permission,” she replied softly.

  “Okay.” I walked back to Kyden and grabbed his hand. “Let’s go then.”

  Everyone in the auditorium stood and bowed as Kyden and I walked, Zia and Talon followed. “Stop doing that.”

  No one listened.

  Zia chuckled and stepped alongside me. “Better get used to it, Lady Nexi.”

  I scowled at her. “This is so not funny. I’m just glad I don’t have to really do anything. Anyways, it sounds like they want most of the things we do, so that’s good right?”

  “We’re entering a new time. I never thought I would live to see the day when the Underworld joined the Otherworld in its endeavors.”

  “Or that I’d be running it.” I had to laugh at the craziness of it.

  “We always knew you were special. Drake and Tryianna would be proud of what you’ve become. Their daughter, the Ruler of the Underworld.” She laughed quietly. “They’d never have believed it.”

  “Will I…do you think…” I searched for words.

  She took my hand and smiled. “You’ll do fine. Not to worry, Sweetie, we’ll assist you. You won’t be alone in this.”

  The second we reached the bottom of the hill, Kyden squeezed my hand while Zia did the same to the other in preparation for the coming teleportation. That’s how the portal works. Wherever you come in, you only need to go back to that same place and think of home.

  A moment later, it hit. My breath sucked into my body as my eyes closed for the force of it. When the air quieted and I could breathe again, I opened my eyes, glad to be back in the Council’s Foyer. The portal belonged in the Otherworld, and was a thick wooden door that sat in a room better described as Kings Chamber than a Foyer. I never could understand why they called it that.

  My gaze immediately landed on Kyden’s. “Home, sweet home.”

  He smiled, wrapped his arm around my waist and opened his mouth to speak but I put a hand up to silence him.

  “I have been a mess. Do you know what you’ve done to me?” Willow’s annoyed voice rang through my mind.

  My familiar had probably been in hell these last few hours. As my protector, we’re always connected in mind, therefore, she would have known everything that happened through my eyes. It’s the way she could sense if I was in danger and protect me. However, since she was unable to enter the Underworld, she couldn’t do anything about it. It must have been hard.

  I picked her up and snuggled my face into her black fur. “I’m sorry, Willow. You must have
had a rough go of things.” My tone came out sarcastic, but I could tell from her purr that she knew how happy I was to be back here with her. She felt whatever I did.

  As I placed Willow back on her paws, another person I loved came to my mind. She would have gone through hell these past couple of nights too.

  “Haven.” My soul-sister, the equivalent to a soul-mate, but without the romantic junk. We are sisters destined to be together and can sense what the other feels. Usually, it annoyed me that I couldn’t feel anything without her coming to investigate, but right now, all I knew was that I needed her. “Where is she?” I asked Zia.

  “Finn took her home to sleep,” Zia answered. “I’ll come with you and we’ll wake her.”

  “I’ll go and inform the others of what has taken place.” Talon said, as he leaned in and kissed my cheek. He glowed with happiness. He hadn’t lost his son, and I could tell from the look in his eye that he was just as happy not to lose his daughter. Warm fuzzies spread through me.

  With Talon on his way into the Council’s Hall, Kyden kept my hand tight in his as we walked toward the Witches House located at the east side of the castle. It was a blessing that it is not too far from the Guardians House since the Gothic castle was big enough to get lost in—it’d happened on numerous occasions in fact.

  The entrance to the Witches House was marked with the word Witch etched into the stone wall. Suddenly, urgency ripped through me. The memory of her in pain, how cold I was to her, overtook my thoughts. I needed to get to her.

  I released Kyden’s hand and ran for Haven’s door. Luckily, it was only a few doors down. Once there, I grabbed the handle and flung it open to find Finn sitting on the couch, his head in his hands.

  His gaze immediately snapped up and he was off the couch in a second flat. His slender muscled body tightened tremendously as this surfer babe’s expression shifted to confusion. “Nexi?” Kyden stepped in next to me and leaned against the doorway. Finn looked like he saw a ghost. He rubbed his eyes and looked again. “Kyden,” he whispered.

  “Yes, you fool.” Kyden laughed.

  Finn ran at full speed toward us and lunged himself at Kyden. The second they thudded to the ground, he started laughing. “I expected to float right through you.”

  Kyden chuckled along with him. “Mind getting off?”

  Finn jumped up, reached his hand out for Kyden. He took it, hopped to his feet and embraced him in a tight man-hug. The two would never use words to say just how glad they were to see each other. Male pride and all, but I could see it written all over their expressions.

  He released Kyden and latched onto me with a hug. “What happened?” he asked, backing away from me and glancing between Kyden and I.

  “Let’s wake Haven first,” I said and moved into the living room. “I don’t want to have to repeat it.”

  I headed past the kitchen and into the bedroom. When I entered, Haven looked so peaceful as she slept on the bed. I sat down next to her and took her hand. She is a ray of sunshine, and it never left her even when asleep. She practically glowed. Her bouncy brown curls lay across the pillow and cradled her sweet face. Zia sat on the other side, and ran her hand along Haven’s head.

  Instantly, Haven’s big blue eyes fluttered open and her gaze met mine. “Nexi.”

  “Yes, Haven. It’s me.” Tears filled my eyes as I squeezed her hand. We were home and safe.

  Seconds later, Haven jumped to her feet, glanced at everyone in the room, then fainted. Finn lunged for her and scooped her up. “Well, that wasn’t the reaction I expected.” I laughed.

  Zia chuckled along with me, stood and approached Haven. She rested her hand on Haven’s cheek and immediately woke her.

  “You are all right? Kyden is alive? You’re back?” She rambled on.

  I laughed, patted the bed for her to sit with me. “Okay, take a deep breath, and let me tell you what happened.”

  By the end, Haven sat with her mouth wide open. Finn looked equally shocked.

  “You’re the Ruler of the Underworld?” Haven whispered, disbelief clear in her tone.

  I nodded. It was all I could do; worried she wouldn’t be pleased with the news.

  Haven blinked twice, then burst out laughing, as did Finn. Kyden and I joined in.

  “Just when I think it can’t get any worse, something always proves me wrong.” I sighed and wiped tears from my eyes.

  Haven wiped her own and took a deep breath to gather herself. “It’s not so bad. You said it yourself—you don’t really have to do anything.”

  “I guess.” I shrugged a little. “It’s just so bizarre. I never thought I would be grateful to a bunch of demons.”

  Haven giggled. “Me neither.” Suddenly, a curious look came upon her face. “Are you feeling okay?”

  “Yeah, I feel fine. Why?”

  “Then we have somewhere to go.” She smiled.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I only just got back.” I jumped off the bed and moved next to Kyden. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and lightly ran his fingers across my skin.

  Haven stomped her foot, her lips pursed in a pout. “But I have something planned for you.”

  “How have you had time to plan anything?”

  “Well…” She smiled sneakily. “It was something I planned a week ago and since all is well now, we should continue on with the plans, don’t ya think?”

  “Plans for what?” I asked, hesitantly. I’d become suspicious, who can really blame me? Haven had a knack for doing the unexpected.

  Kyden leaned down and whispered in my ear. “Have you forgotten what tomorrow night is?”

  I met his eyes, trying to think. Tomorrow. What was happening tomorrow? Then, it hit me like a smack in the face. “Our bonding ceremony?”

  He smiled, brushed his fingers across my cheek. “I’m glad you haven’t forgotten.”

  Haven watched me impatiently to give her the acknowledgement she sought. As much as I wanted to stay with Kyden and never leave his side again, we had agreed that this wouldn’t rule us. This situation was over and I needed to treat it as such.

  As the acceptance settled in, I noticed the mischievous look in Haven’s gaze. “What have you planned?”

  She wriggled her brows. “You’ll see.”

  Oh for Christ Sakes! This was going to be bad.

  Chapter Two

  “This is amazing,” I exhaled as I leaned back into a giant hot tub filled with rose petals. Of course, Haven sat next to me. She’d pulled together a whole group of us—Zia, Misa, Briar, Sabi, and a few other Witches to join in the relaxing splendor at the Juvenex Spa in New York City.

  I was a bit sad that Rynn, Briggs’ mate, was unable to make it, but she was busy with wolf business. Boy oh boy, was she missing out.

  We’d already distressed and detoxed in the Jade Igloo Sauna, sweated in the Diamond Herbal Steam Sauna, then had an invigorating Cold Rainforest Shower. Now, Haven and I soaked in a private tub that resembled a hot natural spring, more than an actual tub. It was serenity with a splash of bliss.

  After about an hour soak, we met up with the others. All seated in pedicure chairs that massaged my back brilliantly while a poor woman got to work on my feet. It’d been a while since I had a pedicure. Life had been crazy, so sue me for enjoying it fully.

  The poor little Asian woman worked up a sweat while she went to town using her foot file paddle.

  “My lover will enjoy this silky new body of mine,” Briar commented.

  Briar, a Witch who, on the outside, looked about as pretty as they come. With coiled red hair, amazing aqua eyes—it all made her soft looking. Her mouth was entirely something different though. She sputtered profane and naughty comments constantly that had me holding back laughter.

  I cracked an eye open and glanced at Haven. We both burst out laughing.

  “Something funny, dears?” Briar asked.

  “This tickles,” I said, gave a wiggle of my toes in an att
empt to save the moment.

  After that we joked, laughed, gossiped—did everything girls should do at a spa. But now, it was onto the body treatment, the dreaded hair removal.

  Haven stayed with me, while one of the beauticians began waxing my brows. After she placed the gooey hot stuff on my brow, placed the cotton covering over it and pulled it off, I shouted, “Ow.”

  “Stop being such a baby,” Haven retorted. “I went first and survived it.”

  So, I could handle vampires, big bad witches, but all this ripping out my hair, plucking at my skin—I could live without.


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