Book Read Free

First And Last

Page 4

by Stacey Kennedy

  Without hesitated, I wrapped my arm in his, my heart full. “I wouldn’t want anyone else.”

  In no time, we headed down the hall and out of the castle toward the Witches Meadow. “So…is it crowded down there?” I asked hesitantly.

  Valor winked. “Not too many.”

  When we arrived at the meadow, I gave him a look that said he was a lying jerk. He chuckled. Not only was everyone from the Otherworld here, but everyone from the Underworld too.

  I didn’t focus on that for too long since the meadow took precedent. It looked exquisite. Obviously, magic played a part here because it never looked this beautiful. It always took my breath away, so that was really saying a lot. The trees were all the same, but tonight, beautiful white dahlias adorned them everywhere. It made the meadow look so alive.

  In addition, it wasn’t just that. Thousands of candles were everywhere. It was by far the most elegant and romantic setting I had ever seen. Haven did an amazing job—she took over the plans the moment she heard Kyden and I would be bonded. Trusting her was never a mistake. This was perfect and more than I was capable of dreaming up.

  As we came into view, the entire crowd gasped, and low murmurs spread throughout.

  My cheeks flamed as all eyes focused on me. “Why are those of the Underworld here?” I whispered to Valor as we started down the hill.

  He angled his head down and whispered in same hushed tone. “They have come to witness the ceremony of their leader. It’s only proper.”

  One by one, as we passed by members of the Underworld, they all bowed. “Oh, will you just stop that,” I snapped.

  Valor chuckled.

  However, my annoyance immediately ceased when Kyden stepped in front of my willow. Haven got that right on the money. There was no other place in the world that I would want to do this than under my favorite tree.

  My breath caught as I took him in completely. He was beyond gorgeous. He wore a kilt tonight that was similar to Talon’s. Its detailing was superb and fit his body tight. He also had glitter along his body. Apparently, it was a ritual in the Otherworld since Haven had put it on me too. Boy, oh boy, did I appreciate it on him more. It made his sleek body look that much more appetizing.

  Valor stopped when we met up with Kyden. He leaned down and kissed my lips.

  “Enough of that.” Kyden laughed, as did the crowd. He was never threatened. He knew the love Valor and I had for each other was entirely platonic. If anything, I knew it warmed him that we were close.

  Valor leaned back, tears glittered in his eyes. Clearly, he hadn’t expected such an emotional outcome, but his face showed just how much joy it brought him that he was here to witness this ceremony. In fact, it showed on every face present.

  Kyden took my hand and led us beneath the willow. When we stopped, his gaze ran the entire length of me, then met my gaze again. “Gods, Álainn, you’re lovely.”

  I smiled at the compliment, and then glanced out to the crowd a little. Everyone was here. Haven, of course, was bawling. Even Talon looked a little teary-eyed. Briggs and Rynn gave me a little wave, as did Isla and Dante who stood beside them. Briar smiled bright. Thalia, the Mistress of the Mid-West, and Hayes nodded a hello. Brax, Master of Weres and Zade, Master of Vampires, looked proud. Misa and Azar appeared outrageously happy.

  Zia drew my attention as she took our joined hands in hers. “Welcome. This is a night for us to rejoice in the bonding of our two friends.” She smiled down at me. “As in our ways of the Otherworld, please recite words of adoration to each other to state the reasons for your bond.”

  She looked at Kyden, gave him a nod to begin.

  He sighed deeply, looked to the ground, then met my eyes again—so much emotion displayed in them. “Since you came into my life it has been filled with nothing but chaos.”


  “Not a day passes that I do not fear for your safety, fight against others or battle for your honor.” Again, he sighed, even deeper. “Even your personality has been nothing but trying to me. Your unwillingness to let me help you, your hard headedness and your smart mouth are a constant pain to me.”

  What in the hell? I snorted a loud sound of unhappiness. “It better get better than this.” Seriously, he is on the verge of losing a limb.

  The crowd laughed in response.

  Kyden smiled, gave me a wink. “On a nightly basis, I feel frustrated, irritated, and aggravated with you.”

  I scowled at him. What type of non-romantic shit was this?

  He laughed, rubbed away my frown lines with his fingers. “That night…” His smile drifted away as he swallowed deep. “That night, I would have died for you. I would have given my life for yours because, as much as you drive me to the high moons with your independence, it’s for all those reasons that you have captured my heart.”

  My frustration dissolved and tears welled up in my eyes. My chin started doing that thing, the little quiver that let you know you were about to burst out into sobs.

  “I would never change a thing about you.” He reached up and wiped my tears away. “Nothing—not one piece of who you are.” His hand cupped my cheek. “That night, I knew I was going to die, but I never feared it because if I only had a few short months to love you, then that was enough. I would have died fulfilled, with a need for nothing more.”

  Tears ran down my face.

  “It’s for those reasons that I chose this bond. If I have the chance to love you longer then I will do it, fully and completely. And will always be entirely grateful that I have been given that right.”

  The crowd was silent enough to hear the wind rustle through the trees. After many quiet moments passed, Zia finally stepped forward, wiped her own tears.

  Kyden’s eyes never left mine as she handed him a ring. I stayed locked in his gaze while he glided the ring over my finger. When it popped over my knuckle, I glanced down and my eyes went wide.

  Valor’s diamond looked tiny compared to what was on my finger now. It was a sparkling fancy pink diamond. On either side of the cushion-shaped diamond sat shield-shaped diamonds, all mounted on a Victorian inspired platinum band.

  It wasn’t normal to do a ring exchange at a bonding ceremony in the Otherworld, but I needed it. I liked the idea of having a symbol for our ceremony. Maybe there was a little human in me after all.

  “Nexi,” Zia’s laugh was loud next to me. When I glanced up to her, it was obvious she’d said my name a couple times before I responded.

  Kyden chuckled.

  I took a long deep breath to stabilize myself. “I’m never going to get through this without being a blubbery mess.”

  Low laughs ran through the crowd.

  Kyden took my chin and our gazes locked. “It is you and I. Nothing else.”

  I gathered every ounce of control on my emotions. I took another long breath, before I looked back at him. “When I first came here, my world had been shattered. My heart was broken until you loved me. You fixed my heart and became an undeniable part of my life.”

  I gave him a small smile. “You might be possessive and a bit of a pushover.” The crowd laughed in response. So, I was getting him back a little. He smiled at the attempt. “But I understand the reasons behind it. You’re right. We are in constant battle with the world around us. The odds are always stacked against us. Loss has become something that I’ve grown to accept as part of my life. But nothing, no loss I’ve ever felt, compares to what went through me when I stared at you lying on the ground, lifeless.”

  Zia burst out into tears in front of us and I could hear Haven’s deep sobs behind me.

  As much as I could have fallen to pieces, I needed to get through this. He deserved to hear it. “When I lost my family, it was hard.” I sighed again. “So hard, but I knew once I met you, that it’d be okay. I could be happy again and would recover. But that night, I saw for the first time I couldn’t. My life held no meaning anymore. My world couldn’t exist if you weren’t in it.”<
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  A tear fell down Kyden’s face and Talon behind him was in a similar state. I reached up and wiped away the tear as I cupped his cheek. “Since coming here, I’ve been in danger constantly. Every night seems to bring more scary stuff that I wish I could avoid, but I wouldn’t change it, not for anything because it brought me you. You have been, and will continue to be, the reason I want to keep going no matter how crazy life gets. That’s why I chose this bond, because there’s nowhere I’d rather be than right here in your arms.”

  Still crying, Zia handed me his ring. I had chosen a platinum tungsten carbide band. The contrast between the warm hues of the platinum against the cooler shade of tungsten carbide made for an amazing looking ring. It was a thick band and perfect for him, masculine in every way.

  After I placed the ring on Kyden’s finger, he wrapped his hands around my face and took me in a brilliant kiss. His tears tickled my cheeks, as I was sure mine also did his.

  He backed away. Zia was still bawling. I glanced to her and smiled. “Pull it together.” I laughed.

  She smiled, wiped her tears, and took a few deep breaths. Haven was just a big ball of mess in Finn’s arms but I loved her for it. She loved me unconditionally and my happiness overwhelmed her. All I felt through our bond was happiness that never needed to explanation and just utter joy.

  “Let’s continue.” Zia said as she glanced between Kyden and I. “As we’ve heard, you’re being joined tonight to fulfill your lives together, to enter into a new journey. Is this your wish?”

  Our gazes glued to each other, we replied in unison. “It is.”

  “As it’s your wish, I seal your bond.” When her words ended, power began to whip around us. Then, a bright white light flashed before my eyes, and what happened next was completely unexpected.

  I saw myself through Kyden’s eyes. Saw the way he loved me. What it meant for him. The way my smile lifted him, how my being near him settled him, and the compelling need that lived within him to see me safe.

  Every moment we’d ever experienced flashed before my eyes.

  When the visions stopped, my eyes opened to Kyden’s brilliant smile. With that, feelings of complete and utter love filled me. However, they weren’t my feelings, but his.

  He had said it would be similar to what I felt with Haven, but this was entirely different. It captured me deeper—affected me more. I figured it had something to do with being in love. Not that I didn’t love Haven, I did, but with Kyden it went many levels deeper.

  Kyden pulled me into one of his earth-shattering kisses as loud applause broke out among the crowd. When Kyden backed away, I laughed at the joy of it.

  Zia hugged us and wished us well, as did Talon. Willow gave us both a rub along our legs and Haven just bawled all over me. From there, it was a hundred congratulatory hugs. When the crowd started to dissipate as they went over to the food, Azar approached. “We need to proceed with our ceremony now.”

  I glanced at Kyden. He shrugged in response. Little trickles of confusion filtered through me. Mine—his? Who knew?

  “Now that you have accepted Kyden as your Lord,” Azar explained. “We must also accept him too. He must agree to adhere to the laws of the Underworld.”

  “Oh,” I whispered.

  Amusement flickered through me. I met Kyden’s gaze again. His expression didn’t give a clue to the humor he was feeling. I liked this bonding already. His unreadable expressions were history as I looked forward to the ability to feel everything he would feel from this day forth.

  Azar stepped in front of Kyden and raised his hand for the others of the Underworld to quiet. They did so instantly.

  “Kyden, our Lady has taken you as her Lord. Will you do what you must to protect her, and us, your minions? Will you stand beside her and support her as our Ruler of the Underworld? Will you put personal necessities aside to keep the Underworld safe? Will you do what you must to ensure its survival?”

  Kyden nodded firmly. “I will.”

  No emotion came through our bond, but I knew he meant what he said.

  “By the laws of the Underworld,” Azar stated. “I hereby name you Lord of the Underworld.”

  Immediately, Kyden stiffened and his pain tore right through me. He was being marked as a Leader of the Underworld. I’d been granted the tattoo of my weeping willow, which rested at the base of my neck. I’d been lost in its beauty for an entire hour as I watched it moving like a fall windy day in the mirror. Needless to say, I was quite curious what Kyden would be granted.

  When his pain stopped, I released the breath I’d been holding and spun Kyden around. When I saw what rested on his back, I gasped.

  “What is it?” Kyden asked, breathless.

  “My sword.” I ran my fingers along the tattoo that rested between his shoulder blades and ran down the length of his back. I knew it was mine because the sword was slender, but the obvious factor was my name written along the blade, which moved ever so slightly.

  Azar had told me you were granted something that was important to you and held special meaning. It touched me that Kyden’s tattoo was of my sword. The sword, a symbol of his Guardian role that he did indeed feel proud of, plus it being mine was the importance of me in his life—the importance of protecting me. It couldn’t have been a better mark.

  Azar handed Kyden the mirrors and he looked at it. “It’s brilliant.”

  “All hail, Lord Kyden!” Azar shouted.

  “All hail, Lord Kyden!” those of the Underworld responded.

  Everyone else laughed. Kyden and I didn’t as we had an obligation to the Underworld. They took this seriously, so we would too. Even so, Kyden’s amusement was obvious even without my new ability to sense it, as a little curve to the corners of his eyes would have told me as much.

  He held his hand out to me. “Let’s go enjoy our night, Álainn.”

  Boy did we ever. The Witches’ Meadow had seen many full moon parties, but tonight, it was more like a ball. None of the rowdiness that usually happened, just soft music, great friends, and way too much smiling. My cheeks hurt.

  By the time the sun started to come up, the vampires had left for obvious reasons and the crowd began to dissolve slowly into just a few stragglers. Haven had gone to bed hours ago, obviously worn out from all her amazing preparations and all the excitement.

  I stood chatting with a very drunk Talon. I would probably never get this chance again and thoroughly enjoyed every moment of his blubbering conversation about all the battles he’d been in.

  Just as he began another round of stories, Kyden wrapped his arms around my waist. “Had enough?”

  Leaning back, I rested my head against his chest and he leaned down to kiss my shoulder. “Yes.” His lips continued to kiss my skin as Talon babbled on.

  Zia laughed, which drew my gaze. “I think it’s time to take Talon home.”

  Talon actually swayed a moment, reached up and touched his head. “Yeeessss…I…home.”

  “What?” I laughed.

  Zia just waved it away, took his hand and gave him a shot of healing. In a moment, Talon looked clear headed again. He cleared his throat. “A few too many, I suppose.”

  “Never, I loved your stories.” I leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

  “Go on, you two,” Zia said. “Come on Talon, you can help me clean up.”

  I glanced up at Kyden. “Home then?”

  He nodded. “Yes, home.” His body closed in on mine, and it was immediately apparent that sleep was far from his mind.

  Feeling just as eager, I wiggled against him and he groaned. He grabbed my hand and walked with determined strides back to the castle.

  Once we entered the bedroom, I let go of Kyden’s hand and stopped at the door. “I have a surprise for you.”

  Kyden’s brow arched as he sat down on the bed, curiosity filled his eyes. “A surprise?”

  I nodded, then glanced at Willow, who stood at my feet. “Time for you to get ou

  “We only just got back and you’re kicking me out?” She looked appalled in her own kitty way.

  “Trust me, Willow, you don’t want to be around for this.”

  Kyden’s arched brow rose higher at that comment. I simply smiled in return.

  “Perverts.” Willow hissed and scampered out of the room.

  With her gone, I gave Kyden a sheepish smile and headed toward the bathroom. I quickly closed the door behind me.

  Nerves tickled every part of me. Haven had given me a gift before the ceremony and told me to use it. A little bonding gift for Kyden, she said, and I knew exactly what to do to make this night a special one. Our bonding night had to be memorable.


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