First And Last

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First And Last Page 5

by Stacey Kennedy

  I reached behind me, unzipped my dress, stepped out of it as it fell to my feet and hung it on the back of the door, I rushed over to the antique bookcase that rested next to the sink and grabbed the small black boutique bag that sat on the counter.

  I reached in and took out the white lace bra, tiny thong—like what’s the point of it—tiny garters, and thigh high stockings with lacy tops. Quickly, I slinked into the lingerie, pulled up the garters, and attached the stockings to each clip.

  “What are you doing in there?” Kyden snapped from the other side of the door.

  “Patience, my Guardian, patience.” A heavy sigh came thereafter.

  I laughed, fluffed my hair and looked myself over in the mirror. I had to admit, I looked damn sexy—fit to be a playboy centerfold. I took a couple of long deep breaths to dispel every ounce of my nervousness as I slipped into the three inch stilettos. I wouldn’t pull off this outfit if filled of nerves.

  With a last glance in the mirror, I grabbed the door handle and opened it. It was almost comical what happened next. Kyden sat on the bed, his head lifted as I walked into the room. When he looked me over, his eyes went wider than I’d ever seen them. His famous unreadable face showed so many emotions—shock, awe, desire, were just the ones I knew well and all those emotions rushed through me just as quickly.

  “Do. Not. Move,” Kyden growled.

  I chuckled and leaned as sexily as I could against the doorframe. One arm up, legs crossed—I had him eating out of the palm of my hand. “You like what you see?”

  “That…Álainn…” Words were lost to him.

  I lightly ran a lazy finger down around the curve of each breast. His eyes followed the movement without missing a beat. “I said, do you like what you see?”

  He gulped and nodded. His jaw was so tight, muscles contracted with each clench. He made a sound in his chest that wasn’t just need but pure possession. I slowly started to move toward him.

  “No,” he shouted. I jumped, startled by the loudness of his voice. “Do not move. Let me admire you there.”

  I played along, stepped away from the door and slowly did a little spin, let him enjoy all there was to see of me. When I turned back around his eyes were hooded—almost slits as his desire rushed through our bond.

  “I’ll never know what I did to deserve such a beauty as you.” He stood up, took a step forward and touched my breast. I slapped his hand away. He met my gaze with a fierce wanting. “I’m not to touch you?”

  I made a tsk, tsk sound and shook my finger at him. “No.” His shoulders sank a little. “Not yet anyway.”

  His eyes glowed with the need to devour me. “What is it you wish of me then?”

  “Go and sit on the bed.” I slowly walked over to the CD player on the dresser, an extra wiggle in my hips that caused Kyden to groan with each step I took. Once there, I pressed play and Little Bird by Annie Lennox sprang to life from the speakers.

  So, I stole the idea from Striptease. I needed a little help in this area, I’d never done anything like this before, and hoped I didn’t trip and make an ass out of myself. Hell, if Demi Moore could do it, so could I. I killed vampires for Christ sakes!

  I spun around and ran my hands slowly down my body to let Kyden know my intention. He stood quickly and looked ready to pounce. I shook my head at him, waved my finger again. “Sit back down.” He let out a frustrated groan, but took a seat. “The rules are as follows…”

  He arched a brow. “There are rules?”

  I nodded as I continued to run my hands up and down my stomach. “Tonight, there’s no touching me. Got it? We have a strict hands-off policy here.”

  “I will comply.” His eyes burned, every intention to break that rule clear. I wasn’t the least bit surprised when he sat on his hands to insure he kept to the rules.

  I stepped closer toward him and got right down to business. I slowly danced in front of him, rubbed myself to please him. He never said a word. He didn’t have to. His eyes said it all, plus the little flickers of desire coursing through our bond told me he enjoyed himself immensely.

  When I had him ready to beg for more, I straddled his thighs to continue my dance on top of him. His breath came out in sharp gasps. “You’re going to kill me, if you continue this.”

  “Mmm… you like this?” I teased.

  “I’ve never…” he started, but when I rubbed myself against his hardened length, he groaned loudly, unable to resume his words.

  Only a few minutes later, his need made his face squint in pain. I could’ve drawn this out just to tease him more, but I felt the same. I needed more of him.

  Kneeling down front of him, I unclipped his kilt. He lifted his hips and I removed his shorts. His eyebrow arched in a sultry question, which I answered in the only way I knew how. I took him into my hand then devoured him. He jumped, then instantly fell back on the bed as I took him with all the passion I felt in my soul.

  There was no hesitation, stopping or slow movements. His groans were louder than I’d ever heard. He was at a complete loss for control as I swept over his body with my mouth and hands in a way that was purely primitive.

  The bond just encouraged me. His pleasure washed through me, showed me what he liked most. How he liked the swirl of my tongue, the rough stroke of my hand, the way I took him in so very deep.

  His body bucked against me as his climax approached. “Stop…you must stop,” he shouted. “I’m…” His words cut off with a loud grunt as his orgasm rippled through him.

  When he gasped at the sensitivity of his completion, I lowered my hands and sat back on my legs, waited for him to come around. I was more than pleased that I’d just rocked his body.

  He laid there for a moment, his stomach moving up and down in heavy long breaths. When he raised his head, his expression stunned me. He wasn’t sated or relaxed as I expected. Oh no, what burned in him was a need to take me for everything I had.

  In a second, he had me on my side, my panties shredded, and drove into me with a force that stole my breath. He pulled my thigh up while he drove me to places where stars existed. The hardness of his erection left me flabbergasted. He had finished, there was no doubt of that. How he was capable of being so ready with this type of enthusiasm had me floored. But who cared! This was incredible. Now that we were bonded, not only was I feeling my pleasure, but I experienced his as well. “Sweet glorious Jesus,” I gasped.

  “Mmmm,” was Kyden’s only response.

  With only a few more of those mindboggling thrusts, I skyrocketed into an orgasm where I swore my body for all of a second died. As I plummeted back to reality, he pulled out and lay on his back.

  In a way that only a strong male could pull off, he raised me above him until I gripped the headboard. He placed his mouth against my core, and within seconds, I screamed in heavenly bliss as his mouth lavished with a desire that had me panting in seconds. Intensifying the sensations, he groaned and the vibration that trembled along my skin had me gripping my thighs against his head and shuddering deeply as another climax soared through me.

  When reality returned to me, I was surprised to find myself flipped on my back as Kyden knelt between my legs. He pressed his fingers against my opening and only sat gently for a moment. Then his fingers continued the pursuit to render me unconscious. His muscles bulged as he used his strength to slam pleasure into every part of my being.

  With each hard insertion, his hand played against my G-spot and began to spark the mother of all orgasms. Heat began to soar through me as my entire body gripped, tightening against the pleasure tearing within me. Tears streamed down my face as intense delight blasted me to the point of pain. Kyden increased his speed, and it was all it took to send my body in another climax that was all consuming. My body tightened around his fingers as warm liquid washed along my thighs.

  Before I could ask, am I dead? he flipped me back over onto my stomach and thrust into me with every ounce of his power. My body was tender
, sore from the intense ecstasy, tight from muscle contractions. The moment my body gave way to his entry, he leveled me in a way meant to satisfy his urges.

  Moments later, we were both completely sated.

  I laughed, a sound that was part exhaustion, part amazement. “I’m dead. I really am. You killed me with orgasms.”

  “Arouse me like that again and you’ll get worse,” Kyden said, his tone quite serious.

  He withdrew and lay on his side. I turned over toward him and snuggled against his chest as he wrapped an arm around me. “Christ. If I knew you were capable of that I would have done that sooner.” I leaned up and kissed his lips. “You’ve been holding out on me.”

  His grin was sleepy. “I’ve never been so aroused. Feeling your intensity is unbelievable.”

  “I’d say. Well, there’s something to be said about a little loss of control.” His eyes lit up. “Just not now, I’ll be surprised if I can even walk.” That was a lie. My abilities could heal me instantly, but I liked this feeling. Worn out from a good romping just felt good and I wasn’t about to erase the effects of tonight.

  A few minutes passed as sleep began to settle in. “Kyden.” My voice came out as a soft whisper.


  “I love you.”

  He gave my ass a little pat. “Back atcha, Álainn.”

  Chapter Four

  The next night, my body hurt in all the right places and then some.

  Kyden sat with his feet up on the coffee table watching a UFC fight. I’d just finished my shower and stepped back into the living room when a knock sounded at the door. Knowing he probably hadn’t even heard it, since he was in ‘the zone’, I walked over and opened it. Misa stood on the other side, smiling from ear-to-ear. “Honeymoon’s over,” she announced.

  “So soon?” I grumbled.

  “Sooner the better. The challenge is being arranged and you need to learn more about the Underworld before you choose your guard.”

  I glanced back at Kyden, pleased to see that he’d taken notice of something other than the television and was aware of Misa’s arrival. He turned off the TV, stood and approached us, grinning. Clearly, he sensed my annoyance that she’d come so soon. “Come on in, Misa,” he said.

  Misa happily stepped in, and took a seat on the couch. Who knew this day would come. A demon sat in my living room—bah!

  Willow apparently agreed with me. “What is that thing doing in here?”

  I chuckled softly, kept Willow’s snippy question to myself and shook my head at her. She took the hint and trotted off to the bedroom, away from the said demon.

  Kyden took a spot on the loveseat across from Misa and I joined him. “What do we need to know?” he inquired.

  Misa took a deep breath before she began, which only told me, this was a conversation I wasn’t going to enjoy. “To start at the beginning, the stories are quite simple. There was a time that supernaturals lived among the humans in the Earthworld—peacefully. As time went on, two rulers emerged in a way very similar to what we know between our worlds. One ruled for the greater good. The other ruled in darkness. The two were constantly at war with each other and battled repeatedly to make the Earthworld what they believed was right. We know them as God and Satan.” She took another long breath before she continued. “When the battle between the two leaders approached a point of total destruction to the Earthworld, the Fae…”

  “The what?” I interjected.

  “The Fae. Fairies.” Misa looked completely surprised that I didn’t recognize the term. “You don’t know of them?”

  I gave my head a big bewildered shake, and glanced at Kyden. “Another realm I don’t know about?”

  He chuckled and nodded.

  Misa continued. “When the Fae’s princess, Aaliya, intervened, she constructed two other realms. Now we know them as the Underworld and the Otherworld. She demanded God and Satan take over these worlds in an attempt to stop the long-standing war. But as you know it never ended and still hasn’t.”

  Okay, this was just ridiculous. Kyden leaned forward completely enthralled and seemed to believe this. However, I was having a hard time with it.

  “Angels were God’s followers,” she went on. “Immortals who believed in his ways. To protect humans, save souls, use magic for the greater good. Satan’s, of course, were the exact opposite, and as we know are called demons. Through time, Black Magic evolved away from the elemental force, and now as you know, White Magic and Black Magic are two completely separate entities.”

  “Explain how you’re different then?” Kyden asked. “Why do you deny your instinct to commit evil?”

  “My ancestors were fallen angels. Cast out by God for committing sins. They once believed in the way of God, but were weak against the call to the darkness. Over the years and breeding, God’s trait in us has grown stronger.”

  His brow arched. “And this happened to all of you?”

  Misa shook her head quickly. “No. There’s not many of us.”

  “Jesus,” I gasped.

  “No, Jesus was God’s son,” Misa retorted. “We’re talking about God here, not Jesus.”

  I laughed at the wishy-washiness of words. “So, what happened then? Do God and Satan still exist?”

  Misa looked at me as if my head was screwed on backwards. “Have you seen them around here?”

  I returned her look with one that said I realized how stupid my question was and that she should move on.

  Thankfully, she obliged. “When the battle between them grew, Aaliya was at her wits end. The danger they were putting the worlds in was vast. So, she banished them to the Realm of the Dead to spend their days locked away to rule their realms as they chose.”

  My brows shot up. “A Realm of the Dead?”

  Misa nodded. “The humans call it Heaven and Hell, but we know it as realms. Aaliya knew this was the only option to end the war. Now the two live as they wish and do what they like.”

  “But they can’t come back here?” I asked.

  “It’s not easily done, and hasn’t been attempted. Aaliya knew this was the safest choice, and as you’ve witnessed, the right one. But still to this day their legacy lives on.” She winked. “It’s just a little different than humans think.”

  I gave my head a shake, and then another. It was hard to wrap my head around this. Could what she be saying be really true? Is this how it all began?

  “Anyways, these past events that you have found yourself in have long been in the waiting.”

  My mind was still stuck on what she’d just said, I couldn’t process what she was going on about now. “In the waiting?”

  Misa’s smile was full of mystery. “It was foretold that a being of mixed heritage would come to the Otherworld, and be the one to lead us into a new world.”

  Gulping deep, I managed to ask, “Who foretold that?”

  “The Fae, of course. A few of us a couple hundred years ago started to seek each other out. Azar and I were the first.”

  “A couple hundred years?” I whispered, suddenly aware of something I hadn’t thought of before. I tended to avoid this conversation. Yes, we’re all immortals, but it still freaked me out whenever I met someone really ancient. “How old are you?”

  She winked. “Old.”

  It’d probably scare me if I knew the truth, so I ignored the curiosity that lingered and moved on. “But why does Azar do it? He was born into the Underworld—not from a fallen angel.”

  “It was Azar who sought me out. With his abilities, he knew my views on the matter. It was his wish to see that the time of Satan’s destruction met its end. We wanted to succeed where God has failed.”

  “What did you do next?” Kyden asked.

  “After Azar and I committed to the plan, we then went to the Fae for guidance.”

  “Why would you not come here to the Otherworld for help?” I asked. “Why the Fae?”

  Misa burst out laughing. “They are
more powerful than you could imagine. Seriously, she created worlds. That should make it clear enough.”

  “Right.” I laughed. Still, it was hard to imagine a being powerful enough to create an entire world. I couldn’t wrap my head around it.

  “When we met with the Fae, Aaliya told us there would indeed be change in our worlds and that change was you.” She smiled brightly. “We have been waiting ever since.”

  “You’ve been waiting two hundred years?” I exclaimed.

  Misa nodded as if the time meant nothing to her, which maybe if she was as old as I thought, it didn’t.


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