First And Last

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First And Last Page 6

by Stacey Kennedy

  Kyden hummed a moment. Curiously there wasn’t much emotion that crossed through our bond, only intrigue. “How did you get the others to agree? And in such secrecy? If Magnus knew your plans, I have no doubt he would have destroyed you.”

  “There were a few others who felt as we did,” Misa answered. “It wasn’t necessary to inform the others until the night of…” she waved her hand. “Well you know that night. We assumed when the assembly recognized Lady Nexi’s powers they would side with us.”

  What a huge risk! “How could you be so sure?”

  “We knew they would be afraid,” Misa replied.

  I glanced at Kyden to see if he knew what she was talking of. He shrugged. I looked back to her. “Afraid of what?”


  A loud sharp bout of laughter escaped! How ridiculous. “And why would they be afraid of me?”

  “We hoped your magic would speak for itself and it did. You shielded our Lord Kyden that night. Do you forget so easily? That has never been done and to see such power is undeniable. If they were to show their alliance to Magnus, then when you destroyed him, they would be as well. They’re not stupid beings.”

  “Oh,” I wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that.

  “Interesting,” Kyden commented, with a raised brow, but the feeling that shot through me was one of immense pride. The knowledge that he was proud of my strength gave me the warm fuzzies all over. Kyden rested his hand across my thigh and lightly caressed it—feeling the love right back.

  “Well that’s the background, which you needed to know.” Misa licked her lips as if her mouth had run dry. “Now, onto the beings. We’re all different and you need to understand that so you can choose appropriate guards to watch over you.”

  I sighed and rubbed my temples. “This is giving me a headache.”

  Kyden laughed. “Go on, Misa.”

  “When the worlds were born and Satan reigned over the Underworld—including Satan—there were seven demons in total that made up his guard and were known as the Demon Lords. Each of them carried one sin to seek out souls. When the human would have a desire to commit one of the sins, the demons would grant their request and steal their soul.”

  “Sell your soul to the Devil, right?” I offered.

  Misa nodded. “Let’s see, there were Mammon, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Lucifer, Belphegor, and Satan.” She counted on her fingers as she went along. “Yes that’s seven, each of whom presided over one of the seven sins. You know—lust, greed, envy, etcetera. These are demons’ ancestors. Ones who long ago left our realm to join Satan, but in their place, demons have been born to follow in their duty.”

  “You breed?” I snapped out.

  She shrugged. “We are destined just as you and Magnus were.”

  I cringed at that and Kyden stiffened. The emotions that ran through us both made breathing difficult.

  Kyden smoothed his hand over mine, gave me a soft smile in an obvious attempt to settle the pain in my heart. I had to admit, having this bond with him made things between us even stronger. It took the unknown out of the relationship. The wondering what the other person is thinking. Whatever I needed, he would react to it because now he could sense it. Reading Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus was a thing of yesterday.

  Misa didn’t notice our little moment and went on. “We’re destined to one that will make our offspring stronger. So, it continues. We seek out humans who are desperate to receive their sin, give it to them with our powers, then drain a part of their life force.”

  “Okay that explains that part, but what about the witches and warlocks there,” I stated. “When did they come into the picture?”

  “As the battle resumed between the two worlds, Satan’s witches began to breed with the demons and produced warlocks.”

  “Oh, I guess that makes sense,” I said with a little shrug. “So getting it straight, demons seek out humans that want to commit one of the sevens sins, and when they do, the demon will give them what they’re after in return for some of their life force?”

  Misa nodded.

  “Do the humans know?” It was the obvious next question.

  She shook her head. “After the life force is drained, the human’s memory is gone with it, and another one put in place to explain the reasons for getting what they were after.” She raised her brows a little and gave a knowing glance. “It keeps our world safe.”

  “Hrmph,” I wasn’t at all happy about that. They should know that they’re taking a few years off their life to get that new car, but really, some people would probably do it anyway. I let it go. “What do the witches and warlocks do then?”

  “It works in a similar way. They offer souls to the Underworld to give it strength. Before, as you know, it didn’t matter what souls they would take. They would draw the runes and give up whoever they pleased.”

  I held up my hand to stop her before she got ahead of herself and left me confused in the wake. “What runes?” She reached back and tapped her back. The indication was clear. My hand touched my tattoo. “They’ll draw my willow?”

  Kyden appeared a bit taken back and even placed his hand on top of mine as tension ran through me. His, mine? I settled on, both.

  “And Kyden’s as well,” Misa added, her tone casual, as if she were ordering a banana split and not talking about scary things.

  Something felt so wrong and dirty about this. Until now, I hadn’t realized why I’d been granted this tattoo, and now knowing it didn’t sit well with me. “So, you’re saying that when they draw either my tattoo or Kyden’s, the rune will activate dark magic?”

  “That’s right.”

  God, I needed a really long hot shower. “Why do they do it? I mean, what do they get out of it?”

  “To be a part of the Underworld, you always have to be giving to it, feeding it. Our magic is driven by human life forces. Witches and warlocks can only remain in our realm if they are doing that. They’re just providing to their world is all.” She stood. “I believe I’ve told you what you need to understand the Underworld better so that you can make an informed decision about your guard. Remember, you need the strongest beings surrounding you. To keep you and our world protected. Choose wisely.”

  Just like that she left, the door slammed closed behind her. For a good ten minutes, neither Kyden nor I moved. We sat in silence as our bond swam in emotions.

  I finally snapped out of my shock and turned to him. “Well that was certainly a lot to take in.”

  He arched a brow. “Indeed.”

  Chapter Five

  When Misa said the challenge was being arranged, I hadn’t really thought she meant so soon. It had only been hours since she left Kyden and I, and now we were in the auditorium in the Underworld.

  “Wowzers, look at them all,” Haven said next to me.

  She had firmly told me that she’d be coming to witness this event, as did everyone else too. The majority of the Council’s guard was with us tonight. The chance to see the Underworld was just too tempting to pass up. The realm was so secretive, everyone drooled with desire to see it.

  Me, I would rather be somewhere else. A little guilt made me swallow deeply. We had yet to find a way to get Willow here. She couldn’t pass over into the Underworld, and wasn’t pleased in the least that she was left behind.

  Focusing away from my guilt, I glanced at Kyden who sat next to me in a ridiculous throne chair that rested against the back wall of the auditorium. “I hope this is quick.” I felt like a complete and total idiot in this chair. Talk about being put on display, a place I wasn’t fond of. Thankfully, since we made the rules, I could have Haven and the others stand next to us. It definitely made the moment less tense.

  Kyden brushed his hand across my cheek. “It’ll be alright, Álainn.” Even though he said it, I could feel the protectiveness running through him. He didn’t like me being surrounded by so many dark beings.

  It was odd to feel
his possessiveness first hand like this, and it sure helped me understand him better. It wasn’t that he wanted to control me but it was more about him, his feelings. He couldn’t lose me and the thought of my being in danger terrified him. He didn’t like feeling terrified or frightened, and that’s why his possessive trait always came out so brusquely.

  Kyden’s expression turned curious as he continued to brush his finger against my cheek. “This place makes you happy?”

  Clearly, he sensed the emotions I felt from getting a grasp on why he was the way he was. “No.” I shook my head softly. “You do.”

  He leaned forward and gave me a soft kiss.

  “Our Lady and Lord,” Azar’s voice drew our attention, “have gathered here tonight to see this challenge. All who wish to guard them step forward.”

  Suddenly, the auditorium filled with dark swirling clouds, and then swiftly, thousands of demons stood before us.

  “Bah,” I shouted.

  Kyden jumped too. My shock startled him but he chuckled in response. “It’s going to take some time to get used to that.”

  “Ha! I told you I was a basket case.” When I heard of what bonding was exactly, I knew Kyden was in for it. He was always so controlled, rarely reacted. Cool and calm, on the other hand, was far from that.

  “I’m glad I do, Álainn.” He reached out and took my hand in his, squeezed it tight. “It shouldn’t surprise me that you act entirely on your emotions, but it does. I wasn’t expecting that. I thought you’d have hidden a little of yourself, but you don’t. You expose it all and I cherish that about you…”

  I snuggled into him. “You’re Mr. Unreadable.”

  He winked.

  Someone cleared their throat loudly. I snapped my gaze from Kyden to see that everyone watched us, most with smiles. “Er…sorry about that,” I told Azar. “You can carry on now.”

  Kyden chuckled.

  Azar didn’t look frustrated, simply smiled and looked back to the crowd. “Lady Nexi and Lord Kyden, may I present your followers who have requested to join your guard.” He waved his hand out to the crowd of well over a hundred demons, witches and warlocks.

  I leaned back over to Kyden. He angled his head down and I whispered in his ear. “What do we do now?”

  He shook his head and whispered back, “Haven’t a clue.”

  My gaze fell to Misa and quickly waved her over. When she reached me, she bent down so I could keep my voice low. “Er…what do we do?”

  She attempted to hold back a smile, but failed miserably. “They will fight before you, and you will see their strengths to determine who you want to choose.”

  “Fight?” I gasped.

  “That’s right. You want the strongest among them and need to see what they’re capable of.”

  I looked back at Kyden to find him chuckling. Obviously, he found amusement in my apprehension. Watch hundreds of demons fight, not bloody likely.

  Hmm…what to do?

  Questions ran through my mind. I seriously didn’t want to watch this, had had enough violence lately. Finally, I settled, knew exactly what to do.

  “Good idea,” Kyden agreed. Then, I heard, “Let’s just get this over with and get out of this god forsaken place.”

  I stared at him in complete shock.

  His brow arched at my bewilderment. “Problem?”

  “Did you just read my mind?” I whispered softly.

  The arch of his brow rose higher, and his face equaled my current state of perplexity. “You didn’t say that out loud?”

  I shook my head, unable to find words. He gained my ability to speak telepathically. How could this be?

  Zia stepped away from where you stood next to me and knelt in front of Kyden. “You heard her thoughts?”

  He nodded, amazement soared through our bond. “I did.”

  “And I heard his, too,” I said quickly, still beside myself. “Is that normal when a witch bonds? You know, to pass on her abilities?”

  “No, I should say that it isn’t.” Zia cupped my cheek and smiled. “But I wouldn’t expect anything different from you.” She looked back to Kyden. “Simply incredible.”

  “Indeed,” Kyden breathed.

  Azar cleared his throat again.

  My gaze fell back to him. He looked a little flustered at all the interruptions. “Oh, right. Sorry, again.”

  I gave Kyden a little kiss and used our bond, “Just think of the stuff I can say to you now that no one is listening—like when we get home I want to…”

  Zia cleared her throat loudly. “Nexi Jones.”

  “Oops.” I laughed.

  Right, not appropriate. I forgot she could hear me too. In response, I put up my mental shield to keep her out, just in case I forgot and sent another inappropriate message. I wondered if I could block Kyden as I can Zia. We’d have to test that later.

  Kyden laughed.

  But back to the current task. I stood from my chair. “Okay, let’s do this another way. Honestly, I have no interest in seeing these demons kill each other.” The room huffed and puffed. Mostly, I heard Ryker and Finn. They were obviously disappointed with my choice. Too bad! I was changing things, they’d have to get used to it.

  “All of you line up in front of me.” They immediately followed the order and assembled in a lineup that resembled kids waiting for the school bus. I laughed at how quick they complied.

  I approached the first demon, grabbed his hand. He looked perfect to be a guard. Tough guy, hard face, but the second I read into him I knew he was all wrong. He harbored anger that the Underworld was being run by those of the Otherworld and loathed us entirely because we restricted his taking of innocent souls.

  The choice wasn’t a hard one. “Sorry, you won’t do.” That earned me a deep scowl before he strode off.

  From there, it was demon after demon. By the end of it, I had only chosen two demons.

  Tyde, a captain of the football team type with stylish and short dirty-blonde hair, handsome young features, and kind but dark eyes. He was very easy on the eyes.

  And Quinney, a tall voluptuous woman with auburn hair cut to her ears in an angled bob, and round eyes that sat between two pleasantly plump cheeks. Obviously, she liked the curves of a woman’s body because she opted for this form. She wore it well.

  Azar stepped up beside me. “Are these who you choose, Lady Nexi?”

  First, I gave myself a little jolt of healing. That was exhausting. One mind was an easy read, but hundreds drained the system.

  Feeling better, I glanced back at Kyden. “You agree?”

  He smiled and gave a simple nod. “I trust in you.”

  I addressed Azar. “Yes, these are the ones we choose.”

  “Very well,” he responded. “Now, the witches and warlocks will present themselves.”

  Quite quickly, more than a hundred gathered in front of me and I groaned. “Oh, dear Lord.”

  Haven giggled, and a rush of amusement filtered through our soul-sister bond. I glanced back at her to see a hand over her face as she shook in laughter. Oh, this was so not funny. I shot her a dirty look that she caught as she dropped her hand but only intensified her amusement.

  I ignored her, glanced back at the group of witches and warlocks and got right down to business.

  A half an hour later, the warlock hunt got us nowhere. Half of them would have destroyed me if they were capable or given the chance, which they weren’t, so there was no rise for concern there. The witches had a similar resolve. They would never support or give aid to a White Witch.

  Why they offered to guard me made no sense at all. Since they had no interest in actually helping me if the time came—maybe it was a sense of duty. They had to side with me because there was no other choice, but if they had the power, I’d be eating dirt six feet under.

  The only consolation was Tyde and Quinney—Supreme Demons as Misa called them. In terms that I could understand, she explained that they are
the highest-ranked demons in the Underworld.

  As the auditorium began to clear out, Misa came up next to me and smiled. “Good choices.”

  “Well, they were the only ones who had any shred of good in them. It wasn’t really a hard choice,” I replied.

  Her smile grew. “Like I said, perfect choices then.”

  I liked at Misa. It took a while for me to get over the fact that she was a demon, but now, I could see her as nothing else but a friend. Funny, to admit that, but there it was. I only let my mind ponder that thought for a moment, before I said, “So, are we done here?”


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