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Fighting for Control (Against the Cage Book 3)

Page 35

by Melynda Price

  Barry saw him approach, and his initial surprise morphed into anger, but the closer Nikko got, that anger quickly gave way to uncertainty and then finally fear. Guess the bastard had some self-preservation instincts in him after all. If he knew what was good for him, he’d run. Right. Fucking. Now.

  “What are you doing here? Where’s Violet?” he demanded in a voice that held zero authority. All the color drained from his face. The guy looked like he might actually piss himself.

  “Right where she belongs. With me.” He snagged the empty chair and turned it to face Barry. Boxing him in, Nikko straddled the seat. “You want to get rid of your friends or you want to do this with an audience?”

  Barry’s eyes darted across the table. “Will you . . . excuse us for a minute?”

  “Wise choice.”

  The couple shot him a wary glance and vacated their seats like it was a Chinese fire drill.

  Turning his attention back to Barry, he growled, “I want you to know what an exercise in self-control it is for me not to kill you right now. I suppose you have Violet to thank for that.”

  Barry’s pale-blue eyes grew round, the last bit of color draining from his pretty-boy face.

  “Answer me this . . . Did you think you were going to get away with it? That I would just let her go? You’ve read my file. You know what I’m capable of.”

  Grabbing Barry by the collar of his button-up silk shirt, Nikko jerked him closer to observe the last remnants of arrogance draining from his face. He wanted the bastard to see the truth, just in case he had any doubt.

  “In the Marines, we have a name for men like you who have never so much as gotten their hands in the dirt, walking around in your three-piece Armani suits, thinking you’re so powerful that you can threaten and manipulate people to get what you want. We call them cowards. Do you have any idea how easily I could make you disappear? Someplace no one would ever find you. Or . . . I could always make it look like a suicide. It wouldn’t be hard. You’ve got plenty of reasons to off yourself. You’re bankrupt, your practice is failing, you’ve lost the best thing you ever had because you couldn’t keep your dick out of your secretary. How’s that going for you, by the way? She dumped you when she found out you were broke, huh? You see, you’re not the only one who’s been doing his homework. You may know my secrets, but I know yours, too.”

  He twisted his grip on the collar of Barry’s shirt, applying enough pressure to bring the color back to the other man’s face.

  “Let’s get something straight, and I want to be clear so that you and I have no misunderstanding. Violet is mine. Stay away from her. If you so much as contact her again, I will not hesitate to kill you, and I promise I will make it hurt. And if the word Alice-Gahn ever so much as touches your lips, if you think to expose my sins to the world, well, I won’t be the only one who will want you dead for it. So go ahead, carry out your little threat and see if you don’t seal your fate. Oh, and just for giggles, I think I’ll be making a call or two of my own to the Pentagon. How do you think they’re going to respond when they find out a civilian is running around with illegally obtained, classified information? You know, people go to prison for that. Hope you enjoy looking over your shoulder for the rest of your miserable life.”

  Nikko released him with a shove that nearly toppled him from his seat. Barry took a gasp of air that sent him into a coughing fit. Nikko stood to leave, pretty sure if he spent one more second in this bastard’s presence, his control was going to slip and he just might off the piece of shit right here and now.

  Vi paced in front of the wall of glass, too worried about Nikko to enjoy the magnificent view of Manhattan. The bridge was lit up, stretching across the East River connecting Lower Manhattan with downtown Brooklyn, and the skyline glowed with buildings reaching toward the heavens. Whoever this Kruze guy was, he must be loaded to afford a place like this. Her private tour had revealed no personal effects to help solve that mystery, but one thing was for certain: this place was well above a fighter’s pay grade.

  Nikko had been gone over an hour, with the parting command to stay here. He hadn’t told her where he was going, but considering the mood he’d left in, it wasn’t hard to figure it out. That locked-down expression of simmering rage almost made her feel sorry for Barry—almost. She hadn’t even tried to stop him, knowing she’d only be wasting her breath. But now that they were approaching the hour-and-a-half mark, she was beginning to second-guess that decision.

  Selfishly, she just wanted to be free of Barry, once and for all, and she didn’t really care how Nikko planned to make that happen. But now she was really starting to worry. Was Nikko capable of murder? Definitely. But would he kill Barry? She didn’t think so. Acting in the line of duty, under the duress of war, was a lot different than killing someone in cold blood. She didn’t think he would do it, but God help her, she didn’t want to be the reason he failed that test. If he did it, if he killed Barry, there would be no coming back from that. She believed with all her heart she could save Nikko from his past, but not if he stained their future with Barry’s blood.

  The keypad chirped outside the door, sending her heart galloping inside her chest. She raced down the hall to meet Nikko and skidded to a halt as the door opened, her breath catching in her throat with a surprised gasp. Someone was breaking into the penthouse! The man entering saw her standing there and abruptly stopped. Surprise flickered across his face—a handsome face, were it not decorated with lip and brow piercings and gauges in his ears. Eerie amber eyes locked on hers, holding them with a dark, foreboding scowl.

  Her gaze dropped, taking in the rest of him. He was big, not quite as large as Nikko, but just as definably cut. There was no way she could hold her own against the likes of him if he got his hands on her. He was heavily muscled, his arms sleeved in tattoos. He looked like a cross between a beach bum and a goth rocker. A look she might have admitted he was pulling off rather well, were she not afraid for her life. She tensed, getting ready to bolt into the back room where she could call the police, when a female voice stopped her. The woman came in on the heels of the man and ran right into him. He didn’t even budge.

  “Damn, babe, if you’re going to stop short, give a girl a warning, huh? It’s like running into a brick wall,” she complained. She tried to skirt past the man, but he moved frighteningly fast, grabbing the woman’s arm and pulling her back behind him like Vi was the threat here.

  “Mind telling me who you are and what the fuck you’re doing in my condo?” His voice was as dark as his looks.

  His condo? Nice try. No way could that guy afford this place. How stupid did he think she was? More than likely, they’d realized this place was empty, or at least should have been, and came here to rob it. The guy definitely looked like he’d seen time behind bars. She took an involuntary step back, anxious to put a little more distance between her and her apparent attacker, her mind scrambling with a story to tell him and his redheaded accomplice that would get them to leave without anyone getting hurt—her being that anyone.

  “Listen, I don’t want any trouble, okay? If you leave now, I won’t call the police. I swear . . .”

  He must have thought she was joking, because that dark, pierced brow arched in amusement, his top lip pulling into a smile revealing teeth too white and too perfect. All right, she’d admit it, he was a gorgeous man, but there were no rules saying hot guys couldn’t be criminals—or killers.

  “Lady, I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but I’ve spent the last twelve hours crammed into a plane, so I’m running low on patience. If you don’t tell me who you are and how you got in here right now, we’re going to have some serious issues.”

  Vi’s eyes flared wide with panic. She had to run—it was her only chance. If she could make it to the bedroom, she could lock herself inside and call 911 from the landline. She didn’t have Nikko’s number and regretted not getting it before he left. She readied to bolt when the woman behind him sighed dramatically and said, “Sto
p it, Aiden. Can’t you see you’re scaring her?”

  She elbowed past him and stood in front of the man who towered over her by a good eight inches. “Give her a chance to explain.”

  The woman gave her a warm, nonthreatening smile. Her beauty was startling. Dark, fiery hair spilled past her shoulders, offset by the most brilliant green eyes Vi had ever seen. She was slender, everywhere except through the middle, where her form-fitting top revealed a distinct baby bump. “What’s your name?” she asked.

  Shit, should she give the woman her name? What could it hurt? If she told them the truth, maybe they’d leave, realizing she wasn’t alone—she hoped. “Violet Summers. I’m staying here with my boyfriend. I expect him back any minute.”

  “Really?” She didn’t think it was possible for the man’s scowl to darken more, but it did. “Who is your boyfriend?”

  “Nikko Del Toro.”

  The redhead’s eyes grew wide with surprise at the mention of Nikko’s name. They must have heard of him. There had been a lot of publicity surrounding his upcoming fight. The man muttered a curse and reached up, scrubbing the back of his neck. Yeah, they should be scared . . .

  But then he laughed. He actually laughed, and all that hard-ass tension evaporated. The woman was wearing an ear-to-ear grin when she turned to the man and said, “I can’t believe it! Nikko’s here. And he has a girlfriend.”

  “I guess wonders never cease,” he chuckled, staring at her like she was some sort of a zoo oddity.

  Spinning back around, the redhead rushed toward her and pulled her in for a big hug. “It’s so great to meet you!” She let Vi go and took a step back. “My name is Ryann, and this is my husband, Aiden Kruze.”

  “Kruze . . . ? So you really do live here?”

  “I told you I did. Who did you think we were?” he asked, closing the door behind him and coming down the hall.

  “I thought”—how embarrassing—“I thought you were here to rob the place.”

  Instead of taking offense, which he had every right to do because she had definitely judged that book by its cover, the man laughed—and so did Ryann.

  “See, honey, I said you should cut that hair.”

  “It’s the hair, isn’t it?” she whispered to Violet, loud enough for her husband to hear, and then gave him a teasing wink. “Makes him look all scruffy.”

  Was she kidding? She had to be kidding. “Yeah, that’s definitely it.” It was so not it. The guy had more ink and metal than Dave Navarro.

  “So where’s Del Toro? I can’t believe he’s here. What timing.”

  “He umm . . . stepped out for a little bit. I expect him back soon, though.”

  “Great. I’m going to hit the shower quick, give you girls a chance to get acquainted.”

  Aiden pressed a kiss on the top on Ryann’s head as he walked by and headed down the hall toward the bedrooms. Ryann grabbed both of her hands, giving them an excited squeeze. “I have to admit, I’m shocked Nikko is seeing someone. Come with me.” Ryann led her into the kitchen and began preparing two cups of tea. “You have to tell me everything. How did you meet? How long have you been dating?”

  Vi sat on the stool at the center island in the kitchen, feeling a little shell-shocked. Was this really happening? Did this woman expect her to confide in her like they were long lost BFFs? Apparently so, because she handed Vi a steaming cup of tea and settled in beside her, turning so they faced each other. Well, she was definitely going to give her the PG version.

  “We met seven months ago on a flight from here to Vegas. A month ago, we ended up crossing paths again, and, well, he won me over.”

  Ryann’s expression turned serious in a way Vi wasn’t sure she was entirely comfortable with. It went beyond curiosity, bordering on protectiveness. How well did this woman know Nikko? A flicker of jealousy lit through her as the possibilities ran rampant through her mind.

  “So he pursued you?” Ryann questioned, not quite carrying off the innocence as she raised her mug to her lips. “That doesn’t sound like Nikko.”

  “Well, he did.”

  “Huh . . . I don’t suppose I need to tell you that it will take a special woman to understand him. Nikko is . . . different.”

  “I am well aware Nikko is . . . challenging, and I assure you, it changes nothing about the way I feel. I am very much in love with him.”

  Those seemed to be the magic words to win the woman over, because the smile she gave Vi was genuine and warm. “That’s all I needed to hear. Welcome to the family.”

  “Thank you.” Vi was about to ask her how she and Aiden knew Nikko, when the front door opened and heavy footsteps echoed through the hall.


  “In here,” she called, setting down her mug and preparing to hop off the stool. As Nikko entered the kitchen, his eyes lit on Ryann and he came to an abrupt halt.

  “Holy shit . . .” The curse spilled from his lips as his gaze glanced over Vi and locked on the gorgeous redhead sitting beside her. “Gingersnap? What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Good to see you, too,” she said, hopping down from the stool.

  When she came around the island, Violet watched Nikko’s gaze fall to her rounded belly. Something softened in his expression that made Violet’s chest cramp. The beautiful woman opened her arms for a hug and waved him in. His gaze briefly shot to Vi, silently seeking . . . her permission? She couldn’t know, but there was a moment of hesitation before Ryann’s arms were around Nikko’s neck and she was hugging him in a full body crush. To his credit he looked a bit stiff and uncomfortable with the whole thing, but Ryann struck her as the kind of woman that, once you were in her circle, it didn’t matter. If she wanted to hug you, you might as well grin and bear it.

  “Del Toro, is that you?” Aiden’s voice echoed through the condo. Nikko and Ryann parted as Aiden entered the kitchen. “Holy hell, man, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”

  They collided in a brief bro-hug that brightened Ryann’s smile even more.

  “Damn, it’s great to see you. You been crashing here?”

  “No, I just got in today. I had some loose ends that needed tying up before we head back to Vegas,” he answered evasively. “What about you? I thought you were in WP.”

  “We were, but someone put a hit on Moralli from the pen. Can’t testify against a dead man.”

  “Fuck, you think it was your pops?”

  “Most likely, but you never know. It could be a power play from another Cosa Nostra looking to take over the territory.”

  And then it clicked with Violet exactly who this man was. She was surprised she hadn’t made the name connection sooner, but the piercings, the tattoos, and the shaggy hair threw her off. He looked nothing like the clean-cut guy in the newspaper wearing Brioni suits. “You’re Senator Kruze’s son?” Holy shit, she knew who he was. It’d been all over the paper, the arrest of Senator Kruze and Vincent Moralli, the don and patriarch of the Moralli family.

  “Don’t hold it against me, huh?”

  “You’re the lawyer . . .”

  “Don’t hold that against me, either.” He shot her a teasing grin, then turned his attention back to Nikko.

  “When are you scheduled to testify? Aren’t you worried your old man is gonna want to silence you, too?”

  “Shit, they got so much on him they don’t even need me. Of course, there’s no guarantee I’m not going to get subpoenaed, but right now it looks unlikely. The feds are giving me my life back, man. Don’t get me wrong, I love Kauai, but I miss my MMA family. I’m ready to get into the cage again, and with the baby coming in a few months, I really wanted to get Ryann settled back home.”

  “Congratulations, man. I’m really happy for you. You heading back to Vegas, then?”

  “Yeah, Ryann wants to sell the brownstone. We’re going to pack up the stuff she wants to bring with her. What about you? How long are you in town?”

  “Not long. I have a fight Saturday.”

  “No shit? Who
you taking on?”

  “Viper. He’s fighting out of Camp Creatus.”

  “I know who he is. Good fighter . . . You ready for him? Who’s training you?”


  Aiden’s grin was full of teasing warmth. “Sucks to be you, dude. You’re gonna win, though. Easton cornered me for the Mallenger fight. Excellent coach. He killing you with cardio?”

  Nikko chuckled. “Just about, man. Twelve-hour days—”

  “—six days a week,” Aiden chimed in, laughing. “Damn, I miss those days.”

  “You should come to the fight. Help corner me, unless of course you think you’re too rusty.”

  Aiden grunted at Nikko’s verbal jab.

  Ryann laughed. “Oh, boy . . . here they go.” She rolled her eyes dramatically and smiled at Vi.

  “Rusty? I’ll show you rusty. Meet me on the mat in ten minutes.”

  “It’ll be my pleasure to give you a welcome home ass kicking.”

  “See . . . what did I tell you?” Ryann said, settling back in beside her. “You get those two together, and it’s like testosterone overload. They can’t help it. Their brains short-circuit and they go into caveman mode.”

  Vi laughed, enjoying the banter between Nikko and Aiden.

  “You want another cup of tea?” Ryann asked her. “Trust me, those two are going to be at it for a couple of hours.”

  “Well, in that case, I think I would,” she said, trying to keep the anxiety from her voice. A couple of hours? She needed to talk to Nikko now. She needed to find out what had happened with Barry. Vi wasn’t sure how much longer she could sit here and pretend everything was all right when it wasn’t. “Nikko, can I talk to you a minute?” she called after him when the guys turned to leave. “I’ll be right back,” she told Ryann, slipping off the stool to follow him out of the kitchen.

  Nikko said something to Aiden, who nodded and headed down the hall. He stopped in the living room and waited for her. Her heart pounded in her chest as she approached, the implacable expression on his face giving nothing away. Had Nikko killed Barry? Did she really want to know if he had? Wouldn’t that just make her an accomplice? Maybe she was better off not knowing. Then again, she wasn’t sure she could spend the rest of her life looking over her shoulder, afraid Barry would show up and ruin her life. Or what if she turned on the news one day to find Nikko’s story blasted across CNN?


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