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Just Ride: Legion of Guardians

Page 13

by Turner, Xyla

  “I’m great. Well, yeah I wanted to talk to you about that too, but there was something else I wanted to ask you about as well.”

  “Oh okay. Shoot.” He put the rag down, came around from behind the bar, and sat on the stool across from me.

  “Well, I wanted to know about Razor and his family. What’d you know about them?”

  “You talk to your old man about this?” he asked rather cautiously.

  “Yeah, he told me that he had a mother who still lived in Columbia, an older and younger brother, but that they didn’t have a good relationship. Something about him joining a biker club like the one that killed his father.”

  “Okay, so there you go,” Big Joey nodded.

  “But there has to be more to it than that. Come on, don’t leave me hanging. I need to know.”

  “Then, he’ll need to tell you.” Big Joey shook his head. “You putting me in a bad situation.”

  “Fine, I’m not trying to do that. Can you at least tell me what his father’s name was?”

  “Gerard Willis.” He then looked down at me and continued, “Now, about that job.”

  “So, we’ve talked about it and I really think I would like it. My only concern is that Wiley got me started in the music business, so I’d like to not be bound to Peppers and it not be considered a conflict of interest.”

  “Course, darlin’. All Razor wants is for you to be happy.”


  “I mean, that’s what we all want.”

  “Right!” I smirked at him.

  I fucking knew Razor was behind this shit. Sighing, I hopped off the stool and said, “Okay, I have to run, but will check in with you later.”

  “See ya!” he called back.

  Once I was in the car, I called Shay.

  “I got Razor’s father’s name. Can you run it and get a last known address since his mom’s name isn’t listed?”

  “Are you sure you want to do this? I’m not so sure Razor will appreciate this, Kylie,” Shay tried to reason with me again.

  “Shay, are you with me or not? I want to do something for him. He’s done so much for me, and I’ll never be able to repay him. Ever. Just do this one thing. If they are receptive, great. If not, then fuck it. Okay?”

  “Okay, but do not say…”

  I cut her off, “Yes, don’t say you didn’t warn me.”

  “Yeah,” she sighed. “Are you on your way? I’ll get the address.”

  “Be there in ten.” I hit the red end call button and pressed on the gas.

  I had no speech prepared or anything. I just wanted to let his family know how Razor was doing, and that he missed them. They needed to know successful he was and how it’d be nice if they could come over for dinner sometime.

  Well, at least something like that.

  I picked up Shay because Lori was out of town at some convention.

  “So that last known address for a Gerard Willis that lives in the same town his mother lives in is only twenty miles from here.”

  “Great!” We cranked up the music, weaved past truckers, the Amish and their horses, and little old ladies. Shay still tried to convince me not to do it, but I was determined.

  When we finally arrived, the house was an older one-story ranch-style, and the grounds were kept up. The grass was cut, and the porch had a swinging bench on the side. The exterior was painted a fresh coat of brick red paint with a yellow front door. It reminded me of something out of a storybook.

  I knocked on the door. My palms were moist, and there had to be a bead or three of sweat on my forehead. After the third knock, the door opened, and surprisingly there was no creaking.

  “What can I do for ya?” an older lady with familiar grey eyes asked.

  “H-hi, uh, my name is Kylie Mills and I’m a friend of-”

  “Mills? You related to that Mayor over in Millersville?” she interrupted me.

  My heart leaped.

  What the hell? Had she heard about me and her son?

  “Yes, uh, that’s my father.”

  “I see the resemblance. What brings you over these parts?” she asked, her eyes narrowing again.

  “Well, I’m a friend of Razor’s, and I just wanted to talk to you for a bit.”

  “Razor?” Her eyes crinkled on the sides. “Don’t know a Razor.”

  “Oh, uh. Xander. Sorry.”

  Her expressive eyes widened, then they narrowed. “Don’t need to talk about nobody’s Xander.”

  She moved to close the door, but I put my foot in between the door and the yelled, “Wait! Please talk to me! He misses you guys so much, and I just want to help.”

  The woman looked at my foot, then slowly opened the door.

  “You have five minutes, and then you’re gone. Got it?”

  “Yes, I got it.”

  I walked in first and then Shay reluctantly followed me. The place was spotless. There was no dust or anything in sight. The furniture was fairly new and clean, and there were pictures on the walls. I didn’t get a chance to see any of them in detail because she was moving quickly towards the kitchen area.

  “Something to drink?” she asked.

  “No, thank you,” Shay and I said at the same time.

  “Well, say your peace.”

  “Uh.” I sat down. “Xander and I have been seeing each other for a little while now, and he doesn’t talk about his family much. I’m not sure how much you know about him, but he’s doing pretty well for himself now.”

  “He still a part of that biker gang?” she sneered.

  “It’s not a gang!” Shay snapped. “It’s a club, and Razor happens to be the District President.”

  “Same difference,” she shook her head with her lip slightly turned up, resembling Razor when he was disgusted.

  “Actually, it’s not.” Shay was about to get heated. “Razor and his club are a beacon in the community.”

  “Listen, I know what ya tryin’ to do, but you got to understand. Those biker gangs,” Razor’s mom emphasized, “killed my husband. So I told my boys, all of em, join them, and I meant anyone of em, and you’re disowned. Xander made the decision to disobey my wishes, and I haven’t seen, heard or care to know about his dealings. I done buried one and don’t wish to bury another.”

  “Ma’am, I’m sorry for your loss, but Legion of Guardians is not a gang. It is very much a club, a business organization, and so much more. They even offer protective services that the mayor employs and has used on occasion. They are protectors, guardians, and watchers. They’re not like those others gangs, ma’am. Xander owns two stores, several properties, and has other business ventures. His money is clean.” I sighed. “I’m just telling you because he won’t say it, but family means everything to him. His brothers mean everything to him and I think you guys do to.”

  Her eyes did not soften, but they also did not narrow anymore than they already were. Shay shifted in her seat, while I remained looking at her.

  Then she shook her head and said, “I told them. I wouldn’t bury another one. He went and joined, left for the league, and then came back and got further involved. His brothers tried to pull him out. We all did. But no, he had to have them. He chose them over us.”

  It looked like she was about to cry, but she shook her head and held it high.

  “What biker club was his father in?” I tried to change the subject.

  “Something about serpents. They turned him into a mean motherfucker. Killing, drugs, whores, you name it. They dealt with it. He wanted a family too. He wanted brothers over us too, and I vowed never to go through that again. My other sons take good care of me. Xander made his choice, and so did we.” Her chin was still up like she would not take no for an answer.

  “That’s unfortunate,” I said, then stood up with Shay following my lead. “He’s a wonderful man, and I’d think you’d like to see the man he’s become. Or not. But let me be clear, and nothing against your other sons, but you’re the one missing out. It isn’t the other way around.�

  We walked towards the door because I was done with the conversation. The lady had no idea the type of man Razor had become and that was on her.

  “He put you up to this?” she asked as I turned the doorknob.

  “No. He doesn’t even know I’m here.” I stepped on the porch, and then turned to face her. “Good day.”

  On the way back, Shay said, “You know you’re in deep shit right?”


  “Cause I just remembered that you have a tail and that means Razor’ll know where you were.”

  “Oh shit.”

  One little tidbit that might hurt my plan. Hopefully, he won’t be too mad.

  Note: Is it intentional that you never gave Razor’s mother a name? You’ve referred to her as “she” the entire scene.

  * * *

  Instead of meeting Razor at the store, I went back to Peppers so we could order all of the equipment that we needed for the entertainment. He also had a few guys come over that were in construction. The Guardians really did have a lot of members. The construction crew was going to create an addition to Peppers so the entertainers could have a green room. Big Joey moved fast.

  By the time everyone started to trickle in, we had finished up our plans and were drinking beers. Shay had come back with me, and we were trying to come up with an excuse for Razor when he asked about our trip, and then we moved on to think of an intervention for Lori. The girl needed a coming to Jesus moment about Apollo. He clearly was not interested, and she needed to stop wasting her time.

  Neither Bronx nor Apollo was at the club by nine, and Razor hadn’t contacted me either. I didn’t want to stress him, but figured he was handling club business, so I let him be. Around nine-thirty, the doors to the place burst open, and it was nobody but Razor. His face was twisted, and his eyes were blazing.

  Oh shit.

  Shay elbowed me and said, “Girl, two-o’clock.”

  “Yeah,” I murmured. “I see him. Should I head him off?”

  “Naw, he’ll find you,” she whispered. “Oh shit, he found you.”

  She said that just as his eyes caught mine. He stalked over to me and growled, “The office!”

  Razor turned to go that way, but I hadn’t moved yet. He must have seen that and roared, “NOW!”

  “Girl, you better go. Now!” Shay nudged me. “I’ll be waiting.”

  What the fuck?

  Damn near the entire bar had turned towards us. He couldn’t have been that mad.

  When I finally reached the office, he was standing there with the door open. After I crossed the threshold, I closed it behind me.

  His eyes were piercing through me like laser beams.

  “Let me explain, Razor.”

  “You do NOT talk!” he snapped. “You don’t say one motherfucking word.”

  Uh, okay.

  The hairs on the back of my neck started to rise and I could feel the red hot anger starting to boil my blood. I was willing to give him his moment to be angry, but he was about to see me get angry with all of this.

  “The fuck were you thinking going to my mom’s house? Huh?!” he barked. “You had no right to do that. I ask you to do that? NO! I didn’t. That’s in the past. We don’t deal with the past, remember? It’s over. I’ve moved on. They’ve moved on. End of the fucking story.”

  “Razor, I …”

  “You are not talking!” he yelled. “You’ve done enough.”

  “Wait a minute Razor.”

  He started to invade my personal space, so I moved towards the door.

  “You aren’t talking now,” he sneered. “I AM!” he yelled. “You have no place, no rights interfering in shit that ain’t got nothing to do with you. Not a fucking thing!”


  It felt like a dagger cut through my heart. His name might have been razor for other reasons, but he surely just cut me clean open.

  I held up my hands. “You got it, Razor.”

  “What?” His head reared back then turned and walked around the desk like he was looking for something.

  “You got it.” I nodded my head. “Won’t have to worry about that shit again. I will mind my motherfucking business and stay out of yours. But the feeling is mutual. I no longer want you in mine.”

  “Fuck, Kylie!” He stopped searching and looked up at me.

  “No, fuck Kylie.” I nodded. “Effective immediately, Guardians are no longer my protectors. I’ll hire another company, okay? That way things can remain amicable.”

  I quickly turned to leave, mentally planning my escape. There was a backdoor nears the bathrooms, so I could just leave but he would be right on my heels. However, if I had enough of a head start, I could act like I went into the women’s bathroom, lock the door from the inside, slam it shut and escape out the back.

  And that was exactly what I did after I quickly darted around the corner and texted Shay to meet me with my car.

  Standing on the outside, I could hear Razor banging on the bathroom door.


  “Kylie, open the door!” Razor banged on it several times. “Now!”

  That would keep him busy, but Shay needed to hurry. She had my purse and everything, so there should be no delays.

  It seemed extreme, but I did not give one fuck. That was no business of mine. That motherfucker could kiss my ass.

  “Open this goddamn door or I’m breaking it down!” he yelled.

  By the time I saw my headlights, Razor had started kicking the door. I hopped in the car, and she sped off down the back roads to make sure we weren’t followed.

  “Girl, what happened? We could hear Razor yelling all the way over the music and the noise.” Shay’s eyes were huge as she drove like a mad woman on the Manor roads.

  “Shay, I’m so mad, I could spit. That motherfucker was yelling at me and talking about I don’t have nothing to do with his family and how it wasn’t my place and all this shit.” I turned towards her and said, “He had the fucking nerve to say that shit to me.”

  “Son of a bitch.”

  I hit the dashboard with the heel of my hand. “Son of a bitch is right. I told him that his services were no longer needed, and I’d hire my own people to protect me. Bitch! How is it NOT my place?”

  My entire body was heated from red, hot anger. I wasn’t thinking straight, but I couldn’t stop myself. Impulsive was the word my parents used for me and now it made sense.

  How was it NOT my place?


  Well, fuck him.

  “Take me to Lori’s. If I go to your place or mine, he’ll find me there.”

  “I don’t feel comfortable leaving you there alone. How about I park and we walk together?”

  “Naw, it’ll be cool. I’ll text you every hour to let you know I’m okay.”

  “Uh, I don’t know,” Shay tried to push.

  “Girl, I’m fine. Nobody knows I’ll be there. Not even said stalker.”

  “Fine. Every hour. You hear me?”

  Wrong Answer


  I used my spare key to Lori’s place, which was the extension to her parents’ house, and tried not to turn on too many lights. I then sent Lori a quick text letting her know that I was staying here so if she came home early she wouldn’t be startled.

  As I sat on the sofa, trying to finish rereading my book, I realized my plan was stupid. There was no way I would get any sleep because this place was just as scary as my place. After a while, I finally did doze off until a noise startled me.

  Holy shit, someone was inside of the room with me.

  “Kylie?” A voice whispered as I screamed bloody murder.

  A hand covered my mouth, muffling my cries. I stomped my foot down on theirs and went to pound their balls, but he grabbed my wrist like he knew what was going to happen, thus throwing me off guard. He quickly spun me around, and I started to scream again, until I saw it was Apollo.

  Fucking Apollo.

  “What the fuck, Apollo?!” I yel

  “What the fuck to you. Running off like that. Fuck is wrong with you woman?”

  “Nothing is wrong with me.”

  “Come on,” he said as he grabbed me by the wrist.

  I maneuvered my arm out of his and said, “I’m not going back. If you haven’t heard, you guys are no longer employed to protect me.”

  “Listen, you want to be stupid? Fine by me, you ain’t my old lady. But, sitting in here with a flimsy ass lock between you and God knows what, calling yourself trying to hide, is just plain stupid. Do yourself a favor and stay at Razor’s.”

  “I will not stay at Razors’ and don’t you dare tell him where I’m at!”

  Apollo laughed, “Girl, you fucking around with my man. Yeah, he lost it, but he’s lost in you.”

  “No, you’re wrong!” I snapped. “He just simply lost it and made it quite clear that I had nothing to do with his business.”

  “Yeah, well that ain’t my business. What is my business is your safety. Now, where are you going or where am I dragging your ass?”

  I glared at him, but he wouldn’t be moved. He was the Sergeant-at-Arms for the Guardians, and his sole purpose was to enforce and ensure the safety and security of the club. Apollo didn’t take much from anyone, and people didn’t fuck with him. The man knew surveillance, and he was sharp. Not much passed him which probably explains how he found me.


  “Take me to my parents,” I finally said.

  “Let’s go, or you’ll encounter Razor 4.0 in ten minutes.”

  “What?” I asked.

  “Let’s go. He’s on his way. I’ll call him from the truck.”

  Oh shit.

  We were en route to my parents’ when Apollo hit his cell screen and said, “I got her…she’s fine…demanded to go to her parents…not fighting with your old lady…she almost snatched my balls off…hold on.” Apollo tried to hand me the phone.

  My hands crossed over my chest and I shook my head.

  “She ain’t taking it…okay,” Apollo said and then hung up the phone.

  When I arrived, my dad knew something was wrong. First it was eleven in the evening, and second, I’m sure I looked a bit rattled.


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