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Turning Point

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by BobA. Troutt

  Moses came to a point in his life when he had gone as far as he could go. He stood on the banks of the Red Sea and reached up unto God the Father. God parted the waters and Moses led the children of Israel unto deliverance, upon dry ground.

  Maybe today we are at the end of our ropes. Maybe today we are standing on the banks of the Red Sea. What are we going to do? How long will we be able to hold on? Will we look back or will we push onward? What will we choose to do? Sometimes in life we hang by the rope’s end and are put to the test to see if we’ll be able to hold on (trust in the Lord with all our hearts and walk by faith) or give up (quit and give into the failure of defeat). Or, will we help ourselves and pull up (first calling upon the Lord for our power and strength to overcome). We can help ourselves (do all that we can do in our power to do our part) or we can just hang around feeling sorry for ourselves and expect someone to help us out of our mess (pity party). Life offers us many great lessons to learn in many strange ways. If any man is able to make it through this world we live in, it is only by the grace and mercy of God. From time to time, it will take hanging from the end of life’s rope to endure. But in the end, we will rejoice for the eternal victory lies ahead.

  At times, it may seem like the Lord is a million miles away and we are left alone like the poem “Footprints in the Sand.” Sometimes there comes a time in our Christian walk of faith that we are liken unto the footprints in the sand. Just like Elijah when he stood upon the mount before the Lord and the Lord was not in the wind, the earthquake and not even in the fire. Where was the Lord? He was in the still small voice. A lot of the time when God is silent we are too busy looking for him in the wrong things and we fail to see Him in the small but simple things of our lives. Example: Looking everywhere for Him while He stands right before us. The Lord was not in the wind, earthquake or fire, but He was there just like when He is with us during our trying times when God is silent. There have been times when God was silent that we went ahead on our own and found ourselves in a mess and headed for defeat. But, the hard lessons learned from being impatient and anxious that we learn to seek God continuously and wait upon His will and way. There have also been times when God was silent and we thought we should go one way, but yet God led us in another direction. In such times, we need to learn to seek the Lord for guidance and direction. And this too is a proven fact; the closer we are to the Lord, the clearer we are able to hear the still small voice. And when we are not as close as we should be, we tend to head in the wrong direction. There are times of disgust in our lives when we need the Lord the most and it seems He is farther away. There are the times He said no, along with the times He said, yes. There are the times we figured He would say yes and He said, no. There are the times we want Him to say no, and He says yes. There comes a time in our Christian walk of faith (when God is silent) that we strictly walk by faith with our love and trust totally and completely in Christ. So many times God doesn’t always show us the whole complete picture. At that time, it may not be His will to show us everything. His will may be for us to journey the walk of faith while He watches from afar. Those are the times when we, as born again believers in Christ, must walk by faith, solely by God’s word and through His spirit. We can make it if we will hold true to Christ along our journey and we can endure and overcome those things which lie before us. Sometimes it may seem like the Lord has left us and is a million miles away. But, if we hold true to the Lord He will see us through.

  Stand today on God’s words and promises. Hold fast in His path and be not moved. Walking strictly by faith alone is not always easy to do. But, we can do it because the Lord is still nearby. A lot of times we ask the Lord about some things and He doesn’t always answer right away (sometimes He does). Before He reveals to us his answer we learn of patience, love, trust and longsuffering. The Lord knows best; it is His will and His way. Whom better to trust than the creator of it all? Sometimes we grow impatient, get upset and aggravated when God is silent. We try to rush Him without knowing His will for us. But, we trust Him for the Lord knows best. Sometimes the Lord moves quickly in our lives without hesitation. (Example: Hebrew children and the fiery furnace). It is good to know in our hearts that the Lord is in control. There are times that we seek and search for answers in our lives and it is years later before the unraveling puzzle comes together. A lot of times the answer comes at a point and time in our lives when it is best suited. The children of Israel sighed by reason of bondage and cried. Their cries came up unto God by reason of bondage. God didn’t answer right at that very moment. God was silent until His time and His will to respond. But, He heard Israel’s cry.


  Turning Point

  The Breaking of the Storm

  And the same day, when the even was come, Jesus said, let us pass over unto the other side. Jesus had sent the multitudes away. They took Him in the evening in the ship to the other side. There arose a great storm; the wind and waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. Jesus was asleep in the hinder part of the ship and they awoke him and said, Master carest thou not that we perish. Jesus arose and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea, peace be still. And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. Jesus told the disciples let us pass over unto the other side.

  Time and time again, in your Christian walk of life, the devil will stir up life’s storms against you to try to blow you off your course, drive you back and keep you from going in the direction the Lord has led you to go. How strong and steadfast you are in Christ, how dedicated and determined you are to serve him and how solid and unmovable you are in his love and his word will help you maintain a steady course and an unsinkable voyage. Your obedience in Christ will lead you to stay on the blood bought voyage of victory. The journey may be rough at times. Fortunately, there will be times of smooth sailing along with the times of troubled waters. Don’t abandon ship too quickly, hold on to Christ and He will see you through. Maybe the storms of your life have blown you off course, set you back a bit and maybe your life’s ship is full of trouble. Will you, today, turn to Jesus who can make all the difference in the world? He is your only hope and only way.

  Jesus was asleep in the hinder part of the ship when the storm arose. Notice the disciples waited until the ship was full before they went to Christ. This is so true today. You, a lot of the time, will wait until the last minute to call upon the Lord. If you had turned to Him first, a lot of things probably wouldn’t have happened.

  It was the same day and even was come. You don’t know when to expect life’s sudden storms. Some storms come without warning; they come up suddenly, unexpectedly and find you, a lot of the time, unprepared and not ready. When there are warning signs before the storms, you notice changes and know trouble is coming. This is so true to life for you today. A lot of the times we see trouble ahead but there are those times of sudden unexpected trouble. If you are not careful, you will get knocked off course and pushed back.

  Notice that the storm came against them with all its forceful power and strength. But, the disciples endured because Christ was nearby; He (the great captain or admiral of your life’s ship) was on the boat with them. Even though Christ was in the hinder part of the ship asleep, He was still in control. Let me ask you what ship and admiral you are sailing with today? Is it Jesus Christ the son of the true and living God?

  Mark 4:40

  And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?

  Are the storms of life raging in your life? Jesus said, peace be still. When the even was come, the multitude was gone. Christ was asleep and the disciples may have, I don’t know, been relaxed a bit. Then all of a sudden the storm appeared. This is so true again unto life’s storms. So many times the devil tries to catch you off guard, when you least expect it, to bring you down. By catching you off balance, it is so easy to capsize your ship and cause your ship to wreck and be defeated. The trauma
of life’s storms, sometimes, can be devastating if you do not stay ready and prepared for anything at any time.

  Isaiah 55:6

  Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:

  During the times of the raging storms of life, you should do as the disciples did. Turn to Christ and leave it all in His hands. By having your faith and trust in Him and His promised word, you can find the sincerity and gain the joy in Him and His assured love for you. Do not wait until you are standing on the deck of the ship of life and the raging storm is coming against you with its force of fury before you decide to fight with all your power and strength to find victory. When you recognize the storm, face it with love, faith, trust and obedience in Christ. Call upon him; turn it over to Him completely, surrender it in His hands and hold back nothing. It is then you will find sincerity. In the breaking of the storm through Christ, you shall have liberty and freedom. There will be relief and joy in your heart, mind and soul. There will be gladness in your song.

  Mark 4:41

  And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?

  Some storms of nature are full of rage, destruction and cause a lot of danger. The storms of life are sometimes filled with trouble, sorrow, pain, temptation and trials. Nature’s storms can be little storms or small showers along with some thunder. While in life, too, we have those moments and minor problems that blow over in just a short while. Regardless if you are facing a shower or a major storm in your walk of life what is the most important is how you get through it. In nature’s storms there have been many lives lost, many have suffered and many have walked away without harm. Also in the small showers many have lost their lives and suffered the costs because of neglect. When the dark clouds begin to break up and move away, the sky becomes bright and clear, bringing rest, peace and joy in one’s heart and mind. In Christ, during the breaking of the storm, you will find assurance once again of God’s love for you through His son Jesus. The disciples said unto Christ, Master carest thou not that we perish?

  Mark 4:39

  And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

  Have you the faith to charge Hell with a bucket of water? I believe if it is God’s will, He could take a drop of water out of the bucket and put out all the burning flames of Hell. Can you believe? The just shall live by faith (faith moves God, fear hinders Him). There are two types of fear in the Bible. Fear from the devil that robs, cripples, binds and takes you captive. When Peter was walking on the water, he took his eyes off Jesus. He became afraid and feared God. When Adam and Eve fell in the garden they became afraid and hid themselves from the Lord. Fear is the object of faith. Without faith you cannot please God because God has given everyone a measure of faith.


  Turning Point

  Reaching Up to Touch the Bottom

  There are many of you who have reached the point in your lives where you are reaching up to touch the bottom. How far have you gone? How close to the edge do you have to live before you realize the truth and call on God to set you free? Have you ever waddled in the hog pens of sin, played Russian roulette with fully loaded guns and played the harlot to the world? Have you ever been close to overdosing, about to take your last breath of life, before you reach up unto God with cries of hurt, rejection, suffering and pain? I’m sure most of you have because you had to do it the hard way. Some of you carry sin to its extreme and plunge below life’s bottom which forces you to reach up to touch the bottom.

  Before I accepted Jesus Christ in my heart, my life was a living hell. There was no peace and I was tormented by my sinful life. I was living in a shattered life of hurt, pain and rejection. I had a longing desire to be accepted and loved. I was driven by the rage of anger and bitterness. But, I was controlled by hatred. I waddled in the cesspool of sin until I almost committed suicide. And when I had gone below the bottom in my life, it was then when I looked at myself, reached up to touch the bottom and cried out unto God. There have been a lot of years that have passed since then. I repented of my sins and accepted Jesus in my life. God forgave me; praise God. I praise him for His son, grace, mercy and for hearing my cry as I reached up from the bottom. I want to thank Christ for what He has done in my life and for giving me a chance to obtain peace and happiness.

  Are you like the prodigal son? If you are, you need to come back home to the Heavenly Father. I hope and pray you will not go to the extreme. Don’t wait until you hit the bottom before you ever decide to look up. Playing it too close is dangerous. Sometimes it has been played too close and it was too late to do anything. Death has made its call to some. There are many who have left unprepared.

  Are you, today, reaching up to touch the bottom? Let Jesus help you. Trust Him and let Him set you free. Praise God for your victory and use it to give you the strength to push on. There have been many of you like the prodigal son who has gone out into the world to proclaim your life and its fortune. Sometimes we loose and have to return home. There comes a time in your life that you must choose. That time is when you have gone as far as you can go, below the bottom, and have to reach up to touch the bottom.

  Luke 15:24

  For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry.

  “Nothing in this world stays the same forever; things in this life are subject to change.” Life in this world holds many uncertainties and has no guarantees. Out of all the uncertainties in the world today, life offers one certainty and that is death. Death on the other hand gives you two choices, Heaven or Hell.

  Over the years, times, people, circumstances and situations change. Sometimes adapting to the change for some is a hard thing to do. Some people change with the times (so to speak) and make adjustments with very little difficulty while others have to struggle through it. Some things are easier to accept and adjust to than others. I believe it depends upon the individual and the situation. Some changes are for the good while others are for the worse. I have found that regardless of the two (good or bad), I have learned to trust in the Lord and let Him help me along the way. Sometimes it is a hard thing to do. Sometimes you just don’t see any way out. But in the end, regardless, you will have to trust the Lord. I know that in life I have made some adjustments on my own which was a mistake. I found myself not doing very well at all. But, there have been those times I have prayed and asked God for His help and strength in adjusting my life. When I followed Him, I adjusted better to the change and found a greater peace than ever before (my way). I am one of those people that isn’t very good at accepting changes and adjustments in life (going with the flow).

  You may struggle along life’s road but you have to continue to try even after you make an error. By the help of God and His son Jesus Christ, your Savior, you will get through to the end, overcome and endure. You must first learn that the material things and possessions of this world, regardless how big or small, do not amount to anything in life’s end. It doesn’t even matter if you’re rich or poor. The changes of life and the adjustments that come with change may be a big issue in your life. However, tomorrow they could be worthless. Life has many things to offer, but it will all disappear some day and be unavailable. All things are subject to change. Pick up your cross and follow Him; praise God.

  Starting over is not always an easy thing to do. Starting over is different than giving up. When you start over you must put forth effort. You just lay it down when you give up. Starting over takes strong willpower, devoted dedication and long enduring patience. However, it is not impossible. You can do it if you let the Lord help you. It will be long lasting and durable. For through Christ you can do ALL THINGS. Ever how determined you are will make the task easier. There are probably millions of people who have given up and lost intere
st. They have probably been hurt, discouraged, disheartened and even lost confidence and respect in others. But, totally laying it all aside and giving up is not the way. Your heart may be filled with good intentions but it takes putting forth that first step to get going in the right direction. Taking action on those good intentions will lead you in the right direction. Staying humble and trusting the Lord will pave the way. You may be stronger than others and you might be able to jump back in immediately while others struggle for a long time. Struggling is one of many faults. But, I believe, that is when each individual person has to use the handicap or disadvantage to their benefit; give it to the Lord and enjoy His glory. There have been many times that you may have wanted to give up or become disheartened, discouraged and hurt.

  I Kings 19:4

  But he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers.

  How do you feel about STARTING OVER?


  Turning Point

  Getting it Together

  A lot of the times you are just sailing along life’s way. When everything is well and good, sometimes you become content and satisfied. Then, all of a sudden, the storms of life begin to come against you and your boat begins to rock. As the storm grows worse, the wind blows harder and tosses the boat from side to side. It is then when you call upon Jesus to come and calm the raging, stormy seas of your life. There is strength, power and refuge in the Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. The most important place to be is in his nailed scared hands of love. These same hands can not only heal but bring peace when you put your hands in His. Getting it together with Christ in the raging storms and trying times of this world makes all the difference. Hold tight to Christ as you are tossed about, knocked and banged around by the things of this world. As the devil tries to knock you off your course, be ye steadfast, unmovable and unshakable. Take a firm stand on God’s word and His promise. Take a firm grip of life’s rudder of faith. Keep your eyes upon the cross and ride the storm out. The waves may come against you with full force and cause your feet to slip or be knocked out from under you. But, hold on, hold fast unto Christ, get back up and take another stand only this time, better than before. Getting it together with Jesus makes all the difference in the world. There are times you may feel led to step out upon life’s stormy seas with our eyes upon Jesus to face life and what it has to offer. As long as you keep your eyes and your heart upon Christ, you can endure and overcome its obstacles and its handicaps. Be obedient in Christ and walk in victory through His complete love. Be not afraid; trust in the Lord. Walk not in fear, doubt, or unbelief. Walk in His will and His perfect love. Let not your heart be troubled nor discouraged for the same God who has brought you this far, if you stay close to Him, will see you through.


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