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Turning Point

Page 4

by BobA. Troutt

  It is funny or even odd, I may say, that on death’s bed the last few pieces seem to fall into place and it all opens up to us, whether it is good or bad. I wonder, though, about all the others who have passed on with their pictures undone and pieces of their puzzle lying about everywhere. Who can finish their picture? Who can put together the unused pieces? No one can. Has life been fair to us? Have we been fair to life? Loss can bring great sorrow for who can cheat death.

  Can we pick our life’s puzzle? Can we swap it for another that would make life better? What if we had our puzzle almost finished and some way or another it was knocked off the table and our pieces were scattered everywhere? Do we start over again? Each of us has our own answer. Each of us knows what we need to do and where to turn. Each puzzle of life is different in its own way. There are no two completely alike for we all differ in our choices. However, there are a lot of similarities in our choices, even with total strangers. However, there are still enough differences that we all will stand alone. We may think our life’s puzzle is messed up. But, try looking around at others. I can safely say we will always find someone in worse shape.

  Let me tell you something funny. I have been trying to fit this one piece of my puzzle together and it just will not go anywhere. I have tried it everywhere. However, you know what I have found out? This piece does not even go with my puzzle. It belongs to another box. Someone must have pitched it in my box by mistake. What do you think about that?


  Turning Point

  Stepping off the Path a Step or Two

  Although I may sit upon the hills overlooking the mountain summit, walk along the sandy beaches below or stare into the sunset, it is that which I have learned from the paths I have chosen that has guided me from one point to another. It is only by the times I failed, stumbled and fell along the paths of life I have traveled that I have learned so much. It forced me to press onward or give up. When my weary feet strayed, slipped or even turned me from my straightened path, I endured and overcame the problems and troubles that lied ahead for me. My walk was my heart’s desire. My path of the unknown that lied ahead awaited me with love, fear, victory or defeat. There were times my feet were as the autumn leaves that stirred about on the ground or a whirlwind, twisting, turning and going nowhere. Though my feet treaded upon solid ground and stood firm, bold and brave, my Father was proud. But it was when my feet stepped off the path a step or two into the muddy and watery grave that my Father became sad. With His hands, love and patience, He reached down into the muddy grave and lifted me up again, back onto the path.

  Sometimes life’s burdens seem more than we can bear. The oversized load seems to cause our feet to slip. So, we give in and give up. Or, is it that our desires have changed? Our lives have to be walked by us alone and no one else. We may be with others along the way, but in the end we will stand alone. There will be roads that lie before us that will be crossed, parallel, lead to nowhere and even some dead ends. But, there is only one path that will allow us to endure to the end. However, it is for those that never give up.

  There’s so much to learn and yet we will not learn it all. Hopefully, we will learn what we need so we can endure to the end. There are many snares in this world spun with cobwebs that will lead and guide us off our path. Some of us will overcome, some will struggle, some will patiently wait and some will endure.

  An unstable man walks with one foot on the path and one foot off the path. How can we walk in two directions at the same time lest we be torn apart and our life scattered about? How can we walk in the fog and stay on the path without a light to guide us? Some of us will think we can walk on water, but when the storm sweeps across the sea, we’ll become troubled. We may never walk on water but we can do our very best, which will not be good enough, to keep our feet upon the straight path. I hope that we will all hear Him say, “You have done good, my child.”

  Through the pain that may lie ahead on the roads that enter from left to right, my prayers are that when they may find us our faith shall be there along with the patience and love in our hearts. What shall we do, we might ask? How can we go on? I only say, we have to choose. Some paths climb the highest of mountains, steepest of hills and may lead us to the edge of the blue sky and beyond. What then would we do? I say look up. Some paths may lead us through the darkest of all valleys; the darkness may be so dark we’ll see no hope or glimmer of light. What then do I say? Look up and wait. When the faint light starts driving its way through the darkness and the fear is gone, then the warmth of love will fill our hearts. What do I say? Look up with praise for we are not alone. God is with us. What do we say then once our feet step off the path a step or two? Do we continue on therein? It is far better to turn and go back after a step or two than to walk a mile off the path, turn back and not see the pathway.

  In life we may be lame, cripple and walk with a limp from life’s struggles. It is far better for us to get down and crawl to the end than to stray too far from the sight of the path. Many of us will receive help along the way. Some of us will carry others with our love. Regardless, if we crawl or if we are carried, we shall stand alone. There are those times when the storms of life may wash out the path and wash away the bridges. What do we do, give up? No way, for our walk in this life is by faith. Can we endure without faith? The Father shall make a way for his children, although the muddy water roars across the path and the storm rages. When we are standing at the edge of a washed-out bridge, God will make a way. What do I say? Look up. Although we have endured many miles, fought many battles and struggled every step of the way with problems and troubles lingering about us, we still think about stepping off the path a step or two. What do I say? Don’t give up!


  Turning Point

  Going off the Deep End with no Rope to Grab

  Psalm 121:1

  I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

  Psalm 121:2

  My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

  We all have had the times in our lives of nearly going off the deep end with no rope to grab. Many times in my life, before I came to know Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord, I was so in, of and out of this world that I nearly went off the deep end with no rope to grab. Life pays its toll upon us. Being a sinner, living in sin and having a sinful life will always have its price to pay. There were several times in my life, because of me, when my sin and my life nearly brought me close to going off the deep end. The burdens were so heavy. The problems and troubles within me were so great that I could barely live with myself, much less others. I believe we all, at one time or another, have been too close to the edge or close to going off the deep end. Sure, there are the times we have been shaken, stirred up and angered. We have also had times of resentment, bitterness, hatred and the times we allowed the devil to push us off the edge.

  When I was a sinner, I was miserable inside and out. I saw no hope, way or meaning of life. I let the devil use hatred and bitterness to control me and my life which nearly brought me down in destruction. It was in Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior that I found sincerity and happiness in my life. Yes, I have had those close calls, maybe not as close as some. But, they were devastating to me. I thought about what I had become and where I was headed. It was then that I began to search for my answer through Jesus Christ.

  Some of us will experience suicide while others will only have a close encounter with it. Suicide is not the answer. Dying lost is not the answer or the way out. Accepting Christ as our Savior and Lord of our hearts and lives is the only answer. We may not recognize it right now because we are not able to get a clear picture of it all. We have to pray unto God through His son Jesus, be patient, get our minds off ourselves, wait for the Lord and get in His Holy word before the truth will set us free. Turning to drugs, drinking and so on is a cop out to keep from facing reality. Turning
to Christ as our shepherd and we as His sheep will lead us through this life and keep us from going off the deep end with no rope. Our rope should be Christ. He is our only hope. Christ is our helping hand.

  Psalm 121:1

  I will life up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

  It wasn’t until I gave my heart and life unto the Lord that I found peace. When I found peace with God, my heart was filled with joy. My attitude was of Godly love and compassion and my desire was serving God and going to Heaven. For, I found the true meaning of life in Christ. Sure there have been times as a Christian that it seemed like I was going over the edge and off the deep end. But, it was because I let life, the world and the devil get the best of me. But, now I look up to the hills unto the Lord for He is my fortress, refuge and strength. I do not have to fight the trying times alone or be brought down in defeat. For, I have God the Father, Jesus Christ His son and the Holy Spirit of God dwelling within me to teach, guide and direct the steps of my path, if I will take heed. I know in my heart and spirit that God is my helper, refuge and strength.

  John 16:33

  These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

  Sure we will still have the battles, struggles, temptations and trials. As long as the world stands, we will always have to deal with them. But, with Christ and the Holy Spirit of God, we have already won the victory with faith by believing in the Lord, His son and His word. I know He will bring us through the valleys and storms of this life if we keep our faith, trust, love and obedience in Him. Life has its pits and falls. The devil has his traps and snares. If we are not careful we could easily slip off the deep end without a rope to grab. My prayer is for everyone on the edge who is riding the fence to lift up their eyes unto Christ and give their heart and life unto Him. We need to accept Him, grab hold of the rope of faith, believe and be set free. That will allow us to have joy in our hearts, peace of mind and rest for our souls.

  John 14:27

  Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

  I was going off the deep end with no rope to grab. I had nowhere to look but up.

  Proverbs 3:5

  Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

  Proverbs 3:6

  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

  Many times we lean to our own understanding and build up false hopes that let us down in defeat. The devil pulls the rug out from under us. We fail to seek God’s will and guidance. We tend to do what we want and what we think is best for us. Sometimes the Lord allows it to be to teach us a lesson. Many times our judgment and understanding does not always measure up to what’s best for us. It is so easy to get entangled in the I want, mine and got to have it. We so easily look beyond the true understanding of it all unto our selfishness. If we are not very careful, we can easily leave God out of some very important decisions, needs and desires in our lives that could bring a long term victory for us that would be beneficial to us in the coming times ahead.

  Isaiah 55:8

  For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

  Isaiah 55:9

  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

  Our thoughts are not His thoughts. That is why it is so important for us to seek the Lord and His will. We need to be patient and wait upon God to lead us through by His spirit. His spirit will only lead us in truth. It will not mislead us. We may, at times, not always hear or understand right off when the Lord is speaking to us. But, if we will be patient with ourselves and with God, our answers will come. That is why it is so important to stay close to the Lord at all times so we will know His understanding and not be so eager to lean on our own understanding and be brought down by false hope into defeat and despair. If we are a born again believer in Christ, we will know when we hear the Lord speak and when we are listening to ourselves. We have to examine it, search it out and line it up with God’s word; double check it and take nothing for granted. If it is God we will know it. Building up false hopes and leaning on our own understanding is an easy thing to do. Many times we think within ourselves. Discouragement is one of the strongest weapons the devil uses against us. It hurts, wounds and cripples. Building up false hope and being let down can sometimes wreck even a steady person. The higher our hopes, the more anxious and eager we are. A lot of the time, the downfalls and disappointments are so powerful it causes us to want to throw up our hands and quit. The devil will set us up if we will listen to him. If we are not careful, he will take us high upon the mountain and then push us over the cliff. We have to stay close to Jesus and stay where we need to be. Being humble, patient, sincere, honest and obedient will help us know the blessed will from God. It will be real, true, honest and blessed. It will also stir our hearts and do what it needs to do for us. Praise God! Leaning to our own understanding and basing things in our lives upon false hope and not trusting and relying on the Lord will lead our life down a rough road.

  Psalm 37:3

  Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.

  Psalm 37:4

  Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

  Psalm 37:5

  Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.


  Beyond the Truth

  A Cry in the Wind

  Thistles and Thorns

  Dead Limbs and Leaves

  Troubled Waters

  When Autumn Falls

  When Time Was


  Sycamore Tales

  Stepping Out on a Limb

  Odds n Ends


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