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Broken Pieces (The Broken Series Book 4)

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by Heather D'Agostino

  I smiled as I began heading for the steps up to my apartment and only looked back once to see him watching me. He stayed right beside his Rover as I climbed the stairs and disappeared inside.

  “Did you have fun?” My mother’s voice sounded from behind me causing me to jump.

  “Shit Mom!” I clutched at my chest. “You scared the crap outta me.”

  “Did you tell him about Caleb?” She placed her hands on her hips, already knowing the answer to her questions.

  “Yes, I had fun, and I will tell him…soon.” I tossed my purse on the couch.

  “He needs to know what he’s getting into here sweetie,” my mom sighed.

  “He’s nice Mom… too nice.” I toed off my shoes as I began heading toward my bedroom.

  “Ally,” my mom warned.

  “Can we not do this now?” I groaned. “I had a nice time. Please don’t take that away tonight. I’ll tell him, promise. Thanks for your help,” I called as I closed my door. I waited a few seconds, and then I heard the telltale sound of my front door closing as my mother left for the night.

  I would tell Joey about Caleb. Once I thought we were in a place where he’d need to know, but right now, I needed to see if this was going somewhere. I needed to see if I liked him for him, or for who he reminded me of.

  Chapter 6


  It’s been three months since mine and Joey’s first date. He still doesn’t know about Caleb, and I’m terrified to tell him. We’ve been out twice since then, met up at the gym multiple times, and I’m supposed to have dinner at his place tonight. He’s so nice, and nothing like the guys that I usually date, and I just know that when I tell him that I have a kid, it’s going to push him away. I haven’t lied about it, but I’ve made sure that I stay away from any topic that would cause me to slip up and tell him. My mother has been on my case since that first night, and I honestly think that if I hadn’t promised her that I would tell him tonight, she would have stopped babysitting for me.

  “So you’re really coming over?” Joey smiled as he adjusted the weights on the machine I was using. He wasn’t a trainer, but I’d pretty much begged him to help me. It had been slow, so he was able to leave the desk. Most days he watched from afar while I worked out alone.

  “I’m still invited, right?” I teased as I sat down.

  “Of course,” he scoffed. Before he could continue, the door chimed alerting him of a customer. “I gotta get that. Don’t leave without telling me bye.” He winked as he turned and left me there stewing in my thoughts.

  I was so dead. Here I was falling for this guy. He was perfect. Sweet, caring, and honest from what I could tell. He’d make the perfect father, and I was hiding a major part of me from him. How was I ever going to explain this in a manner that he would understand? How was I going to justify keeping Caleb a secret?


  After I got home that afternoon, I spent the rest of day playing trucks with my son. He was just trying to start standing, and I could see the determination to walk written all over his face. I knew when he finally figured it out I was going to be in trouble. He already got into everything, now I’d be chasing him. Luckily, my apartment was small, so he wouldn’t get too far.

  “Hey, buddy.” I smiled as he pushed a small blue truck across the carpet. “Mommy’s going out tonight so you get to stay with Grandma again, ok?” I felt bad leaving him, but Caleb didn’t seem to notice as he rammed the truck into the leg of the coffee table. “She’s coming over to get you and take you to her place.” I rubbed his back. I think the idea of him staying overnight was what bothered me so much. My mom had offered without me asking if he could stay. I think she knew that things with Joey were moving in that direction, and she wanted to help in any way she could. She knew I was working up the courage to tell him about Caleb too.

  I think he must have sensed my worry because he turned and abandoned his truck to crawl into my lap. His chubby little arms squeezed me as he buried his face in my chest and grinned. I hugged him back and sighed. I loved this little guy so much, and after thinking about Angie, it made me realize how much Caleb’s father was missing. Would I ever find him? If I did, would he care that he missed this special part with his son? I tried to remember everything. Caleb did so much, and time seemed to be passing so quickly. Before long, he would be this little boy, and not a baby anymore.


  It took me a minute to get out of my car after I parked in front of Joey’s building. He lived in a brownstone in the Beacon Hill district, which floored me. This was not a cheap place to live, and I had no idea how a twenty-one-year-old gym rat could afford the place.

  I took a few deep breaths and checked my make-up in the mirror one last time before opening my door. I tipped my head back and stared at the darkening sky as I mumbled over and over how I was going to tell him tonight. He was a nice guy, and I couldn’t keep doing this. He’d probably hate me, but I had told myself that I wasn’t going to sleep with him until he knew.

  “Hey! Do you plan on coming inside or staring at the sky all night?” Joey called as he leaned out the door. I laughed as I shook my head. We were getting there… to that place where we could tease each other. I’d been biting my tongue for some time now and couldn’t wait to unleash the real Ally.

  “I was thinking.” I narrowed my eyes on him.

  “You were, huh?” His voice got louder as he stepped outside and stood on the steps in just jeans and a tee. His feet were bare, and I’d be lying if I said he didn’t look edible. “About what?”

  “If I could afford you.” And there it was… my quick wit.

  “Huh?” He gripped the back of his neck and laughed in confusion. I used my hip to close the car door and slung my purse up onto my shoulder before skipping toward his front steps. “Do you charge by the hour?”

  “Are you really asking me if I’m a gigolo?” He chuckled again.

  “Maybe, is it true?” I smiled. “Does all that muscle make up for a lack up there?” I pointed to his head.

  “Are you calling me dumb?” He let his chin drop and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “I call ‘em like I see ‘em,” I shrugged as I pushed past him and into the apartment.

  “I am not dumb.” He shook his head before closing the door. I jumped when I heard it shut, and before I knew it, he was standing in front of me. “I graduated with a 4.0, thank you very much.” He moved closer as I stepped back. I felt my butt press into the wall behind me, but Joey kept moving closer.

  “What was it in? Basket weaving?” My voice was amused as I watched his eyes darken. We’d yet to do this: push each other. He’d always been the gentleman, but we were in his domain now, and I was dying to see what he would do.

  “I’m good with my hands, and if you don’t stop testing me, you’re going to find out just how good,” he growled as his face moved closer to mine. His nose was almost touching mine, and I could feel his chest heaving as he tried to control his breathing. His hips pressed into me, and I could feel exactly what he was packing under those low-slung jeans.

  “What’s for dinner?” I curled my lips on one side as I nibbled my lower lip.

  “Fuck dinner,” he hissed as he pressed me harder into the wall and descended on my mouth.

  It was a brutal kiss that I’m sure was going to leave a mark, but I hadn’t seen him totally lose it before, and this was such a turn-on. His hips pressed forcefully into mine as his arms caged my upper body between him and the wall. His head slanted as his tongue forced its way into my mouth, and our teeth clashed together. I groaned as my hips pushed forward against his erection causing him to moan. All thoughts of telling him about Caleb before we went there flew out the window as Joey’s arms slipped around my lower back and descended to lift me into his arms.

  “What about dinner?” I panted as I started to pull back.

  “I want dessert first,” he murmured as he began attacking my neck with little kisses. My hands lifted to grip
his hair as he turned and began stumbling up the steps blindly.

  It didn’t take long before we’d made it into his room. He lowered me onto the bed and climbed on his hands and knees over me. “I can’t put this off anymore. I want you so bad. Fuck, Ally. I need you. Do you feel that?” He gripped my wrist and pressed my palm against where his cock was fighting to be freed from his jeans. “I need to be inside you. You’re so beautiful and funny and smart and fucking amazing.” He peppered kisses along the collar of my shirt as he praised me.

  “Whoa,” I gasped as I pushed gently against his shoulder. “Slow down,” I panted.

  “What?” He froze and his head jerked back before his eyes connected with mine. “I’m sorry.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “I shouldn’t have pushed so fast.” He sighed before letting his head hang and muttering something to himself.

  “No, it’s not that.” I lifted my hand to cup his cheek. “I just don’t want to rush this.” I slowly lifted my head and pressed my mouth to his. “I’m not stopping you, just slowing down,” I whispered against his lips. “Promise.” I kissed him again.

  The truth was I probably should have stopped us. There was so much left unsaid, but I was turned on; he was a great guy, and I couldn’t bring myself to come out of the fantasy long enough to care that I might be causing us more heartbreak in the long run.

  Joey tenderly removed my shirt and pants before going to work on his own, and as we laid there bare to one another, we just stared into each other’s eyes. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered as he tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear. “How did I find someone like you?”

  I’m wondering the same thing, buddy, I thought to myself as I closed my eyes and got lost in the moment.

  I could feel his hands everywhere as he touched and caressed me. He was worshiping my body and my heart fluttered at the thought. No man had ever taken the time to treat me this way, but I’d also never taken the time to truly get to know them. Most left after this point in the relationship, and it terrified me to think that Joey would leave too.

  “So beautiful,” he whispered as he lifted himself off me. The cool air of the room blew across my stomach as the bed shifted. I could hear him fumbling around, but I refused to open my eyes. I wanted this to last. I didn’t want to face reality. I heard the foil of the wrapper rip as he sheathed himself before the bed dipped again. “Look at me, Ally.” His voice was commanding. “I wanna see your eyes when I do this.”

  I blinked a few times as I let my eyes flutter open before feeling him slide into me. He groaned and my chest tightened at the thought of what he was doing. This wasn’t about getting laid for him. Feelings were involved here, and my heart seized at knowing this.

  He leaned down to kiss me, and I lifted my legs to wrap them around his waist. He sunk deeper and rocked his hips, slowly speeding up his rhythm. I didn’t know how long it had been for him, but eight months was a long time for me. To feel him against me like that sent the fireworks off, and in a matter of minutes, I could feel every part of me tightening in preparation for the orgasm that he was keeping right below the surface.

  “I wanna see you come. Open your eyes. Look at me, Ally.” His voice was strained, and when I connected my gaze with his, we both tumbled into oblivion together. His thrusts became hurried and choppy, and my back arched just as he released a deep groan and collapsed on top of me.

  The weight of his body was a welcome feeling. It made it real, and I couldn’t stop the small tear that leaked from the corner of my eye. How was I going to tell him about Caleb? How could I do that now, but how could I not?

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” He rolled, pulling me with him and tucking me into his side.

  “Nothing,” I shook my head and sniffed, brushing my emotional moment under the rug. “It’s nothing.”

  “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He started checking me over. The only part hurting right now was my heart, and you couldn’t see that from the outside.

  “No, I’m fine. Really. Well, a little hungry maybe,” I laughed, trying to lighten the moment.

  “That I can fix.” He grinned as he started to sit up. “How’s pizza?”

  “I thought you were going to cook for me?” I wrinkled my nose. “All I’m good for is takeout?” And there you go, the wit was back and all the deep emotional shit from before was pushed aside.

  “Of course, you’re good enough to cook for. I just got sidetracked. Pizza would be faster. I can cook if you really want me too.” He kept backpedaling, and I fought to keep a straight face.

  I wasn’t able to keep it up for long before I burst into laughter. “Pizza’s fine.”

  “Really?” He looked at me like he wasn’t sure if I was being honest or not.

  “Yes.” I swatted his chest. “I’m just giving you a hard time. I like it hard, you know?”

  “You won’t be getting pizza either if you keep that up,” he chuckled as he rocked himself to a sitting position. He stood, walked over to his dresser, and began rummaging through it. After tugging on a pair of sweatpants sans boxers, he tossed me a big t-shirt. “In case you want to stay awhile.” He smiled as he eyed where it landed beside me.

  “Is this your way of asking me to stay the night?” I giggled. Caleb was with my mom, but Joey and I hadn’t discussed me staying over. I’d hoped, but not counted on it.

  “Maybe,” he shrugged. “I’m gonna order the pizza. Come downstairs whenever you’re set. Bathroom’s in there if you need it.” He pointed to a closed door across the room.

  “Thanks. I’ll be down in just a sec.” I scurried into the bathroom with the shirt clutched firmly in my hand. Once inside, I ran my fingers through my hair, and gave myself a little pep talk in the mirror. I knew I’d chicken out at least two more times before I told him, but every little bit of ‘you can do this’ helped.

  After tugging on the shirt he gave me, I went in search of my panties. It was then that I truly saw his room. It was beautiful. The bed was a massive thing that looked more like a throne. Several large windows, adorned with dark heavy curtains, ran along one side of the room. On the wall opposite the bed was a huge flat screen TV. It had to be at least sixty inches. The carpet was plush and squished between my toes when I walked across it. It still baffled me that someone working at McKay’s could live somewhere like this. I didn’t know if he grew up with money, but this lifestyle seemed to lean that way. Joey hadn’t really told me much about his family, and I wasn’t sure why. He always got this angry look on his face when I’d ask him anything. Tonight, I was hoping to get to his secrets just as I was going to give him mine.


  “I hope you like sausage and mushroom.” He smiled when I came tiptoeing down the stairs.

  “Sure. I eat about anything.” I sat beside him. He was lounging on the couch, flipping through the channels on another massive TV.

  “Can I ask you something?” I decided now was the time to get brave as I snuggled into his side.

  “Sure,” he shrugged without looking at me before lifting his arm to wrap it around my shoulders. I could hear his heart thundering away in his chest, and the warmth of his bare skin was soothing.

  “Do you have a rich uncle or something?” I was trying to keep things light, but the quality of the things he owned was baffling: A Range Rover, a brownstone in one of the ritziest neighborhoods of Boston, and now all these nice things inside it.

  He stiffened slightly, but before I could apologize, he muttered, “My brother bought it for me.”

  “What?” I gasped.

  “My brother… he plays football,” he sighed. “Go ahead… ask. I know you want to.”

  His arm loosened like he expected me to pull away from him, but I only snuggled closer. “I don’t know what to ask,” I whispered. “Why didn’t you tell me you had a brother?”

  “All my life, I’ve dealt with girls who only wanted to be around me because of him. He’s older, according to them he’s better looking, famous, rich, do I
need to continue?” he scoffed. “I’ve lived in his shadow my entire life.”

  “What do mean famous?” I glanced up to see this pained look on his face.

  “He’s a tight end for the New England Nationals,” he huffed. “He was drafted right after college. He’s friends with Wes. That’s how I got the job.” He shook his head slightly. “I don’t want to talk about him.”

  “Do you not get along or something?” I placed my hand on his chest, and he jumped slightly.

  “I want to talk about you. I feel like you’re hiding something. You never invite me up when I drop you off. What’s going on?” He cupped my cheek.

  “Nothing,” I pulled back. He’d never let on that he was questioning me before, and I didn’t like the way this conversation was going. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

  “Something’s bothering you. I’m good at reading people, and my gut has been screaming at me that you’re hiding something.” His eyes softened as he watched me for a reaction. “Is there someone else?”

  “What?” I screeched. “Do you really think I’m the kinda girl that would do what we just did if there was someone else?” I was hurt that he even thought that.

  “No, I don’t.” He tried to pull me in for a hug.

  “You’re right though.” I swallowed, prepared to lay it all out there. “There is something. I have…” The doorbell rang right then, saving me for a few more seconds.

  “Hold that thought. Pizza’s here,” he huffed as he rose from the couch to grab his wallet and answer the door.

  When he opened it though, my entire world began to spin out of control. “What’s up, fucker?” A deep voice that sounded way too familiar called out from the doorway.

  “What are you doing here?” Joey sounded annoyed.

  “Nice to see you too. Just got back from a road game. Went home, but I’m too wired. I figured I’d come hang with my little bro, Bro.” I could hear the telltale signs of the two smacking each other on the back and then footsteps.

  “I’m kinda busy,” Joey growled stiffly.


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