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Broken Pieces (The Broken Series Book 4)

Page 8

by Heather D'Agostino

  After parking in the parking deck next to the hotel, I grabbed my things and made my way inside. Angie had sent me a text alerting me to the room they were in, and as the elevator made its way up to the suites, I bounced on my toes. When I reached Angie’s door, I knocked vigorously.

  I could hear her feet on the other side as they padded up and paused before she flung open the door. “Hey!” She giggled as she stood there, and you could tell how happy she was.

  “I wanna see this baby.” I shoved my way around her, completely ignoring the fact that she was standing right there. I rushed over to the bed and scooped up a cooing Riley before turning to grin at Ang.

  “Nice to see you too,” she grumbled.

  “I’ve seen you dozens of times,” I giggled. “I haven’t met this little girl yet.” I smiled down at Riley before noticing Maddie sitting on the bed. “Hi,” I smiled at Maddie. “I’m Ally.”

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Maddie.” Maddie smiled as she shifted to make room for me to sit down.

  “So you’re the girl that’s got Cole so twisted up,” I grinned as Maddie blushed. “Don’t worry.” I smacked the bed before diverting my eyes back to Riley. “I won’t do anything to embarrass you. I’m saving that for her.” I tipped her head in Angie’s direction.

  “Ignore her,” Angie rolled her eyes as she lowered herself beside the two of us. “She thinks she owns him.”

  “Well back in the day,” I trailed off on a sigh.

  “She had a thing for my brother. She was relentless, but he never gave her a chance.” Angie shrugged as Maddie visibly relaxed.

  “You should meet Erin,” Maddie chimed in. “You two are cut from the same cloth.”

  “She’s hot like me,” I pointed to my chest after handing Riley off. I kept my face stoic before bursting into laughter.

  “Yeah, you two definitely need to meet,” Maddie giggled.

  “So are you going to turn the TV on?” I shifted on the bed. I reached over and grabbed the bag I’d carried in with our supplies and began lifting things out of it. “I brought some things for the fight, but we can start in on it now while they do the pre-fight interviews.”

  “You didn’t,” Angie grinned as I handed her a pint of Rocky Road.

  “Did you really think that I would come all this way to watch this, on TV I might add, and not bring our provisions? Shame on you.” I wagged my finger at her. “I wasn’t sure what you’d want.” I shrugged as I looked over at Maddie. “So I have two more. Do you want Chocolate Swirl or Toffee Crunch?”

  Maddie shrugged. “I’m good with either.”

  “Back in the day, we all shared.” Angie picked up Riley and began to carry her into the other room. She pulled the door separating the two rooms to a crack before turning to grin at me. “Got any spoons, or are we eating with our fingers?”

  I leaned over and grabbed a plastic spoon before turning to fling one at her, “Smart ass,” I grumbled. We each then grabbed a container and peeled the lids off.

  “Thanks,” she sighed as she shoveled a spoonful of chocolate into her mouth.

  “No problem. Now turn on the TV so we can watch that man of yours.” I motioned to the TV across the room with my spoon as I stuffed ice cream into my mouth. She stood, flicked it on, and flipped to a local sports station. The first person that popped up on the screen was none other than that bitch Vicki, Wes’s ex.

  Victoria was hanging on the arm of a heavily tattooed man. His arms were well-defined, and a black Under Armour shirt stretched tight across his chest. She was dressed in a red pants suit, and her hair was pulled back in a low ponytail.

  “I can’t stand that bitch,” Angie muttered as she continued to shove ice cream into her mouth.

  “Just wait.” I placed my hand on her knee in a show of support. “Wes is going to shut them up.”

  “Am I missing something here?” Maddie’s voice was timid.

  “Long story short,” Angie sighed. “She ruined Wes’s career. She spread all kinds of rumors causing him to lose his sponsors, and pretty much ran him out of the sport.”

  “Oh, wow,” Maddie gasped.

  “Yeah,” I mumbled.

  When we directed our gaze back to the TV, Victoria was rambling on about how Linc was going to win the Showcase, he was ranked number one, and he wasn’t worried about Weston McKay. Where Wes had experience, he had strength. It was odd. Vicki knew everything about Wes. She made sure to bring up every sordid detail about his past. She failed to mention that it was her doing, and he didn’t do the things that he was accused of. The next thing that popped on the screen made my stomach drop. A photo of Cole and Wes along with some other guy named Richard flashed up. It was taken at what looked like a club, and you could clearly see that they were in an altercation. The reporter speculated about the photo while making sure to announce that Richard had been found dead the next morning.

  “You ok?” Angie glanced at Maddie as images of Richard’s body being pulled out of the harbor flashed up on the screen.

  “Yeah,” she nodded. “I actually feel better knowing that he’s not around anymore.” I glanced at them in confusion. I wasn’t sure how it all tied together yet, but it seemed that Maddie was tied tighter to this group than I’d originally thought.

  “He was like my dad,” Angie clarified before she nodded and went back to staring at the TV.

  Wes was now on the screen trying to answer questions, but it seemed that no one wanted to talk about the fight. They wanted him to admit that he’d done something wrong, which wasn’t the case. The reporter kept hammering him about the drug use that he was accused of, and the more he denied it the more they pushed. Finally, he’d had enough, and he shoved his way past them all. The camera zoomed in on his back as he stalked away with Mike, his trainer, hot on his heels before panning over to Vicki, smirking as she stood beside Linc. She knew exactly what was going to happen at that interview. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’d leaked the information about Richard. Heck, she may have been the one to find the photo they had.

  “Oh my god!” Angie balled her hands into fists beside her hips and slammed them into the mattress. “I hate her so much!”

  “Calm down,” I soothed. “When he wins—” I pointed at the screen and waited to get her attention— “that will show them all.”

  “If he wins,” she mumbled as she looked down at her lap.

  “You can’t think like that.” I pushed her gently from behind. “You said he’s been working his ass off lately.”

  “He has.” She shrugged. “Physically, he’s ready. It’s the mental part that worries me. I don’t want him to get out there and start to doubt himself.”

  “He won’t,” Maddie smiled. “Cole will help keep his head in this.”

  “I hope so.” She stuffed another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.


  Wes won his fight, and we celebrated in the room until he came back that evening. It was almost dark when he ambled through the door and took in the room. We’d kinda made a mess. There were empty food containers piled everywhere, and we’d balled up napkins at some point and had thrown them at each other.

  “What the hell is this?” He narrowed his eyes and pointed at the floor that was currently covered in white paper balls.

  “We were celebrating,” I shrugged. “Stop being such a grown-up.” I rolled my eyes as I watched his head drop back as he took a few deep breaths.

  “This is why you shouldn’t hang out with her,” he grumbled as he dropped his bag and made his way over to where Angie was trying to hold in her laughter.

  “I can hear you, you know?” I narrowed my eyes at him as I reached over, grabbed a wadded up napkin, and flung it at his head, hitting him right by the ear.

  “I’m gonna go down to our room,” Maddie mumbled as she grabbed her things and scurried around us toward the door. I think we scared her a little with our antics. Angie and I could get a little crazy.

  “See ya later,” I waved as I
turned to face Wes, and placed my hands on my hips. “I need to talk to you, but I’m not sure if you’re going to be on my side here.”

  Wes sighed as Angie laughed before he slowly turned and made his way over to a chair. “You just accosted me with a napkin. Why should I help you?” He folded into the chair as he watched me.

  “Because the jerk I want to talk about is your friend.” I twisted my hands in my lap. “She told you, didn’t she?” I tipped my head toward Ang.

  “Told me what?” he asked at the same time Angie slowly shook her head. I guess couples didn’t share everything.

  “Caleb’s dad is Carsen Malloy.” I closed my eyes as I mumbled the words and then looked right at him. His mouth dropped open, and he blinked a few times before he shook his head.

  “Wait a minute.” He shook it again. “I must have gotten hit harder than I thought. Did you say Carsen’s the dad?”

  “I did,” I nodded. “It’s so fucked up.” I looked past him and out the window as I began going through exactly what happened. How I found out who Carsen was, how I told him, how Joey won’t call me back and how Carsen showed up demanding to see Caleb. “What should I do?” I pleaded. I kinda already knew what he was going to say, but I needed to hear it.

  “You need to let him see his son. You need to sit down and talk to him. What exactly do you want from him? Do you want him to help take care of Caleb? Do you want money from him? His time? He’s out of town for games more than he’s home.” Wes stood up and pulled at his hair. “I can’t believe he did something like that,” he muttered.

  “What? Like being with me is so terrible?” I stood and my voice rose in anger. Wes and I fought like siblings, but I thought he’d be on my side here. He was raising Riley, and she wasn’t his.

  “That’s not what I meant. He’s had women after him since college. He’s never had trouble getting laid, if you know what I mean. I can’t believe he’d be careless enough to not wrap it.” He shook his head.

  “We weren’t really thinking clearly that night,” I mumbled as he chuckled lightly.

  “Well, Carsen is nice guy, but he has been used so many times that’s he developed quite the hard exterior. If you can get past the vibrato, you won’t find anyone that’s more loyal. He’ll take care of Caleb in ways that you didn’t even know you wanted until you experience it. You’ve gotta be able to take his barbs though. He’s not going to give up about wanting to see his son. He was raised by good parents and has always been close with his family. Give him a chance.” Wes turned to face me, and I could see that he was trying to make me understand that Carsen wasn’t the ass that I’d seen lately. “As far as Joey goes, I don’t know what to tell you there. He’s a nice guy, but doesn’t really hang in our circles. He’s a lot younger than Carsen and me. I only know him through Carsen’s insistence that I give him a job. I know there’s been some sibling rivalry in the past, but I haven’t heard about any recent issues. Joey’s a hard worker, too honest at times. I know he was in a long term relationship a while back, but I haven’t seen him with anybody in a long time.”

  “You’re not a lot of help,” I grumbled.

  “What do you want me to say? I’m trying to be the adult here. You need to let Carsen into Caleb’s life. Start there. Talk to Joey and tell him about Caleb and his brother. Be honest. Lay it all out there. You’ll end up where you’re meant to be. I did.” He smiled softly as he shuffled over to Angie and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, and I could feel the tears gathering in the corners of my eyes. I wanted that. I wanted what they had.

  “All right you two. I don’t need to see you go at it or anything. Have fun tonight. I’m going to enjoy my time with Riley,” I groaned as they started kissing right there across the room.

  “Wait, what?” Angie pulled back.

  “Lover boy didn’t tell you? He’s taking you out. I’m watching the kid.” I shrugged as I made my way over the door that lead into the room where Riley was sleeping. “Have fun.” I waved my fingers in a teasing manner.

  After slipping into the room and checking on Riley, I dug my phone out of my purse to send Carsen a text.

  Ally: Meet me at the park on Maple View tomorrow at 3. We’ll talk.

  I quickly hit send before grabbing my PJs and making my way into the bathroom. Riley was still fast asleep, and I was in desperate need of a long hot soak in the tub.

  Chapter 11


  When I first saw the text, it took me a minute to process that it was real. I’d been trying so hard to control my anger and surprise over the entire situation, and now she was actually giving me what I’d asked for. Joey and I hadn’t talked since I stormed out of his house, and after that last conversation, I had a feeling that our relationship was forever changed. I had what he wanted, only this time I wanted it too. In the past, I would have had no issues with backing off and giving it to him, but this was my son we were talking about.

  I knew the way I went about telling him the news was wrong, but I’ve been betrayed so many times in the past that I don’t trust anyone anymore. All I could see was the two of them laughing at my expense, and the thought made me see red. Now, the only choice I had was to take this one step at time. She was letting me meet him, and then I could go from there. I’d never thought about having kids. Hell, I never thought about getting married. I was perfectly happy living the single life, at least that’s what I told myself each morning when I woke up to an empty bed.


  It took me all of ten minutes to get ready to meet Ally and Caleb at the park. It was only a few blocks from my house, and I’d been up since early in the morning. When I arrived, I stayed in my car and watched them from a distance. I spotted Ally right away with her chocolate hair waving in the breeze. It was a cool fall day, and I yearned for winter and the break I’d get. Don’t get me wrong, I love playing football, but the long hours of practice piled onto days at a time away can get grueling at times.

  Ally was standing near a swing set gently pushing a little boy. His legs would kick rapidly each time she pushed him forward. I couldn’t hear him since my windows were up, but I assumed that he was laughing based on the way his head kept leaning back. They were both dressed in jeans and light jackets, only Caleb was wearing what appeared to be a baseball cap. I sat there for probably twenty minutes before I finally pushed open my car door. My feet felt like lead weights as I slowly trudged across the soft grass and fallen leaves. I had a small nerf football clutched in one hand and was balling my other into fist as I tried to calm my nerves. I never got like this, not even before a big game.

  “Hi.” My voice was tentative as I approached them. I felt so bad about the way things had gone between us during our previous encounters, and I wasn’t sure how she would react to me today.

  Ally’s head turned in my direction before turning back to face the swing. “Hi,” she muttered.

  “I deserve that,” I sighed as I ran my hand over my face. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled.

  “Well, that’s a start,” she snapped as she pushed Caleb higher.

  “Isn’t that a little high?” I pressed my lips together as soon as the words slipped out, and I knew by the look she gave me I’d made a mistake.

  “Are you trying to tell me how to push my son?” Her voice was hard, and the look in her eyes told me to shut up. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and then blew it out slowly before grabbing the chains on the swing to slow it.

  “No.” I fumbled with the football in my hand before stepping back. I watched her lift Caleb out of the swing and prop him on her hip. She turned and motioned toward a bench where a stroller was parked.

  “Come on,” she called over her shoulder, setting me in motion. I walked over to where she was as she buckled him in. Caleb was not having it though and began fighting her to get out. “We’re gonna take walk now. You’ve got to sit.” She was begging him to behave, but I guess he was standing up for

  “Doesn’t seem like he wants to do that,” I mumbled and she glared up at me. Using this chance to show her how wrong she was about me, I kneeled down beside him. “Hey, buddy.” Caleb stopped fidgeting almost immediately and stared at me with wide eyes. It hit me like a ton of bricks when our eyes connected. It was as if I was looking at a mirror image of myself as a baby. I swallowed a few times as I watched him. His brow furrowed as he lifted his hand and stuffed the first two fingers in his mouth.

  “I brought this for you.” I held out the small Nationals ball and glanced at Ally at the same time. I had hoped that she wouldn’t mind, but I didn’t know what the protocol was for this. Caleb reached out tentatively as he stared at me. His lips curled into a smile around his fingers, and once he had a grip on the ball, he hugged it to his chest. “You like that, huh?” I watched in amazement as this little person stared at me before Ally broke me out of my trance.

  “Let’s walk on the trail by the pond. He likes looking at the birds down there.” She turned the stroller and began pushing it toward the path.

  “I can do that,” I called as my feet began moving after her.

  “It’s fine,” she growled but then sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m trying here.” Her eyes peered up at mine, and I saw what looked like fear.

  “You’re a great mom,” I reassured her.

  “Thanks,” she shrugged as we walked along the path.

  I don’t know how long we walked before she caught me off guard. “What do you want from me?”

  “Excuse me?” I was shocked by her question.

  She swallowed. “I talked to Wes the other day. He says I need to tell you what I want, to be honest with you. I’m trying to do that.” She inhaled deeply before she turned to look up at me. We’d stopped by the pond, and I noticed Caleb had fallen asleep. “I really did try to find you.” Her voice was quiet. “When I found out I was pregnant, I went back to the bar and looked for you. At first, I went every day, but as time passed, I dropped back to once a week, and then once a month. By the time he arrived, I’d all but given up. I convinced myself that you weren’t real, that I’d made you up in my head and the real guy didn’t look like you.”


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