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The Dragon Shifter’s Babies

Page 13

by T. S. Ryder

  He scanned the faces of the girls in the hallway, but didn’t recognize any of them. They looked like duplicates, thin blonde girls with long straight hair, black eyeliner and matching short skirts with tall boots. None of them were Michelle. Her dark skin, curly hair, and fantastically curvy physique would have stood out from that crowd.

  He smiled and waved at the girls, but turned away without letting any of them in. The house was already crowded and if there were too many people the cops would show up, declare the whole party a fire hazard and kick everyone out,

  Cain wasn’t ready for the party to be over. The whole party was just an excuse to see Michelle out of the office. Nothing he had tried before had worked. He had offered to take her to the nicest restaurants in town, fully-paid vacations anywhere she wanted to go, shopping trips, even the movies, but she had always responded with a smile and a no.

  So he was her client. So what? He didn’t care. She was interesting and enticing and smart. She was funny and hot. She was so very, very hot. Every woman Cain met fell at his feet, everyone but her. He could see that she liked him. She liked their flirty interactions, but something was holding her back. He was hoping to find out what it was at this party.

  “Why so glum, chum?” his friend and trainer, Brock Thaddeus, asked as he wrapped his arm around Cain’s neck and squeezed before letting go. “Looking for someone?”

  “No,” Cain said shaking his head.

  “Good, because there is plenty of talent here,” he watched a girl shimmy on the dance floor, her skirt rising dangerously up her legs as she moved. Cain nodded, there were a lot of beautiful women here, but the one he wanted was still missing.

  No one knew about his feelings for Michelle. Cain Samson got everything he wanted, women included. His friends would have just told him to move on and leave Michelle behind. They would have taken him to the clubs to find a replacement. But he didn’t want a weak imitation of Michelle, he wanted the real thing.

  “You finally ready to let the beast out of its cage?” Cain asked.

  Brock let out a long sigh and said, “My divorce has been finalized. I am officially on the market.” He looked around, his eyes jumping from woman to woman as he surveyed the room. Cain did the same thing, it looked like Michelle was going to be a no-show. He would need to find someone else to keep him warm that night.

  “Let’s get drunk,” Cain said. He grabbed three shot glasses and like moths to a flame they were almost immediately surrounded by five giggling women. They were each wearing high heels and seemed to always be on the verge of tipping over.

  They tossed back their shots. The girls gave out a loud a woo-hoo and raised their arms over their heads. It was only a few seconds before they started chanting for another.

  “How about a body shot?” one girl asked. She had long fake hair, sharp pointed nails, and teeth that were a little bit too white. She leaned onto Cain, her hand tracing down his chest as she licked her lips. She was right on top of him, pushing her body against his. But Cain didn’t feel anything when he looked at that woman, she was trying too hard.

  “No one’s saying no to that,” Brock said, sweeping his hand over the table and knocking empty cups to the floor. The girl let her hand linger on Cain’s chest and gave him a cloying smile as she hopped up on the table and laid down on her back.

  Cain poured a shot of whiskey onto her stomach and then leaned down and quickly drank it back. He could taste the salty sweat of her skin and even though he wasn’t attracted to her, he couldn’t stop his body from reacting.

  “One for my friend, and the best trainer I could ask for,” this girl wasn’t what he wanted, but Brock was looking for someone so Cain pulled his friend over and poured another shot. Brock took his time, licking the girl’s stomach and making her shiver and giggle as he drank the bitter liquid.

  “OMG,” another girl said. “You’re Brock Thaddeus! I loved your workout routine. I dropped two whole sizes from doing that.”

  “I do what I can,” Brock said with a casual shrug. He turned towards the girl and smiled down at her. Meanwhile, the body shot girl was pawing at Cain’s shirt.

  “Come over here, sexy,” she said pulling him closer. She was sitting up on the table and she pulled him so he was standing between her legs.

  “You’re really good at that,” her voice was slurring and it looked like she was having trouble focusing her eyes.

  “Good at what? Shots? I’m not sure that’s really a skill,” Cain countered. She was falling all over him. Her hands racing over his chest and sometimes going even lower.

  She licked her lips and said, “I’m a huge fan of yours.”

  “Really, you’re into hockey?”

  “Totally, I love it.”

  “What other hockey players do you like?’

  “Um...” she said, blinking furiously. “I don’t even know any other players. Only you. You are the best, after all.”

  “Yeah, but it’s a team sport,” he restrained himself from rolling his eyes. He wasn’t into this girl. She was just another starfucker. She didn’t care about him or hockey. All she cared about was being retweeted, upping her Instagram follower count and scoring a part on a reality show. Cain was many things, but he was not interested in being a rung on some girl’s ladder to fame.

  “Please, don’t let me interrupt. I just heard there was whiskey in here,” his heart stopped at Michelle’s sweet voice.

  He whipped his head around to see her. She was standing in the doorway wearing a tight black dress that hugged her hips in all the right places. Whenever he saw her at the firm she was always wearing suits and collared shirts. Her clothes were impeccably tailored, but modest. Now she stood in front of him in something that she would never wear to work. He didn’t think it possible for her to get even hotter, but here was the proof right in front of him.

  Cain pulled himself away from the body shot girl. She tried to cling to him, but he managed to pry her hands off his shirt. He stumbled over a red solo cup and a beautiful smirk appeared on Michelle’s face.

  “You came,” he said, his voice a little breathless. His heart was pounding. He felt like he had just run a marathon.

  “I don’t think that girl on the table was ready for you to leave,” she said glancing back at the pouting girl who was still sitting on the table with her arms crossed. She was wearing a furious frown and glaring at Michelle.

  “She’s fine,” Cain said with a wave of his hand. He didn’t know that other girl and he certainly wasn’t interested in her. He was in a room filled with party girls and models, but Michelle was the only girl he could see. “What can I get you to drink?”

  “I will have your best whiskey, straight up,” she said.

  He nodded and walked over to a high cabinet. He reached far into the back and pulled out a bottle of Lagavulin. “This up to your standards?”

  “Absolutely. I didn’t know you had such good taste,” she said and then she bit her bottom lip and a surge of electricity pulsed through his veins. Fire. There was always fire within him. An unending burning fire in the pit of his stomach always threatening to overtake him. It was a roaring flame of passion stoked by Michelle biting that perfect lip of hers.

  It had taken him years to control that fire. He had learned to channel it, keeping it locked down until game time. Once the game started he let the dragon out of its cage and used the fire to propel him to victory. Sometimes, despite his best efforts, the real dragon came out. He always struggled with it. But with age came wisdom. It had been a long time since he had lost complete control and changed.

  Hockey had been his lifesaver. It was an outlet for his energy and aggression. He no longer lashed out. He was no longer angry for no reason. He was able to tire himself out with hockey and drain the beast. It helped him keep his transformation under control.

  Girls that like body shots weren’t for him. They would never understand the fire that burned within him. They would only think about looks, TV deals and money. None of t
hat stuff mattered to him. Those were bonuses that came with hockey, but he could have easily lived without all of that as long as he still had the game.

  He had seen Michelle at his games. She came to most of them. She would have her seat right on the ice and anytime the ref made a bad call or the other team scored she would be up and screaming and slamming her fist again the barrier. When he scored, or made a great play she jumped up and threw her arms in the air and he could hear her cheer, different from all the rest.

  Michelle didn’t go to the games to be seen and take pictures of herself. She didn’t want to sit up in a box or at the bar. She wanted to be where the action was. She went for the love of the sport.

  Now she was here in his penthouse, at his party. This would finally be the night for him to make his move on the one woman he really wanted. The only thing keeping them apart was her job and Cain was sure that they could get around that. She needed to see how serious he was about her. Being with her wasn’t a joke to Cain and he was ready to prove it.

  “OMG! More shots?” Body shots’ high-pitched voice was like nails on a chalkboard. She was right on top of him, hanging off his shoulders and getting between him and Michelle. The dragon inside of him reared up, he didn’t like anyone being between him and the woman he wanted.

  Chapter Three

  “Honey, this is Lagavulin,” Cain’s friend said. “This is beyond the top shelf. You don’t shoot it, you savor it.”

  Brock didn’t know who that woman was, but he knew he liked her. She was tall and curvy with a head of dark curly hair and a perfectly fitting dress. Most importantly, she didn’t seem impressed with Cain at all. If anything, she seemed bemused by him.

  “You finally break out the good stuff?” Brock asked as he elbowed his way past body shots.

  “Only for the three of us,” Cain said. “Only those who appreciate it.”

  The other girls seemed to finally get the message and with a huff they loudly stomped out of the kitchen and went back to the party. It was better once they were gone. There was more room without their suffocating and desperate attentions.

  “Hi, I’m Brock, it’s nice to meet you,” Brock said extending his arm past Cain and towards the beautiful woman.

  She looked him up and down and he could see the small, flirtatious smile that was playing on her lips. She took a slow, delicate sip of her drink and appraised him over the rim of the glass.

  “I’m Michelle Handsworth,” she said extending her hand. His hand easily encompassed hers. Her hands were smooth and warm, but her handshake was firm. She had a good grip and she maintained eye contact, staring right back at him. “I’m Mr. Samson’s contract attorney.”

  “Mr. Samson,” Brock said, his eyes wide.

  “I’ve told her not to call me that,” Cain grumbled.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone refer to you as Mr. Samson,” Brock said. “I’ve heard people call you Cain and Samson and asshole and son-of-a-bitch and a few other words I won’t say in polite company.” He smiled at Michelle and his heart lurched when she smiled back.

  “Don’t hold back on my account,” she said.

  It was like something out a movie. All of the music and chatter and everyone else at the party seemed to disappear. It was just him and this beautiful woman who smiled at his jokes.

  “So how do you know Cain?” she asked.

  “I’m part of his training team.”

  “Brock Thaddeus,” she said finally realizing where she knew him from. “My brother has all of your workouts. He subscribes to your YouTube channel. He loves you.”

  “Let’s hope it runs in the family,” he said. There was that smile again. It took over her whole face, from her mouth to her eyes. Everything seemed to light up when she smiled. There was something about her he couldn’t quite put a finger on. She wasn’t like the other girls at the party. For one thing, she had been there for ten minutes and still hadn’t taken out her phone for a picture. She didn’t care who might be here, she wasn’t concerned with being seen.

  “Brock is my best trainer and closest friend,” Cain said. Throwing his arm over Brock’s shoulder. “We’re practically brothers. Nobody pushes me like this guy does. I wouldn't be half the athlete I am without him.”

  “That’s high praise,” Michelle said appraising him anew.

  “There you are! Why are you hiding in the kitchen?” Cain’s publicist Elizabeth rushed into the room. She had two cellphones, one in each hand. She shoved one in her purse as she grabbed Cain by the hand and pulled him towards the doorway.

  “There’s a guy from SpikeTV here who you have to meet,” she ordered.

  “I don’t want to-.”

  “It’s just a conversation. We’re not agreeing to anything and Brock and Michelle will still be here when we’re done.” Cain gave one last desperate look over his shoulder. But Brock was glad for the interruption. He wanted to talk to Michelle alone so he gave a wave as his closest friend was pulled out of the kitchen.

  “Finally, we’re alone,” he said pouring them each another glass.

  “We only met about four minutes ago,” Michelle said.

  “But already it feels like I’ve known you forever,” he said.

  “That’s a pretty corny line.”

  “It’s working a little bit, though. Right?”

  “Maybe a little,” she said with a shrug.

  “So,” Brock said. “Anything ever happen between you and Cain?”

  “Would it matter if something did?”

  “No,” he said shaking his thread. “I just wanted to ask you out, but if you had dated Cain I would run it by him first. He is my best friend and the guy code, though a great secret, does exist.”

  “Nothing ever happened between me and Cain. As his attorney, it would be unethical for us to date. I could actually get into a lot of trouble for something like that.”

  “Even though Cain says you’re the best, I’m glad you’re not my lawyer.” That smile appeared again. Her entire face lit up and he had the sudden urge to lean in and kiss her. He wanted to taste her lips and run his hands all over her body. It had been a long time since he felt an attraction this strong. “So, what are you doing this weekend? Can I take you out to a very fancy dinner?”

  “You’re sure you don’t want to check in with Cain first?” Michelle asked.

  “I was never a very patient man,” he said taking a step towards her. “Besides, Cain had his chance. If he didn’t jump the moment he saw you, that’s his loss. Not mine.”

  She looked up at him through her lashes and bit her lip as she debated something in her mind. There was something fantastic in that thoughtful look of hers and his body was urging him ever closer. He couldn’t hold himself back any longer. He reached out and touched her arm, his hand caressing her smooth, dark skin.

  “Alright. One date, but no funny business,” she said with a shake of her head, her curly hair bouncing in a halo. “I’m not that kind of girl.”

  “Fair enough,” he said giving her arm one last touch before pulling away. She pulled out her phone and gave him her number as he snapped a quick picture of her perfect face before saving the contact. “Are you allergic to anything? Gluten-free? Vegan?”

  “Nope,” she said. “I have a very adventurous palate.”

  “I’m glad to hear that,” Brock said. “I’ll try and live up to that challenge.”

  “It’s a date,” she said grabbing her glass. “I have never actually been in Cain’s house before and so far the kitchen is the only part I’ve seen.”

  “Let me give you the full tour,” Brock said. He had to fight the urge to touch her. He wanted to put his hand on the small of her back, he wanted to stroke her arms, hold her hand. But he held himself back. She had said no funny business and she was the kind of woman who meant what she said.

  He led her around Cain’s penthouse until they ended up out on the balcony with a handful of other people. The Chicago skyline was a light in the darkness. It was
a beautiful view. Far below them people hurried in the streets.

  “So, why did you become a lawyer?” he asked. It was quieter out here and for the first time, he didn’t have to yell over the music. The wind was pushing her hair over her eyes and she brushed it aside.

  “I was always fascinated with the law. I would choose CourtTV over Sesame Street every time. It’s the only thing I ever wanted to be. I got into contract law in law school. It sounds strange, but I really like reading through contracts. I like figuring them out and finding loopholes.”

  He nodded. She was going to be a challenge, but the best kind. She was smart, smarter than him for sure. She wasn’t going to be the kind of girl who was going to put up with any bullshit. She wasn’t just going to fall into his arms. But Brock didn’t mind. He loved a challenge.

  Chapter Four

  She couldn’t help but look up Brock Thaddeus online. After the party, she lounged back in her bed and turned her laptop on. She entered Brock Thaddeus into Google. There were hundreds of pages of results. Under the image tab, there were countless pictures of Brock. He was standing with his arms crossed in front of a weight bench, he was doing a one-handed pull-up, and he was smiling halfway up a rope ladder.

  He had won Men’s Fitness Trainer of the Year four times. His weightlifting books were international bestsellers. He had appeared on the Today Show, Good Morning America and the Daily Show where he had taught proper weightlifting form to the anchors. He had a degree in sports medicine from John’s Hopkins.

  She found out that he used to be a hockey player, but he shattered his right leg during a practice in his freshman year of college. He had to rebuild his entire life in the aftermath. But opportunity can bloom from tragedy. Once he could no longer play hockey professionally he devoted himself to his studies and graduated top of his class.


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