The Smartest Book in the World
Page 24
Nero, 1-2, 169
Network (movie), 246
Newman, Paul, 247
Noreiga, Manuel, 254
Obama, Barack, 192, 249
Ohio Players, 58-59
Gold, 58-59
oligarchy, 17
onomatopoeia, 19
Orwell, George, 20, 121
1984, 20, 121
Orwellian, 20
Out of the Past (movie), 29-30
Ovid, 45-46
“In Summer’s Heat,” 45-46
Owens, Iris, 125-26
After Claude, 125-26
Oxford comma, 64
Pacino, Al, 245-46, 247
Paige, Satchel, 4-5, 221-37, 241, 242, 243
Picasso, Pablo, La Rêve, 283-85
Pinochet, Augusto, 256
Plato, 6
plutocracy, 16-17
Poe, Edgar Allan, 67-72
“The Raven,” 68-72
poetry, 5-6
Matsuo Bashō, 215-16
Charles Baudelaire, 55-56
William Blake, 207-11
Dante Alighieri, 195-96
Emily Dickinson, 265-66
Inuit, 259-60
Ovid, 45-46
Edgar Allan Poe, 67-72
Carl Sandburg, 271-72
Sappho, 155-57
William Shakespeare, 185-86
Ernest Lawrence Thayer, 99-102
François Villon, 171-73
Point Break (movie), 113-14
Pollyanna, 16
Pompey the Great, 161, 163
poop, 23
possum, 15
Potocki, Jan, 130-31
The Manuscript Found in Saragossa, 130-31
Presidential Baseball Team, All-Time, 191-93
Proople Rain, 294
Proops Commandments, The, 1-11
Prooptionary I, 13-23
Prooptionary II, 63-65
puke, 23
punctuation, 63-65
punk music, 187-89
Ramones, Rocket to Russia, 188-89
R&B music, 57-61
Reagan, Ronald, 192
Redding, Richard “Cannonball,” 242
Reed, Lou, Transformer, 142-43
reggae music, 267, 269
Renoir, Jean, 28-29
Richard the Lionhearted, King of England, 183
Rigg, Diana, 37
Rivera, Mariano, 106
Robinson, Bruce, 198
Robinson, Jackie, 79, 83, 88-89, 108, 232-33, 235
rock music, 267-69
Rodenbach, Georges, 120
Bruges-la-Morte, 120
Rogan, Charles Wilber “Bullet,” 243
Roman Emperor Top Nine, 167-69
Rome, 1-2, 159-65, 167-69
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 191
Roosevelt, Teddy, 192
Rose, Pete, 92-93, 139
Rushmore (movie), 197-98
Russell, Jane, 42
Ruth, Babe, 80, 82-85, 96, 105, 222, 225, 237, 241
Sacagawea, 217
Samouraï, Le (movie), 179
Sandburg, Carl, 271-72
“Chicago,” 271-72
San Francisco Giants, 74-76
Sappho, 155-57
“Blame Aphrodite,” 157
“A Hymn to Venus,” 155-57
Satana, Tura, 43
Schmidt, Mike, 96, 104
Scott, Ridley, 111-12
Scott-Heron, Gil, Winter in America, 275-76
Seaver, Tom, 106
Serpico (movie), 247
Seurat, Georges, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, 280
Seuss, Dr., 123-24
The Sneetches and Other Stories, 123-24
Seventh Seal, The (movie), 179
Sex Pistols, Never Mind the Bollocks, 187
Shakespeare, William, 185-86
“Sonnet 18: Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?,” 186
“Sonnet 151,” 186
Simone, Nina, In Concert, 276-77
Sly & the Family Stone, 61
Anthology, 61
Smith, Hilton Lee, 243
Some Like It Hot (movie), 109
soul music, 57-61
Stalin, Josef, 257
Steers, Burr, 199-200
Steinbrenner, George, 135
Stengel, Casey, 73, 103
stoked, 23
Stone, Susan, 36
Suharto, 255
Süskind, Patrick, 129
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, 129
swerve, 14-15
T. Rex, Electric Warrior, 141-42
Taylor, Elizabeth, 41
Thayer, Ernest Lawrence, 99-102
“Casey at the Bat,” 100-102
Thelma & Louise (movie), 111-12
Thomas, Lewis, 64
Three Musketeers, The (movie), 199
Tiberius, 2, 168
Torriente, Cristóbal, 240-41
Tourneur, Jacques, 29-30
Trajan, 169
Triumphal Quadriga, 282
Truffaut, François, 177-78
Trujillo, Rafael, 254
Tubman, Harriet, 217
Verdict, The (movie), 247
Vestal Virgins, 161
Vidor, Charles, 30-31
Villon, François, 171-73
“The Ballad of Dead Ladies,” 172-73
“To Death, of His Lady,” 172
Vinterberg, Thomas, 176-77
vodka, 291-94
recipes, 292-94
von Donnersmarck, Florian Henckel, 176
Vonnegut, Kurt, A Man Without a Country, 8
Waddell, Rube, 80, 81
Wagner, Honus, 104
weed, 250
Welch, Raquel, 40
West, Mae, 36
whatnot, 13-14
Wilder, Billy, 109
Williams, Robin, 249
Williams, Smokey Joe, 242
Williams, Ted, 86-87, 107, 235
William the Conqueror, King of England, 184
Wilson, Edith, 193
Withnail & I (movie), 198
women, 8-10
Bombshells, Doxies, and Dames Baseball Club, 35-44
With a Capital W, 145-54
Women in History Baseball Team, 217-20
See also specific women
words, 10
to banish, 22-23
Prooptionary I, 13-23
Prooptionary II, 63-65
punctuation, 63-65
See also specific words
World War II, 87-88, 152-54
www, 64
Wynn, Early, 139
Xanax, 251
Xenophon, Anabasis, 1
Young, Cy, 107
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Copyright © 2015 by Gregory Proops
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Jacket design by Pete Garceau
Jacket photograph by Andrew Stapp
Sunglasses design by Jennifer Canaga
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Proops, Greg.
The smartest book in the world : a lexicon of literacy, a rancorous reportage, a concise curriculum of cool / Greg Proops ; illustrations by Jennife
r Canaga.—First Touchstone hardcover edition.
pages cm
1. American wit and humor. I. Title.
PN6165.P76 2015
ISBN 978-1-4767-4704-0
ISBN 978-1-4767-4706-4 (ebook)