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Silence of the Nine

Page 15

by T. Styles

“I don’t know,” she said softly, almost toddler-like. “The last time I spoke with her she said she was going to the liquor store. And that was earlier in the day.”

  “Well when you see her, tell her to come see me.”

  Before letting Kerrick exit, Nine decided to see if what she’d been learning, with her seduction skills, had been working. What better person to try it on than her grandfather? But she was afraid that he would see right through her and punish her that night. But in an effort to be free, it was worth a try.

  He was about to leave until she muttered, “Grandfather.”

  He turned around. “Yes?”

  “You look handsome today,” she said.

  He grinned and forced it to melt away. “What do you know about handsome?” He tried to prevent another smile from infiltrating his face but it was difficult.

  “I see a lot of men on the pages of my books but none are as handsome as you.”

  Upon hearing her response, Kerrick stormed out of the room without another word. She felt as if her plan had backfired and she wouldn’t be surprised if he beat her later for her insolence. So she sat on the edge of the bed and tried to stay up. But her willpower was not strong and eventually she dozed off.

  When she woke up the next morning and saw someone leaving her room, she figured it was Fran. She popped up and her feet slapped against the hardwood floor. There, in the middle of her room sat her chair. And in the center of it was a gorgeous red dress with little pink hearts around the neckline.

  Her grandfather bought the gift.

  She grinned. Her seduction was working. And yet she was just getting started.



  “I dote on his very absence.”

  -William Shakespeare

  It had been a week since Nine had seen Fran and even longer since she’d seen Leaf. She knew he was in the house because she crawled through the ducts everyday to see him eat breakfast, just to get a look at him. She guessed her grandfather’s threats had worked on him after all and she was devastated. She never took Leaf as soft but now she knew better.

  Everyday she played make believe using the outfit Kerrick had bought for her. She pretended she was allowed to leave the house and had a party to attend. Although it was beautiful, it didn’t feel as special without someone to show it to. Fran was right. Love was dumb and a waste of her time.

  As the days passed, Nine started to believe that she would never see Fran again. This was the longest she’d ever gone without seeing her. Because Fran knew she was the only one who cared about feeding Nine, she couldn’t believe she would lead her astray for so long.

  The only light in her tunnel was that suddenly Kerrick had taken an interest in seeing that Nine stayed nourished. And he brought her good food too—steak, fried chicken, mashed potatoes. Whatever they ate upstairs, the girl downstairs enjoyed too.

  Still…where was her dear Fran?

  Nine sat on the edge of the bed looking out into the room when the door opened. She didn’t look at it. There was no use in getting her hopes high. Instead, she remained frozen thinking that it was either Kerrick or Alice. But when she saw Leaf on the other side holding a brown paper bag, she was surprised.

  “Hey,” he said coming in and closing the door behind himself. “I snuck out of the house and bought you something you may like.” He raised the bag in the air and she knew her honey bun was inside.

  “I don’t want it,” she said with an attitude. “I ate already.”

  He pulled a chair up to the bed and sat the bag on the floor. He placed his elbows on his knees and looked over at her. His right leg shook rapidly as he tried to figure out what to say. “Look, I gotta lot of shit going on in my life right now. And I didn’t—”

  “Why are you telling me this?” she asked cutting him off. “You don’t owe me an explanation. You’re not even supposed to be in here. Just go.”

  He looked down at the floor and thought carefully about what to say next. Leaf was a spoiled kid. A kid who got everything he wanted and yet he couldn’t understand why the strange girl downstairs intrigued him so much. He wanted to get up, walk out and yell fuck you, but he couldn’t move.

  “I’m sorry,” he pleaded with her. “I was told not to come down here so I didn’t. Normally I don’t listen to what people say, which is why I’m here now. Can you forgive me, Nine? Please?”

  Nine jumped up and shuffled toward the door. She pulled it open and looked down at her feet. She didn’t like feeling emotions for Leaf but it was far too late. Fran told her to never place herself in a situation where her emotions ruled and yet she had done it anyway.

  Instead of walking out, he stood up and closed the door. He yanked Nine toward him and forced her back against the door. She was so grateful that today was shower day because he was the closest he had ever been.

  Leaf placed his lips against hers and his tongue snaked inside of her mouth. Nine’s body felt activated and the hairs on the surface of her skin rose.

  Having zero experience with kissing, she decided it would be best if she allowed him to take the lead. Every time she felt his tongue stroke against hers, her clitoris vibrated. Before long, she found the rhythm and was able to kiss him like a pro.

  This must be the passion Shakespeare talked about in his books.

  When her body was already on a rollercoaster, Leaf lifted her up so that her legs wrapped around his waist. With one hand, he quickly unfastened his jeans and removed his stiff penis. In all of the excitement, he poked her a few times in the wrong position trying to find her wetness.

  But his persistence wouldn’t allow him to stop and for that he was rewarded. He eased into her body until her plushness engulfed him. She moaned at first and he realized what he was doing. Making love to a virgin, something he never did before. Considerate of her feelings, he asked, “Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?”

  “Please don’t, “she responded. “I’ve dreamed about this day for a long time.”

  Before long, she felt a sensation she never felt with another person before. It started at her clit and spread throughout her entire body. Tears fell down her face because she never knew someone else could make her feel so magical. A few more seconds and Leaf was right behind her as he also reached an orgasm.

  When he was done, they kissed for another minute and he gently picked her up and walked her over to the bed. When she was seated, he took off his white t-shirt and wiped his penis. It was red.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? This is a lot of blood,” he responded, really concerned. He balled the shirt up and stuffed it in his pocket.

  “I’m fine,” she smiled while trying to stop her trembling legs. “Don’t worry about me. I’ve had worse happen.”

  He didn’t like the sound of that. “I don’t know what this is between us but I want you to know that you’re safe with me.”

  “Thank you, that means a lot,” she smiled. She looked down at the floor next to the chair. “Is that my honey bun?” The smile he loved reappeared. “I want it now.”

  “I bet you do,” he joked.

  “What can I say, I built up an appetite.” She opened the bag and tore into the treat. “And I want to do what we just did again. As many times as you want to,” she asked as if they were playing a game instead of making love.

  “As good as you feel, we can do it every day.”


  Nine was lying in the bed face up with her mind on Leaf. He left her not even an hour earlier when her door opened again. This time it was Fran holding a bottle of whiskey in one hand and a gun in the other. “Get up and come with me,” she said as her voice slurred.

  A few minutes later they were outside, in the place where Fran taught her how to shoot. Fran stood behind her as Nine aimed at the tree. Her hand shook because she was afraid. Over the months, Fran’s alcohol habit had reached a dangerous level. And Nine had a feeling that guns and liquor didn’t mix.

  “Why are you shaking?” Fran asked. “Sho

  Nine pulled the trigger and missed her target.

  “Shoot again!” She yelled in her ear.

  Nine complied but missed.

  “And again, and again and again until you learn to love gunfire.” She poured what was left of the whiskey in her mouth and tossed the bottle on the ground.

  Nine didn’t want to shoot. She wanted to talk to Fran and be there for her. She wanted to hug her and tell her that whatever she was going through, she would be okay. And that she was the strongest woman she’d known. She wanted to tell her about her first sexual experience. Above all, she wanted to tell Fran that she loved her. Something she’d never done before.

  When Fran fell on the ground, Nine dropped to the cool grass with her. She crawled next to Fran’s body, placed her head in her lap and rubbed her hair. “Fran, what’s wrong?” A tear rolled down her cheek. “Talk to me. Please.”

  The moon lit up her sad face and Nine could see that she was crying too. “I’ve wasted my life, Nine. My entire life has been a joke. The only thing I’m proud of is you.”

  “But it’s never too late, Fran. Right?”

  “It’s over for me. I should’ve never left Money Mouse for your grandfather.”

  “Why did you?”

  She sighed. “Because Kerrick knew me. He knew the ugly side of me and still he stayed around. I’m just figuring out now that the real me wasn’t worth much anyway so I got what I deserved. A monster.”

  When Fran was forcefully pulled out of Nine’s arms, she thought she was dreaming. She wasn’t. Kerrick yanked Fran by her hair and when she was on her feet, he delivered a swift blow to her face, which brought her to her knees.

  Remembering the gun, Fran crawled toward it but Kerrick grabbed her by the ankles. Nine was about to help Fran out until she yelled, “Nine, go back into the house!” Her eyes pleaded with Nine not to make the mistake of her lifetime. “Now is not the time. Now go!”

  “You shouldn’t even be out here,” Kerrick growled, remembering his grandchild was present. “Get back inside. I’ll deal with you later!”

  Nine took one last look at Fran as she ran toward the mansion. She could only imagine what Kerrick had in store for the woman she had grown to love. When she was in her room she prayed to the God Fran talked about and asked for mercy for Fran’s soul.



  “The weakest kind of fruit drops earliest to the ground.”

  -William Shakespeare

  Nine sat in the middle of the room. In short spurts, she held her breath before exhaling again. She had to do something to get her mind off of the look in Fran’s eyes as Kerrick was preparing to beat the life out of her. Something told Nine she would never see her again and that fucked with her head.

  The next morning came soon enough and Fran had not come to her. Surprisingly, when the door opened, it was Leaf.

  She looked away from him and focused on her fingers that were still grimy from the soil on the ground the last time she saw Fran. She felt awful about being happy when Fran’s world had crumbled down. She didn’t deserve love with Fran gone.

  “How you doing?” he asked standing in the doorway. Nine’s body was present but she wouldn’t look at him. “Can I get you anything? I heard about the maid. I know ya’ll were cool.”

  “What did you hear about her?” Nine asked, curious to know what happened.

  “Just that she got into a fight with Kerrick.”

  Nine thought about the lessons Fran gave her about life. And how she warned her against love and feeling for another person. Perhaps if Fran hadn’t loved her grandfather so much, she wouldn’t be…possibly…dead.

  Nine pushed the thought out of her mind. It was too big to hold. Besides, with Fran gone, who would love her? Who would care about her? Who would teach her about the ways of the world? Nobody. She feared it would be nobody. Ever again.

  Slowly her head rose until she was staring directly into Leaf’s eyes. “Never come here again. If you do, I will kill you.”

  Leaf stopped in his place and stood directly in front of her. He frowned but tried to remove the anger from his expression. Did she just say she would kill him? “Did you just threaten me?”

  “What do you think you know about me that would make you think my words are a threat instead of a promise?” Her question was as cold as an iceberg in Alaska. “I showed you what I wanted you to see. Nothing less, nothing more.” A tear rolled down her face as she released venom to somebody who didn’t deserve it. “I’m locked down here for a reason, Leaf. Now leave my room or I will be forced to show you my other side.”

  Leaf felt she was hurting, for what he didn’t know. But he wasn’t the type to stand and accept abuse either. His patience was limited and Nine spent all of his nerves. So he walked out without another word.

  Two days passed and Nine remained in the same spot until the door slowly opened. She was still hopeful that Fran was okay and that she would come back, but it was Alice whose face she saw.

  Alice crawled into the room and closed the door behind her. She stood in front of the door with an artificial smile on her face and her hands clasped behind her back.

  Nine looked at her briefly, before looking down at her fingers again.

  “You look bad,” Alice said looking over her head at the desk. “And judging by the smell of the spoiled food on your dresser, I take it you haven’t eaten either.”

  Nine remained silent. Her blood boiled under the surface. If Alice said the wrong thing, it could be dangerous.

  “I realize you’re mad but I’m here with news,” she said taking one more step. “I just wanted to let you know that your precious maid called.”

  Now Alice had her complete attention. She parted her lips slowly. They were so sticky because she hadn’t spoken, eaten or drank anything. “What,” she licked her lips, “did she say?”

  “To tell you hello,” she smiled. “If she calls again, I’ll let you know.” She shrugged and walked out of the door.

  Inspired by Fran being well, she rose up from her seat. Her legs felt like worms under her body due to sitting down for so long. She moved as quickly as she could to the table, grabbed the cup of water and downed it all. When she was done, she paced the room and wondered what happened to Fran and when she would be coming back.

  After awhile, Nine convinced herself that Fran would be back at any minute and she felt bad for threatening Leaf. If she hadn’t been so mean, she would have his company while she waited on Fran’s return.

  But three more days passed and still Fran didn’t show her face. Her grandmother took over the responsibility of feeding her but she was cold as usual when she brought the meals. Nine was finding it harder to sit with herself again due to worrying so much about Fran. And when she was so ill her heart ached, Alice came back into the room.

  She stood in front of the door and clasped her hands in front of her. “I’m sorry, Nine, but Fran called again. She told me to tell you that she’s never coming back. Oh, and that she hates you and hopes you die here.”

  Nine's heart ached and she didn’t believe her. Why would Fran say she hated her when all she showed was love? “She wouldn’t say that,” Nine proclaimed. “She would never say that to me.”

  “It’s up to you whether you want to believe me or not,” Alice shrugged. “I’m just bringing you the news.”

  For the next week, Alice placed Nine under repeated torture. Telling her that Fran was on her way only for her to never show up. Later telling her that Fran wished she were dead but then claiming she loved her in the same breath. Nine was growing colder and her hate for her cousin had reached severe levels.

  On the final day, Alice came into the room with hopes of altering Nine’s mood but she was met with something else.

  “Fran was on the phone again,” she said standing at the door. “She said she might come back if you promise you’ll kill yourself a few days later. She said that would be the only way she’d know you love her.”
br />   Nine stood up and took a step toward Alice. This frightened her because in the past, Nine had never been bold enough to look directly into her eyes. Slowly her lips parted and she said, “Why do you poke the monster? When you know it can eat you alive?”

  The smirk disappeared from Alice’s face and she hustled out of the room backwards. The next day the door didn’t open but an envelope was slid under the doorway. Nine reluctantly walked over to it, knowing it would be some sort of torture technique from Alice. But when she opened the envelope, and removed a picture, it caused her heartbeat to create a new rhythm.

  Lying in a shallow grave was Fran, whose face was speckled with dirt. Her eyes were closed and it was obvious that she was dead.

  Alice, knowing where all the dead bodies went, dug up Fran’s body just to get the picture.

  On the back of the picture was a note, handwritten by Alice. “My monster is bigger than yours.”

  Nine’s body plopped to the ground and she sobbed her last cry. When she emerged, she would be a person everyone who wronged her should fear.



  “Off with his head!”

  -William Shakespeare

  It was after midnight and the Prophet mansion appeared to be embedded in a darkness that Nine had never felt before. The sounds of the thunderstorm outside made her uneasy.

  She was so emotionally torn over Fran’s murder that at first she thought her mind was playing tricks on her when she heard glass breaking in the basement. The only window downstairs was over the washing machine and dryer. Something was off.

  Carefully, Nine crept to her bedroom door and popped the lock like she always did. She pulled the door open and immersed herself into deeper darkness. Once outside of her room, she eased toward the engine room without needing a bit of light. She knew the inner workings of the mansion like no other, and would use it to her advantage as she determined who was in their home.


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