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Romancing Rachel (River's End Ranch Book 51)

Page 4

by Pamela M. Kelley

  He was definitely heartthrob material and when he took his shirt off, his abs were rock hard. He worked hard at it though and went to the gym at the ranch every day and for the most part, he ate well, though he did go out almost every night and was often hungover and quiet in the mornings. Until his second wind and several cups of coffee would kick in and then he’d start to pour on the charm. He’d already tried to date several girls on set and a few had gone out with him until they realized what he was like.

  And now he’d turned his attention on Rachel. But she didn’t give him the time of day which frustrated him no end.

  “Come to dinner with me tonight,” he asked, the instant their scene ended.

  Rachel laughed. “I can’t. I have plans.”

  “Well, break them. Go out with me instead.” His cockiness astounded her. Though she supposed he was used to women doing exactly that.

  “I’m not changing my plans. And I’m not going out with you. So, you can stop asking. I don’t date people that I work with.” It sounded like a good excuse.

  Corey pouted. “Why not?”

  “It’s too messy. Ask someone else. I’m sure you’ll have no shortage of takers.”

  He looked at her thoughtfully. “I’m not going to give up, Rachel. I’m going to wear you down. One day, you’ll say yes.”

  She looked at him calmly. “No, I won’t. Move on to someone else, Corey.”

  “We’ll see.” He stomped off and Rachel stood shaking her head as she watched him go straight to one of the make up girls and try his luck with her. A minute later they were both laughing, so maybe he was getting somewhere with her.

  “Was he bothering you?” Rachel looked up to see Adiel standing there.

  “Corey? No, he’s fine. He’s just not my type.”

  Adiel smiled. “No, I wouldn’t guess that he is. Are you heading to trivia tonight?”

  “Yes, I was just about to walk over. I’m meeting Cameron there.”

  “And I’m meeting Ben and Anna.”

  “No Lexy?” Rachel asked before she could stop herself.

  “No. Are you ready to go?”

  They walked the short distance to the restaurant and as usual, Jaclyn and Simon were the first ones there. Betty was there too and an older man that Rachel had never seen before. Rachel sat next to Jaclyn and Adiel settled into the seat next to her. A minute later, her phone buzzed with a text message from Cameron.

  “I’m so sorry. I can’t make it after all. I’m staying late to cover for one of the girls who just went home sick. Have fun and call me tomorrow!”

  “Cameron can’t make it tonight. She’s stuck at work,” Rachel said.

  “Oh, that’s too bad,” Jaclyn said. She then leaned forward to see Adiel better. “So, young man, how’s your show going? Will we see it anytime soon?”

  Adiel laughed and Rachel noticed what Cameron had mentioned. He really was attractive. When he laughed, tiny laugh lines danced around the corners of his mouth. His hair was so dark it was almost black and it was a loose tangle of waves. The glasses gave him a more serious look, but he was a bit on the serious side so it suited him.

  “The first two episodes will be on the air in less than two weeks. You can let me know what you think then.”

  Jaclyn’s eyes grew wide. “Really, so soon? That’s marvelous news!”

  Rachel noticed that Betty’s attention was no longer on Simon. Instead she was batting her eyes at the gentleman sitting between them, who looked vaguely familiar.

  “Who is that?” she asked Jaclyn.

  “Why that’s Carl of course. He works with Simon at the golf shop. He’s part-time too, semi-retired. I suggested that Simon invite him.”

  “It looks like he and Betty are getting along well.”

  Jaclyn looked like the cat that ate the canary. “Yes, doesn’t it?”

  “What can I get you to drink?” Rachel turned to see Patty their waitress ready to take their drink order.

  “Chardonnay for me please.”

  “I’ll have an IPA, whatever you have on draft,” Adiel said.

  “Pitcher of root beer for us,” Jaclyn chimed in.

  Ben and Anna arrived a few minutes later and sat next to Adiel, followed by Bernie and husband David, Lily and Cody and Tammy and Clark.

  “The pizza is really good here,” Adiel said a little while later, as he reached for his fourth slice.

  Rachel reached for a third and had to agree. She and Jaclyn were sharing the best combination she’d tried yet, thin slices of fried eggplant, spinach, and feta with mozzarella and tomato sauce.

  “Do you miss L.A. at all?” she asked Adiel. She wondered what it must be like to be working so far from home.

  “Not as much as I thought that I would. I’m a little surprised to be honest,” he admitted.

  Rachel was glad to hear it. “I’ve never been there. I’d like to go some day.”

  “To live?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. If not to live at least to visit. I want to experience the whole Hollywood thing.”

  He smiled. “Definitely go for a visit. I can’t picture you living there, not long-term anyway. It’s not you.”

  She was intrigued. “What’s not me about it?”

  “You’ll understand if you go there. It’s big and loud, messy, smoggy, vibrant. It’s a city. I see you near mountains and lakes, lots of green and fresh air.”


  “Exactly,” he said. “But you should see L.A. Someday. And I’m sure you will.”

  They played well and were in the lead going into the final question, but it was impossibly hard and no one knew the answer. There was absolute silence around the table until finally Lily shocked them all by saying, “I think my water just broke!

  Bernie and Cody both sprang into action and jumped up at once while David flagged their waitress for the check. Cody threw his card down and wouldn’t take money from anyone.

  “Trivia’s on me tonight. We’re about to have a baby!”

  They made their way out quickly to head to the hospital and after the excitement died down their table was quiet until Jaclyn spoke up.

  “Shall we place a bet on what name they go with? I hear it’s between Madeline and Savannah.”

  “They’re both lovely names. I could see her choosing either one,” Rachel said.

  “That’s true,” Jaclyn agreed and then yawned. “Oh my goodness. Simon, I think it's about time to go.”

  They said their goodbyes and then Adiel walked Rachel back to the set building where her car was parked.

  “So, you can just walk back to your cottage now. That must be nice,” she said.

  “It is. I can’t complain. The cottage they put me in is great and plenty big enough.” He laughed. “It’s almost as big as my condo in L.A.”

  “Well this was a fun night and exciting with Lily’s baby on the way. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Adiel leaned forward and Rachel caught her breath for a moment. But, then he reached out and plucked something from her hair. He held it up in the light. It was a small leaf that had fallen from one of the trees they’d walked under.

  “Goodnight, Rachel.”

  Chapter 6

  Adiel slept in until half-past nine on Saturday. He was usually an early riser, but it had been a long week and it felt good to stay in bed a little longer. He had the whole day ahead of him and thought he might go for a hike in the mountains later that afternoon after a leisurely breakfast at Kelsey’s Kafe.

  He liked the small breakfast place. He usually sat at the counter when he went in. The service was friendly, and the food was always good. He knew Rachel used to work there, but he didn’t expect to see her now that she was working full time on the set. He figured it would likely be Kelsi or one of the other waitresses.

  When he arrived, the dining room was fairly busy, but the counter was empty except for Jaclyn and Simon who were in their usual spots. Simon had an empty plate in front of him and was busy working on
a crossword puzzle while Jaclyn was still nibbling on what looked like French toast. Her eyes lit up when she saw him.

  “My favorite director! Come sit with me.” She patted the stool next to hers.

  Adiel sat down and smiled. “I’m not actually a director you know. Technically, I’m called the show runner.”

  “What’s the difference?” Jaclyn asked.

  “Well, I manage a group of writers and the cast and oversee production of the show. Sometimes I do direct.”

  Jaclyn nodded. “Got it. I might still just call you the director. That’s easier to remember. You don’t mind do you?”

  He laughed. “Not at all. Call me whatever you want.”

  He looked up as the doors to the kitchen opened and Rachel came out carrying several platters of pancakes. He was surprised to see her.

  “I didn’t realize Rachel was still working here.”

  “She needs the money,” Jaclyn said softly.

  “Oh?” He wondered about that. The salary from the show paid much better than waitressing.

  “Money is tight at home. Every little bit helps. You didn’t hear that from me though. She’s a hard-worker that girl.”

  Adiel smiled at the admiration in her voice. Rachel had a fan in Jaclyn.

  “Have you seen her perform in anything yet?” He wondered if she’d been to the recent show she was in.

  “No, unfortunately we didn’t make it. We were supposed to go and then something came up. I would have liked to have seen her.”

  “Well, you’ll be able to watch soon, and from the comfort of your own living room.”

  Jaclyn looked thoughtful. “I have a better idea. We should have a viewing party, maybe the restaurant at the ranch might set something up.”

  “You know, that’s actually a really great idea. I’ll talk to Wade about it.”

  “Good morning, Adiel. Coffee?” Rachel held a full pot over his empty cup, waiting for his go ahead.

  “Yes, please. Thanks.” She filled his cup and handed him a menu.

  “Bob’s special omelet is a big hit today, if you’re hungry.”

  His stomach growled. Usually he would have eaten hours ago by now. “What’s in it?”

  “Grilled honey ham, baby spinach, tomato, onion, cheddar and cream cheese. That’s his secret ingredient.”

  “That does sound good. Have you tried it?” He was teasing as he couldn’t imagine skinny Rachel tucking into such a big meal. A bowl of fruit maybe or oatmeal. But she surprised him.

  “It’s awesome. I had one when I got in this morning.”

  “Okay, you sold me then. I’m going on a hike later this afternoon, so I’ll walk most of it off.”

  “You don’t need to worry about that. You’re tall and lean. How tall are you?” Jaclyn asked.

  “Six feet, if I stand up really tall.” He grinned.

  “Where are you going hiking?” Rachel asked.

  “I was just going to explore the mountains around the property. Really just walk around, nothing too crazy.”

  “I used to hike that area all the time when I was younger. Are you going with someone? You really shouldn’t go by yourself. It’s too easy to get lost. Tourists wandering off keep Dani and her search and rescue team busier than they’d like.”

  “I wasn’t planning to go with anyone.” He frowned. “I didn’t think of that to be honest. I figured I’d just set out and walk around. I’ll be careful not to go too far up.”

  “What time do you finish your shift, Rachel?” Jaclyn asked.

  “I should be done by two or so. I was the first one in today.”

  “Maybe you could show Adiel where you used to like to hike?” Jaclyn suggested.

  “Oh, I don’t want to be a bother. The last thing Rachel probably wants to do after working all day is go hiking with her boss.” He felt bad that Jaclyn even suggested it.

  But Rachel didn’t seem to mind. “I’d love to, actually. It’s been ages since I’ve gone hiking and it’s a beautiful day. I can show you some of my favorite spots. Some of the views in the mountains are spectacular.”

  “Are you sure you don’t mind? I don’t want to put you out.” He loved the idea of her showing him around but didn’t want to make her feel like she had to.

  She grinned. “No, I’d really like to. I always get a second wind after I work a shift here. It will be good to burn off that energy.” She went to put his order in and Adiel took a sip of his coffee. He drank it black and liked the way they made it at the cafe. It was rich and bold and smelled fantastic.

  “They went with Madeline,” Jaclyn said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Lily and Cody. That’s the name they chose. We saw Wade yesterday, and he told us.

  “Oh, that’s nice.” Adiel didn’t know Lily or Cody very well, but they’d chatted a little at trivia. Slowly he was getting to know just about everyone at the ranch. Which reminded him, maybe Jaclyn could help him with something.

  “I don’t suppose you know a good realtor in town?” he asked.

  Her eyes grew big. “For you? Are you looking to buy something?”

  “No. Just a rental. Short-term but with the possibility to go longer.”

  “You should call Bryan Baker. Melanie’s husband. She’s the gal that runs the fitness center. He’s in construction. He’s not a realtor, but he can hook you up with someone good.” She looked thoughtful for a moment. “He’s building a new development by the lake. Maybe there will be something there, possibly.”

  “Okay, thanks. I’m in a great cabin now, but they have it rented in a few weeks. The housing for the show workers should be done by then, but I think I’d rather have my own place.”

  Jaclyn nodded. “I think that’s a good idea. It’s nice to get away from work at the end of the day. Go to your own home. There are lots of lovely areas in Riston. Have you seen the big lake yet?”

  “No. Not yet.”

  “Maybe Rachel will take you there later today. It’s a few miles from the ranch, but that’s nothing for you young people.”

  Adiel smiled. “I’d love to see the lake. I’ll mention it to her.”

  “Mention what?” Rachel asked as she returned and set down Adiel’s omelet. The smell of it made his mouth water.

  “Adiel wants to see the lake,” Jaclyn explained. “He might be looking to rent a place.”

  “Oh! We can walk there later. The lake area is beautiful.”

  “See. You’re in good hands now. And it’s time for Simon and I to leave you alone so you can enjoy your breakfast.” She stood while Simon rested his coffee cup on the stack of money on their check and then folded his newspaper and stuck it under his arm.

  “Bye Jaclyn and Simon. Nice talking to you.” Adiel watched as they left. Simon held the door open for Jaclyn and he was smiling at something she said as they stepped outside. He didn’t know if they were just friends or something more but they seemed to have a very sweet and special relationship.

  “So, what do you think?” Rachel was back with the pot of coffee and topped off his mug.

  “It’s incredible. Thanks for suggesting it.”

  A bell dinged in the kitchen and Rachel ran off to deliver more food to her tables. The restaurant was filling up again. She put a flurry of orders in and brought drinks and coffees to her tables then came back to check on him. Her timing was perfect as he’d just taken his last bite.

  “Can I get you anything else?”

  “No, I’m stuffed. I may need to take a nap now before we go hiking.”

  Rachel laughed as she set down his bill. He fished in his wallet and pulled out enough cash to cover it plus a generous tip.

  “That’s all set.”

  “Thanks. So what time should I meet you later this afternoon?”

  “I’m flexible. Whatever is good for you.”

  Rachel thought about it for a minute. “Let’s say around three. I’ll just need to run home and change. Then I’ll head over and we can go.”

apter 7

  When Rachel got home from the cafe, her mother was walking around the kitchen with a smile on her face as she made a cup of tea. She still had her work apron on, so Rachel knew that she’d recently come home from her breakfast shift too.

  “You’re in a really good mood. Did you get a huge tip or something?” she teased.

  Her mother smiled. “Better than that. Norm Sandler came into the diner for breakfast this morning. I’d been thinking about him ever since you mentioned that he was working on your set and had asked for me. It was a shock to see him.”

  “He came in? Was it strange to see him after all these years?”

  Her mother had a dreamy look on her face. “No, not at all. It was almost as if very little time had passed. It was too busy to talk much, but whenever I had a free minute, we chatted. He said I look the same as he remembered, which was too sweet. He has a little less hair, but other than that, he looks just as wonderful too.”

  Rachel couldn’t remember the last time her mother looked so happy.

  “Will you see him again, do you think?”

  “Yes. He’s taking me out to dinner tonight! We have so much to talk about still. So much to catch up on.”

  Rachel was happy for her. “That’s great. Where will you go?

  “I suggested Figs. I think he’ll like it there. They have a little bit of everything on their menu and Norm always liked to hear live music. I’m sure there will be a band playing and maybe we’ll stay and listen for a while.”

  “That sounds like a good plan. What will you wear?” Rachel couldn’t remember the last time her mother went on a date or dressed up to go out.

  “Hmmm, I’m not sure. What do you suggest? You’re better at this than I am.”

  Rachel thought for a minute. “Your blue sweater and those new jeans you bought a few weeks ago. They make you look really thin and the sweater is flattering. You might curl your hair just a little.”


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