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Page 11

by Rachel Robinson

  “Is that what you wish, Emmalina?” Liam’s question confuses me.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Do you want the holograms to portray you with blue eyes?”

  I glance around at several of my images and shiver. “Yes, for the time being I would prefer them to be blue,” I tell him without turning my gaze from the darkling.

  Liam raises one hand into the air, palm up, and a black orb of spinning magic rises. He briskly snaps his fingers and the orb transforms into multiple gray beams of magic that dart to my holograms changing the eye color to blue. His magic is impressive.

  “Thank you,” I mutter quietly. No one else notices the holograms have changed. No one else cares.

  “You are most welcome, my princess,” Liam says. He looks at me hungrily, his gaze roving the curve of my chest and then dips down to my waist. I know he is picturing me naked. I know he is thinking of tonight, when my fated correction is to begin. His leer makes me uneasy, fearful, and disgusted. I must pretend I want him. I must seduce him like Lana and Bec taught me. Liam must care for me if I am to make it out of these walls alive. I see the darkling in the back of the room as a potential ally in my quickly forming plan.

  “May I speak with anyone I wish?” I ask. He has told me of no rules so I ask before I do anything.

  “Of course you may. I trust you will use your best judgment when discussing matters with our subjects,” Liam responds.

  “I do not know what I am not to speak of, sir,” I say, hoping the show of submission will garner affection. Liam’s eyes glow white and he pulls the center of his lip in between his teeth. He likes when I say sir. “I will be brief with my conversing. I have a big night to ready for.” I let my voice take on a high, pleasing tone. It holds promise. Liam is stunned—he merely nods.

  His eyes are still glowing white when I begin to walk away from him. I feel his eyes on my back. I know he is staring at me as I leave. I pull my hair over one shoulder to expose my bare back and turn my head to look back at him.

  “I look forward to tonight…sir,” I say. Liam’s hollow expression makes my heart leap into my throat with alarm, but I know my words have had their intended effect. I use all my focus to pull from my dark side to make my eyes glow white to match his. He smiles. I turn from him and close my eyes tightly, willing myself to return.

  I spot the group of darklings and realize they look alarmed as they see me approach. The shoes with high soles clack on the polished rock floor. Eyes turn to look at me as I cut a path through the throng of white eyes.

  “Come with me, darklings,” I say when I stand in front of them. I want to talk to them in private.

  “Yes, miss,” all three of the darklings say in unison. My stomach churns when I hear it. They are probably unfeeling. Like the one I heard killed in the desert circle. The girl’s death scream rings in my ears. I am relieved the dining hall I saw earlier is still in the same place. No spells have moved it…yet. It is empty but for us four.

  “Why are you here?” I ask, while looking them in the eye one at a time.

  “Because you told us, miss,” one says. Her eyes flicker brown.

  “Where did you come from?” I ask under my breath. The one with the brown eyes answers me again,

  “The woodland circle,” she says very quietly. The other two look at her and speak at the same time,

  “Do not speak of the circles. That is not allowed.” I want to tell them that it is allowed, that I need to hear everything she knows of this place because I know she is different. She feels, unlike the other two whose eyes remain stark white. I look at them.

  “You both are dismissed,” I tell them, using the voice I hear Liam use with the others. The remaining darkling is visibly upset I have sent them away. She knows I know she is different.

  “What is your name, darkling?” I ask. She looks both to the left and right, ostensibly making sure no one can hear before she answers.

  “My name is Lily, miss,” she says, telling me her human name. I smile.

  “Lily, why did you leave your circle?” I ask, realizing she is still shaking, fearful of me. “I ask you this as a fellow darkling, not as Iliam’s princess.” Iliam’s name spoken makes my stomach lurch with dreaded anticipation.

  Her eyes are brown when she speaks. “I was…curious,” she says. “I wanted to know what else was out there. Circle life is hard.” She pins my gaze then finishes, “I am sure you know what I mean.” I do not know what she means.

  “How many of the six do you feel?”

  “I feel fear,” she says. I swallow hard, feeling sympathy for her. She knows nothing else. It is better this way.

  “Is there any way out of the Dark Citadel?” I ask, urging my voice to be nonchalant. I know beyond this palace lies a vast abandoned city followed by other palaces and other cities. She shakes her head.

  “I know of only one who has gotten away. She challenged a prince from another palace. They never refuse a challenge and she was able to get free. She was an unimportant darkling though,” she says. She knows I ask for my own benefit and she is warning me against it. I urge my eyes white to dissuade her notions.

  “What was the challenge?”

  “It was the only challenge the witches cannot resist. They will never resist. If she was able to feel all six emotions she was free to live where she pleased,” Lily says. Finn’s face comes to mind the day as he told me of the deal he made with the dark witches. He knew it was the only challenge they would accept. Lily squints her eyes as she appraises me.

  “Can I ask you a question, miss?”

  “Yes,” I say, knowing what she will ask.

  “How many do you feel?”

  I lie. “Just one. I will give it up tonight, though.” Dark witches are within earshot now, as is Liam. I see him looking at us quizzically. Lily nods imperceptibly. She understands it is not a truth.

  “I have found my stand-in factotum,” I tell Liam with a smile on my face. Lily lets her eyes glow bright white as she turns and curtsies to Liam. I will not underestimate her shrewdness again.

  “Whatever you wish,” Liam says.

  Liam conjures a spinning magic-laced orb on his palm again. This time his magic laces with a sweet sounding melody that trickles through the room. He closes his hand. When it opens he holds a long stemmed flower. He hands it to me, and nods curtly at Lily to dismiss her from my presence. I let my fingertips trace the soft red petals, trying to remember words from my story.

  The sleeping princess holds a solitary rose.

  I walk arm in arm with Liam through more extravagant corridors. Though my mind is at ease remembering my story, my heart is bounding along at a frantic pace.

  “Liam, why can’t you just rule yourself? Why the need for an heir? It seems you are equipped to lead,” I say. I peer at him sideways and he shrugs.

  “I’ve wanted you since the day you were born, Emmalina. I knew on that day that I would wait for you. To make the wait worth it, I declared to the citizens of my palace I would produce offspring to rule the entire Dark Citadel in my name.” I remind myself of the offbeat magical time. Liam looks to be my age, but I know he has been around for much longer than I.

  “If you have wanted me since I was born, why leave me in the circle as long as you did. Why let me feel emotions? Why didn’t the witches chase me into the forest the night they killed my mother to bring me back to your bed?” My anger has reared and I regret it. Liam just grins in amusement.

  “I wanted something different. Something that felt,” he explains. I am that something. “Dark witches like challenges. I wanted you to be feeling, so when you were in my stead, I could make you beg to rid your body of emotions.” I unclasp my hand from his. I am his game—his property. He touches my waist lightly as he ushers me into a large door. My body vibrates with hatred for Liam and his palace—for taking me from my circle. I turn to face him, our noses inches apart.

  “I have a challenge for you Liam,” I say. My teeth grit—my eyes are stil
l blue. His eyes widen in delight. He is truly unable to refuse a challenge. I laugh.

  “Anything,” he says, his voice gravelly, serious.

  “I challenge you to fall in love with me,” I say. I know enough about the six to know that love is the hardest to feel and only takes root in the best circumstance. It is an unwitting challenge I know he will fail—not only because he is a dark witch and emotions are ever absent, but because I do not feel it and know not how to invoke it in others. His lips part, but he stays silent.

  So I can watch the look on your face when I tell you I despise you with every ounce of my being.

  Liam stares at me for moments uncountable because the room has gone silent. The hum of magic is absent. As he considers my challenge I think how vulnerable this quality makes him and the dark witches. If they could feel, they would know how weak their defenses truly are. Finn and the other male darklings are only alive because of the dark witch’s love for challenges. The decree to abstain from procreating is a temptation I am sure the witches assume is impossible to avoid. This nature will be the witch’s downfall.

  He finally speaks. “There are some challenges that even I am incapable of accepting, dear princess.” I do not let my face belie any trace of emotion. I roll my eyes, an irritating trait of Lana’s, and turn my shoulder to him. I will not let him see his refusal has disappointed me. He leans forward and brushes a languid kiss on my bare shoulder. I tense.

  “Though, if you are willing to love me it may be ever prudent for me to try to feel love myself,” Liam says, eyes glowing brightly. He has twisted my challenge and made it one of his own. My challenge is unlike anything he has been offered. I know this is why it intrigues him so.

  “If you are unable to feel love, what then? What is my prize?” I ask, trying to trap him with words. Liam takes off his jacket and rests it on a gilded rack, then raises one arm and unfastens a clip at his wrist.

  “You are cunning, darkling. More so than I gave you credit for. What do you want for a prize?” he asks as he undresses. I feel my breath hitch.

  “You know what I want,” I say much too quietly.

  He stalks toward me. “You think if I put in the effort to feel and fall in love with you and fail, I will let you go free? Since you are so keen to challenge me, here are my terms,” he whispers just as softly. He chucks one finger under my chin and raises it up. I hold my breath, fear bleating through me. This is a face of Liam I have not seen. He is dangerous. He wants so much more than Louis did.

  His eyes glow so brightly it blinds me. I feel his dark magic wrapping my body in warning. “If you are successful in making me feel love,” he smiles, but it does not touch his eyes—he knows I will fail. Liam continues, “Then I will not tear your perfect head from your faultless body when I have no more use for you.”

  Liam’s spoken words are not empty. I sense their fullness and truth.

  Chapter Twenty

  July 19th, Night

  Liam sends me to my room after he promises certain death. I am not sure if I even feel joy anymore. I know I must, but every single second I spend in this false world wears on me. Even my furniture gleams differently. I stare out my window, heart pounding, with hopes of a glimpse of Finn. He is not there. I want to see him because of what I am preparing for—my first night with Liam. If I can commit Finn’s features to memory, I can pretend it is him. The pit in my stomach does not leave.

  I strip off the elaborate pink gown and sit on the floor next to my bed. I pull out my backpack, deciding to see what is in it. I see extra clothing changes, ones I never had before. I pull out a pair of pants and my hand touches something familiar. The leather bound book from my house. My book. My heart wells with joy.

  Finn has given me my story back. I hug it tightly to my chest knowing these words that were once so empty, will be the words that get me through this night. I crack open the book and run my fingers across the faded pages. Sentiments crash over me in waves.

  Lily does not knock before she enters my room. Magic wisps into my room as she closes the door behind her. She wills her eyes brown.

  “Miss, are you ready for tonight?” she asks.

  I sit in my white camisole and underwear clutching a book from the old world. I look as far from ready as possible. I know this. I wish Lana would come. She would know how to handle Liam. She would have tricks and acting tips. All the sub-emotions that branch from fear thrum though me—they overpower me. I am crippled.

  “I do not know if I can do this,” I say, my voice cracking. Lily looks around my room, and then sits on the bed next to me.

  “This reminds me of my room in my circle. I recognize fear in you. Let the prince take it away,” Lily responds quietly. Though her words hold no emotion I think they are wise words. I nod my head in thoughtful agreement. This is my fate. If I am to endure the correction, the absence of fear will make it more bearable. Another set of glowing eyes enters my room. Hers do not flicker and the trail of magic in her wake signal she is a witch. I stand and face her.

  “Hello, miss. I am here to test you,” she says mechanically. Lily takes my hand and ushers me toward her. My whole body shakes.

  “Test me for what?” I ask. Without a word the witch kneels in front of me and places her hands on my lower stomach. Lily just nods when she sees my eyes widen in shock. The witch closes her eyes and my body begins vibrating at my core. When she pulls her hands away my limbs feel numb. I want my whole body to feel numb.

  “You cannot conceive an heir in this month,” she states.

  I am thankful and enraged. It means I will have to have sex with Liam multiple times without the possibility of giving him what he desires. Though, as soon as I do, he will kill me. I am a means to an end. My own end.

  “Prince Iliam awaits your arrival. Lillithia will bring you to his rooms when you are ready,” the dark witch says as she exits. I am vaguely aware that Lily is combing my hair and applying paint on my face. She selects a long white gown that is far too tight. It is also cut too low, and my small breasts spill over the top. She is packaging me for my prince.

  “It is time to go, miss,” Lily says. Her eyes are still brown. I am thankful she has not used magic to ready me for this night. I remove my collar but keep Finn’s heart on. I slip my arms through the sleeves of a rich purple overcoat. Lily buttons it up to my chin then waits for me by the door. I open the battered book to a random page and glance at the words. I set it back on my bed and glance out my window to look for Finn one last time. When I find his window dark and empty, I force my magic to rise to the surface. When my eyes reflect white in the window I turn and leave my world.

  Liam is lounging on a chair by a window when I enter. Lily leaves without saying a word. She cannot make things better or fix my problems for me, so I am glad for her silence. He remains quiet as I walk toward him. I look out of his large window and see stars for the first time. They twinkle with an unexpected glow and shine bright against the blackest onyx sky.

  “That is so…” I struggle for words. My mother has never told me of how perfect night was in the old world.

  “Beautiful,” Liam says. When I turn to him, he is gazing at me…not the starry sky. His eyes are blue, but I know the wrath he is capable of. I do not trust his outward appearance. I take another step closer to the glass window and take in everything. If I look left or right I see sections of the expansive palace. A downward glance shows lit gardens. Bugs that light up fly through the small bushes and trees. I cannot help the gasp that escapes because I know this palace, and Liam’s territory is modeled after the old world.

  “This is what the old world looked like, isn’t it?” I ask.

  “Yes, of course. Do you like it?” Liam responds while grabbing my hand in his.

  “It is better than her stories. I want to see everything up close.” I tighten my hand around his. With the beautiful imagery my eyes feast on, my fear has abated, but I know it will return. He brings his hand to my overcoat and begins to unbutton it.

>   While his hands briskly move down he speaks. “I want you to have and see all these things. All I ask for is loyalty during our time together. I do not want you to plot against me nor do I want to harm you,” Liam says.

  Yet, I think.

  My coat drops to the floor. His eyes shine an unrelenting white as he rakes my body, finally resting on my chest. “I may have been too brash earlier. My apologies, princess.” Liam’s split personalities confound me. I know I will never understand him. I swallow audibly and my chest heaves slightly. He brushes one finger lightly over the top swell of my breast. I shiver as my fear returns. Liam leans his blond head down and traces three light kisses where his fingers just touched, just below where Finn’s heart resides.

  “I apologize for being fearful, Liam. I do not know what to do.” My voice shakes. It is a lie. I know exactly what I want to do with Finn. With my eyes trained straight ahead and my breathing increasing at a harried pace, I find no control to hold onto. He leans up from my breast and smiles wickedly.

  “I do not know what to do either. I will let my instincts guide me, as you should as well,” he rasps.

  My instincts tell me to slice his head off and watch every drop of blood leak from his corpse. I surely cannot do that, so I close my eyes to muster courage. I feel his wet lips on my neck, trailing up to my ear and back down again. He repeats this many times. Liam’s breath is warm and the shiver of thrill I experience shocks me. I feel his mouth through my nightgown. Moving along the side of my body, he dips his lips to my waist, then my hip, and then over to my belly button. When I open my eyes I know they are flickering wildly, uncontrollably.

  “Now.” Liam stands and pins me with his gaze as he removes his shirt. “Your turn, darkling.” He takes several steps forward causing me to move back until the back of my legs hit the edge of his enormous bed. He towers in front of me, shaking with dark magic, with feral excitement, with intent. I clutch the blankets underneath me as hard as I can knowing I cannot go any further.


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