Good Booty
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“quadrille wars,” 8
as sexual dance, 15
“Quadroon Ballroom, The” (Lincoln), 10–11
“quadroon” balls, 10–13
Queen (1970s), 226
Queen (2010s), 223
“queen of the blues,” 73
Queen of the Moulin Rouge, The (play), 57
“queens,” gospel, 85–93
queer community. see LGBTQ
Queer Nation, 257
Quinn, Eithne, 292
Quinn, R. J., 250
Quiverfull, 336
race issues. see also race “mixing”
African American soft rock recordings, 235–236
black and white Southern gospel, 104–109
Black Lives Matter, 344–346, 349
doo-wop and, 117, 121–122
free-love music and, 164
Great Migration, xxiii–xxiv, 72, 96–97
Hendrix and racial identity issues, 172, 174, 177–180, 186
Lemonade (Knowles) on, 17–18, 343–344, 346, 349
minstrelsy, 6, 41, 52
musical traditions as anima, xvi
“race records,” 72, 103, 112
rap and African American male performers, 282
slavery, xviii–xix, 3–5, 12–13, 15, 23
“somebodiness,” defined, xviii–xix
Young Americans (Bowie) and, 243–244
race “mixing,” 1–37
in Congo Square, 27–36
Creole culture and, 15–27
at early New Orleans balls, 3–15
gospel and, 103–109
as inspiration for popular music, 36–37
intermarriage in nineteenth century, 2
partner dancing in early twentieth century, 60–61
race relations, overview, 1–3
shimmy and, 47–55
as taboo, 37 (see also New Orleans (1800–1900))
Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers (Wolfe), 180
radio, gospel and, 101–103, 105
ragtime, 46–47
Ragtime Review, 47
Rainey, Ma, 58, 64, 72, 77–81, 86, 101
Ramone, Joey, 260
Ramone, Marky, 259–260
Ramones, 259–260, 264
R&B (rhythm and blues). see also American Heartland (1950–1960)
criticism of, 327
early recordings, 109
gospel and, 104
nonsense lyrics and, 117
rape. see also crime and violence
of groupies, 143–144, 212, 215
in Haight-Ashbury, 170–171
hip-hop and sexual violence, 288, 292
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), 296
victims speaking out against, 347–349
rap music
gangsta rap, 292
homophobia and, 288–291
rise of, 280–285, 293
women’s roles and, 288
“Rapper’s Delight” (Sugarhill Gang), 284
Ravan, Genya, 257–258
Ravizee Family Singers, 82
Ray, Johnnie, 127, 138
RCA-Victor Records, 105, 128
Reagan, Ronald, 202, 247–249, 251, 270, 278, 290
“realm of public privacy,” 60
Reasonable Doubt (Jay Z), 283
Rebel Heart Tour (Madonna), 279–280
recording industry. see also individual names of recording studios
advent of recording studios, 71
early use of recording studios, 123–125
45 RPM singles, 124, 136
music file sharing, 326–327, 333–334
ribbon microphones, 112
Recording Industry of America, 333
Redding, Noel, 175
“Red House” (Hendrix), 176
Redstockings, 186
Reed, Lou, 192, 200, 218
Reed, Rex, 218
Reed, Robert, 97–98
Reems, Harry, 206
religious right
AIDS epidemic and, 247–249, 251
on Lilith Fair, 296
Quiverfull, 336
rise of, 270, 277
Rent (play), 254
Replacements, 293
Repo Man (film), 262
Reuben, David M., 233
Revolution, 276
Reynolds, Diamond, 345–346
Reynolds, Simon, 246, 294
Reznor, Trent, 298
Rhodes, Lisa, 183, 204
ribbon microphones, 112
Rice, Tamir, 345
Rice, Thomas, 7
Rich, Charlie, 235
Richards, Keith, 168, 174
Ridley, Ethel, 53
Rihanna, 310, 319, 335
Riley, Billy Lee, 124
ring shout, xvi, xx, xxi
riot grrrl, 295–296, 298
Ritchie Family, 248, 249
River Rovers, 100
Roach, Joseph, xxv, 9
Robb, John, 258
Robbins, Tom, 163
Robertson, Pat, 270
Robinson, Danielle, 52
Robinson, Lisa, 202, 205–206, 223
Robinson, Smokey, 160
roboglove, 314
Robyn, 310
rockabilly, 123–136
“Rock-a My Soul” (Blackwood Brothers), 104
rock and roll, 111–154
birth of, xv
changing roles in youth and, 148–154
fans as “teenage queens” of, 135–148
gospel’s influence on, 95–96
musical styles leading to, 111–113
rockabilly, 123–136
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, 139
“Rocket” (Knowles), 324
“Rocket 88” (Turner), 114
“Rocket Man” (John), 230
Rockwell, John, 228
Roc Nation, 283
Rodgers, Jimmie, 113
Rodney’s English Disco, 202, 212
Rolling Stone (magazine), on AIDS, 252
Rolling Stone Illustrated History of Rock & Roll, The, 182
Rolling Stones (band), 166, 168, 196, 214
Rollins, Henry, 288
Ronson, Mick, 203, 215–216, 223, 276
Rose, Billy, 64
“Rose of Washington Square” (Brice), 73
Rosin, Hanna, 337
Ross, Diana, 161–162, 234
Roszak, Theodore, 156
Rothchild, Paul, 184–185
Runaways, 212
Rupe, Art, 91, 92
Rush, Merrilee, 234
Rushen, Patrice, 269
Russell, Leon, 234
“Russian Roulette” (Rihanna), 335
“Sadie Salome (Go Home)” (Berlin), 63
Saint (club), 255
Salle de Conde (ballroom), 4
Salome (Strauss), 49
Salt-N-Pepa, 291
Samberg, Adam, 315
Samuels, Gertrude, 122–123
Sandstone (California retreat), 240
Sanneh, Kelefa, 307–308
Santiago, Maria Elena, 134
Sasha Fierce (Knowles), 313–314, 321
Saturday Night Fever (film), 242
“Say It Loud, I’m Black and I’m Proud” (Brown), 179
Scandals (White; theater performance), 54
Scene (New York club), 169
Schechner, Richard, 217
Schiff, Matthew, 120
Schindler, Kurt, 24
Schwarz, Lorraine, 314
Scott-Heron, Gil, 201
Screw (magazine), 225
“Searching (I Gotta Find a Man)” (Dean), 255
Sebert, Kesha Rose, 347
Sebring, Jay, 192
Second Self, The (Turkle), 315–316
Seeger, Pete, 25
Seeley, David, 286–287
Segal, David, 307
Sehdev, Jeetendr, 279–280
Seidman, Steven, 41, 43
Seldes, Gilbert, 69
lf, Ronnie, 125
Sensational Nightingales, 92
“sensitive male” role, 231–232
Seroff, Doug, 97, 98
7 Lively Arts, The (Seldes), 69
Sex (London shop), 260
Sex (Madonna; book), 272, 273
Sex and the Single Girl (Brown), 156
sexology, as scientific discipline, 42, 46–47
Sex Pistols, 258, 260, 264
Sex Revolts, The (Reynolds, Press), 246
sexting, 337
“Sexual Eruption” (Snoop Dogg), 331
sexuality in music. see eroticism in music
sexual revolution, 155–197
counter culture of 1960s, 156–157
free-love music of, 162–169
Gathering of the Tribes for a Human Be-In, 155, 167
girl groups of 1960s, 157–162
Hendrix and, 168–181
Joplin and, 168–172, 181–187
Morrison and, 168–172, 187–197
overview, 155–156
Shaft (film), 236
Shaggy, 286–287
“Shake That Thing” (Waters), 53
“Shaking the Blues Away” (Berlin), 53
Shakur, Tupac, 282–283
Shampoo (film), 237
Shangri-Las, 117
Shapiro, Nat, 73
Shaw, Bill, 104–109
Shaw, Marian, 44
“Sh-Boom” (Chords), 119
Sheeley, Sharon, 140
Castles and, 61
Congo Square influence on, 54
hootchie-kootchie and, 43–47
interracial mingling and, 47–55
spiritual erotic and, 76
Shinsecki, Susie, 140–141
Shire, Warsan, 344
Shirelles, 154, 158
“Showers” (AIDS benefit), 248, 250
Shrine Auditorium (California), 91
Shuffle Along (play), 67, 69
Siano, Nicky, 240
Sides, Josh, 167
Simon, Carly, 234
Simone, Nina, 267
Sinatra, Frank, 136, 138
“Single Girl, Married Girl” (Carter Family), 113
“Single Ladies” (Knowles), 311, 313–318
Sissle, Noble, 48, 66, 71
“Sister Flute,” 98–99
Sixteenth Street Baptist Church (Birmingham), 90
“Skokiaan,” 122
candios and, 23
dance and, 12–13
masking and costumes, 15
in New Orleans, 3–5
“somebodiness” and dignity, xviii–xix
“Slip It In” (Black Flag), 285
Smalls, Biggie (Notorious B.I.G.), 282
“Smells Like Teen Spirit” (Nirvana), 298
Smith, Bessie
dancing by, 48
as “Empress of the Blues,” 70–74
gospel and, 76, 78, 79, 81, 99
as Mahalia Jackson’s inspiration, 88–89
“Tain’t Nobody’s Business If I Do,” 58
Smith, Howard, 190
Smith, Joseph C., 57
Smith, Mamie, 57–58, 71, 72
Smith, Will, 289
Smith, Willie Mae Ford “Mother,” 86
Snoop Dogg, 330
social media
Beyoncé (Knowles), 321–326
early use for music, 273–274
file sharing and, 333–334
pornography comparison to, xix–xx
soft-core pornography, music of 1970s and, 201–202
soft rock, 229–238
“soft self,” 308, 316
“So Many Men, So Little Time” (Brown), 255
Sombrero (disco), 238–239
“somebodiness,” defined, xviii–xix
Songbirds of the South, 100
Songfellows, 104
Sonic Youth, 280–281, 284
soul, gospel’s influence on, 95–96
Soul Stirrers, 91, 94, 95–96, 103, 108
sound, in pornography, 206–211
Southern Folklore Collection, University of North Carolina, 141–142
Southern gospel. see also gospel
by black and white performers, 104–109
quartets of, 96–100
Sparks, Hal, 298
Spears, Britney
biographical information, 302
characterization of, xix, 302–312
mental health of, 310–311, 312
Specialty Records, 91, 92
Spelvin, Georgina, 206
Spice Girls, 303
Spiders from Mars, 202–206, 219, 223, 276
Spin, on LL Cool J, 281
Spinderella, 291
Spirit of Memphis, 75, 95, 97, 100–102, 104
spirituality in gospel music, overview, 75–76. see also gospel
“Spiritual Midnight Rambles” (Moore’s gospel concerts), 101
Spivey, Victoria, 71
Springsteen, Bruce, 90
Spungen, Nancy, 261
Squier (slave), 33
Stanton, Harry Dean, 268
Star (magazine), 215
Starr, Sable, 202–203, 211, 215–216
Statesmen, 106–109
Stearns, Marshall, 9, 54–55
Steele, Silas, 94–100, 101, 105, 118
Stevenson, Nils, 258
Stock, Mike, 327
Stoller, Mike, 109
Stonewall (New York bar), 191, 222
Stooges, 220–221, 222
Storyville, 30, 46
“Strange Fruit” (Holiday), 346
Strauss, Neil, 303
Strauss, Richard, 49
“Streets of Cairo” (Bloom), 48
Streisand, Barbra, 64
strip-club culture, cyberspace and, 328–332
striptease, belly dancing and, 45
Stud (San Francisco club), 256
“Such a Night” (Drifters), 120
Summer, Donna, xxii, 241
“Summertime Blues” (Cochran), 139
Sun Records, 106
Sunset Strip (Hollywood), groupies and, 202–206
“Superstar” (Carpenters), 234, 235
Supremes, 159–162
Swan Silvertones, 98
Sweet Air (Comentale), 126
Sweet Connie (groupie), 205
“Sweet Rough Man” (Rainey), 58
Swift, Taylor, 319, 336
Sylvester (Sylvester James; Dooni), 218–219, 226–227, 242–243, 252
“Symphony in Black” (Ellington), 54
“Tain’t Nobody’s Business If I Do” (Smith), 58
Talese, Gay, 240
Talking Heads, 261, 264
“Talking Nonsense and Knowing When to Stop” (Phillips), 116
Tan (magazine), 119–120
tango, 61–62
Tan Town Jamboree (Williams), 101
Tapestry (King), 234
Taupin, Bernie, 230
Taylor, James, 234, 267
Taylor, Katharine Whiteside, 151
Taylor, Zola, 118
“Teenage Dream” (Perry), 336
Teenage Rock ’n Roll Review (magazine), 126–127
teenagers, 111–154. see also American Heartland (1950–1960); fans
advice books and magazines for/about, 134–135 131, 149, 151
changing roles in youth and, 148–154
sexual desire of, 123–135
sexual fears, problems, and exploitation of, 135–148
title of, 113
Teenagers (singing group), 119–120
“Telephone” (Lady Gaga), 319
Tempo-Tones, 118–119
Temptations, 98, 160, 329
Tennessee Ten, 68
Thal, Terri, 174
Tharpe, Rosetta, 85, 90
“That Da Da Strain” (Waters), 53
“That’ll Be the Day” (Holly), 133
“That’s What Friends Are For” (Warwick), 252
“Then I’
ll Be Happy” (Baker), 27
Thicke, Robin, 337–341
Third Wave feminism, 295–296
Thompson, Ulysses “Slow Kid,” 68
“Thriller” (Jackson), 278
Till, Emmett, 117
Timberlake, Justin, xix, 304, 315
Times-Picayune (New Orleans), 7
Tinder, 325, 336–337
Tokens, 122
Tolinski, Brad, 208
Tomb Raider (film), 305
To Pimp a Butterfly (Lamar), 348
Townshend, Pete, 176, 178, 188
T-Pain, 329–330
travesty plays, 40–41
Traynor, Chuck, 206
Treat It Gentle (Bechet), 34–35
Tribe 8, 288
True, Andrea, 241–242
Trust (Costello), 263
Trynka, Paul, 203
Tryst, The (Ford), 40–41
Tucker, Earl “Snake Hips,” 54
Tucker, Ira, 98
Tucker, Moe, 218
Tumblr, 321–326
Turkle, Sherry, 315–316
Turner, Ike, 114, 166
Turner, Joe, 112
Turner, Tina, 166, 185, 209
“Tutti Frutti” (Little Richard), xxiv, 35–36, 129
Twain, Mark, 19
12 Years a Slave (film), 9, 22, 25
twentieth-century music. see AIDS backlash and music industry (1977–1997); American Heartland (1950–1960); gender roles of 1970s; gospel; New York (1900–1929); rock and roll
twerking, xxi, 36
Twitty, Conway, 235
2 Live Crew, 328
Understanding Teenagers (Landis), 149
Underwood, (Mrs.) V., 83–84
University of Alabama, 225
University of North Carolina, 141–142
“Uptown” (Prince), 275
Uriah Heep, 214
“Uses of the Erotic” (Lorde), 76
Vail, Tobi, 294–295
Valentino, Rudolph, 62
“Vampire Dance, The” (Eis), 52
Vandross, Luther, 243
Vanilla, Cherry, 199–200
Van Rees, Nyla, 114–115
van Wey, Adelaide, 17
vaudeville, 40–42, 59
Veeck, Mike, 245–246
Velvet Underground, 192, 200, 218
Vicious, Sid, 258, 261
Video Music Awards (MTV), 272
“Video Phone” (Knowles), 320
Vincent, Gene, 140
violence. see crime and violence
Virginia jig (dance), 12
virtual reality, Knowles and, 315
voudou, 22, 31–32
Wabe, Ashea, 44
Wade, Theo, 101
Wagner, Bryan, 33
“Wait (The Whisper Song)” (Ying Yang Twins), xix–xx
“Wake Up Little Susie” (Everly Brothers), 151–152
Waksman, Steve, 221
Waldo, Terry, 46
Walker, Ada Overton, 49
Walker, Albertina, 91
Walters, Ronald G., 6
Walton, Florence, 62
Ward, Brian, 121
Ward, Clara, 85, 88, 89, 90, 103
Ward, Gertrude, 88
Warhol, Andy, 200
Warwick, Dionne, 252
Warwick, Jacqueline, 158
Washington, Dinah, 112
Waters, Ethel, 48, 53, 61, 67, 73, 121