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Captain's Baby Girl

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by Saffron Daughter

  Captain's Baby Girl


  Saffron Daughter

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  Copyright 2013 by Saffron Daughter

  Smashwords Edition

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  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in this work are adults.

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  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Table of Contents:

  Captain's Baby Girl

  About the Author

  Bonus Material 1 - Caught Cheating

  Bonus Material 2 - My Sister's Boyfriend

  Bonus Material 3 - Their Secret Desires


  Captain's Baby Girl

  “Oh Jesus, fuck, yes, yes… don’t stop! Fuck!”

  “You like that?”

  “Don’t talk, just fuck,” Madeline commanded, closing her legs tighter around the man’s chiseled body. “Just fuck,” she repeated, letting her eyes roll back in bliss as she was overwhelmed by sensations of pleasure, tendrils of bliss penetrating her to her core. The man’s thick and fat phallus ground against the mottled skin that marked her g-spot, the aftermath of each powerful thrust sent rippling through her body.

  “Put a finger in my ass,” she ordered between heaves and pants. He obeyed, and she felt a finger, slick with saliva, push into her button. “Another one!” she choked, mid-gasp as the rush of feeling hit her like a hammer. He pushed another finger into her, this one dry, and as she felt the friction pull at her anus, she crested, wave after wave of climactic pleasure crashing over her. She felt tossed about and, as she began to slope downward from the ultimate plateau, she placed a hand on the man’s leg, halting him mid-thrust.

  “What?” he cried out angrily, impotently.

  “I’m done,” Madeline said, pulling forward so that he slipped out of her.

  “But I’m not,” the man said angrily.

  “That’s not why I invited you here. Get out. I’ve got a plane to catch.”

  “What the fuck?” the man said, his voice rising. An angry tremor shook his vocal chords and he reddened noticeably. Madeline turned and glared at him. Their eyes were locked for a moment, but in that miniscule period of time, a war was waged. He lost. He shrank beneath her ferocious stare, and got out of bed quickly, pulling his trousers and briefs up his long and hairy legs.

  “Thanks for nothing, bitch,” he spat, doing his best to sound vicious. But his fangs had been blunted, and the insult merely glanced off Madeline who looked after him curiously as he stalked out of the hotel room and shut the door with a slam. He hadn’t even finished getting dressed yet. He had also forgotten his tie.

  “Men can be so fragile,” Madeline said to herself. She got out of bed and walked to her dresser. She examined herself in the mirror briefly, looking up and down her body. Though nearing forty, the sight of herself always brought a smile to her lips. Still shapely; still firm. Madeline examined her dresser and spotted the unfilled condom that the man had thrown angrily, powerlessly. Was it Greg? Or perhaps George? Madeline couldn’t remember. She picked up the condom and casually tossed in the rubbish basket beside the dresser.

  “Men,” she sighed, shaking her head.

  * * *

  “Good afternoon, Ms. Walton,” the stewardess said, and Madeline looked up from her newspaper and was struck instantly by the beauty in the young woman’s face. She smiled and nodded.

  “Better than yesterday’s.”

  “Yes, Ms. Walton. May I see your ticket, please?”

  “Of course,” Madeline said, handing over the ticket.

  “Ah, 1A, that’s right this way. If you’ll follow me, please?” The young stewardess walked forward quickly, leading Madeline through Business Class and into the First Class compartment. Madeline watched as the generous globes of the young woman’s ass rolled and rotated with each step she took. The young woman had a remarkable body to go with that beautiful face. Her legs were long and a little muscular, and her black skirt clung tightly to them, leaving remarkably little to the imagination.

  Madeline felt a flicker of interest, a spark that made its way from her mind to her cunt. “What’s your name?” she asked, leaning her head closer to the young woman, close enough to smell her perfume. The fragrance was subtle, and beneath it, Madeline detected the woman’s own personal scent, something heavier and with far more character to it than the artificiality of the perfume.

  “Elizabeth,” the stewardess replied, looking over her shoulder and smiling warmly at Madeline. “Elizabeth Lam.”

  “Lam?” Madeline asked, her curiosity piqued. “But you don’t really look--” The young woman turned and smiled evenly at Madeline. Madeline’s eyes caressed the texture of the woman’s lips, large and full and velvety. She saw the curve of the woman’s eyes and how she had a slightly darker complexion to her, one that was not immediately prominent. “Oh, I see it now,” Madeline said. “Why, you must only be a quarter--”

  “A quarter Asian? Yes, Chinese actually. My mother is half. Her father was from Hong Kong.”

  “I see. And your father?”

  “Never knew him. It’s why I have my mother’s name.”

  “Oh,” Madeline said, cursing at herself internally for her carelessness. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about it. A lot of people are surprised when they learn of my surname.”

  “At any rate, you have a beautiful first name, and a beautiful face.”

  “Thank you,” Elizabeth said, her cheeks reddening slightly at the compliment. She looked at Madeline and bit her lip. For a moment, their eyes remained locked, doing their dance, sending the equivalent of a thousand words in the space between two beats of a heart. Madeline’s eyes conveyed her attraction toward the young girl but the same was not returned. The girl’s own gaze seemed to exude an openness to experimentation, but a fixed orientation. They said that Madeline didn’t quite fit the mold.

  Their silent conversation ended with Madeline feeling a hint of disappointment that she shrugged off quickly. Elizabeth looked at her, eyes sparkling, and asked if she’d like anything to drink.

  “White wine, please, Elizabeth.”

  “Of course, Ms. Walton, I’ll be right back.”

  “Pretty thing,” Madeline said to herself, sitting down slowly in the spacious seat. She had her own cubicle on the plane, and with a dreadful sixteen hour flight ahead of her, Chicago to Singapore, she was glad. She took off her shoes and began to gently massage her feet. Elizabeth returned with a glass of white and set it expertly down in Madeline’s drink holder.

  “Thank you, dear,” Madeline said, touching the girl’s hand. Their contact was electric to Madeline, and it seared through her body and ignited her lust into a fiery passion. But Madeline knew the feeling was her own, and not shared, and as the stewardess walked off, her immaculate ass singing left and right, Madeline again found
herself suppressing a touch of something negative, something forlorn.

  * * *

  The supper they provided was better than you’d get in Economy, but in the end it was still plane food. Madeline thought this with a heavy sigh as she pushed away the tray of half-finished fish and couscous. The cubicle-like chair she was sat in was also still just a plane chair, even if it did recline all the way back. No matter how hard they tried to make things more comfortable, Madeline just never was convinced by it. In the end, she was still on a plane, some cramped and phallic metal cylinder that skied tens of thousands of feet in the air. Put in a bed, provide good wine, it all helped, but only to a degree.

  Madeline peered over the top of her cubicle and looked at the markings on the door that led into the cockpit. Do Not Enter, Authorized Access Only, and other dangerously red warnings were emblazoned on the plastic-looking surface.

  Turning her head, she looked down the aisle to see the other cubicle-seats, arranged in a way that nobody could see into someone else’s. Madeline’s cubicle was in the center of the plane, rather than a window seat. She preferred it that way. The turbulence was less felt, particularly during turns.

  She narrowed her eyes and peered at the galley, seeing a red-skirted bum sticking out. Someone was bending over, her rear poking out into visibility, and it took Madeline only a few moments to recognize that it was Elizabeth’s bum. She sighed internally, feeling a pang of desire strike her. That young, sweet thing. If only she’d step into Madeline’s cubicle and entertain her for a while….

  Madeline closed her eyes, letting a humming smile part her lips as she imagined Elizabeth’s slowly parting for her. Both sets opening, one for a kiss, the other for a kiss of a different kind. A whisk of perfume dragged Madeline out of her moment of lustful reverie, and she opened her eyes to see Elizabeth walking past, her gorgeous bum rolling one cheek over the other. In her hands were three trays, and she went to the cockpit door and knocked a specific pattern. The door opened and she disappeared inside to the muffled cheer of what sounded like three men.

  Madeline sat back and wondered if the flight crew got better food than she did. Probably not… there’s only so much that can be done with frozen foo--

  “…baby girl…”

  Madeline bolted upright and looked toward the door. Had she really heard what she thought she ha--

  “…oh, Daddy…”

  Madeline’s mouth curled into a wicked grin. Elizabeth! The naughty girl! The voices were floating through the door.

  “…who are you…”

  “…baby girl…”

  Madeline’s grin twitched. She couldn’t believe that the cockpit wasn’t soundproofed better!

  “…hear you…”

  “…the Captain’s baby…”

  Madeline leaned back in her seat. Elizabeth, the Captain’s baby girl! She laughed softly, somehow comforted by the idea that even if she couldn’t have Elizabeth, the young and pretty stewardess was having her desires sated anyway. She closed her eyes, straining to hear the voices within.


  “…baby girl….”

  “…watch this time?”

  “…they want to…”

  “…okay, Daddy…”

  Madeline threw her head back, laughing silently, thinking of Elizabeth agreeing to be watched by the other two cockpit crew members. She could imagine the hunger and lust imbued in their stares, their eyes undressing the young girl, racing ahead of schedule. She could imagine the Captain, probably in his late forties or even early fifties, midriff flirting with a small belly, but arms still strong and hands still large. She could imagine Elizabeth, nodding her head, doing anything to make her Daddy proud… the Daddy she never had.

  “…oh, Daddy…”

  “…come here, baby girl…clothes off…”

  Madeline imagined the Captain pulling the young thing toward him, turning her around so that he could unzip her tight black skirt. He would fumble for the zip a little, and it might catch once or twice on its descent, but sure enough the skirt would slip down Elizabeth’s long legs to pool at her feet. She would step out of them, wearing her thin little thong, biting her lip, eager to please her Daddy.

  Madeline felt a patch of dampness growing in her underwear, and without opening her eyes, unzipped her own skirt, and sent a hand exploring inside. Her panties were wet and her clit was already a hardened stub, peeking out from beneath its velvety hood.

  “…oh Daddy…touch me?”

  “…let them…won’t hurt you…”

  Madeline imagined the other two ravenous men, each of them pushing their arms forward, caressing the stewardess’ soft skin, each spinning her so they could get a glimpse at that glorious, perfect ass, split in half by a thong, maybe black, maybe purple. Elizabeth would still be wearing her heels, and her muscular calves would be angled like diamonds, tight and sexy.

  Madeline let her fingers flutter over her clit that pressed through her panties like it was trying to break free of them. The fleeting sensation of pleasure tickled her, and she let her fingers run downward, putting gentle pressure on her folds, running small circles around her entrance. She was threatening to soak her panties completely, but she could always change into a spare pair later.

  “…been bad…”

  “…yes, Daddy, I have…”

  “…think you should be punished…”

  “…yes, Daddy…want to be…”

  Madeline imagined the Captain bending the pretty stewardess over the lap of one of the other men. Her glorious ass would be pointed at his face. He would bring his hand up high in the air and Elizabeth would whimper a little, anticipating the sting that was to come.


  Madeline’s eyes shot open and she laughed. The sound of the smack had pierced right through the doorway, and she felt a gush of excitement and warmth throb in her nether regions. God, this was hot! Something about only being able to hear what was going on within the cockpit, and not being able to see it was astoundingly arousing. It felt like catching glimpses, something that would be eternally teasing.



  “…bad girl…haven’t you…”

  “…yes, Daddy…”

  Madeline sent her fingers beneath the lip of her panties, and ran them through her trimmed triangular bush, feeling the soft hair part as her digits glided gracefully through. They found the bulge of her bud and she began to encircle it slowly, feeling the teasing tendrils of pleasure infiltrate her body.


  Madeline let a finger run up and down, splaying herself open, spreading her inner labia slowly, methodically, rhythmically.

  “…Daddy, Daddy…not again…”


  Madeline pushed the tip of her index finger inside her, and nearly yelped as she felt herself clench around the penetration, her lubricated canal hungry.

  “…suck his…”

  “…Daddy…don’t want to…”

  “…as I say…”

  “…yes, Daddy…”

  Madeline let her skirt slide further down her legs, until they pooled at her feet. With eyes closed, she reached for the curtain that granted her privacy in her cubicle, and swung it shut so quickly that the metal hooks rattled in their rail.

  She pulled her underwear to one side and began to run two fingers up and down her slit, going up and over her sensitive bundle of nerves to come down the other side of it. She was breathing quickly and her cheeks were flushed, and soft moans escaped from beneath her parted lips as she repeatedly, rhythmically, teased herself.

  She imagined Elizabeth being forced to suck off one of the other men while still bent over, while still waiting for the searing sting of pain to shoot through her--


  It was louder this time and Madeline heard a muffled scream. Elizabeth had something in her mouth. A smile twitched at Madeline’s mouth, and she inserted two fingers roughly inside her, brought them out again, and
plunged them back in again. She began to finger herself more powerfully, using her spare hand to massage her clit in strong, circular movements. She expertly located the mottled skin that marked her g-spot and put gentle pressure on it with each thrust of her fingers.

  “Elizabeth,” she hissed, imagining the young stewardess between her legs, conjuring up in her mind the feel of that pretty thing’s tongue sliding up and down her slit, swabbing at her labia, flicking at her clit.

  Madeline moaned more loudly, but caught in the throes of fantasy and passion, she did not care. She did not open her eyes or even stop to hear if someone else had stirred. She continued to finger herself quicker and faster, edging herself closer with deft and practiced movements.

  “…bend over, baby girl and… hands on the door…”

  “…yes, Daddy…”


  Madeline imagined the girl being pushed up against the door to the cockpit, her beautiful behind facing all three men as they licked their lips eagerly. Her ass cheeks would be red from the smacks, her skin raised and angry.

  “…take off…thong…”

  Madeline let herself grin mid-gasp, knowing that she had been right about the stewardess’s thong, feeling pleasure ripple through her body as she continued to finger fuck herself rhythmically. She could picture the girl sliding her thong down her legs, bending over as she did so, granting the three uniformed men full view of her glistening, sparkling folds; granting them full access to her womanhood.

  Plunging a third finger inside her, Madeline groaned in pleasure. She was nearing climax, nearing the ultimate plateau, but she wanted something more, something more filling. She slowed her rhythms to a gradual stop before retrieving her fingers from inside her. She began to rummage through her purse, bringing out a condom packet. She tore open the packet, and then leaned forward to pop the television remote from out of its holder beneath the fold-out screen. It was about ten inches long and certainly thick enough.


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