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Blood Moon (A Sable Hart Vampire Slayer Novel Book 5)

Page 11

by Megan Hawke

  I took more time putting on my face and styling my hair than putting on the gown. Sabrina was already standing beside Vanessa when I went up. She wore the same outfit, only in white. Vanessa gave me a pearl necklace, earrings, and bracelet to wear, with Sabrina getting diamonds.

  "You better be back before first light," Dane said.

  "No. After sundown tomorrow," Vanessa said. "Half the night is gone. If they were here when I first arrived to pick them up, I could promise that. Not now."

  "We'll be fine. Antoinette promised, and she has to honor her word." I said.

  Vanessa sat between us in the limo. No one said a word on the trip to Antoinette's mansion. It would be the first time I visited. I didn't even know where it was located until that night, but you know I locked that information away for future reference.

  It was a huge mansion in the French Chateau style. Of course. The grounds were extensive, with thick foliage surrounding the parameter. The trees blocked the mansion's view of the tall, stone wall, and kept everyone outside of the estate from peeking in. Vampire paradise, no doubt.

  "Are those men or statues?" Sabrina said.

  There were dozens of men standing perfectly still in two tiers around the main house. One tier was just outside of the encircling thick foliage. I reached out with my senses, even though I suspected. I felt nothing. No auras. No heartbeat. Nothing.

  "Zombies," I said. "Gruesome, and so wrong."

  "Eww," Sabrina said. "I hate zombies. Why does she have zombies?"

  "They are the perfect security force," Vanessa said. "No one is more vigilant than a zombie. They do not tire, or even have a stray thought. Just pure obedience."

  "Don't they continue to rot?" Sabrina said.

  "Yes. They smell atrocious. That is why we only use them outside."

  Talk of zombies put my mind on a different train of thought. A troubling train of thought. Vampires had no control over zombies. The undead could not perform magic. That required a witch. Lorelei Giorgi was Antoinette's witch. Lorelei and her vampire sister, Lolita, were not my friends. In fact, Antoinette had subjugated at least three of my enemies. Those enemies might have some or complete control over me or my sister that night.

  "It just keeps getting better and better," I muttered.

  "What does?" Vanessa said.

  "Nothing I can think of right now."

  The car stopped and the door opened. Vanessa slipped out gracefully, amid a whisper of silk and perfume. Sabrina and I shared a look of dread. She pulled herself together first.

  "She's right, you know," Sabrina replied matter-of-factly. I saw through her attempt to put a brave face for me. "This is like Saturday night for me. You know it's true. I like to get tied up, spanked, and fucked. I'm a freak, baby. Don't worry about me."

  I pulled her close and hugged her tight.

  "I can't help it," I whispered. "This is all my fault."

  "No, it's Antoinette's fault," Sabrina said and kissed me on the cheek. She smiled brightly, as if she was about to fulfill a life goal. It was a gift we shared. "Let's party."

  I followed her out of the limo. The drive was well lit. Vanessa waited with Angelique, another of Antoinette's subjugated vampires. Like her mistress, Angelique was an old French prostitute. She wore all purple latex – bustier, long skirt, even her hose was purple latex.

  "Welcome, Sable. I've been waiting for this night a long time," Angelique said.

  "Angelique de Saussay, has Antoinette allowed you to rise up from your knees for once?" I looked around. "If you're not licking the dust off her feet, who is?"

  "It'll be you soon enough," she said, eyes narrowing. Her eyes were so dark they were almost black. She was a good four inches shorter than me, voluptuous, with luxurious dark hair that fell past her rump. Angelique looked very French to me, with her milky white skin, dark eyes, and dark hair. And really, she had the sexiest French accent. She lifted my chin with her riding crop. "You will serve me tonight, Sable. You will submit, and like it."

  My mouth was dry. I had to roll my tongue to wet it before speaking. "I won't."

  "Won't what?

  "Enjoy it."

  Angelique laughed. All she really wanted to do was humiliate me. She was off to a good start. "By the time I finish with you, Sable, you will enjoy it. I promise."

  "Come. It is time you introduced Sabrina to Antoinette," Vanessa said.

  I took Sabrina's hand and we walked behind Vanessa into the mansion. Angelique followed. The mansion was mind-bogglingly gorgeous. Marble floors. Crystal chandeliers. Antique furniture. And lots and lots of beautiful people. Surprisingly, most were mortals. There appeared to be about five women to every man, and the men all looked filthy rich. I had to wonder if the men were the preferred clients of Antoinette's top call girls, or just rich, decadent friends of Antoinette.

  The other guests parted before our passage. Everyone looked so pleased to see us.

  Vanessa led us into the Great Room. Antoinette sat upon an antique couch to one side, giving her a sweeping view of all the activities. She was wearing a strapless gown of sapphire blue, which made her eyes pop. Like Vanessa, her neck, ears, and wrists were heavy with sparkling diamonds. Once again, looking upon her, I believed she was the most beautiful woman in the world. I couldn't imagine anyone being more beautiful than her. It just wasn't possible.

  Two women and two men knelt to either side of her couch, all four vampires. The two female vamps, blonde and redhead, wore abbreviated French Maid costumes, with the outfit made of latex and their boobs exposed. The male vampires, a black and Latino, wore loincloths and strappy leather harnesses crisscrossing their muscular chests. Looking around the room, I spotted others dressed as they were, but serving refreshments to the guests. The other servants were mortal.

  Behind the couch, she had arrayed some of her favorite family members. Bone Daddy was directly behind her. To his left were Lorelei and Lolita Giorgi. To his right were two vampires I hadn't seen before. Both attractive men.

  Vanessa stepped aside and said, "Antoinette, I present Sable and Sabrina Hart."

  Sabrina and I stood before the ancient vampire, hand-in-hand. My heart was pounding so hard I couldn't sense anyone around me. Not even Sabrina. Antoinette looked at me with amusement. I guess I looked pretty pathetic to her right then.

  "Should I curtsey or something?" Sabrina said.

  "How adorable. The sister is just as sassy as our dear Sable," Antoinette said. She looked at Vanessa, eyes narrowing. "What took you so long?"

  "They weren't home when I arrived."

  Antoinette turned to me. "Really?"

  "I was meeting with the werewolf packs at their war council."

  "How charming. We had an agreement," she said. She looked Sabrina over, twice. She smiled. "It was worth the wait."

  "I'm making progress and – "

  She interrupted me. "My tip was the key, wasn’t it?"

  "Yes. I hadn't thought of it, but yes. We found out about Geoffrey, and that led us – "

  "Geoffrey? Geoffrey Huddleston?" she said. She leaned forward, eyes narrowing dangerously. "Is Geoffrey behind all those killings?"

  "Yes and no. Someone staked him, drained his blood, and used it to create the vampires attacking the werewolves. I haven't determined who that person it yet."

  "A witch?"

  She didn't seem the least bit concerned that someone had killed a vampire and stolen his blood to create more vampires. Did anything worry that woman?


  Antoinette stood and fluffed her shimmering brown hair. She was slightly shorter than Angelique, slimmer, but moved with sensuous grace. "Introduce me."

  "Antoinette, this is my sister Sabrina Hart," I said. "Sabrina, this is Antoinette LaRue."

  "Hello," Sabrina said, thrusting her hand out to Antoinette.

  "So formal," Antoinette said, ignoring the hand. She caressed Sabrina's cheek and moved up close. I watched with big eyes as they locked gazes and tilted their heads, open mo
uths just inches apart. "In the vampire world, we are much more intimate."

  Their lips came together and Sabrina groaned low and sensually. I couldn't tell if Antoinette mesmerized her or not. Then Antoinette's power washed over me.

  "Oh my," I gasped.

  My libido went from dead to white hot in one second flat. She'd done that to me before. I thought I was prepared and could defend myself. I was wrong.

  Lorelei came up to me, smiling with wicked delight. She was tall and athletic, with dark eyes and hair. She was in a snug, pink sheath dress, big round cutout over her cleavage.

  "We're going to have so much fun with you," the witch said.

  "Lots," Lolita said. The vampire sister came up behind me. She was dressed like her sister, only in baby blue. Her hands slipped under my gown from behind, and cupped my boobs. She stuck her tongue into my ear, and then whispered. "Antoinette wants you to take care of some of her friends. You're cool with that, right?"


  I watched Antoinette unfasten Sabrina's gown behind her neck. The white silk flowed down her curvaceous body to pool at her feet. Antoinette bent to kiss her erect nipples, and then looked at me. She was so damned pleased with herself. Making sure I was watching, she reached down and curled a finger up into Sabrina, pushing through her nether lips.

  "Remember this, Sable?" Antoinette sent a surge of erotic power up into Sabrina, right through her clitoris. "Bam."

  Sabrina's arms flew wide, her head rolled back, and her back bowed. And she screamed and screamed. Pure, unadulterated sexual pleasure ripped through my sister's body. I knew what she was feeling. I'd been caught by Antoinette before.

  Lolita turned me around. She handcuffed my hands behind my back, then pressed up behind me. Angelique grabbed my hair, and yanked my head to the side. I spotted Antoinette sinking her fangs into Sabrina's throat at the same time Angelique bit me.

  Antoinette drank deeply of Sabrina. Angelique didn't drink much of my blood. It was useless to her, and blood loss had no effect on me.

  Angelique put a slave collar on me, attached a leash and ordered me to my knees. I knelt before her, collared, handcuffed, and so damned horny. "Kiss my foot, slave."

  I glanced up into her eyes. Yep. Smug. I cut a look at Sabrina. She was on all fours before Antoinette, while the two vampires in harnesses and loincloths took her from both ends. I looked down at the foot Angelique moved forward. Latex hose covered leg, stuffed into a Christian Louboutin platform pump, six inch stiletto heel, red sole.

  I bent down, pressed my lips to the toe of that shoe for a few seconds then pulled back. Angelique was beaming. Lorelei and Lolita were behind her, just as pleased.

  "Lorelei is right, you are a very good girl, Sable."

  "For tonight. After tonight, watch your asses."

  "Ooooh, we're so scared," Angelique squealed with delight. She yanked my leash. "Heel!"

  "What the hell does that mean? Heel? I'm not a dog, and even if I was I haven't the foggiest idea what you want."

  Angelique spent the next hour teaching me what it meant. Mostly, though, she taught me to fear the whip. My body might be all but indestructible, but whips hurt. I quickly learned to obey, and to do so promptly. But all the while I was thinking up cruel and painful things I could do to Angelique. One day she would pay for what she did to me.

  After my training session was over, Angelique led me around the mansion on that damned leash. She offered me up to everyone she came across. Any who wanted me, got me. Got exactly what they wanted, too. Let me tell you, they were a very inventive group when it came to sex acts.

  In many ways Sabrina handled it much better than me. Whenever our paths crossed she was partaking with wild abandon. I even heard her offer suggestions on different positions and sex acts. She didn't appear mesmerized, either.

  "Take a break, Angelique," Lorelei said, taking my leash from her. "I have a job for Sable."

  Antoinette's witch led me into the entrance foyer. It was two stories high with a massive crystal chandelier. Two naked vampires stood under the chandelier, grinning at me as we approached. There were a dozen other people in the foyer.

  "Is everyone ready to see the high and mighty Black Heart get fucked high and mightily?" Lorelei said. The audience nodded and a few called out encouragement. Mainly, they looked bored. Jaded, maybe. "Sable, meet Han Mueller. He's one of Antoinette's undead pimps."

  He was a six foot tall, muscular, and heavily tattooed man. Han's face looked forties, but his spiky blonde hair and three day growth gave him a younger, edgier look. His gray eyes were cold and cruel.

  "A pleasure," Han said with just a hint of a German accent.

  "And your other lover is Carl Fraker." She shared a simmering gaze with him a long second. He was a couple inches taller than Han, muscular. I rather liked his brooding brown eyes and slicked back dark hair. "Carl manages most of Antoinette's undead call girls."

  "How nice," I said. "What are we going to do? I've done a dozen threesomes tonight. If you'll notice, your audience is getting a little bored."

  "I'm thrilled to hear you want to put on a good, interesting show for everyone. Maybe Antoinette is wrong about you. She seems to think you'll make an extraordinary call girl, but I see signs that you'll make a much better peep show girl, doing live sex shows," Lorelei said. "Maybe a stripper."

  "Yeah? I'll strip the face off your head," I whispered.

  "Funny girl."

  Lorelei moved me between Han and Carl, facing Han. Han used his power to levitate me a few inches, then brought me down upon his dick. I groaned low as he penetrated me, spreading me wide. He was a big boy. Holding onto his thick shoulders, I wiggled and slipped down his shaft, getting well mounted. I started pumping pheromones into the air. Han and Carl started, too. Soon all seven vampires in the room were aroused and filling the air with the most powerful aphrodisiac known.

  Carl pressed up behind me, and I relaxed. Lorelei noticed and laughed, taunting me. I didn't care. It was going to happen, so I would enjoy it. Sex was the best thing about being a vampire.

  "Uggh." I groaned and dug my nails into Han's shoulder as Carl thrust into me. He wasn't as long or thick as Han, but still. He reached around and started groping my boobs. "Slow down, Carl. Easy. That's it, baby."

  "What a slut," Lorelei said.

  I turned to her. She was panting, sweating. The pheromones in the air were doing a number on her. I admired her self control. Our eyes met, and I had her. It surprised me. Witches aren't easy to capture like that, and I thought she'd be too powerful to catch so easily.

  "Fuck yourself," I commanded.

  Lorelei hiked up her skirt, squatted, and started masturbating. The others laughed, finally getting a show. I didn't have time to be pleased with myself, because both of my lovers levitated. Up we went, both of them frantically fucking me, front and back. We stopped rising a foot below the chandelier.

  Han knocked Carl's hands off my boob, and he took over them. Licking, sucking, gnawing, he went to town. I started bucking, gyrating my hips to maximize my pleasure. Carl yanked my head painfully back by my hair. We locked eyes.

  "Antoinette promised to give you to me," Carl said. "And when she does, you and I are going to be doing this a lot."

  He lowered his face. My lips parted, and we kissed. Our tongues danced and wrestled deep in my mouth. Then Carl thrust his power into me, making me come hard. Then Han followed suit. They started alternating after that. I heard Lorelei cry out below me, also coming from her own efforts. And then I started hitting Carl and Han with my power, and we were all coming over and over.

  Like I said, vampire sex is the best.

  That continued for more than an hour. Approaching daylight eventually killed the mood. To my surprise, we were alone with Lorelei when we came down. The witch had passed out cold. I never noticed the others leaving. Han and Carl promptly left, as well.

  It was almost twilight. Maybe thirty to forty-five minutes to sunrise. My first priority was finding
a safe daytime resting place. Walking into the Great Room, I found it empty. Just before I turned around and returned to Lorelei, someone landed in the yard behind the house. It was Antoinette. She'd jumped from an upper floor. Why would she do that?

  I watched her walk into the thick foliage surrounding her estate. I waited ten minutes, but she never came back. So I hurried over to Lorelei. After slapping her awake, I caught the witch's eyes and mesmerized her.

  "Lorelei, tell me," I commanded. Lorelei relaxed and almost passed out. A sheen of sweat covered her face and body, clothes and hair soaked through. I continued to hold her gaze. "Where does Antoinette spend the day? Where is her daytime resting place?"

  "I don't know."

  "Who does?"


  "Do you have any idea?"

  "No. She leaves just before twilight every morning, and returns during twilight every night."

  "Does she have a safe house nearby?"

  "I don't think so. I heard she always spends the day in the earth."

  That made sense. Truth was, for a vampire that was the safest feeling place to spend the daylight hours.

  "Lorelei, you will remember that I captured you with my eyes and made you masturbate, but you won't remember this second time or what we discussed," I said. "Go to sleep."

  And she was asleep.

  "What's wrong with her?" Boney said, startling me.

  "Don't do that. I almost pissed myself." I stood up and looked him over. He was just wearing a leather harness. Antoinette liked her men in that odd getup. Did nothing for me. He was naked otherwise. "Put on some pants."

  Sabrina was with him. She didn't look the worse of wear. Of course, vampires could fix any damage done by sexual overuse. We kept our lovers constantly fresh and ready to perform with our healing powers. So Sabrina looked as fresh as when we arrived six hours earlier.


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