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Page 36

by Thomas A. Watson

  Dropping her head in a moan, “Okay,” Tiffany mumbled and Besseta handed Tiffany some shorts and a shirt.

  Kenneth turned to the two and shook his head. “That’s just not right,” Kenneth mumbled. “Those shirts are quad extra-large, and the shorts are double x.” Besseta pulled her shirt on and saw the shirts were a bit tight at the shoulders and chest, but the bottoms stopped above the belly buttons. The shorts looked like the twins had been poured inside, and really accentuated their narrow waists.

  “Oh Kenneth, I love their outfits,” Tiffany panted, giving up on pulling her shorts up. Besseta moved over and pulled Tiffany’s shorts up for her. Both twins beamed at Tiffany. “Can we go home?” Tiffany mumbled. “I think they need to rest.”

  “No, we are heading to Vegas,” Kenneth said, pulling on his clothes. “You wanted to go see naked men dancing.”

  “I’ll buy one of those music boxes and teach the boys to dance,” Tiffany grinned, then bounced over on her toes to the twins. Taking their hands, Tiffany guided them to the truck. One climbed in the back with his legs along the seat and the other climbed in the passenger seat after Tiffany ran the seat all the way back; and he barely fit.

  Watching Tiffany shut the door and bounce around in the truck, Kenneth chuckled. “Let’s take the kids to Vegas.”

  “Remember, we get a big room,” Besseta reminded him, pulling her helmet on, but was riding in shorts and a shirt, barefoot with the temperature in the low forties.

  “Shit, the size those two are, we will have to get a moving van to move them around,” Kenneth huffed and he started his motorcycle.

  The End

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