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Naked Thrill

Page 11

by Jill Monroe

  “And?” she prompted.

  “You and a bed and forty-eight hours. Hell, seventy-two.”

  “No food?”

  “Always the practical one.”

  “Barring the evidence of this weekend, yes.” Then her smile faded. “Are you staying in Dallas? A hotel?”

  Once she would have thought offering herself up to a man for a weekend of nothing but sex seemed like a tough play to pull, but in reality, it was deliciously easy. Her bed, Tony and seventy-two hours sounded absolutely perfect. Except...

  What happened after seventy-two hours? What if she wanted more? If? Hell, she knew she’d want more. It would take a long time to work a guy like Tony Garcia out of her system.

  “I had a hotel, but with no key, no wallet and no ID, I don’t think they’re going to let me in because I ask nicely.”

  “Well, you look pretty, too,” she teased.

  “Still, I doubt it’s going to happen. Guess I have to call the DMV on Monday, too.”

  Hayden lifted her car keys and jingled them. “Well, I happen to have keys. And a bed. And time.”

  He sucked in a heavy breath. “You’re sure?”

  Gallantry like that could make a woman fall in love. “Follow me in your car?”

  “I’ll be right behind you,” he told her as he reached for the door handle.

  “Mmmmm, has possibilities.”

  She watched in her rearview mirror as he strode away from her. In about an hour she planned to be ripping those jeans from him, and then locking her ankles behind that back.

  But they’d only managed to drive a block when she abruptly pulled over and parked the car. He was outside her door before she even had a chance to unbuckle her seat belt.

  “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Tension laced his voice.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you. Look.” She pointed to a long, aluminum building with neon lights along the roof.

  “A roller rink? You want to go skating?” he asked, his voice unsure.

  Hayden reached for the chain around her neck and lifted the locker key. “The skating rink is the only place I can think of around here that still has lockers. And look at the sign advertising what they feature on Thursday night.”

  “Adult skate. Wow. Hayden, you may have actually got me inside to skate. Let’s go,” he said taking her hand, his fingers lacing through hers. They ran together to the entrance.

  Heavily synthesized disco music greeted them. Mirrored balls and strobes flashed on the traditional hardwood floor of the rink. Lights and music seemed to have been the theme of last night. And sex.

  “How much?” Tony asked the attendant.

  “Open skate is six bucks. You can rent in-line or regular skates inside for more.”

  Hayden waved the locker key in front of him. “Actually we just want to check something inside and return this key to the locker we used last night.”

  The attendant nodded. “Six bucks.”

  Tony chuckled, then reached for the cash in his pocket.

  “No,” a loud voice yelled.

  All three of them whipped around to see who was shouting and why. A very angry man wearing the black-and-white-striped shirt of a referee rolled toward them. He pointed toward the exit. “No. I told you last night you were no longer welcome here.”

  Holy cow, what had they done? This was a new reaction. No one had ever been angry with them before. Not Darcy at the Endeavor. Or Mike and Betty. Not even Jeff.

  “We’re not welcome at a skating rink?”

  The ref rolled his eyes. “Of course you don’t remember. High as kites, the two of you. I hate adult night. I’d rather deal with a bunch of middle schoolers.”

  “Actually, we were under the influence of medication,” she began to explain.

  “Under the influence, for sure. You were deliberately going the wrong way against the crowd. Shooting the duck. Shouting, ‘Carpe Nullam.’ What kind of grown people get caught making out? At a roller rink?”

  Apparently she still harbored that make-out-at-the-rink-with-a-boy fantasy from when she was thirteen. Which she’d obviously indulged in here. And at Lavish. And the cabin. And probably all the way from Texas to Oklahoma.

  Hayden flashed him the locker key. “Just tell me if this is one of yours or not.”

  “You’re still having trouble with the ‘not welcome’ part, aren’t you?”

  Tony flashed him some green. “What about my friend Alexander Hamilton. Is he welcome here?”

  The ref snatched the money from Tony’s hand. “The lockers are by the concession stand. You can check them... On. Your. Way. Out.”

  Hayden slunk off toward the lockers like a chastened middle schooler, but that embarrassment vanished as the three rows of lockers awaiting them came into view. They raced along the bank of lockers, each one with a key in the lock until they came to the beautiful last row—and there it was. A locker with no key. The angels could sing now. Rainbows could form and unicorns roam free.

  Hayden tugged the chain up and over her head and aimed the key at the lock. It fit. It turned. “Whoo hooo.”

  Tony twisted the handle and opened the door.

  “My phone!”

  “My purse! No DMV trip for me.”

  “That’s a cause for celebration in itself.”

  “No kidding.”

  Tony’s phone case also held his ID, a credit card and a hotel keycard. “Looks like no DMV trip for you, either.”

  Tony’s head swooped down and her lips met his and it—

  “No. Stop it right there. I am done with you two. Out.”

  They ran from the skating rink hand in hand, laughing and truly carefree for the first time since this morning. “I’m staying at The Briarwood. Which is closer? Your apartment or my hotel?” he asked when they reached her car. “I can’t keep my hands off you another minute.”

  “Your hotel. Driving across Dallas to my apartment could take an hour with traffic. Your hotel is definitely closer.”

  His hands spanned her hips and he drew her closer to him. The hard ridge of his cock made her shiver. “I don’t want to wait.”

  “Hotel it is,” she agreed with a smile.

  He reached into his phone case and plucked out his hotel keycard. “Take this in case we get separated. I’ll get another at the front desk.”

  “Tony you don’t have to—”

  “This thing between us, it’s unexpected and so damn exciting. We’ve been nonstop since this morning, charged on nothing but adrenaline and adventure. I want to kick my own ass for saying this, but I want you to take a moment. Maybe go back to your apartment. Use picking up your toothbrush as an excuse.”

  She wanted to argue with him. She just wanted him. Right now.

  He cupped her cheek, the rough pad of his thumb a soft caress. “I could deal with a lot of things, but not your regret. Never yours. I don’t ever want you to look back at this weekend and wish for something different.”

  She nodded and silently took the keycard from his hand and slipped it inside her purse. Strange, she was usually the cautious and careful one, whereas he was the risk-taking filmmaker. But from what she had pieced together of his childhood, he had also been raised by a woman filled with regret. A woman who had blamed him for how her life turned out.

  Hayden didn’t need the extra time, but Anthony Garcia needed her to take it. So she’d give him that.

  Besides, he was right about the toothbrush. She could also use a bra in case they decided to escape the room for a meal. But that was it. The rest of the weekend she planned to be naked with this amazing man.

  “I’ll be there,” she promised.

  He dropped a quick kiss on her lips, tender and filled with promise. “I’ll be waiting. And Hayden...”


  “If you come, I’ll want every one of those hours in bed you promised.”


  BY THE TIME she arrived at Tony’s hotel over two hours had passed. Traffic had refused to cooperat
e, traveling first slow, then crawling to a standstill on the highway. Then maybe she shouldn’t have opted for the quick shower in her apartment. She’d also taken the chance to pack a few more things than a bra, her phone charger and a toothbrush. But she hadn’t seen the harm in the extra couple of minutes. Until it was two hours later.

  Hayden tossed her overnight bag onto the passenger side of her car as the sun slipped over the horizon. She should text or call to let him know she was running late. No, not text—call. Rudeness was worth a phone call. Then she realized she didn’t have Tony’s number—or her phone. So much for Project Getting To Know The Man You Plan To Romp On Later.

  When she got to the hotel, the helpful attendant at the front desk connected her to his room, but Tony didn’t answer. By the time she strode into the hotel elevator Hayden felt terrible. He’d probably assumed she’d had doubts and bailed out of their date.

  The elevator dinged, announcing she’d arrived on his floor. She found his room, but hesitated before sliding in the keycard he’d given her. As late as she was, maybe she should knock.

  Or maybe he was in bed, naked, and she’d ruin that pleasant setup by making him come to the door.

  In the end she opted to key in as planned. She shoved the keycard in the swiper and the green light flashed. The door opened up to a mini suite. A large window presented her with a gorgeous view of the Dallas nighttime skyline. A couch and chair situated in front of a large TV made up the seating area. Nearby was a small breakfast bar with a coffeemaker, microwave and refrigerator in the corner. A large ergonomic workstation took up almost the entire wall, and it was partially covered with camera and editing equipment. An open door led to a very empty bedroom. Where was he?

  The bathroom door snickered open and Tony emerged, framed by billowing steam, a white hotel towel draped low around his hips.

  She swallowed, because her memory hadn’t done justice to the rock hardness of his stomach. It was almost unfair how gorgeous the man was, especially when you tacked on smart, funny and charming.

  A sexy, slow smile eased across his face when he saw her standing there. “Was beginning to think you’d changed your mind.”

  She flashed him a faux pout. “Too bad you’re done with your shower. Hotel shower sex just happens to be one of my fantasies.”

  He stalked to her. “Later,” he growled against her throat.

  The handle of her overnight case slipped from Hayden’s fingers as he hauled her up against him in one powerful move. “Hayden, you are wearing too many clothes.”

  He kissed her then, hot and hard and possessive. With one sensual flick of his tongue, she opened her mouth to him and moaned. Finally giving in to what she’d been waiting for. What they’d both been waiting for. She gripped the sides of his head to keep his lips against hers as he cupped her breasts. Her nipples tightened, growing needy and hard beneath his palms.

  The towel slipped and dropped to the carpeted floor and Tony stood against her, lean and naked. Finally. She couldn’t get enough of touching him. She ran her fingers along the corded muscles of his back, loving the tethered male strength she felt beneath her fingertips. Then she sought the hardened cheeks of his ass, stroking his skin and relishing his reaction as his muscles tightened and clenched from her slightest of touches.

  His fingers lifted to caress the skin exposed by her shirt. “That V-neck you wore today has done nothing but drive me crazy since the casino,” he moaned against the swell of her breasts. “Then other times it was that chain you wore nestled between your breasts. Agony.”

  In one quick movement he grabbed her hips, lifted and balanced her on the edge of the worktable. He reached for the hem of her shirt and peeled it up her body, then over her head.

  “Too bad you wasted time putting on that bra,” he teased. He found the clasp in seconds and tossed it aside. He sucked in a breath as he stared at her breasts. Her nipples pebbled beneath the hunger of his gaze.

  “I can’t wait to taste you.” He lowered his head to her body. The feel of his lips on her overheated skin exhilarated her. Her head fell to the side, and Hayden arched her back to give him more of her. She was being greedy and didn’t care. He laved one of her nipples as his fingers found the other, plucking and teasing.

  “I wanted you so bad at that diner. There I was with this funny and sexy woman, and I couldn’t do a thing about it.”

  “Do something about it now,” she urged.

  His hand dropped between her thighs. Never had there ever been a more frustrating barrier than denim. His fingers teased and stroked her through the fabric and she lifted her hips toward him, offering herself up for more, more, more.

  “I remember thinking that if you hopped up on the table and reclined, I could stand between your thighs. I could watch your breasts bounce with each of my thrusts.”

  “That would certainly draw a lot of attention.” She aimed for a teasing tone, but her words hung between them like warm molasses.

  Tony drove against her then. She felt the power of his hardened cock, and her temptation to tease instantly died. Need, hot and desperate, flooded her. As if he sensed the change in her, he thrust against her again.

  “I think this desk is just about the same height as the table,” he said. “I’m going to do you here.”

  Her legs began to tremble at his admission. “Yes. Here,” she urged, her voice filled with longing. All thoughts of gentle lovemaking and a bed faded away. She wanted hard, pounding sex, as if they were two people who couldn’t wait to walk three steps away from the door to begin.

  His fingers worked the metal button of her jeans, and he kissed the skin he exposed. Then he tugged down the zipper at a slow and agonizing pace, but when the task was done, he rewarded her with another kiss just above her bikini line. Followed by a lick. The trembles began again.

  “Where will you kiss when my jeans are off?” she asked.

  “Let’s find out.” He reached for the waistband and began to tug. She helped and soon her jeans lay in a crumpled heap on the carpet. Tony stroked her through the silk of her panties that separated her clit from his touch. “You’re so wet. You really know how to bring a guy to his knees, don’t you, Hayden.”

  The agonized roughness of his voice would have brought her to her knees if she weren’t splayed out before him on her back on a table in his hotel room.

  He worked her through her panties—light grazing touches, then full forceful strokes. Already her inner muscles were contracting. “Tony, I’m not sure how much of this I can take.”

  “Don’t worry. I plan to make you come all over this room.”

  She felt an orgasm rising, but she willed it down, wrapping her legs around his hips and locking her feet behind him. His cock brushed her exactly where she needed it. “Oh, yes, this table is exactly the right height.”

  “You don’t play fair,” he told her as he surged against her. “Let me make you feel good like this.” As he had in the club? Her greedy body begged her to say yes.

  She rubbed against the head of him, the pleasure almost sending her over the edge. “I want you to make me feel good with you inside me.”

  With a groan he reached for something behind her. When she heard the sounds of ripping foil she knew she’d won. He tore at the lacy scrap that blocked his entrance until it gave way. He flung it behind him and his fingers grazed her clit. She bucked against him and grabbed his shoulder. “Now.” It rang out more like an ordered plea.

  He shifted his hand away and gripped his cock between his fingers. Then he probed her opening with the tip of his penis. “Are you ready?” he asked.

  “Are you kidding?” She’d been ready since before she’d keyed into his hotel room.

  He answered her with a low chuckle, then slid into her until he was fully seated. She sucked in a breath as she adjusted to the hard length of him. He was big, and it had been a while, but she was ready. His thumb found the throbbing pulse of her clit and gave her a gentle swipe. Within the circle of her legs he p
ulled away from her then thrust back in to the hilt.

  “You good, Hayden?” he asked, his voice strained.

  She could only frantically nod, her hips lifting, seeking more of him. He stroked the sensitive bud again as his other hand reached for her breasts, teasing her nipples while he thrust in and out over and over.

  Hayden angled her hips to meet his thrusts, and then her orgasm hit her, powerful and fierce and her moan echoed around them loud and primal. A moment later, she realized Tony was still hard within her. She balanced on her elbows to look at him. “You didn’t...”

  “Oh, there’s a lot more I want to do,” he informed her. Then he scooped her up in his strong arms and marched toward the couch. “You drove me crazy tonight in the club, your ass cradling my cock from behind.”

  He set her on her feet and turned her away from him, facing the couch. She nestled against the heat of his chest, his cock hard against her cheeks.

  “Bend over the side,” he told her.

  She leaned down, her fingers sinking into the soft cushion of the couch, her backside high in the air.

  “Perfect—perfect angle, perfect view,” he groaned. He fit his hips to the curve of her backside, and slid into her from behind. She sucked in a breath from the pleasure of this new position. He reached between her legs and stroked with each of his pounding thrusts, heightening the sensation.

  Her legs trembled again, but she had the help of the couch to prop her up. He surged harder within her, his fingers stroking and rubbing until she grew nearly mindless with the pleasure.

  “Come, Hayden. I want to hear that sexy groan again.”

  As if on command a shiver of delight took over her body, and she groaned until he took his fingers away from between her legs.

  He gently pulled away from her, and she sagged against the couch. She sucked in breath and willed her legs to stand because she had some work to do. Tony still hadn’t come. And that was about to change.

  He began to lead her to the wall. His next fantasy? Not this time, buddy. Right now her fantasy was to hear his groans sounding in the hotel room. Right. Now.

  He tugged again, but she shook her head. Her fingers wrapped around his shoulders and she gently shoved him down onto the couch. She straddled him before he could sit up. “Now I’m going to make you come,” she told him, and his muscles lost the will to strain against her.


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