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A Tiny Matchmaker for Two Star-Crossed Mates

Page 4

by Anya Byrne

  Braendan freed himself from his mate's hold and Myles allowed it. As if guessing Braendan's thoughts, the werewolf spread his legs wide and lifted them in the air, exposing his pucker to Braendan's greedy eyes. It was Braendan's turn to hiss, and he delved in with all the hunger and need he'd accumulated over centuries of wait. Thrusting his tongue into Myles's ass, he stretched and prepared his mate for the moment they both craved.

  For all his desperation, Braendan didn't rush. He was well aware that Myles had never been with anyone before, and the fact that they lacked proper lubrication was less than ideal. Mentally, Braendan vowed that the next time he claimed Myles, it would be on silken sheets and with the best oils Sidhe herbalism could provide. Meanwhile, they would unfortunately have to do without that.

  Myles didn't particularly seem to mind. In fact, by the time Braendan deemed him ready, he was sobbing and shuddering, his cock leaking copious amounts of precum, his sweaty hair curling around his face. Between whimpers, he stuttered out a few beautifully and dreadfully arousing words. "Please. Please, Braendan. Claim me."

  Pulled in like a moth to the flame, Braendan could no longer hold back. He lifted his head and supported his mate's legs on his shoulders, making sure Myles was as comfortable as possible given the circumstances. Finally, he positioned himself at Myles's hole and pushed.

  Twin groans escaped them as Braendan's dick slid past Myles's ring of guardian muscle. Myles was almost painfully tight, his ass squeezing Braendan's prick in an iron-like vise. Braendan moved slowly, giving his mate time to adjust, trying to keep this as painless as possible for his mate.

  He'd forgotten one very significant detail. Myles might have looked frail, but he was still a werewolf. Braendan was so distracted by his desire to keep Myles safe that he missed the moment something changed in Myles's stance.

  The world flipped, and suddenly, they were moving, rolling around, changing positions. Braendan landed on his back with a thud, and for a few seconds, he thought that he'd messed up, that he'd hurt his mate so badly Myles had decided to reject him. It should have been impossible—he was a Sidhe, and his people were very good at detecting pain—but Braendan had committed plenty of mistakes in his lifetime. He was not arrogant enough to think he would never do so again.

  His concern didn't last, because the next thing he knew, Myles was straddling him and impaling himself on his cock. Braendan's world went blurry around the edges. He grabbed Myles's hips in one last attempt to control the pace, but Myles would have none of it.

  His eyes burned Braendan and his clawed hands landed on Braendan's naked chest as he started to move. He didn't speak, but he didn't have to. In that fierce gaze, Braendan saw everything he needed to know.

  He belonged to Myles as much as Myles belonged to him—and they were claiming each other. This was right, real, and the pain they'd both been through was, at least for now, unimportant.

  Thoughts and fears drifted away as they fell into a perfect rhythm, Braendan thrusting up into his mate's welcoming channel, Myles riding him with wild abandon. Braendan's magic naturally responded, and this time, Myles was completely open to it. The almost unbearable pleasure increased more and more until Braendan thought that surely, surely he would not be able to survive this.

  And then, something feral flashed in Myles's eyes and the werewolf leaned over him and buried his fangs in Braendan's neck. In response, Braendan's magic lashed out, finally completing their connection, forever entwining their souls.

  As orgasm erupted over both Myles and Braendan, their new bond glowed brightly, instinct, emotion and energy sweeping over every cell in their bodies. Memories flashed through Braendan's mind, images of a small, young werewolf hunted and despised for being different. His own loneliness echoed through their connection, the endless years of his existence almost too much for Myles.

  Myles accepted it all, though, and in that moment, in that beautiful instant, the pain shattered, and there was only the certainty, the knowledge that they'd finally found what they'd been looking for.

  When it at last ended, Myles and Braendan lay together, side by side in the nest of now dirty clothing. Braendan pulled Myles close and pressed a kiss to his temple. Why had he waited for so long anyway? He should have known that the two of them would come together perfectly.

  It was Myles who eventually broke the comfortable silence. "Do you think we did it?"

  Still in a daze of contentment, Braendan didn't immediately understand what his beautiful werewolf meant. "Mmm? Did what?"

  "Made a baby, of course," Myles replied with a huff. "I really want one too, you know. I just didn't think it was possible."

  Well, it seemed that Braendan had been right at least in one respect, and his mate hadn't been aware of the possibility of them having a child together until now. Either way, Braendan was perhaps among the few people in the world who knew exactly how possible it was—and he could only marvel at how the knowledge had been lost because of stupid prejudice. "I don't know if we did it," he admitted. "We Sidhe aren't awfully fertile. But... If it didn't happen... Well, I'm more than happy to continue trying."

  Myles laughed again, and Braendan idly thought that his greatest achievement was bringing that sound back into the world. "I couldn't agree more," his mate said with a wide grin.

  Braendan grinned back, and as they relaxed together in the safety of the Lone Wolf Pack lands, he mentally apologized to Maeven. He would always be grateful to his cousin for sending him on this trip. He would always remember the little empath who'd bridged the gap between him and Myles. And most of all, he would always love the beautiful werewolf who'd opened his heart to him so willingly.

  He and Myles had been through a lot, but together, they would start over—and they had all the time in the world to build a new life.

  And if one day, once he made sure Myles was safe, Braendan tracked down Myles's pack and gave them a taste of their own medicine... Well, he didn't think Myles would mind.


  "Thank you again, for everything. I... If not for you, I don't know what I would have done."

  "You don't have to thank us. Anything else we can do to help, you know where to find us."

  "We appreciate it dearly, Alpha. I must extend my apologies one more time for my initial behavior. I owe you a life debt for rescuing my mate, and should you ever need my assistance, I will be happy to come."

  Shannon listened to the conversation with half an ear, mostly focusing on the emotions pulsing between the people around him. Words were annoying at times. He didn't understand them all, and they didn't always echo what the person wanted or thought. In Shannon's opinion, doing things his way was so much easier, but after careful analysis, he'd grown to suspect his pack didn't have his ability to see souls. Pity, that.

  In any case, things had turned out pretty well if he did say so himself. His pack's guests were leaving, but their pain was drifting away. The wounds were still there, of course. Things like that didn't just disappear. Even so, they were healing, just like Shannon had hoped and expected.

  Shannon felt quite pleased with himself and the results of his ploy. In fact, as he extended his power toward his pack's guests, he could already sense the results, even beyond the strong bond between the two men.

  To this day, Shannon was not sure how the little ones had come into being—but he did know one of them was inside Myles.

  He was sad that he wouldn't get to play with Myles's little one, but he understood the reasons—perhaps better than the men themselves. Besides, he had his papa and his daddy to focus on. He'd neglected them a bit lately, and he did love them best. Maybe he could even get them to invite Uncle Ward over. He couldn't understand why Uncle Matt's mate didn't come by the pack that often, but had decided it must be one of those strange adult things.

  As he thought this, the conversation between the adults currently present finally came to a halt. To his surprise, Shannon found himself the focus of the guests' attention.

  Braendan ste
pped forward and curled his fingers around his cheek. His hand was warm and soft, and Shannon giggled, welcoming the touch.

  "Thank you," Braendan whispered. "You truly are a magnificent child. My debt to you is even greater than the one to your parents."

  Shannon was confused about the meaning of Braendan's words, but in the end, it didn't really matter. The man placed a tender kiss on his forehead, and Shannon figured he'd let the adults stick to their silly ways if it got him hugs and kisses.

  Alas, the guests did have to leave, and soon, Braendan and Myles were sliding into the big thing Shannon's papa called a car. As they disappeared into the distance, their emotions faded from the back of Shannon's mind. It was a little weird, but Shannon had gotten used to it, and didn't really mind.

  They were happy, and that was what mattered. Knowing that he had helped made all the difference in the world. If he had to intervene again for other guests, he'd most definitely do it. For now, Shannon curled into his daddy's arms, closed his eyes and was content.


  About the Author

  Anya Byrne is first and foremost a longtime fan of erotic romance. Starting to write her own stories was a natural progression of her devotion for the genre. Years after she put pen to paper in that very first book, she is just as enthusiastic and, let’s face it, somewhat obsessive about erotic romance and all that it entails. She is steadfast in the belief that there’s nothing quite as hot as an amazing hero—except more amazing heroes engaged in heroic hot lovin’, and has branched out into the field of self-publishing to convince even more readers of this fact. Hopefully, she will succeed.

  For the latest news and upcoming releases please visit Anya at:

  Other Books by Anya Byrne

  Hachti Warriors

  Book 1. Sold to the Man in the Purple Fur

  Book 2. Claimed by His Hachti Mates

  Lone Wolf Pack

  Book 1. Pregnant with His Werewolf Baby

  Book 2. Knocked Up by His Werewolf Dom

  Book 3. Expecting His Alpha's Child

  Book 4. A Family With His Werewolf Mate

  Book 4.1. Bonded to His Werewolf Lover: A Hot Spark Short Story

  Book 4.2. Reunited With His Werewolf Beloved: A Hot Spark Short Story

  Book 5. A Baby Daddy for a Werewolf Silencer

  Book 5.1. Rescued by His Lone Wolf Mate: A Hot Spark Short Story

  Book 6. A Future for His Werewolf Warrior

  Mate Wooing

  Book 101. The Werewolf's Roomie

  Book 102. The Beta's Kitty Cat: A Hot Spark Short Story

  Alpha Gathering

  Book 1. Alphas, Secrets and Surprises

  Lone Wolf Pack Ripples

  Book 1. Anger Management for Alphas: A Lone Wolf Pack Ripples Short Story

  Book 2. Love Letters from an Alpha: A Lone Wolf Pack Ripples Short Story

  Book 3. The Fire of a Lone Wolf's Heart: A Lone Wolf Pack Ripples Short Story

  Copyright 2015 Anya Byrne

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, by any means, digital or otherwise, without the copyright holder’s express, written permission (except in the case of brief quotes marked as such and embodied in reviews). Unauthorized duplication and/or distribution, with or without monetary gain, are violations of US and international Copyright Laws and are subject to criminal prosecution.




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