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The Undead the Second Week Compilation Edition Days 8-14

Page 10

by RR Haywood

  ‘Fuck me, we might as well go home,’ Cookey mutters quietly.

  ‘You alright mate?’ I drop back and speak quietly to Clarence, hopefully out of ear shot of Dave at the front taking point as we make our way back down the stairs, carefully stepping over the bodies of the zombies we killed earlier.

  ‘Fine,’ one word answer and I sense the brooding mood he’s in.

  ‘Dave takes some getting used to, but he’s a good bloke.’

  ‘Okay.’ The tone is softer, relenting a little and I leave it at that, any more from me would risk being patronising to this highly trained soldier.

  The shotgun is now back in my bag, reluctantly put away so I can use the quieter axe if we find opposition. We make our way back down to the lobby and crouch down in the shadows watching the silhouetted figures of the zombies outside.

  ‘Rest here, the sun will be up soon and we can move out,’ I whisper quietly to Blowers, he repeats the instruction down the line until I see Dave nod back at me, then crouch down to rest his back against the wall.


  ‘You can speak?’

  ‘Yes!’ She looks up at me as I cradle her in my arms, and the only sign of the infection is the red eyes. My zombie mind whirls and spins and I almost drop her in surprise.

  ‘You were right, it feels fantastic,’ she purrs and snuggles her body closer to me, ‘the pain has gone and I feel all warm inside. Warm and tingly.’ She lets out a low moan and I can’t help but stare at her.

  ‘Although, if I am honest I do feel a little hungry, very hungry in fact,’ her voice is soft and velvety, deep and sensual.

  ‘Are you okay?’ She smiles up at me with straight white teeth her pink tongue darting out to moisten her full red lips.

  ‘How can you speak?’ I ask and my tone is hard.

  ‘Can’t you all speak?’ She purrs.

  ‘You know they can’t speak…I’m the only one.’

  ‘You can’t be the only one…’ She teases, tilting her face down and looking up at me through dark eyelashes.

  ‘I thought I was. But now there’s you,’ her eyes lock on mine and I lose myself in their beauty, feeling her warm dead body pressing close to mine. The hotel fire rages behind us. The light of the flames dancing across the road surface and glinting off the smashed up cars. Fragments of broken car window scatter the ground; catching the light, dazzling and intoxicating. My lovelies gather round us, me and this beautiful zombie woman speaking so softly to me. My mind races as I try to think of how this has happened, how she can speak, why she is different like me. So many questions, so many things to think about but for now I can’t take my eyes off her.

  A chemistry ignites sparks between us, my zombie heart pounds as she grips my shoulders to lift herself up closer to my face. I lean down until we’re just inches apart, eyes locked. I want to kiss her, I want to bite her and taste her blood again. She feels the same, her lips pull back and make ready for the bite but then press together readying for the kiss. We pucker and snarl as the conflicting urges surge through us…bite….kiss…tear…caress. Our lips gently brush, so soft. Her grip intensifies on my shoulders as she bares her teeth and growls at me. I show mine and snarl back at her, our lips constantly touch and break apart. My mouth brushes her warm cheek, her grip softens and I move down to gently brush against her neck. She stretches sensually as I nuzzle at her skin. Sensations sweep through me and I push my head down, she stretches harder as my teeth push down on the taught flesh. She groans and pulls me in, longing for me to bite her. She nestles round and pushes her mouth against my neck, gently kissing, electric tingles run up and down my spine. Her kissing gets firmer, harder. Teeth against my skin, a low groan escapes my throat as the pressure gets stronger. Her tongue flicks out, licking me. My head swims as she bites again, her teeth pushing in. My hand goes to the back of her head, pulling her closer. She responds and bites harder as I push her head against me, my fingers entwine in her soft hair. Her arms, wrapped around my shoulders tighten, and she bites down. I feel my skin tear as she pierces the flesh and her tongue licks at my infected blood. She groans louder and sucks my neck, drawing more blood into her mouth. The pain is ecstasy, pure ecstasy and like nothing I have ever felt before.

  My hands drop down to lift her bodily onto my lap, she straddles me. Her thighs wrap around my stomach as she licks and sucks hungrily at my neck. I drop my hand down and feel the firmness of her arse cheeks and her skirt rides up. Kneading and caressing, my hand touches the wound and she flinches.

  ‘Sorry,’ I whisper into her ear.

  ‘Touch it,’ she groans back at me. My hand moves round, slowly sweeping the curve of her rounded butt. Fingers brush against bare skin, probing, touching, feeling for the wound. She groans and licks at my neck. The tips of my fingers brush the wound, she pushes into me with whimpers of pleasure.

  ‘Touch it,’ she says again. My fingers gently stroke the torn flesh going back and forth and she presses her body against mine.

  ‘Again,’ she pleads. My fingers brush over the ragged wound, applying more pressure. Her body tenses and she moans.

  ‘Harder,’ she begs, I respond and rub with force. She pushes into me, her body pulsating, thrusting, rocking.

  ‘Harder,’ she commands. My hand grips and squeezes at the laceration. Her mouth locks onto my neck, sucking and licking. Her hot tongue probes my bitten flesh, easing the blood out. I feel the liquid drip down my neck, sending more shivers though me.

  The ecstasy builds as we thrust our bodies into each other. My hand roughly explores the moist, sticky hole in her arse. She pulls the collar of my shirt away from my neck, exposing my shoulder. She grips me with all her strength and buries her mouth onto my flesh, biting down, tearing at it. My body is on fire as the pressure builds. I move my free hand round to rub at her while I lift the first bloodied hand to my mouth, licking at the blood. She pulls away from my shoulder, hungrily sucks on my fingers, tasting her own blood. Eyes lock. Chests heave as we pant, push eager fingers into open wounds, taste blood. There is only now, this moment. Our minds are as mingled and entwined as our blood. The pressure releases, our bodies are taut, straining with orgasm. Shuddering, shaking and groaning with pure pleasure.

  I have no idea how long we are locked together. Seconds that seem like eternity. We lie on the road, side by side, bodies entwined. Watching the hotel burn.

  ‘It’s beautiful,’ she says softly.

  ‘What is?’

  ‘The fire, the power of it; it’s beautiful.’

  ‘It is.’

  ‘Can it hurt us?’ Rolling onto her side, she faces me as she asks the question.

  ‘Yes, anything can hurt us just the same as before. But we don’t feel pain like we used to. Our injuries heal a lot faster, our blood clots quicker and it takes more to kill us.’

  ‘What does kill us?’

  ‘They’ll go for the head mainly, or a massive attack to the body. Like chopping legs off or splitting the stomach open.’

  ‘Who? Who’s they?’

  ‘Survivors… Howie and his lot,’ I spit the words out with venom.


  ‘He’s a fucking wanker, him and his cuntrunt mate Dave.’

  ‘Who are they?’ She asks me. We lie together as I recount the journey, the story, the history of what happened, who they all are and why I’m here. My tale of woe takes a time to tell but she listens intently. Squeezing my hand at the sad times, like when Howie abused me so badly on the bridge and laughing at the good times, like when I killed Jamie and the old couple in the shop. It feels good to talk and I realise how much I’ve missed being able to communicate like this. This makes me think again about why she’s different.

  ‘I don’t know,’ she answers when I put the question to her, ‘I woke up to find you groping my arse you dirty man,’ she laughs, ‘ I remember the fear I felt at being bitten, and recognising them too,’ she motions to the other zombies still gathered round us. ‘I remember going under and being t
errified but then I was back and it felt different, completely different. Is that how it was for you?’

  ‘Exactly the same. They pinned me down and I was shitting myself but then I came back. But it was different. There were thousands and thousands of them and I controlled all of them. I could feel their connection in my mind and make them do what I wanted. As we came down from London to the fort I could sense more of them joining us. Oh you should have seen it. Our brothers and sisters as far as the eye could see.’

  ‘And you controlled all of them?’

  ‘Every single one, but I was the only one that could speak or think like this, or so I thought.’

  ‘You’re special, unique, powerful,’ she purrs the words, caressing my arm.

  ‘And now you’re here,’ I turn to face her, ‘and I wonder what for?’

  ‘I don’t know…to help you. To help you stop that Howie and his nasty friends.’

  ‘Is that why?’ My gaze locks on her face.

  ‘Why else?’

  ‘Maybe you want to be in charge, maybe I’ve failed and now you’ve been selected to take over,’ my voice grows harder as I speak. ‘Yeah, I’ve failed and I’m not needed, yeah Smithy just fuck off and let someone else have a go eh? Going to take over are you? Come here to kill me have you?’ I’m on my feet, raging and shouting at her. She looks alarmed and stands up, staring at me with her beautiful eyes.

  ‘Yeah, trying to seduce me with your….your…your arse! Thrusting your tits at me and making me have zombie sex with you.’

  ‘We didn’t have sex…’

  ‘Well, whatever we did, it felt like sex.’

  ‘It was amazing, you were amazing…’

  ‘That’s not the point, don’t try and woo me over with your womanly charms. Oh no, coming here to take me over and make me a slave like one of them,’ I point to the nearest zombie which drools away as it stares between the woman and I.

  ‘I don’t even know your name!’ I shout.

  ‘It’s Marcy,’ she laughs, ‘my name is Marcy. What’s yours? Smithy did you say?’

  ‘Darren, its Darren Smith. Everyone always called me Smithy.’

  ‘Then I shall call you Darren.’

  ‘Stop putting me off when I’m ranting.’

  ‘Darren my love, it’s clear why I’m here,’ she walks towards me, stares up through those dark red eyes, ‘my purpose is clear my love, I’m here for you, to help you…’ I start to protest but she moves in and puts her hand gently to my mouth.

  ‘Why else would you have saved me from the fire, why else would you have bitten me the way you did. You avoided my face and took me in the bum.’ I blanch at the expression she uses, she smiles back.

  ‘Sorry, I meant bit me in the bum….you bit my bum, bit it hard and took my blood,’ she whispers and I feel the erotic sensation building up again. We stand close, breathing hard and she licks the scabbed blood on my neck.

  ‘Can we have sex?’ She asks me softly.

  ‘Now?’ I reply, shocked.

  ‘No, I mean can we? Can zombies have sex?’ she laughs and the sound is music to my ears. Like the strangulated death gurgle of a human.

  ‘I don’t know.’ My heart is hammering again.

  ‘Does it work?’ she presses in closer, her hand dropping down to my groin, ‘oh it works, it works very well.’ She pushes and rubs, building the tension.

  ‘Shit,’ I exclaim.

  ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘The sun’s coming up; we’ve been here for hours. We need to move.’ She pulls back, staring at the sky.

  ‘Follow me, I know where we can hide,’ she starts to pull me away.

  ‘Hide? I’m not hiding from any fucker. I’m going after his little piggies,’ I argue back.

  ‘Darren, they’ll be out soon and they’ll come looking for you. That will tell them you were here,’ she nods to the blazing building across the road, ‘we need to rest, get more bodies and plan smartly.’ I bridle at the implication, she senses it.

  ‘Darren my sweet, you’ve done so well. You’re so powerful and strong but I believe I was put here to help you. We can plan together. Howie and his friends think you’re going straight after the others and will follow you. They don’t realise that you don’t know where to find them either.’

  ‘So let’s get there first so we can fuck them over.’

  ‘Darren, trust me, please,’ she looks into my eyes, and my undead heart melts. I want Howie’s piggies to die and suffer. I want that cunt sister of his to suffer the death of a thousand bites but maybe she’s right. So far I’ve been predictable, other than trapping them in the hotel that is. The stupid fucktards, getting trapped by a zombie. Fuck you Howie, I’m not just a zombie, I’m a super zombie.

  Dragging my eyes from Marcy’s I gaze across the road at the blackened remnants of the burned out hotel then back at the beautiful zombie woman I rescued from it. I don’t resist as she takes my hand and starts to pull me down the street.

  The latest recruits to our undead army trail loyally in our wake.



  Day Nine


  ‘Scarlett Johansson. Definitely Scarlet Johansson,’ Blowers states firmly.

  ‘She’s nice but she’s got a weird nose,’ Cookey replies.

  ‘Weird nose my arse, she’s gorgeous.’

  ‘Nah, I’m sticking with Angelina Jolie,’ Cookey sighs.

  ‘Only ‘cos she gets her tits out on every bloody film she does,’ Blowers says.

  ‘And that’s a bad thing how?’ Cookey asks.

  ‘Kiera Knightley,’ Nick adds.

  ‘Too skinny and she does the same thing in every film,’ Blowers replies.

  ‘She’s a fittie,’ Nick says.

  ‘Nope, I’m sticking with Scarlet thank you very much.’

  ‘How about you Mr Howie?’

  ‘Me?’ I reply, ‘well I don’t really fancy people off the telly but if I had to then it would be Monica Bellucci.’

  ‘Who’s that?’ Nick asks.

  ‘She’s from The Matrix,’ Blowers replies.

  ‘Which one?’ Asks Nick, leaning forward to look down the line at Blowers.

  ‘She was the one in the toilet, telling Neo he had to kiss her like he kissed the other bird,’ Blowers explains.

  ‘Oh that one, yeah she was fit,’ Nick nods in agreement, ‘she gets her boobs out quite a bit too though,’ he adds, ‘she’s been in loads of things.’

  ‘Yeah and she’s getting on a bit now too,’ Cookey joins in.

  ‘Still gorgeous though,’ I add quietly.

  ‘I wonder what they’re all doing now,’ Nick says.

  ‘They’re all in a secure compound with all the other fit women, being kept safe for the future of mankind,’ Cookey says to sniggers from the rest of us, ‘yep, they need young virile lads like us to help repopulate the planet.’ More sniggers.

  ‘Fuck the Isle of Wight then, let’s go there,’ Nick says wistfully.

  ‘Oh can you imagine it…’ Blowers groans.

  ‘You can’t go Blowers,’ Cookey says.

  ‘Why not…oh don’t start,’ Blowers groans louder this time to more sniggers from Nick and Cookey, even Clarence smiles.

  ‘You’re going to an all-male compound across the road,’ Cookey smirks.

  ‘What’s that smell?’ I lift my head as a different odour penetrates the smug fetid stench of stale sweat, decaying bodies and farts.

  ‘It’s Blowers getting excited Sir,’ Cookey says quickly.

  ‘Burning,’ Dave says. It’s the first time he’s spoken since we came down and rested against the wall of the old decrepit hotel lobby, waiting for the sun to come up so we can safely beat through the hordes of undead stacked up outside.

  ‘I can smell it too,’ Nick cranes his head forward sniffing at the air.

  ‘Is it this place?’ Blowers asks, ‘I wouldn’t put it past Smithy to set us on fire.’

  ‘No, it’s coming from som
ewhere else,’ Clarence rumbles in his deep voice.

  ‘Reminds me of barbeque smoke, I’m bloody starving,’ Nick inhales deeply, savouring the aroma.

  ‘Sun’s almost up, we should get ready,’ I climb to my feet and move stiffly over to the glass doors, peering over the heads of the deathly horde and down the hill to the now blue waters of the sea. ‘Ah, another beautiful day in paradise,’ I stretch and yawn at the same time, leaning against the wall as I get a sudden head rush.

  ‘I could murder a coffee,’ Clarence rumbles as he too gains his feet and stretches. I look over at the huge man and notice how he nods to Dave as he steps past him. A sign that the disagreement they had upstairs is done and finished. Dave has the sense to nod back and once again I wonder at how sometimes he can understand a subtle yet complicated social interaction but other times he misses glaringly obvious ones. Shrugging I turn back and watch as the sun’s gorgeous ray’s start sweeping across the pavement and each zombie instantly slows to become a shambling mess as it gets caught in the pure light of day.

  ‘Do you think UV light would do the same to them?’ I ask out-loud.

  ‘We should try it,’ Dave replies, ‘they’ve shown they can switch between slow and fast during the day but it might work.’

  ‘Good thinking boss,’ Clarence says stepping forward to join me as I look out through the filthy glass panes of the front door. Boss? Did he just call me boss? ‘If it works we could rig some up on the outside of the fort when we get back.’

  ‘Ha, a shit load of sunbeds all hanging down from the walls, that would be cool,’ Cookey laughs then looks sheepish as everyone else stays silent, ‘fuck it, I thought it was funny.’


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