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The Undead the Second Week Compilation Edition Days 8-14

Page 13

by RR Haywood

  This infection or virus, or whatever it is keeps changing. Before the big battle I had complete control over tens of thousands of them, I could feel them and see what they saw. I could make them dance, jump or do whatever I wanted. But it weakened them, pushing them too hard without food or fluids made the already dead bodies weak and I can’t afford that to happen this time. That prick Howie and his little cuntrunt Dave are getting more experienced every day, so are their bum fucking little buddies.

  I don’t know why it changed but it feels like I have less control now, I can urge them through my mind but I can’t see through their eyes now, I can’t feel what they feel and I don’t know if I can tap into their collective experiences. If I’m going to be an honest super zombie then I have to admit that maybe vanity led me astray back there. I thought because of the power I had over my babies that it would be enough, but it wasn’t. I should have taken my time and accessed the millions of lessons, experiences and skills my lovelies had in their undead brains.

  Fuck it, fuck Howie and his fucking bunch of fucktards. This time I’m going to get strong and make my babies strong too. We’ll use stealth and cunning instead of brute force. Talking of cunning, this Marcy is a cunning bitch and I can’t work her out. She’s gorgeous and everything a super zombie like me could wish for, but I don’t know if she wants me or the power I have. Why can she talk and none of the others? Maybe the infection knows I need some help so it chose her to be the one to do it. Running through the streets I watch her bouncy backside and wish I could sink my teeth into it again, her arse tasted amazing.

  Marcy led us to the back of the house and through a small car park to a single rear door. It was locked so I made one of my babies’ head-butt the glass pane and reach in to unlock the door. The poor thing got the head-butt right but struggled with the concept of unlocking it and kept trying to head-butt the lock instead. I pulled it back and reached in to do it myself, groping round until I found the key on the inside and a key on the inside meant one thing…breakfast.

  We could all smell them as soon as we stepped into the house. The gentle fragrance of shit mingled with piss and an over powering dose of fear thrown in.

  Leaving one grumpy reluctant zombie at the door the rest of us started making our way noisily through the house. I could have made them creep quietly but by making enough noise for the survivors to hear it meant they got more frightened and released more pheromones of fear for us to follow.

  Marcy and I led them through hallways and up flights of stairs, giggling and groping each other and I could tell the hunt made her excited as she kept walking faster and faster. At the top of the final flight of stairs we stopped and stared down the long corridor to the door at the far end. The stench emanating from it gave away their hiding place. Marcy started walking towards the door but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back, she spun round grinning at me as I laughed and kept hold of her.

  ‘Please,’ she begged, ‘I’m so hungry,’ she purred close to my ear before dropping her mouth down to my neck and starting to bite my skin. Laughing I pulled away and grabbed her wrist as she tried breaking free and running to the door. Fucking around in the hallway I could sense the eagerness of my zombies to burst through and satisfy their craving but none of them dared to overtake me and held back, but they did groan louder and started making some lovely growling and snarling noises. That just increased the smell of the fear coming from the room ahead of us, which in turn excited us all even more. But the pleasure is in the anticipation and being the true tyrannical super zombie that I am, I made them wait until Marcy was on her knee’s begging me to let them go.

  ‘Say pretty please,’ I smiled down at her frowning face.

  ‘Pretty please,’ she blinked her red bloodshot eyes up at me.

  ‘Say pretty please oh great zombie army leader.’

  ‘Oh pretty please oh great and wonderful amazing leader of all the zombies.’

  ‘That’s not what I said…’

  ‘Oh come on please,’ she looked up at me pleadingly, ‘I’ll make it worth your while,’ she smiled and started rubbing her hand on my undead groin. I stayed silent for another minute or two, just so she knew who was in charge and who the boss was. But in the end the craving was threatening to overwhelm me too so I pulled her up, turned her round so she was facing the door and squeezed her behind.

  ‘Kill ‘em all,’ I whispered in her ear and she was off. The sight got me going, got us all going and as a pack we charged down the hall and ploughed into the door. It was locked from within but the combined weight of us all throwing our bodies at it soon made it crash open. And there they were, six scared little survivors. A whole family by the looks of it, old ones, middle aged ones and some young ones too.

  Marcy was wonderful, leaping into them with a frenzied snarl she lashed out and sunk her teeth into one of the middle aged people who stupidly stood up to try and protect the little ones. While Marcy dealt with them I dropped down on all fours and stalked slowly towards the children, snarling and laughing. My babies were soon stuck in, chomping away amidst screams of pain and terror. Munching and slurping as blood sprayed out soaking all of us. I made them take it easy on most of the bodies and just do enough to turn them, they abided my instruction but I could sense the growing hunger in them so I let them have the little ones to eat fully. We all did. Sinking down to tear flesh open with our bare teeth and savour the hot metallic blood pumping out into our mouths. Breaking away from the feast I made my way from body to body, taking chunks out and making sure my saliva got into their bloodstream.

  By the time the feasting finished the first killed were starting to come back, twitching away with convulsions before sitting up and opening their glorious bloodshot eyes. As each one came back I sensed a new connection being made and made sure they knew who I was. The more I did it the easier it got and within a few minutes I had a bigger horde. These bodies were fresh and strong, just turned and I could sense the power in them and the instant hunger they all had.

  Now, standing by the window next to Marcy I stare down along the seafront and take in the sweeping bay of golden sands with the blue waters gently lapping away.

  ‘Why are they lying down?’ Marcy asks as she watches our horde all lower themselves to the floor and lay flat out facing up.

  ‘I think they go slower during the day to conserve energy. They don’t eat or drink and even with the infection doing whatever it does to us I think they still wear down and get weaker if they’re pushed too hard.’ Looking at them now I feel a fatherly love for them, my babies all doing as they’re told and resting after a nice big meal.

  ‘Can you connect to all of them?’ She asks me quietly.

  ‘Yep,’ I nod before turning to look back out the window, ‘can you feel anything with them?’

  ‘No, I don’t think so. What does it feel like?’

  ‘Think of a bank of monitors all stacked up on a wall and each one giving a different view, that’s what it was like before. I could see what they saw, thousands of them at the same time but also I could feel them too. Now the vision has gone but the feeling is still there, like an invisible lead that runs from them to me. I could access their memories, emotions, experiences before too but that’s gone now. It’s difficult to explain but I can just feel them.’

  ‘Like a telepathic connection?’

  ‘Yeah I guess so. Whatever this thing is inside of us, it keeps changing, evolving and trying new things. It gave me so much power before but I fucked up and it feels like I’m almost being punished by having less power now. If I could tap into all the zombies and see what they saw then we’d find Howie’s little piggy's and fucking destroy them. He’s such a cunt that Howie. You should meet him, he’s so fucking righteous and decent it makes you want to puke. And the way those little twats all look up to him, I mean who the fuck is he? Just some fucking supermarket manager, what right has he got to go slaughtering them all. This isn’t some virus that’s going to die out, we’re a new species and we�
��ve got as much right as them to be here.’

  ‘I do want to meet him,’ she says wistfully.

  ‘Why? Why do you want to meet him? Do you fancy him or something? Fuck me you’re always talking about him, going on about Howie this and Howie that. You fucking dirty little slag.’

  ‘I want what you want Darren, I want to hurt and destroy him for what he’s done to you. I want to make him our slave, all of them our slaves and every one we turn will worship you until we’ve got an army and we can sweep through this land and claim it as ours.

  ‘Fuck me you’re ambitious.’

  ‘For you dear, just for you.’

  ‘You’re local, where would they go? Somewhere big enough to hold a few hundred of them, somewhere safe they can defend with food and water.’ She stares out the window thoughtfully.

  ‘There is a place a few miles down the beach, an old mortar battery. It’s got a big café in the grounds and high walls on one side. That’s the closest place that I can think of, unless they went inland.’

  ‘No they’d stay somewhere close so that prick Howie can find his little piggy babies and take them back so they can lick his feet and tell him how wonderful he is. Fucking twat.’

  ‘That’s the first place to try then, but if they’ve got a few hundred people plus Howie and his men…’ she pauses looking at me.

  ‘What?’ I shrug at her, ‘we’ll go and fuck ‘em up.’

  ‘Darren my sweetheart you’re so brave and strong,’ she nuzzles up to me, ‘but if they’ve got so many and we’ve only got a few…’

  ‘Then we’ll get more,’ I say firmly, ‘we’ll go house to house and find survivors and build a bigger stronger army.’

  ‘Oh you’re so clever and powerful, I wish I could think like you. Can we do it today?’

  ‘What about hiding? We’ve got a brilliant view and we’ll see if any of them fucktards go past.’

  ‘Oh Darren, but you’re connected to all our babies…they can rest and keep watch?’

  ‘I know! We’ll leave some here to watch and if they see Howie or his little dick friends I’ll sense it, we can post sentries as we go.’

  ‘Oh baby, it turns me on when you say such smart things,’ her hand drops to my groin and starts rubbing again.

  ‘Or we could just stay here and be the first zombies to fuck,’ I say as she rubs away.

  ‘I want that Darren I want that more than anything but you’re right we should focus on getting more bodies today then we’ll be safer and can have all the time together we want.’ She breaks away reluctantly and I can see the longing in her eyes but I am right, we’ve got work to do. Time for playing later.

  Leaving one of my babies at the windows front and back I gather the rest and start leading them back down through the house. As we get to the back door Marcy asks me to stop and darts off into the kitchen, coming back with two big knives she hands one to me and tucks the other in the waistband of her tight black skirt.

  ‘I don’t need a fuckin knife I’m a super zombie for fucks sake, what kind of message does that send if I have to start carrying weapons,’ I say with disgust.

  ‘It shows that you’re clever and smart, it shows that you can use tools and think like normal, it separates us from them,’ she nods at the gathered drooling zombies all staring at me with love and awe.

  ‘Fuck it,’ I shrug and tuck the knife into my own waistband, ‘if it makes you happy.’

  ‘You make me happy,’ she smiles brilliantly and flutters her dark eyelashes at me. She is hot for a dead chick.

  Outside I start leading my little horde over to the next house but Marcy says we should go away from the seafront and start a few streets back so we can avoid Howie. I tell her I’m not scared and if we see them we can fucking eat them but she flutters those eyelashes and pouts that pretty mouth and for the sake of pleasing her I change my mind and decide we should start further in the town away from the esplanade. Tactically speaking I am right, we shouldn’t be near the front with so few in our group and I’m glad I had the foresight to think of moving away.

  Marcy leads the way, cutting through the small streets and twisting lanes of this old town until we’re absorbed in the middle of the residential area and passing huge old houses with big expensive cars burnt out on the road. We move into one wide avenue and see a small gathering of our brethren shuffling around outside a house.

  ‘There must be survivors inside,’ I remark as we stride towards them.

  ‘Can you connect to them?’ Marcy asks, pointing at the undead turning to watch us approach. I focus hard but the only ones I feel are the zombies round me, the ones I’ve already bitten.

  ‘No, just ours.’

  ‘Try biting one of them, see if that makes a difference,’ she urges me as we draw closer.

  ‘Fuck off, you bite one of them, they’re fucking filthy I might catch a disease or something.’

  ‘Silly,’ she laughs at me, ‘they’re infected! They won’t have any diseases.’

  ‘How do you know,’ we stop nearby and watch as the new horde shuffle towards us. They might be not be connected but they still recognise a super zombie when they see one.

  ‘Just try one,’ she urges.

  ‘No fucking way,’ I shake my head. They’re beautiful gorgeous lovelies all gnarled up from long days in the sun, dried skin with sunken cheeks and a lovely pale deathly pallor, but they do looking fucking gross with flies buzzing round them.

  ‘Darren, just try it,’ she pulls one forward who stares at her with a look of submissive awe. She sees my reluctance and draws her knife. Placing the sharpened edge on its bare arm she pulls the blade back slicing the flesh open and licking her lips as blood starts oozing out. ‘It’s different,’ she feels the blood between her fingers, rubbing it between her tips and sniffing it, ‘thicker and he doesn’t bleed as much as a normal person would.’

  ‘We heal faster and our blood congeals quicker, that’s why they go for the either the head or a main artery so we bleed out…don’t lick it Marcy, you don’t know where he’s been!’

  ‘Oh it tastes nice,’ she licks at the blood on her fingers smiling at me, ‘try it.’

  ‘I’m not a cannibal Marcy, we don’t eat our own.’

  ‘Well spit in his cut then, see if that does it.’

  ‘Oh fucking hell, come here then,’ I pull his arm out and pull a big gob of spit in my mouth before letting it drool out into his freshly torn skin. As it lands Marcy rubs it in, making sure the saliva gets rubbed down and into his bloodstream.

  ‘Anything?’ She asks me.

  ‘Nope,’ I try and focus but nothing happens, no new connections or anything.

  ‘Maybe you need your blood in him.’

  ‘Oh well I’ll just chop a fucking finger off shall I and feed it to him.’

  ‘No baby, I like your fingers,’ she purrs, ‘just make a little nick in your fingertip and drip your blood in his cut.’

  Shaking my head I do as she suggests, using the knife to prick the end of one finger and letting the thick drops fall into the wound. Marcy rubs it in while I close my eyes and search for any new incoming connections. Nothing happens and I smile at her, she looks disappointed for a few seconds before smiling back at me.

  ‘Oh well, we’ll just have to do it the old fashioned way my darling,’ she shoves her way through the horde until she reaches the front door. Trying the handle she finds it locked but steps back to find a nice big rock to use and sends it through the glass pane. She reaches in and unlocks the door as a man comes running down the interior hallway holding a golf club above his head and screaming loudly. Marcy just stands there and waits for him to swing out, I start forward thinking she’ll be hurt but she catches the golf club in mid-flight and kicks out viciously into the man’s stomach. He doubles over and she drops down to rip a chunk of flesh from his neck with her teeth.

  ‘Bite him honey,’ she says to me with blood dripping down her chin. The man squirms and fights, lashing out with his fists as
I advance on him. He clutches his neck and screams in anger and fear, crabbing backwards down the hallway and shouting “RUN” to whoever else is in the house. Doors open and I hear footsteps and terrified screams. Marcy is ahead of me listening with her head cocked on one side and I notice none of the horde try and push past her either.

  The sense of excitement overtakes me so I swoop down and grab his ankle, lifting it up high and taking a nice big chunk out of his fat calf. He screams as I drop it and I leave him there pissing himself in fear while I charge up the stairs behind Marcy.

  A woman launches herself at us from one of the upstairs room, swinging a big kitchen knife but Marcy deftly side steps and sticks her own blade deep into the woman’s stomach, laughing as she falters, trips and goes head first down the stairs.

  ‘We’ll get her in a minute…now what else do we have here…oh my…oh my oh my,’ she stops in the doorway staring in. Joining her I look into the room and see a teenage male standing in the middle of the room holding a baseball bat as though ready to strike. He’s a big lad, all pumped up muscles and spotty skin, clear signs of steroid abuse but he does have massively thick arms.

  ‘Hello big boy,’ she purrs and slinks a step further into the room, ‘you’re a big boy aren’t you.’

  ‘Come near me and I’ll fuck you up,’ the boy answers in a surprisingly deep voice. I lean against the door frame and watch with interest.

  ‘I’m sure you will big boy…fuck me up that is,’ Marcy draws the words out seductively, ‘I just stabbed your mommy in her stomach.’

  ‘Couldn’t give a fuck, she’s not my mother,’ the boy answers.

  ‘Oh step mommy is she, wow fancy a big boy like you living at home with a hot step mom like that…did you get on well?’ Despite the incredible circumstances the boy’s face glows red with embarrassment as Marcy claps her hands with glee.


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