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The Undead the Second Week Compilation Edition Days 8-14

Page 58

by RR Haywood

  ‘That an invite is it?’ She quips quickly.

  ‘No I meant you should have one too,’ he answers.

  ‘I know what you meant, yeah I’ll go first but no sneaking around trying to see my tits okay?’

  ‘Huh? Yeah sure…’

  ‘I mean I know they’re pretty good right, not fake like those American girls.’

  ‘Yeah sure Lucy,’ he says staring down at the food again.

  ‘Oh you’re going to try and look at me in the bath aren’t you? I know it. Bloody hell Paco if it’s that hard for you then you might as well just say something.’

  ‘What?’ He says for the umpteenth time.

  ‘I’ll be up there soaking my body, naked and vulnerable and you’ll be hanging about outside with your todger in your hand trying to look at my tits.’

  ‘Todger? What’s a todger?’

  ‘Your John Thomas, the old wedding tackle…your cock Paco! You’ll be stood with your cock in your hand banging one out.’

  ‘What the fuck? Lucy I don’t get half of what you’re saying but I won’t be hanging round masturbating if that’s what you mean.’

  ‘Okay, fair enough. No need to get all shirty about it. Christ Paco, they’re only tits! Bloody hell do you want me to just get them out now or something?’

  ‘Lucy please stop this, I’m in shock right now. I’ve been chased through the woods by monsters and seen my friends getting killed. I don’t want to rape you or feel your tits and I won’t be hanging around outside the bathroom.’

  ‘Okay. Well I’ll go and run a bath now and let you finish up down here. Make coffee if you want. We’ll give it another half hour and get some candles on. There’s more food in the fridge if you’re still hungry,’ she says lightly, taking her glass and heading out of the room. Paco stays seated, stunned and confused by the way she seems so normal and intelligent one minute then going on about her boobs the next.

  ‘This is fucked up,’ he mutters pushing the plate away with a sudden loss of appetite. He’s Paco Maguire and this shouldn’t be happening. He should be in a shelter with the other important people. His studio or agents should have seen this coming and got him to safety. Feeling angry and frustrated that there’s no one to blame he starts clearing the table. Shovelling the leftover food into the bin and stacking the dirty plates by the sink.

  He makes coffee, thinking furiously. The situation is bad. But weigh it up Paco, outside there are monsters that want to eat you, inside there is a very strange woman who keeps mentioning her tits and being raped. She is beautiful and I guess the old Paco charm has worked quicker than normal. Hell, out here in the middle of nowhere, a lone woman, then a big movie star turns up. Who can blame her for being like that? Women throw themselves at me all the time, why should it be any different now?

  She must be scared and frustrated and all those hints, well she obviously wants a bit of Paco inside her. If I want to stay here then I need to give her what she obviously wants and it’s not like she’s some ugly broad is it?

  Nodding with firm resolution he pushes himself away from the kitchen side and walks slowly down the hall, stopping at the bottom of the stairs.

  ‘Say Lucy, is it okay if I come up a second?’ He calls out.

  ‘Yeah sure, what’s up?’ She shouts down. He climbs the stairs, hearing the sound of running water and the bath being filled. The bathroom door closed but not shut properly and he smiles to himself. Left the door open for me eh?

  ‘I was kinda thinking about what you said.’

  ‘Sorry love, hang on I can’t hear you…’ she opens the door with a towel wrapped round her torso, covering her breasts and the tops of her thighs.

  ‘Hey,’ he smiles his best wooing smile.

  ‘Er…hi? What did you say?’ She asks in a normal tone.

  ‘Well Lucy, seeing as you’re up here alone and that water sounds nice and hot…I was thinking maybe we should save water and share the bath?’ His voice trails off softly at the end as he pushes one hand out to lean against the wall, knowing it will show the muscles in his biceps.

  ‘I beg your pardon?’ She replies with a look of distaste.

  ‘What?’ He pulls the arm back and stares at her confused, not expecting this response.

  ‘You want to have a bath with me? You dirty bloody pervert! I knew you’d be hanging around at here trying to perv over me.’

  ‘Lucy, hey I’m sorry but I thought….’

  ‘You thought what? That I’d just drop my towel and let you shag me? Piss off and let me have a bath in peace,’ she steps back, slamming the door closed, leaving Paco stood there with an open mouth and a look of sheer confusion on his face. The signals weren’t wrong, he never gets it wrong. She was hinting at him, hinting heavily and now she’s slamming the door in his face.

  ‘Broads,’ he mutters and walks slowly back down the stairs. In the kitchen he continues shaking his head and wondering what just happened as he drinks coffee and continues clearing the table.

  Looking out the window he realises it’s now full dark and finds the box of candles left on the table. Using a box of matches he lights one of the candles and lets some wax drip onto a plate to secure the base of the candle. He switches the light off and sighs deeply.

  ‘Paco?’ Lucy calls out from upstairs, ‘bathroom is free love, I’ve emptied my water and started filling it up for you.’ She sounds perfectly normal again.

  ‘That’s great Lucy, thank you,’ he calls back keeping his tone normal. He climbs the stairs holding his plate and candle, reaching the top to see a smiling Lucy walking out of the bathroom, her skin looking pink and flushed and the now wet towel once more wrapped round her torso.

  ‘Say Lucy, I’m sorry about that, I didn’t mean to…’

  ‘What? Ah think nothing of it, waters running and I’ve left that gown for you to use if you want,’ she replies and slinks past him into the bedroom.

  He enters the steamy bathroom and rests the candle next to the sink before going over and checking the bathtub. Pushing the door closed he strips off and climbs into the almost scalding water. Sinking back gently and letting the heat of the water soak into his muscles he sighs deeply with a tight knot of fear deep inside his stomach.

  Everyone is gone, the world is over and life will never be the same again. No hope of getting home, no phones, television, no internet. All that money and fame and for what? So he can die from being eaten by monsters or scratch around to survive and eek out an existence.

  The back of his throat gets tight, tears sting his eyes as he rubs his face with worry. Shaking his head he rubs the tears away, feeling helpless, alone and very homesick.

  He’d had the choice between a cop thriller and the zombie action movie. With zombies grossing theatres out everywhere his agents had convinced him to go for the zombie flick, telling him there was potential for a lucrative series. If only he’d gone with the cop thriller. He would be safely in LA now, surrounded by armed security and helicopters ready to whisk him away somewhere safe amongst his own kind.

  His brother lived in the city and would undoubtedly be dead by now. Their parents lived on a ranch in Wyoming, wide open country and far from anywhere. He’d bought it for them a few years ago and got it refurbished. If only he’d been with them. Fuck the brother, he was a dick anyway. A religious nut always devoting himself to the poor and needy. Sanctimonious douchebag. His folks would be safe on the ranch. They had horses, fresh running water and guns, lots of guns.

  The thought of home, of the States, of his family and more than anything of being alone and feeling scared brought the tears on fully.

  Sobbing quietly into his hands he didn’t hear the door being opened and the footsteps of Lucy as she walked into the room and coughed, making him jump and rub his face quickly, pretending to be washing.

  ‘What the fuck?’ he stammers with blurred vision from the tears and sudden hot water he was splashing into face, ‘Lucy, is that you?’

  ‘Oh yes,’ she replies quietly.r />
  ‘What’s up?’ He answers, trying to cover his privates with one hand while rubbing the water from his eyes with the other.

  As his vision clears he looks over to the woman stood above him. The black shiny PVC tight trousers and the black shiny PVC studded jacket. Stood there tapping a riding whip against her leg. Her eyes dark with black make-up and bright red lipstick. Her hair pulled back into a tight ponytail and a black shiny PVC cop’s hat on her head.

  ‘Lucy! What the fuck…’ He tries to shuffle backwards, forgetting he’s in the bath. He sits bolt upright using both hands to cover his bits while staring open mouthed at the black clad woman.

  ‘Lucy…What…What…’ he stutters in panic. She stands there with a serious face, staring hard at him. The whip giving tiny thuds as it bounces from her leg. She shifts position, her outfit creaking. Without uttering a sound she reaches up and starts pulling the zip down on her black shiny PVC top. The rubberised zip making a loud slow buzzing noise as it clicks slowly down her chest and stomach. The jacket falls open to show her black PVC bra underneath, the huge soft mounds of her breasts spilling over the top and barely covering the nipples. Paco took the sight in with a dumb frown, fixing on the glittering silver skull fixed in her belly button.

  ‘So Mr big shot movie man…trying to watch me in the bath were you?’ She says slowly, her voice low and menacing.

  ‘What?’ Paco stammers once again.

  ‘Trying to take advantage of me were you? Little me all alone in this big farmhouse and you come along, all big and strapping with your movie teeth and movie hair.’

  ‘My movie hair?’ He asks incredulous.

  ‘Well Paco…you were caught. Caught being a bad boy. A naughty boy. A naughty boy that needs punishing…’

  ‘Lucy, I…but…hey now,’ he yelps in alarm as she hits the whip harder against her leg, stepping closer to the bath.

  ‘Don’t talk back you naughty boy,’ she orders, looking lasciviously down the length of his naked body.

  ‘But…’ he yelps again as the whip lashes out catching him on the shoulder with the soft tasselled end of the whip. There was no pain, just the action of being struck while naked in the bath.

  ‘Don’t talk back to me you naughty boy, now have you washed properly?’

  ‘Lucy…what the fuck?’ She hits him again making him yelp with fright.

  ‘Have you washed properly?’ She demands.


  ‘Don’t speak!’ she strikes him again, ‘just nod or shake your head. Have you washed properly?’

  Paco nods quickly, his head bobbing up and down.

  ‘I don’t believe you. You’re a dirty boy that needs to wash. Now wash and do it properly.’

  ‘Hey come on…ow! Hey don’t hit me…ow! Lucy stop it…Ow…okay okay…ow!’

  ‘Have you finished speaking you bad boy? Yes? Good. Now wash for Mistress Lucy. Wash your feet…yes your feet…I want clean feet. Go on, wash them toes, oh yeah get in between them, that’s it…right in between them…yeah you bad boy you wash them feet. Now your legs, good boy…all the way up and clean them big thighs…that’s it…give them a good hard scrub….you been a bad boy, a dirty boy that needs cleaning and washing all that dirty naughtiness away….now clean your stomach….come on lift them elbows up and show Mistress Lucy what you’ve got…oh wow! There’s a big boy, a big dirty boy! Clean that stomach…now the chest….and get under those armpits, yeah get right in there and clean them pits my boy….Now the face, clean that face…scrub it! Scrub it harder! Good boy… now…what’s left?’

  ‘Lucy I don’t think….Ow!’

  ‘No speaking! Now what’s left…oh yes…the todger you were playing with….clean it. Clean it movie boy….you clean that tackle for me…come on...’


  ‘Clean it then…clean it! That’s a good boy…come on…scrub it harder. Scrub it! Scrub it!’


  ‘Then scrub it properly…that’s it…nice and hard… come on scrub it you dirty little man! Scrub that todger…good boy! You scrub that todger for me you dirty little man.’

  ‘Ow…why’re you hitting me…’

  ‘Shut up and scrub it…come on scrub it!’

  ‘Ow…hey...I’m scrubbing ain't I…’

  ‘Scrub it…harder! Stop! Stop touching yourself right now you filthy deviant.’

  ‘But…Ow…for the love of god…stop hitting me woman…Ow.’

  ‘I never said you could make it get bigger…did I tell you to make it grow? You think you can just have a five knuckle shuffle when I’m telling you to wash?’

  ‘Sorry…I didn’t mean to…it just happened!’

  ‘Now stand up…come on stand up.’

  ‘Okay okay….Ow! I’m doing it already.’

  ‘Good boy now let’s have a proper look at you shall we…why is that thing still getting big? Make it go down…’

  ‘I can’t just make it go down…Ow! Please stop…Ow!...’

  ‘You make that thing go down…It’s getting bigger. Do you like being whipped? Is that it? You dirty boy getting all turned on at being whipped.’

  ‘No I’m not it’s…Ow.’

  ‘It’s what? What is it? Come on spit it out.’

  ‘I don’t know! It’s just getting bigger on its own.’

  ‘On its own! Got a consciousness has it? Got a brain has it? Or have you been staring at my tits again?’

  ‘Lucy come on…this is fucked up…Ow! Please stop…’

  ‘Right follow me my dirty little man…’

  ‘Ow! Oh god Lucy don’t grab that…Hey now come on lady…okay okay I’m coming just don’t grip so hard…hey take it easy…’

  ‘Well seeing as it’s getting all big I might as well make use of it shouldn’t I you naughty little man…’

  With a firm grip, she marches him from the bathroom, across the hall and into the bedroom. A single candle flickers in the corner of the room, casting shadows and a soft orange light.

  Paco, having been a world famous movie star for many years had enjoyed far more than his fair share of sexual experiences and had dabbled with one tentative toe in the murky world of BDSM, preferring the straight and normal experiences of pliable women willing to relieve him at the twitch of a smile. Now, with Lucy literally manhandling him into the room he feels panicked and scared but strangely excited. The intelligence and bravery of the woman was clear. She knew things about what was going on and seemed a good strong person to be with. She was beautiful too with a figure to die for. Full breasted, narrow waist and long legs. Dressed to thrill in the PVC outfit and he couldn’t help but get a natural reaction to the situation.

  She was dominant and he was weak. Despite being a hulk of a man he knew he was truly terrified and her power was clear, plus it was her house, and she knew the area, and was braver than him.

  He went with it. Playing along simply because he was too scared of doing anything else. She made him go on all fours and straddled his wide back, riding him like a donkey and whipping his bare backside. She made him undress her slowly, deliberately giving him instruction he would get wrong so she could whip him with the soft tassels.

  Eventually, she was naked and the candle extinguished. What followed wasn’t really that abnormal and Paco took the lead to do the other thing he was famous for.

  If nothing else, it served to release the tension.



  She stands on tired legs. Her head hanging low. Eyes alert and watchful, ears pricked. A sentinel holding post, sturdy, unmoving and unbeaten.

  All through the night she has fought and killed. The bodies lay mangled and deep. Flies and insects buzz around the corpses. The street is covered with her vanquished enemies. The flow of them didn’t stop all during the hours of darkness.

  They came in ones, twos, groups and hordes. At times they reached the house and threw their bodies against the doors. The windows were smashed but she fought hard and only one gained the
window ledge to clamber through and he was dragged back out by his trailing foot and savaged to death within seconds.

  During the frantic battle the water bucket was knocked over, spilling the precious liquid away. She managed a few licks of the pooled water before it drained into the thirsty earth. After that she suffered with the high heat and constant action. Still she didn’t fail.

  A foul taste in her mouth from the infected flesh torn apart by her teeth. The sticky blood round her muzzle and dripping from her chin onto her filth encrusted paws.

  Now, as the birds herald the start of a new day she checks both ends of the street, looking over the multitude of bodies and searching for any new threats. Turning slowly she walks to the water bucket and noses the thing aside, pawing and whining with thirst.

  A voice from above, she moves back and looks up to see the woman making noise. The water bucket lifts slowly and she waits patiently for it to be filled and put back down. When it does come her tails wags softly, showing her pleasure and she drinks deeply. The water turning pink from the blood in her mouth. The water is cool and she drinks until her belly feels swollen and her tongue rids of the disgusting taste of the things.

  She desperately needs sleep and moves over to the door but the ground is too littered with the dead and she can’t find space to lie down. She moves off to the far corner, to the only patch of ground not covered by a corpse. She turns a few times and lies down. Gradually her breathing slows and her eyes close but her ears remain alert and listening.

  In the house, the mother stares down at the huge dog and gives another prayer, this one of thanks and gratitude. Throughout the long hours of the night she listened to the sounds of the battle raging outside. She heard the thumps against her door and gripped the knife blade ready to end her children lives to prevent them becoming those things. She prayed it wouldn’t happen that they wouldn’t breach the house.

  The window smashing brought the knife up and the sharp blade hovering inches above the baby’s throat. Her toddler son asleep with his head on her lap. First the baby, then the son, then herself. It would be murder but it would be done with love and she would stop them becoming whatever they were outside.


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