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The Undead the Second Week Compilation Edition Days 8-14

Page 218

by RR Haywood

  Leading the way I stride towards the gate, the others right behind me being introduced to Milly who talks non-stop but shows that skill again by instantly remembering everyone’s names.

  ‘Roy,’ I nod up in greeting at the sight of the man on top the wall, bow in hand. He nods back as I cross through the gap into the fort.

  Darius stands with a rifle aimed at a large group of people sitting and kneeling on the ground. Ordinary people of all shapes and sizes, men, women and children and all of them looking terrified.

  Maddox’s children are stood encircling the group, all of them armed with weapons and, despite how exhausted we all are and the fucking heat sapping away at everyone, they look keen eyed and switched on.

  All eyes fix on me as I approach the group. Dave right behind me with Clarence. The lads and Lani just behind them. Nodding at Darius, I stop just before the group and look down.

  Two men have been killed by Roy. One of them pinned to a wooden post with an arrow through his neck, the other lies still on the ground with one through his chest.

  ‘Jagger, did you see any sign of Nick on your way back?’ I call out to the lad standing next to Mohammed.

  ‘No Mr Howie,’ shaking his head, he looks at Mohammed.

  ‘Is he missing?’ Mohammed asks.

  ‘Yeah,’ I notice the ripple of attention spiking up in the group as Jagger says my name. Everyone now looks closely as they scan the group, spotting Dave and Clarence then down to Lani. Meredith, still off the lead makes no hesitation in plundering forward to snake through the group sniffing at them. Some flinch away from the huge dog as we wait for her to finish her sniffing. The thought that some might be infected is already in my mind and I know Dave has already drawn his pistol.

  ‘Stay still,’ I call out bluntly.

  ‘Are you Mr Howie?’ A large woman asks quietly.

  ‘Mr Howie said to stay still,’ Dave replies instantly.

  Meredith trots through the group, wagging her tail as she sniffs at children before seeming to lose interest and trotting off to the side.

  ‘Yes I am,’ I finally answer the woman who asked me, ‘this is Dave, Clarence, Lani, Blowers and Cookey.’ If my name is going to get banded about then the others can have it too. ‘What happened here?’

  ‘Hey man, like we didn’t mean no bad karma man, you know. We were only like, doing what Shaunie said but the D-man said Shaunie didn’t know what he was doing but…’

  ‘Do what?’ I ask the man with dreadlocked ginger hair, not really understanding what he just said.

  ‘Sue, you tell ‘em,’ a man calls out from within the group.

  ‘Are you Sue?’ I ask the large woman.

  ‘I am,’ she replies in a confident voice. ‘That idiot,’ she points back to the man pinned to the post with the arrow through his neck, ‘talked us into taking this place for ourselves…god knows how he did it…but he did so…’

  ‘And you all went along with it?’ I ask quickly, ‘it’s a big group to do what one man says.’

  ‘He said we shouldn’t be under control of someone else, he like got it in our heads that the women might get taken and the kids and stuff,’ a man blurts out, nervous looking he glances between me and Sue.

  ‘Who are you?’

  ‘Derek,’ he replies.

  ‘D-man,’ the ginger haired man adds for whatever strange reason.

  ‘This place is free,’ I call out, ‘we don’t hold anyone by force and we don’t turn anyone away. We have controls to keep the infection out and we’ve already lost this place to the disease once but we’d have taken you in.’

  ‘We didn’t know that,’ Sue replies.

  ‘But you see the people outside yes? You see them queue and come in…’

  ‘Shaun said they were probably having to give all their stuff over and weapons,’ Derek says, ‘like I know it sounds stupid but he was really good at talking us into stuff.’

  ‘Until the end when we realised what a prick he was,’ Sue scoffs.

  ‘Sue said a rude word,’ Milly calls out, ‘Mr Howie will tell you off now,’ glancing round I see Milly staring at me expectantly.

  ‘Er, don’t anyone swear,’ I call out which seems to meet her approval, ‘or Milly will tell me off,’ I add.

  ‘What now?’ Sue asks, ‘they said before the woman and children will be safe.’

  ‘We said that before we got in,’ Paula explains. I nod in understanding.

  ‘Are you all from the same place?’ I ask.

  ‘No, just a couple of us,’ Sue replies, ‘more joined as we came down…Shaun was in the first lot.’

  ‘Darius, you stay with them mate, everyone else with me please,’ I walk off, fully aware that I’m telling everyone what to do but with Nick still not back the pressure to get this sorted and back out is on.

  ‘Right, ideas?’ I ask the group gathered round me, ‘we’re not hurting anyone or killing anyone else.’

  ‘I agree,’ Paula says quickly, ‘we said the women and children would be safe so we should honour that. They’re in a right mess, filthy and hungry too by the looks of it.’

  ‘They eat lots when they come in,’ Lenski explains, ‘but then they worry and they not wash and the fort it too big for them to guard so they worry and argue.’

  ‘You’ve been with them the longest, what do you think?’ Maddox asks his partner.

  Thinking for a minute Lenski turns to stare at the group. They know their fate is being discussed so they stare over with concerned, fearful faces.

  ‘Yes, they not the bad people. The man Shaun, he controlling them but he lose the control at the end. The men, they are the husbands and fathers of the women and children so they are the families…they no different to the other people that come here,’ she nods at the main camp and the groups standing about watching with worried interest. ‘They worry too,’ she adds, ‘everyone they worry, this is the safe place for all the people so we not make them go.’

  ‘How did they get in?’ Dave asks in his blunt tone.

  ‘We not have enough people here,’ Lenski replies equally as blunt, ‘you take too many last night and they come and argue and make the scene…’

  ‘Distraction,’ Maddox nods.

  ‘Yes, they use the distraction,’ Lenski says.

  ‘That’s twice now we’ve lost this place,’ I say with a glance at Clarence, ‘it can’t keep happening.’

  ‘We had no choice,’ Maddox is quick to jump in, ‘with that lot coming at us we had to deal with it.’

  ‘Yeah I know,’ I nod, ‘but the infected could try something like that too.’

  ‘I’ll sort it, you leave it with me now,’ Maddox says firmly, ‘with my crews here we can control the gates, the walls and make sure security is done properly.’

  ‘Paula? What about you? What’s your plans with Roy?’ I ask her.

  ‘Me? I haven’t got a clue,’ she laughs, ‘Roy wants to find a doctor…you know with his er…’

  ‘Yeah,’ I nod quickly, ‘that’s our priority too, well after finding Nick and getting the Saxon back, and then finding more ammunition, maybe some more guns and of course we’ve still got the bodies to burn…which now means more fuel.’

  ‘Tell you what,’ Paula says clearly, ‘er…if you don’t mind me suggesting things?’ She suddenly seems to become aware of everyone looking at her.

  ‘Carry on,’ I urge.

  ‘Sure?’ She looks at Maddox and Lenski.

  ‘Sure yes, you stay here yes, we need the people like you,’ Lenski nods firmly. An acceptance made, a transition of an agreement. Paula and Roy are now with us.

  Relaxing, she smiles once before carrying on, ‘well, I was thinking that maybe,’ she goes steady, clearly not wanting to be seen as bossy, ‘Maddox does the security and organises getting those bodies burned, you lot go look for Nick and I’ll take Roy to find ammunition…just tell me where to look and we’ll sort it.’

  ‘Military bases, barracks, armouries,’ Dave cuts in, ‘there’s
a supply ship in Portsmouth harbour that we never emptied.’

  ‘We can do that,’ Paula says.

  ‘Makes sense,’ Lani nods at me, ‘means we’re free to find Nick…’

  ‘Do that then, everyone happy?’ I stare round at the nodding heads, ‘just leaves that lot to be spoken to, you happy if I say something?’ This is getting awkward. Me not wanting to tread on Maddox’s feet, him not wanting to do the same, now with Paula too. I guess it takes time for things to settle. Maybe we should have that council after all. Bloody hell, I can imagine Sergeant Hopewell cursing me from beyond.

  In agreement and we walk back to the group, all of them looking worried as they stare up.

  ‘LIONS AND TIGERS AND BEARS,’ Milly decides to shout.

  ‘Oh my,’ Cookey can’t resist the add on.

  ‘Paula, do you like lions and tigers and bears?’

  ‘Pardon? Er…yes I think so.’

  ‘Maddox do you like lions and tigers and bears?’

  The hard faced man stares at me, I shrug and motion for him to answer.

  ‘Er yeah,’ Maddox says slowly.

  ‘Lenski, do you like lions and tigers a bears?’ And so it goes on. Somehow the little girl keeps everyone waiting as she goes round the large group, asking everyone if they like lions and tigers and bears. Funny thing is, no one tells her to stop but just waits until she’s finished. She even asks Sue and Derek, remembering their names from the brief introduction a few minutes ago.

  ‘Right, I think she’s finished,’ I call out, ‘this is a free place and will remain as such. You will not be held against your will nor will you be expelled. You will all be searched for weapons and they will be removed. Anyone with skills will be asked to work but not forced. Our food is held centrally so we can share everything with everyone. There has to be control in a place like this. More people will arrive so although it looks big now it will soon fill up. The people in charge here are the ones you can see standing with me. We don’t own this fort but we run it and we do it for the good of everyone and for now it will stay like that. Any questions?’

  ‘Man like, you saying we can stay here?’

  ‘He just said that Ginge,’ Sue mutters quietly.

  ‘Yeah I thought so but like you know, I wasn’t expecting that…cool man.’

  ‘Mr Howie,’ Sue calls my attention, ‘we aren’t bad, really we just followed the wrong person. We want to stay and we want to be involved. It was a bad idea what we did and on behalf of everyone I want to say how sorry…’ murmurs break out, heads nodding in agreement. Some of the men and women cry openly at the good news. Relief, exhaustion, stress and tension all playing their part.

  ‘We’ve got an hour or two of daylight left, get these people checked for cuts, bites or open wounds then we put the same controls in as before but more guards on the gates. Keep them rotated so they stay switched on. Keep the walls covered and also…check the vehicles in the gap because if you got in that easy so will others.’

  ‘Good point,’ Paula says, ‘I was thinking the same thing.’

  ‘We learn as we go,’ I sigh about to ask Nick for a cigarette, ‘my lot, get cleaned and ready to go.’

  ‘Lenski, can we find a mechanic here?’

  ‘Sierra she has the lists yes? I sort this.’ She walks off heading towards the police office.

  ‘CONTACT,’ Roy shouts, ‘VEHICLE…’ Lenski stops mid stride turning round as she rolls her eyes, tutting at the relentless pace.

  ‘Sierra?’ She calls out, ‘Mr Howie he need the mechanic yes? You find this?’

  ‘Mechanic? Ginge, ain’t you a mechanic?’ Derek from the kneeling group asks.

  ‘Yeah man,’ Ginge nods, ‘like you know, yeah.’

  ‘Really?’ I ask him, ‘you don’t look like a mechanic.’

  ‘My father had a garage, you know, I had to do it like, I had no choice man I was oppressed.’

  ‘Poor you,’ I glare at him, ‘our vehicle has broken down.’

  ‘A Saxon, do you know them?’ Clarence asks, ‘an army vehicle, big, armoured personnel carrier?’ he adds at the blank look.

  ‘Engines are engines,’ Ginge shrugs, ‘apart from like you know, the modern cars with computers and the diagnostic stuff.’

  ‘Nah this is old,’ Clarence replies.

  ‘Old is good,’ Ginge shrugs.

  ‘Good, you’re coming with us then.’

  ‘Me? Whoa man like hang on here.’

  ‘Want to stay here?’ Clarence takes a big step forward, folding his huge arms he glares down at the poor man.

  ‘Yeah like whatever man, glad to help you know,’ Ginge changes tack instantly, ‘need tools man,’ he adds.

  ‘We’ll find them on the way,’ I reply.

  ‘SINGLE VEHICLE AT SPEED,’ Roy shouts, ‘NOT SLOWING DOWN.’ That gets us going. My team all breaking away running towards the gate.

  Outside we stand ready, moving into a circular line as we watch the small hatchback roaring down the track towards us.

  ‘Where’s Milly?’ I ask Lani as she moves into position next to me.

  ‘Lenski’s got her.’

  ‘Fuck me, they’re in a hurry,’ Blowers mutters.

  ‘Maybe they need a poo,’ Cookey replies earning a quick look from the rest of us. ‘What?’ He says with a grin.

  The car leaves the braking to the very last second, bringing the Anti-Lock Braking System into play, juddering the rear wheels as the car slews to a stop in a cloud of dust.

  ‘Cor,’ Cookey can’t help himself at the sight of the beautiful girl clambering out of the driver’s door. Seeing us she scans the group, visibly staring first at Clarence then Dave and Lani before moving to lock eyes on me.

  ‘She’s armed,’ Blowers shouts. We all draw quickly, taking aim as Dave moves out to the side.

  ‘DROP THE WEAPON,’ he roars.

  ‘WAIT,’ the girl screams, ‘please…’

  ‘Blowers, move in and take the gun,’ I raise my voice so the girl can hear, “Don’t move…just stay still…are you bit?’

  ‘No…Nick sent me…’ she blurts out.

  ‘Nick?’ I exclaim.

  ‘What did you say?’ Blowers demands, ‘where is he?’

  ‘Is he hurt?’ Cookey walks forward, we all do as Dave deftly moves up behind her and slips the pistol from her holster.

  ‘Please,’ she holds her hands up, tears streaming down her face. She is very pretty but looks utterly exhausted, literally swaying on her feet.

  ‘Lani?’ She asks Lani, ‘are you Lani? And you’re Clarence and you’re Dave,’ she nods at Dave standing next to her, staring at the pistol he took from her belt, ‘you must Blowers and Cookey and you’re Mr Howie.’

  ‘How do you know that?’ I ask.

  ‘Nick said to tell you he made Tower Bridge move so the zombies fell off and the ferry from the Island too, er…he set it on fire…’

  ‘Okay, take it easy,’ I speak calmly, ‘what’s happened? Where is he?’

  ‘Oh god, is it you? Is it really you? Nick said to find the fort and find Mr Howie that he’d know what to do.’

  ‘You’ve found us,’ Lani moves in close to the distressed girl, ‘it’s okay, just take a breath.’

  ‘He said…’ she starts crying harder gasping for breath the tears, ‘he said you’d know what to do.’

  ‘We will,’ Lani says softly, ‘Mr Howie is right here, we’re all right here…now where’s Nick?’ You look exhausted, are you injured?’

  ‘No…I haven’t slept and it’s so hot…but Nick and Billy.’

  ‘Okay, take it easy. Lani can you check her over with Paula and bring her through to the police office. Let’s get her out the sun and some fluids inside her.’

  ‘Come on,’ Lani pulls the girl gently away.

  ‘Wait!’ She cries rushing back to the car she leans in to draw a single bladed axe out.

  ‘That’s Nick’s,’ Blowers says quickly.

  ‘He made me take it to show you,’ the gi
rl says.

  ‘Is he in danger? Right now is he in danger?’

  ‘No…yes…I er…they took him but he seemed okay I don’t know,’ she stammers.

  ‘I’ll take her in and get her calm,’ Lani says, ‘what’s your name?’

  ‘Lilly, I’m Lilly.’

  ‘Come on Lilly, you come with me.’

  Forty Two

  ‘You look better,’ Paula smiles kindly as the girl walks into the room, pausing slightly she takes in the many faces staring at her and smiles nervously.

  ‘Sorry for earlier, I was a bit overcome with it all.’ Her voice is refined and cultured, indicating a private education from a wealthy background.

  ‘You feeling okay?’ I ask, desperate to find out about Nick.

  ‘Tired,’ she smiles at me, ‘I haven’t slept for…gosh I don’t even know how long it’s been.’

  ‘Here,’ Cookey stands at the side, still on coffee making punishment for his many mischievous misdemeanours. He passes her a steaming mug and she’s shown to a vacant seat. As she settles down, she keep glancing nervously up at everyone.

  ‘From what Lilly just told me it sounds like Nick is okay for the minute,’ Lani explains quickly putting our minds at rest before looking at the girl. ‘Tell us everything from the start,’ she prompts.


  ‘Everything,’ Clarence rumbles, ‘takes a bit longer but then we know all the facts.’

  ‘Right, well,’ she takes a deep breath and starts. The story that follows holds us captivated, her elocution is so perfect, her pronunciation so clear that I can imagine everything as she relays it all.

  An awful, truly horrific set of events but she bravely fights the tears during the hardest parts, forcing herself to keep going. When she tells us how she hid in the undergrowth and watched her friend Sam being raped, then her father being killed, I know I am not the only one with a lump in my throat.

  She tells us of how she tracks Billy and Todd back to the holiday cottage, driving the Landrover after them and finally how she met Nick in town.

  She explains it all clearly, leaving few questions and the attention becomes super focussed when she talks about meeting Nick. It even earns a chuckle when she says how she was punching him, mistaking him for one of the men.


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