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Chaos: A Reapers MC Boxset

Page 3

by Elizabeth Knox

  “You two get the fuck out of here,” Frank calls out from the kitchen. “I’ll handle the stragglers, just make sure the door is locked behind ya.”

  “Woo!” Raven shouts, walking through the entryway. I follow her closely.

  Kade walks up to me, snaking his arm around my waist. “You ready to get going?”

  “Yeah, I’m exhausted as all hell. I’m ready to faceplant into bed.” Kade puts his lips on the top of my head and walks me over to the bike.

  “Whoa. Where is your coat?”

  “I didn’t bring one . . .” I mumble under my breath.

  He’s quick to strip himself of his and put it on me, zipping it up and making sure I’m warm and comfortable. This is exactly what drew me to him that night. I could feel his compassion seething off him. It’s what gives me the courage to continue on every day, even though I live in a place where I am hated. He says it will get easier, and I can only hope that it does. I just hope it’s sooner rather than later.

  Chapter Two

  You can’t rush healing

  ~ Audrey Kitching


  I wake up to the buzzing sound of my phone going off on my nightstand next to me. Pulling my hands to my eyes, I rub them and proceed to grab it. I glance at the time quickly— it’s the ass crack of dawn. “Hello?” I answer, sounding groggy as all hell.

  “Mornin’ Sunshine. You’d better get up and get your shit together. Your Pops wants to have a conversation with you in church. He said about twenty or so minutes so if I were you, I’d get my ass movin’,” my uncle Tex tells me.

  I huff, unable to hold in my annoyance. “It’s not even seven in the morning and he already wants to start this shit?” My dear old dad has been doing the same shit for the last few weeks, laying into me about Ivy being here. He doesn’t trust her and while I can’t blame him for it, he needs to suck it up. Sure, she’s the daughter of his sworn arch nemesis but she isn’t her father. She’s not like him in any way, shape, or form.

  He sighs on the other end. “Listen, don’t shoot the messenger.” We both end the call and I set the phone back down on my side table. I start to turn and look over, but Ivy’s hands are already on me, telling me she’s awake.

  “Your dad wants to talk to you about me again, doesn’t he?” she mumbles out. I can hear the disappointment in her voice. She wants nothing more than to be accepted as my girlfriend and to not be judged by her blood. I don’t see that happening for a long time, and it rips me to shreds.

  I shake my head to the left and right, trying to diffuse what she already knows. Fuck, I’ll lie to her if I have to. She shouldn’t have to be worrying about this shit. “No, I’m sure it’s not that, honey. Probably some stuff about the club.”

  Ivy scoffs, leaning her head against my back as she wraps her arms around my waist. “You and I both know he wants to. It is what it is, and he’ll hate me until the end of time. I’m just . . . so tired of being judged. I didn’t choose my family. More importantly, I didn’t choose to be cut up like this. I know he hates my father, but what am I supposed to do, Kade?”

  I turn around, unlocking her arms from around my torso and give her a stern look, cupping her face with my hand. “You aren’t supposed to do anything. You haven’t done anything wrong, Ivy. We know that. You shouldn’t have to continue paying for the sins of your father, and I’ll be putting my foot down today and letting everyone know just how clear I am on this issue. You need to be accepted here and it’ll fuckin’ happen, regardless of what everyone thinks.”

  She puts her hand in front of her face, showing a bit of emotion for the first time in weeks. She hiccups behind the shield she’s putting up. “I’m trying so hard to fit in here and I don’t know what else I can change. None of them want me here, Kade. Only you do, and I don’t know if that’s enough. I can’t keep feeling like I’m a burden on everyone, and this is exactly how I feel — like I am some nasty vermin that no one wants to be around them.”

  Right now, I’m thanking fuck she got that job. It’s her only escape away from the negative environment she’s living in. I’m her man and I’m the one who’s supposed to be protecting her. But how can I protect her from my own family? I’m at a crossroads, but regardless, I’ll figure it out and make this situation better.

  “Babe, you don’t have to worry about a damn thing. I’m going to sort all of this out. I promise you, I’ll figure it out. In the meantime, you don’t have to be up for a few hours. Go back to bed and I’ll come up with a solution.” I move her hand out of her face and press my lips against her in a chaste kiss.

  Ivy shrugs her shoulders, clearly still upset.

  “I know this isn’t easy, babe. Nothing in our life is, but we’ve got this shit. You and I can overcome anything, and I honestly believe it.”

  She offers me a half smile, “Yeah. I know we can, it just doesn’t mean it’s easy. I wish it was easier, Kade. I’m strong and I know that . . . but sometimes, I just want to crumble apart under the pressure of the world.”

  “Yeah,” I nod, “Just remember that when you decide to crumble, I’ll be here to hold you together.”

  She mumbles something out, clearly wanting our conversation to end. I can’t blame her. I’d want this shit to end too if the roles were reversed. I get up from the bed and grab a shirt off the floor, throwing it on. I pick up the pair of jeans I think I wore yesterday but as I smell them, I know they can’t be those. They smell like chicken wings.

  I slide my legs into the jeans and button them, turning around to see Ivy cuddled up in bed. Any time I look at her like this, I pray to any god up there that she doesn’t go into a depression. Honestly, I don’t know how she hasn’t already. Before I leave, I pick up my phone and slide it into the back pocket of my jeans.

  “I’ll see you a little later. Try to get some more sleep,” I whisper, walking toward the door. She doesn’t respond back which tells me she’s either ignoring me or has already zonked out.

  I place my hand on the door and open it, exiting the room and shutting it closed behind me. Before I go face my dad, there’s one person I want to speak to. Picking up my phone from my pocket, I dial her number.

  “How is my favorite cousin?” I say to her as she laughs on the other end.

  “You’d best not tell Nova or Jordyn that shit. They like you entirely too much,” Kat spits out.

  I snicker, “Can you blame them? I’m kind of fabulous.”

  “Jesus. Look who’s being a cocky shit this early in the morning. Why are you up so early anyway?”

  “Eh, your Dad called me to let me know my Dad wants to talk to me. We both know what it’s gonna be about.”

  “Let me guess . . . Ivy?”

  “Bingo,” I grumble out, walking down the hallway. Lucky for me, it’s early enough to where no one will be eavesdropping in on my conversation. “He doesn’t get it, Kat. He thinks she’s some sort of spy or something, I just know it.”

  “I really don’t know what to say. Personally, your dad is acting out of character. How does one of the most accepting men of all time judge a girl who was cut apart by her own father and brother? She has scars all over her body because of them. I can’t fathom why he would think she has any loyalty to them.”

  “Me either. It makes no sense. All her father did her entire life was torment her, and her brother joined in on it later. Why would he think she’d be faithful to them?”

  “He’s preparing for the worst, I think. Imagine if the roles were reversed. You’d be leery of the woman your son brought to the club as well. Knowing Grizzly and his antics, he could view this as some sort of elaborate scheme to set us all up.”

  “She isn’t her father’s pawn,” I argue, trying to keep my voice down. I want to scream it from the rooftop so that everyone hears me, tired of having to repeat myself over and over again.

  “I know that and so do you. Now make sure your dad does, and if he doesn’t, make sure he knows how you feel about all this shit. Look, I know you had y
our reservations in telling everyone and you were right to, but you need to lay down the law, Kade.”

  Kat is right. I don’t want to say it out loud and give her an unneeded ego boost. Lord knows that she doesn’t need it. “You have a point. Thanks, Kat. I have to get going.”

  “Alright, well don’t be a stranger and make sure to stay in touch.”

  “I will. Do me a favor and let Hawk know that girl Raven said hi to him.”

  “Damn, the one he ogles from afar? I swear I’ve seen him Instagram stalking the shit out of her. He always mutters about how she has that dick of a boyfriend.”

  “Ex-boyfriend,” I correct her.

  She chuckles, “Oh, I’ll be sure to pass that along. Talk to you later.” Kat ends the call with a click.

  I slide my phone into my back pocket and head down the hallway to where we hold church. Instead of knocking, I open the fucking door like I own the damn place because I’m over this shit. I refuse to have Ivy feeling like she lives in a place where she’s hated and unwelcome. Everyone will get with the program or I’ll fuckin’ go to Vegas.

  My father looks up from his phone, glaring at me with all his might. “Since when have you ever come in here without announcing yourself?”

  “Since I’m done with this fucking shit!” I roar out, slamming the door behind me.

  My father starts to speak, but I cut him off. “No. Don’t you dare say a fucking word if it pertains to anything about Ivy not being welcome here.” He raises a brow, not saying a word. Ugh, just as I thought. He wants to grill into me more about my girlfriend.

  “Now, listen up ‘cause I won’t be repeating myself anymore. I am tired of all the countless bullshit you keep putting not only Ivy but myself through as well. I understand your reservations more than anyone else ever will. Grizzly has put our entire family through hell, and you’re right to wonder what a person’s intentions are. What you’re wrong about is her. We’re not the only ones who have gone through a world full of hurt, Dad. So has she, in worse ways than we ever have.

  “At least when we wake up every morning and go to bed every night, we don’t have to stare down at the nasty words written into our flesh by people who are supposed to love us beyond measure. Could you imagine if she was Ashley or Kat? You wouldn’t be treating either of them the way you act toward Ivy. And, I’m done with it. I’m done with all of this fucking shit! Here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to make sure that everyone understands she is as much part of the club as I am, or I’m going to haul ass to Vegas with her and start over. Those are your options. Choose wisely and let me know what you decide.”

  I turn on my heel and open the door to church, walking out into the hallway and slam it behind me. Anger runs through my entire body, boiling my blood. There’s only one thing I can do to calm me down right now. So, I head outside and go for a ride, needing the cool wind to take away my outrage. I’ve given him options, and now it’s his turn to decide.

  Chapter Three

  Give her the best words you can but give her actions that make the words seem modest

  ~ JM Storm


  It’s been two days since Halloween and for the most part, I’ve been working and keeping to myself when I’m at the club. I overheard the brothers whispering about how Kade and Fist got into a nasty fight. Kade said he was going to handle the situation, so of course, they argued.

  I tried asking him what happened when he got back later that day, but he didn’t want to get into it. I can’t blame him for that. It must feel like either his relationship is tearing his family apart, or the opposite. I, for one, feel like I am alone, even though I’m constantly around people. Isn’t that funny? To be surrounded by various people and yet feel more detached than I ever have.

  I walk around the side of the bar and use a barstool to stand up and grab the orange and black Halloween decorations. Raven and I weren’t in the mood to take them down yet, but upper management gave us shit a couple of hours ago that they needed to be down today. So, here we are, the two of us putting away every mechanical hand, candy bowl, spider confetti, and banner.

  “Sucks your boss wants you to take that shit down,” Marty comments from the bar. I’m pleasantly surprised he’s only had one beer and a cheeseburger so far today. Being that it’s almost seven in the evening, this is a win in my book.

  Raven huffs, throwing her hands up in the air from a few feet away from me. She’s grabbing the small plastic spiders that she taped to the wood beams. “Are you kidding me, Mart? CJ is the biggest douche on the planet. You should see the asshole around Christmas. He’s worse than the fuckin’ Grinch, I tell ya!”

  Marty bursts out laughing, “I’ll be sure to pass along that message the next time I see him.”

  “Go ahead. He knows how I feel about him.”

  I still haven’t been able to wrap my head around what really happened between those two. I know CJ’s a dick, in fact, anyone who’s met him can tell. I have my theories about what their relationship was like. On the other hand, I saw the bruise on her neck the day after she got into a fight with him outside in the parking lot out back. I questioned her on it, and she told me it was a hickey she forgot to cover up. I could see through her lie and I still do.

  The door to the bar opens with a thud, slamming against the back wall. I’m peeling away the tape that’s holding up the banner and don’t bother looking in the direction of the noise.

  Raven is quick to chastise whoever is coming in, though. “Whoa, buddy. Chill out, will ya? You don’t get to be slamming doors and shit when you aren’t the one who owns the place.”

  “I’ll walk in here however I damn well please.” The voice is young, rough, and rugged. As soon as he speaks, I can immediately identify him and nerve-wracking feelings course through my entire body. I haven’t seen him since that night. Turning my body towards the door, I come face to face with one of the men who found pleasure out of torturing me.

  Connor looks a bit different after the last few weeks. Stress lines cross his forehead, and he suddenly has facial hair. Never before has he went for that look, always claiming it was too much maintenance and easier to just shave. His hair is combed over onto the left side of his head, making him look like some sort of dapper gentleman when he’s anything but.

  A smirk spreads across his face, the kind that makes me think he came straight from the depths of hell. “Hey, sis. How you doing?” His eyes scan over my body as he purses his lips out in disapproval. “Why all the long-sleeved clothes, kid? Don’t you wanna show off your body art?”

  I want nothing more than to wrap my hands around his throat, tightening my grip over time until he can’t fucking breathe. I have nothing to lose by doing it, but I see the Glock he has in his holster. Knowing Connor, he doesn’t care who he hurts. He’ll shoot Marty and Raven just to send a message to me.

  “Uh, everything okay here?” Raven asks, shifting her eyes between Connor and me.

  I nod, waving my hand in her direction. A silent plea asking her to get away from here. She raises a brow, trying to figure out what is really going on but doesn’t move. Instead, she stands planted on the floor as if her feet are nailed in place. “Everything is fine, just some playful banter between a brother and sister.”

  Rolling her eyes, she mumbles under her breath. “Bullshit. Doesn’t look like playful banter to me.” I don’t believe Connor hears her, and I’m hoping he didn’t. He’s the type who would grab her by the tongue and cut it out.

  “Who’s your friend here, Ivy? She’s awfully cute. Think she’d make a great sweet butt. Don’t you?” Anger boils through my blood at his suggestion. I know what the Bears do to their clubwhores, and it isn’t pretty.

  “Fuck you. Go choke on a dick, and while you’re at it, get the fuck out of here. You’re not wanted,” I seethe, knowing very well that I’m escalating things. Now, I’m feeling pretty dumb about doing it when Kade and Bull aren’t even here. When Kade can’t be here, Bull sometimes sits aro
und and watches over us. Honestly, I think Bull is one of the only people at the club who can stand me. He and Kade are pretty good friends, so he’s always been nice.

  In an instant, I feel like I’m watching a movie before my very eyes. Everything is in slow motion. Connor moves his hand toward his holster, unsnapping the top and points the gun in my direction. Wetness wells behind my eyes, knowing this isn’t good, and I’ll likely get shot dead. Quickly, I turn my head toward Raven and scream, “Get out!”

  Marty jumps off his barstool and rushes in front of my brother, grabbing the gun just as he’s about to pull the trigger. Meanwhile, Raven runs over to me, grabs my forearm so tight that it feels like a tourniquet, and drags me along with her behind the bar. As she does so, I can’t help but look back at Marty and Connor fighting over the gun.

  Raven yanks me through the double doors of the kitchen and screams to our chef, Frank. “Get the fuck out of here. That asshole has a gun!”

  Frank’s eyes go wide and he comes out with us, grabbing the shotgun that sits pretty on top of the doorframe. Glancing around as we all rush through the back door, Raven’s tiny little Mazda is in the corner of the parking lot. Just as we’re going down the steps, the unmistakable sound of a bullet being fired goes off. The three of us look at one another in disbelief, running together toward her car. It all happens so quickly, hands going on doors, opening them, and getting inside the safety of the vehicle.

  I whip my head back and see Connor standing outside the back door of the bar. He raises his gun and I scream with all my might, “Step on it, Raven!”

  Something dings against the metal just as Raven floors it. “What the fuck just happened?!” Frank’s voice changes into another tone that I haven’t heard before. He sounds very . . . feminine.


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