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Chaos: A Reapers MC Boxset

Page 23

by Elizabeth Knox

  Zane looks down at Bull, obviously displeased he didn’t share any information. “All good, brother. It’s great to have you back. How long you staying?”

  “Not sure yet. I think I’m just gonna have to see.”

  “Alright. Wish I would’ve known you were coming back up. We’re a little tight on bed space,” Zane mutters as he finishes his trek down the stairs and takes a seat at the table.

  “I’m sure I can find somewhere to sleep,” I retort back, with a hint of annoyance laced in my tone. Fuck, if I knew Zane had a bug up his ass, I might’ve decided to stay back in Vegas. Actually, I take that back. Either way, I would’ve come up here ‘cause I’ve been worried as fuck about Raven. She still hasn’t texted me, further giving me the right to be concerned.

  From the corner of my eyes, I see Grim looking between Zane and me. It only confirms there’s some sort of unspoken tension between the two of us. Although, I’m shocked Grim isn’t bringing it up. He’s either dead quiet, and grim as all hell— it’s how he got his name. Or he’s the biggest class clown. Shit, if his road name would’ve been Clown, we all would’ve died. We got away with Booger ‘cause he came into the club later.

  “Hawk?” I hear the voice of an angel and shift my direction to the back of me. She’s in a puffy winter coat that makes everyone look like the Michelin man . . . but somehow still manages to look like a goddess.

  In the time we’ve been apart, her hair has grown out a bit. Black roots span down until her hair is a dark shade of blue flowing down to the bottom. Her lips are as plump as I remember with that taut plumberry look. It takes every bit of control inside me not to walk over and see for myself if she has lipstick on or if it's her natural shade.

  “Surprise, Baby Bird.” I smile as her eyes go wide in shock. It further confirms something did happen, and me showing up threw her for a loop. I’m not mad at her in the slightest, but Lord help whoever fucked her. Regardless, they’ll know she’s mine sooner or later.

  Chapter Fifteen

  One lie is enough to question all truths

  ~ Unknown


  I take in a quick breath as I slyly pinch myself. I need to make sure this isn’t a dream . . . that he’s really standing here in front of me right now. It’s odd how I could miss a man I’ve only seen once before. What’s more interesting is how my body relaxed at the sound of his voice. I haven’t trusted a man like this in years, longer than I can remember. I didn’t even trust CJ like this and we were on-again, off-again almost every other week for years. I finally got the courage to kick him to the curb a few weeks ago, realizing I deserve so much more than the way he continuously treated me.

  I about melted into the floor when he called me Baby Bird but guilt stabbed me in the stomach at realizing what I just did a couple of days ago. Or rather who I just did. “What’s wrong, you not happy to see me?” Hawk asks, narrowing his eyes on me. I feel like Alice when she’s in that checkered room and everything is closing in on her.

  “That’s absurd. Of course, I’m happy to see you,” I say, walking up to him to give him a hug. It feels weird, especially because I hold him a little longer than I should. I just need to feel the way his body presses up against mine. I’ve had naughty, dirty— no, they weren’t dirty, they were filthy—filthy dreams about the way his body feels against mine and now here we are in the flesh. I pull my body away from his after I realize how long I’ve been in his embrace. With the look on Grim’s face, everyone else noticed it too.

  “You’d better be, girl. But I think you and I should have a little chat,” he muses, giving me a stern look.

  Fuck, I think I know why he wants to talk. I’ve been ghosting him since I fucked Zane ‘cause I felt so guilty about it. At the moment, I felt like it was the right thing to do given my stress level, and it didn’t mean anything to me. I know people use that excuse all the time, but truly, it didn’t mean anything. It was strictly sex.

  The screen door slams shut and Frank is already yapping away, “Ray-Ray, you’d better get to work soon, girl or your ass is gonna be fired.”

  Frank and I had gone out for a stroll. I can’t stand being cooped up in this house like a damn chicken. I should say I feel like a sardine stuffed into a can, but that thought physically brings a fishy smell to me and I can’t stomach that right now.

  “You’re already back to work?” Hawk questions, raising his brow.

  “I don’t think she should be. Blackjack told her she needed to keep her arm in a sling and rest for a few weeks,” Zane says.

  “Blackjack also isn’t paying my damn bills, Zane,” I snap at him. He’s not my fucking boss, and he doesn’t get to try and tattle on me.

  “What bills? You’re livin’ in my dad’s house.” Zane chuckles, rolling his eyes.

  I watch as Hawk furrows his brows, obviously sensing something wrong. Zane is usually sweet and level-headed, but he’s been an asshole to me since we fucked. “I have a car payment for my Mazda. Fuck, I really don’t have time to argue with you. What I have to do is get my ass to work,” I retort, rolling my eyes yet again at this tool.

  I dig my hand into my pockets, not bothering to change because what I’m wearing is perfectly acceptable. Hawk surprises me and takes a step forward, placing his hand on my arm. “Mind if I go with you? We have to chat anyway, so why not do it on the ride into town?” he suggests and I nod. We might as well kill two birds with one stone.

  I turn and head outside, down the steps, and over the snow to my car. After I unlock it, I get inside as quickly as possible so I don’t let too much of the warmth out. Since Frank and I were just riding around a little bit ago, my car is still a tad cozy. I place the key in the ignition and turn it to bring my baby back to life and blast the heat.

  I have it on the highest possible setting, needing it to get as warm as the Mojave Desert. Hawk opens the passenger side door and hops in. “Please tell me you’re going to turn the heat down once it warms up a little more in here.”

  Oh boy, here we go. “There is one thing I need to tell you, Hawk. It’s extremely important, but I don’t know if you’re ready.”

  He chuckles. “Whatever it is, I think I can handle it.”

  “Alright. This is Victoria and she’s my baby. I control everything inside of Victoria— her temperature, the sounds she makes, and the gear she’s in. If you so much as touch anything outside of your seat, I will have to smack you. Is that understood?”

  “Oh, yes, ma’am. I shouldn’t dare defy your word or defile Victoria in any way. Nope. No, ma’am.”

  I reverse out and shift into drive as I head down our lane and onto the main road. Hawk is quiet during this entire ride, but I feel like his mind is running a million miles a minute. “What did you want to talk about?” I ask, keeping my eyes trained on the road. It’s a little past seven and with the night comes a darkness scarier than being abandoned in the middle of haunted woods. If I’m not careful, an elk could pop out into the road. It happens all the time up here, usually in the blink of an eye.

  “Well, for starters, I’d love to know why you’ve been avoiding me the last couple days. Seemed kinda odd since you and I just started talkin’.”

  I think about telling him I wasn’t avoiding him, that it’s all in his head, but it wouldn’t be true. If anything does develop with Hawk, I want him to know I’ve been nothing but honest. After all, one lie is enough to make someone question everything else that comes out of your mouth. “I have something I need to tell you and I’ll understand if you don’t want to talk to me anymore. The truth is, I was ghosting you and it’s because I slept with Zane a few nights ago. It didn’t mean anything, though. I promise. It’s why I fucked him because I knew I didn’t want to get attached. He’s a complete dick, and he’s not . . . ”

  “Whoa. Hold up. Zane is the one that was fucking you?” he hisses out, obviously not pleased. But I don’t miss the way his words came out. Someone told him something.

  “Wait. Did you know?” I ask
, glancing over to him for a split second in an attempt to get a read on him. Too bad for me he’s got a good poker face.

  “Yeah. Someone might’ve said somethin’.” He brushes it off, but if someone saw us, it means everyone knows Zane fucked me.

  “Jesus Christ. Everyone probably knows,” I mutter, thinking about how much I look like a slut now.

  “To be fair, I thought Fist was fuckin’ you. Never thought it could be Zane.”

  I slam on my brakes. I don’t know why, but I’m guessing it’s because I’m blown away from the pure shock of what he’s just said. “Wait. You thought a man who just watched his girlfriend be burnt to ash suddenly got over that and decided to fuck any hot bitch around him?” I holler, smacking his arm. “Wow, Hawk. Wow.”

  I start driving again when he finally replies, “Sorry, I guess I didn’t think that through. I am a bit interested to hear what you were sayin’ before I cut you off earlier, though.”

  I think back, remembering what I was about to tell him. “I was trying to say Zane isn’t who I want. You are.”

  I peer from the corner of my eye to see a smug look on his face and melt into his hand as he puts it on the back of my neck. I thought he’d rip me a new one for fucking Zane, but it appears to be quite the contrary.

  Chapter Sixteen

  She saved the best of her for the part that understood the worst of her

  ~ JM Storm


  I’m sittin’ at a table in this place and remember a time it didn’t look so shitty. As a matter of fact, it used to be a nice place not too long ago. I guess shit’s gone downhill over the last few months. I almost asked where that Marty fella got shot when Raven and I walked in . . . but I didn’t have to. There’s a stain on the floor in the form of a seriously fucked up circle.

  Raven brought me over a beer a little earlier and I’ve slowly been takin’ it down. I kinda feel like I’m more like security. It really irritates me that the owner of this joint didn’t put some sort of bouncer in place after what happened. I’d say someone being murdered in your bar is a clear signal you need extra protection, especially for insurance purposes.

  I glance up and see Raven mixing some sort of fruity shit for one of the girls at the bar. Raven had mentioned to me on the way here the owner thought the murder would deter customers from comin’ in. From the looks of it, it’s done the opposite. The entire joint is packed. While I recognize some people, others must’ve come in from out of town to support the small business. This is the type of shit that makes me feel better about bein’ in the country. No matter what happens, whenever tragedy strikes, your community will come out to support you time after time.

  “Bro, I don’t know about you but I’m gonna get that girl tonight. I swear,” I overhear some guy at the table next to me say to his buddy. I’m suddenly interested in his conversation so I lean back in my chair, make myself comfortable, and continue to eavesdrop on him and his friend.

  “Al, there’s no way you’re going to nail her. She’s brushed you off time and time again. When are you gonna give up?”

  Al lets out a sinister-filled laugh. “Bro, I’m totally going to get her. One way or another. She’s been teasing that perky ass of hers on me for far too long. Plus, I heard she dumped that dick of a manager.”

  “Drop it, Al. She’s repeatedly told you she isn’t into you.”

  “She will be after I give her one of these. I’ll ask her when her break is coming up and offer to buy her a drink. Naturally, she’ll have no choice but to accept because I’m sure that shoulder is killing her and she’ll need something to take the edge off. A few minutes later, I’ll take her out back after it kicks in and fuck that sweet cunt of hers. Fuck, dude. I can think about it now. She’s been teasing me for far too long.”

  I’m hearing everything this fuck is sayin’ and I can’t wait. I thought about it for a split second but nope, can’t do it. I rise up from my chair with my mug of beer in hand and whip it straight across this bastard's head. He topples over to the ground, not knowing what hit him. I chuckle and look to his friend who I think might shit himself.

  “What’re you lookin’ at?” I ask him, cocking a brow.

  “N-nothing,” he stutters out, obviously wanting to save his hide.

  I think for a second about fucking this guy’s world up tonight too, but he was trying to talk his friend out of it. “You see that girl over there?” I ask his buddy, and he nods his head over and over. “Well, she’s mine. Your friend insinuated he was gonna drug her and take her out back to do who knows what. I’m not the kinda guy who’ll sit around and let that shit happen. But since you tried to talk him outta it, I’ll let you scurry off now.”

  The good one out of the two runs like he’s seen the devil himself appears in front of him and I direct my attention to his idiot friend. Al, as his buddy called him, has a hand over his head and is groaning like a whiny little bitch.

  I pick him up by the back of his shirt and slam him down onto the table. “You were tryin’ to drug my girl? Did I hear that right?”

  “Hawk!” Raven screeches from behind the bar, but I don’t pay her any mind. There’s no way she could’ve been privy to a damn thing this snake was sayin’.

  “No, n-not what I s-said at a-all.” He’s just about as pathetic as his friend. Shit, this one though, this one I’ll make physically shit himself before I’m done with him.

  I wrap my hand around his squirmy little chicken neck and squeeze. “Lie to me again, bitch. See what happens.”

  “I didn’t s-say that!” he argues, but I’m not the one who fucked up here. No, that would be Al.

  “Hawk, oh my God! Let go of him!” Raven screams, causing everyone who wasn’t paying attention to turn around and look.

  I glance up and my anger-filled eyes meet hers. “No, I’m not going to.” I clear my throat and whistle quickly to get everyone’s attention. “As a matter of fact, everyone in here needs to put their listenin’ ears on. This beautiful woman right here is my property. I’m Hawk of the Reapers MC. You all know us ‘cause we keep this town safe for each and every one of your asses. Now, this Al fella here was just talkin’ about druggin’ and rapin’ my girl. I don’t take too kindly to hearing shit like that come out of someone’s mouth about any woman, especially mine.”

  Raven stares at me like she either wants to strangle me or fuck me like a savage beast. I’m really hoping it’s the latter. It's silent for a few moments before I speak again. “Now, does anyone have any problems?”

  I glance around the room and stare at various patrons who don’t show me an ounce of agitation. If anything, they look as pissed as I do. One man hollers out from the crowd, “We all love Raven! She makes this bar what it is, and anyone threatening her needs to be taught a lesson!”.

  “Shit, finally someone who understands how I work. What’s your name, friend?” I snicker, squeezing Al’s neck a bit tighter. It’s obvious he’s having some difficulty breathing, but I don’t give a flyin’ fuck. It’s men like him who deserve to be six feet under.

  “I’m Tommy.”

  “Well, Tommy, I say you and I should take Al here out back and show him just how painful thinkin’ the way he does is.”

  Tommy smiles at me and gives me a curt nod. “I think that’ll knock some sense into ‘em.”

  I want to laugh my ass off ‘cause this bastard has puns, but I hold it back. Instead, I head toward the back of the bar where I know they have another exit to access the dumpster in the alley. I hear footsteps trailing behind me and I’m not worried about who it is. I did just invite my new buddy out here.

  I toss Al onto the snow-covered pavement and sneer down at him when I see a two-by-four sittin’ next to the dumpster. Shit, I must have a fairy godmother with me tonight. I grab the wood and raise it up, slamming it down onto Al’s back. He screams out in pain and whimpers like a basic little bitch.

  Tommy chuckles from behind me. “It’s about damn time Al got what was comin’ to him. His d
addy couldn’t keep him safe forever.”

  “Oh, so his father’s important? Who is he?” I ask, and instead of Tommy answering me, Raven does.

  “His father owns the bar.” I hear the concern laced in her voice, but there’s no way I’m stoppin’. I know she loves to work here, but she won’t be puttin’ up with any more shit like this— not if I have anything to say about it.

  I raise the wood up again and hit him straight on the kneecap. I hear something crunch, almost like it’s breaking, and assume it’s the wood but when I look at the two-by-four, I see it’s perfectly intact. Handing it off to Tommy, I turn to face Raven. “Baby Bird, go back inside and serve your customers. Tommy and I will handle this, alright?”

  She looks at me and down to the ground at Al. I can tell she’s worried but she doesn’t need to be. Placing my hand on her shoulder, I look her firmly in the eyes and tell her, “Baby, I got you. There isn’t anything you ever need to worry about now that I’m here. So, get your sweet butt back in that bar and serve the people who actually appreciate you.”

  As Raven smiles, I know my words of encouragement have worked, and even more so when she shuts the door to the bar behind her. Now that we have some privacy, Tommy and I can get to business.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Your gut knows what's up. Trust that bitch

  ~ @TheChampagneDiet


  Al has always been the type to make any woman nervous. As long as I worked here, I’ve overheard him make comments that sent chills down my spine. If I was a pussy, I might’ve been frozen in place, but I just kept working because it was better than thinking about the stuff he contemplated.

  Hawk and Tommy taking Al out back made me freak out. All I could think about was the liability. There was just a man murdered in here not too long ago and Al isn’t just some random patron. He’s Bernie’s son, the man who signs my damn paychecks.


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