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Chaos: A Reapers MC Boxset

Page 28

by Elizabeth Knox

  “Ooo,” she moans out, tossing her head back a little further. I take the opportunity to allow my hand to drop down to her side, running it over her robust ass, and bringing it to the front of her pants. Unbuckling her button, I dip my hand inside. Much to my surprise, she’s not wearing any panties. I’m met with slick wetness between her lips. If there were any doubts, they’re gone now.

  Raven rocks her hips up, giving me the impression she wants me to touch her even more. Shit, hearin’ her moan again, I’m fightin’ every urge to make this a rough, quick, claiming fuck. I have to take my time with her. I don’t wanna break her the first time I sink my cock inside her. Other women have screamed, pleaded for me to take my cock out.

  “I want to touch you,” she declares, moving her hands to the front of my jeans. There’s not a doubt in the world she can feel my erection pressing into her stomach. My cock pops free the second she unzips my jeans. Unable to help myself, I pull her own jeans down a bit, giving me a great look at that gorgeous pussy of hers.

  “God, you’re so fucking beautiful,” I mumble, unable to force my eyes from her body. It’s not just her body that’s alluring to me though, it’s the soul and personality she has with it.

  “Holy shit. Is that a prosthetic?” She gasps at the size of my cock. I’ve heard a lot of crazy shit come out of a woman’s mouth . . . but this one’s a first.

  “Do they make prosthetic dicks?” I laugh.

  “If they didn’t before, I’d say they do now,” Raven mutters as she brings her hand to it. She’s acting shy like a virgin, and I know this girl isn’t a damn virgin. Let’s just say I’ve been blessed with length and width. Plenty of women in my past felt me for days after. I just can’t wait to sink myself into her, stretching that pussy wide and filling her up. I want to fuckin’ watch my cum oozing out of her pussy. Fuck, if I could put a plug in her cunt, I would, makin’ her keep it all.

  “You scared of me, Baby Bird?” I tease, inserting two fingers inside her. She’s pretty damn wet. Honestly, I could slam my cock into her and she just might take it all in one motion.

  “Nope,” she mews, darting her tongue over her bottom lip. Fuck, girl. She either knows what she’s doin’ to me or has no fuckin’ clue.

  Raven strokes my cock slowly, applying pressure, and pre-cum oozes from my head. “Baby Bird, Put your ass on the table. I can’t wait anymore. I need to be inside you.”

  Raven sits her ass on the table, moving the two chairs on both sides away from her to give me more room. My cock twitches in anticipation, beyond ready for this moment. Fuck, I’ve had dreams thinking about it.

  I taunt her pussy, rubbing myself up and down, going from her clit to her entrance. “Are you ready for this?”

  She nods her head. “Yes, you have no idea.”

  I ease myself into her, already feeling her pussy adjusting to my size. She moans, and every time I inch into her further, she lets out a soft mew. I doubt she realizes that mew makes me wanna go wild. “Holy shit!” she calls out as I grab onto her hips and increase speed. I’m tryin’ like hell not to pound into her ‘cause Lord knows I don’t wanna hurt her.

  Raven looks at me with glassy eyes, purses her lips out, and mews again. “Hawk, please. I want it harder. Please don’t be gentle. I want you to fuck me hard. I’m yours, Hawk, so fuck me like it!” she pleads, begging in the sexiest way possible.

  I can’t hold back now. Every bit of self-control I had goes out the window and I ram myself into this tight heat of hers. She closes her eyes and moans even louder. I hear the door open and see Zane coming back in. His eyes go wide at the sight of what’s happening but I couldn’t care less. He needs to see this shit. He needs to see me fuckin’ my woman.

  Raven opens her eyes and sees Zane too, but looks over to me. “Please don’t stop. Keep going. I need you to k-keep going!” The pitch of her tone heightens and she starts to squirm and scream as I slam into that pussy harder than before. I put my thumb over her clit and flick it over and over, setting her on the edge.

  My cock tenses up and I know what’s comin’. Any second now, I’m going to explode my seed into her hot pussy. “You ready to take it all, Baby Bird?”

  “Yes, Hawk. Please, please, please!” she begs as her juice floods around my cock. At the same time, I release myself into her and look to Zane.

  “Raven is my woman, and mine alone. I’ll let everyone know I’m claimin’ this pussy here and now. She’s my property,” I roar out, still releasing myself inside her. She’s had my cock worked up for ages, I suppose, at the rate I’m going.

  I direct my attention back to Raven and smile at her. “I’m going to fuck you as much as I can, girl. You’re too fuckin’ addicting.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  In the end, karma will be a bigger bitch than I’ll ever need to be

  ~ Your Tango


  Zane has been avoiding Hawk and I for the last three days. I’m not sure why, but I’m betting walking in on Hawk ramming his cock into me wasn’t exactly what he wanted. Especially when he was the one fucking me a couple weeks ago.

  I don’t think Hawk noticed but Zane made a face when Hawk informed him I was his, that he was claiming me. Again, I don’t believe Zane is jealous, but I do think he’s envious. Something tells me that Zane will never admit I’m right . . . even if in my heart I know it to be true. He needs a woman to ground him, someone to anchor him through all this chaos. I hope, for his sake, he’s officially made Prez soon because from what I understand, that’s when his fiancé will be flown out here to start the alliance between the Raiders and the Reapers.

  Zane is a good man, but like any other man, he has his own flaws. It’s obvious to me he isn’t the type who enjoys talking about his feelings, so I hope whenever his woman does come up here she has better luck. Who knows, maybe love will change him a bit.

  I was hoping to be able and visit Matthew today, but I didn’t know about the policy the rehab has in place. No one can visit anyone for thirty days after they were admitted. While they want family support for anyone struggling with addiction, certain aspects of being seen during treatment can have negative effects on a patient. However, I was allowed to call Matthew so I did that instead.

  My reason for calling was strictly to see how he’s been doing. While the beginning was rough, he started to feel a bit better after withdrawal. He said he’s enjoying therapy and my heart warmed up at hearing him speak like that. As kids, we never spoke about our feelings. In fact, I remember our mother telling us to toughen up because the world is a grim, dark place most of the time. So, from a young age, we both dealt with not wanting to discuss things about the environment we lived in. Coming from that setting, it makes me more than happy to hear therapy is working well for my brother.

  Honestly, after speaking with him this morning I’m angered even more at our Momma. She exploited my brother to make herself feel better in some sort of sick, twisted way. A real mother would never do that. Even in catching up with my brother, I couldn’t refrain from asking him if he had a way of contacting our Momma. I’ve been going around town, trying to see if I could spot her, but I haven’t been able to.

  He wasn’t able to give me a phone number, but he gave me something even more useful— her address.

  I’m about ten minutes away from her house and from what Matthew told me, her house is owned by General. Matthew told me a lot of what I thought I knew was wrong. Momma doesn’t owe money to General. She’s his girlfriend, and the two of them work together in a business sense. “When we get there, I’m going in alone. I don’t want them to see I’m with you,” I tell Hawk, keeping my eyes trained on the road in front of me.

  “No, that’s bullshit and I won’t do it. You could be shot right on the spot,” he argues. I understand the risks, however, my Momma wants something from me which means she won’t hurt a hair on my pretty little head.

  “You will do it because you love and respect me. This is a matter between my mother and I.
Plus, I’m a little offended that you think I can’t take care of myself. Look inside my purse, Hawk.”

  I wait a moment and hear him go, “Hmm,”

  “Yeah, I got that after the first attack. If they even try to fuck with me I’ll take my revolver out and shoot them. I’m not screwing around here. I’m tired of my family doing the worst shit to me. It’s sickening, Hawk. I get nauseous every time I think about my Momma shaking me down for money. Then what she did to Matthew? It’s wrong.”

  “Yeah, it is. It’s fucked up, babe. Can I ask you somethin’?”

  I look over to Hawk for a second, “Yeah, what’s up?”

  “You’re always talkin’ about your mom. What about your dad?”

  I think hard for a minute but all I can remember are bits and pieces. “I don’t remember much besides having him for a short time. Honestly, when I try to remember him it’s like I have a wall there. I can remember certain things, like going out for ice cream or to the zoo on daddy-daughter dates . . . but after those, I go blank. To sum it up, he left. I don’t know why. He took a suitcase, got in his car, and never came back.”

  “Wow. I’ve never heard of anyone forgettin’ memories before. Well, besides people who have been through some serious trauma.” Hawk immediately grows quiet. “Did anything ever happen to you when you were a kid?”

  I try to understand what he’s saying, but I can’t figure it out. “No, not that I can recall. I had a pretty normal childhood before he left and Momma went down the drain. Enough about my family, though. You’ve never said a thing to me about yours.”

  Hawk chuckles for a second. “My family is . . . pretty normal, I guess. Dad works for a financial investment firm. He has since I was a kid. Mom worked at a small café in the town I grew up in while my sisters and I had school. I lived in a suburban neighborhood with two Golden Retrievers. Honestly, we were almost like those families in the insurance commercials. Just average Americans.”

  I nod. “Yeah, it sure sounds like it. Must’ve been nice.”

  “It was a good way to grow up, that’s for certain.”

  My GPS cuts in and tells me to make a right in half a mile and I’ll arrive at my destination. I glance to Hawk for a moment before returning my attention back to the road. “I need you to stay in the car. I’ll be perfectly fine. Just hand me my purse and I’ll handle everything I need to. Okay?”

  Hawk grumbles but nods. “There’s only one way I’m letting you do this. You’re going to call my cell phone right now and keep it in your purse the entire time. This way I’ll be able to hear everything going on in the house and if I need to intervene, I can.”

  “Don’t you trust I can handle this by myself?” I ask, getting a bit frustrated.

  “I trust you more than words can express, but I don’t trust your mother, no offense.”

  “None taken,” I reply as I get closer to the address. I don’t pull in the driveway but instead, park on the street and grab my purse. Before I get out of the car, I call Hawk’s cell phone and we test to make sure everything is working. After he clears me, I exit the vehicle and walk toward my Momma’s house.

  The snowfall we’ve had over the last few days crunches underneath my boots as I venture down her driveway up to her door. She lives in a country setting so they don’t have a paved walkway or anything like that leading up to the door. I step on a concrete porch and knock a few times before I see a pair of eyes peeking through the curtain. I’d know these eyes from anywhere.

  “Open up, Momma. I see you starin’ at me.” I grumble out, a bit aggravated she’s already tried to act like she didn’t see me.

  The door comes open and she reveals herself to me. Her dark hair is pulled up in a messy bun, she has awful bags under her eyes, and she’s wearing a pair of pajamas. “What’re you doin’ here, sweetheart?”

  “Oh, save the bullshit. I got your address from Matthew. I’ll have you know he told me everything about what you did when he came to you for help. To say I’m disgusted doesn’t even cut it.”

  “Honey, you know how your brother is. All those drugs in his system. You never know what’s the truth and what he’s fabricating.” She tries to make an excuse, but I’m not a little girl anymore. I see right through it.

  “So the same is accurate about yourself, right?” I retort, staring into the same hazel eyes I inherited from her.

  Momma looks shocked, so much so she takes a step back. I bet she’s thinkin’ I might hit her. Boy, do I wanna, but I want to hurt her in ways so much worse than this. “I’m nothing like your brother, Chelsea. You see, Mattie is . . .”

  I cut her off, not wanting to hear another moment of her bullshit. “Oh, stop with your shit, Momma. I know everything. I know you’re on drugs and you’ve been hooked since I was a little girl. I know you’re the one who is unsavable at this point. Hell, I always hoped you’d get help, but I think we all know it’ll never happen. Honestly, I’m shocked you’re even still alive with the amount of poison you put in your body.” I pause for a moment, wanting to gather my thoughts instead of going on a hate-spewed rampage. “I came here to give you payback, to hurt you far worse than you could ever hurt Matthew and I . . . but I don’t want to do it. Not because I give a damn, but because that would only mean I’m no different than you, and Momma, I am not you. I’ll leave you with this. Don’t ever come near Matthew or me ever again. I’m going to formally obtain a restraining order against you and I will keep doing so for as long as necessary. If you violate the restraining order, I will take it as a threat against my life and I’ll have no other choice than to respond with force,” I finish, turning around and walking back toward my car. I hear her screaming in the background for me to come back, about how much she needs me, but we all know it’s bullshit. She only wants to use me like she always has.

  The only thing she doesn’t know is I saw the scales and drugs on her dining room table. I wanted to get back at her, and I will— only it’s in a way I never thought possible.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Never let your loyalty make a fool of you

  ~ Unknown


  I can’t say how proud I was of Raven when she confronted her mother, who in reality was never much of a mother at all. I’m not her but I imagine she’d been holding in feelings for a very long time. She didn’t act out in a violent way, which I had assumed she would’ve done. Instead, she killed her mother with kindness in a way, so to speak.

  “I’m so proud of you for how you handled your mother,” I finally say after we’ve been on the road for forty minutes. With any luck, we’ll be back on Reapers property in about twenty or so minutes. The snow makes roads a bitch up here so we have to be a bit careful.

  “Yeah, I’m gonna mess with her in other ways. You couldn’t tell on the phone but when I was on her doorstep, I saw a scale and white powdery stuff in bags on it and beside it. I assumed they’re drugs and I took pictures.”

  “What? How? I didn’t hear you tappin’ on your phone or anythin’,” I say, baffled she did this.

  “When I called you to make sure the phone was on, I pulled the camera up and kept my right hand near my purse. I had a gut feeling she had drugs in the house and knew if I got concrete evidence of it, I could provide it to the police and they could lock her up.”

  Holy shit. My girl is so fuckin’ smart. “I have a better idea.” Agent Williams left four cards on Ashley’s kitchen island so we’d be able to get in contact with her. “Send me the photos, your mother’s address, and I’ll give them to a contact of mine.”

  Raven turns toward me and narrows her eyes. “What do you mean contact?”

  “I know someone who works at ATF. I’m bettin’ they’d love to crack a case like this, especially since your mother is tied up with that General dude. It’ll get loads of drugs off the streets in the process.” Meanwhile, the Reapers still deal with drugs. It’s how we make a majority of our cash. But Raven doesn’t need to know that.

  “How do you know so
meone at ATF?” Raven questions. and I think about not being honest with her but I can’t bring myself to lie. She told me about her and Zane, so I have to do the right thing here and let her know about the other night.

  “Remember when I was at Ashley’s and I was late comin’ home?”

  Raven nods. “Yeah, I’m still pissed about that.” Of course she is. What woman doesn’t know how to hold a grudge?

  “You have to promise you won’t tell a soul this, Raven. I mean it.” I sound a bit firmer than usual with her, however, I need her to understand the seriousness that comes with this.

  “Geeze. Okay,” she grumbles, paying attention to the road.

  “We had a visit from an ATF agent who wants the Reapers’ help with somethin’. It won’t affect you or I because we’re movin’ down to Vegas, but the guys up here will be helpin’ them. I have her contact info so I can send Agent Williams everything she needs to toss not only your mom in the slammer but maybe the General too.”

  Raven pulls over to the side of the road and within a minute I have every image she took of her mom’s house, including the address. “You should text her soon. The quicker she gets the evidence she needs, the faster they’ll be thrown in jail. Honestly, I think my Momma has always deserved to be there. I don’t know how she’s evaded the law this long, especially doing drugs for as long as she can.”

  “She probably flipped and became an informant to keep her ass outta jail,” I reply. Most addicts end up doin’ it to save their own asses from gettin' in trouble. After all, if you’re in jail you can’t get high.

  “Yeah, I bet you’re right.”

  While Raven keeps on drivin’, I prepare a message for Agent Williams giving her all the information she needs. I make sure to give her the address, all the photos, and I let her know that Raven will be more than happy to make an official statement if needed. However, I’m unsure if Agent Williams has any details about the General so I make it known Raven’s mother is dating him, he owns the house her mother lives in, and tell her everything Raven has told me. I don’t want to leave any small detail out because it could alter everything.


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