Chaos: A Reapers MC Boxset

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Chaos: A Reapers MC Boxset Page 42

by Elizabeth Knox

  Fuck, I’ll play along with this shit. No need to feed into the typical ‘men don’t remember shit’ stereotype. “You deserve it all, little lamb. But, this isn’t all of your presents. We’ll have to get your cake tomorrow, though. The bakery I go to is closed today.”

  “Okay. Thank you. Now, will you give me a present I really want?” She asks, staring up at me with those doe eyes of hers.

  “Whatever you want,” I answer.

  “What’s your name? I’m not talking about Bull. I mean your real name.”

  “It’s Lucas, baby.” I say, feeling awkward as hell after saying it out loud. I haven’t uttered my name in years.

  “Well, it’s nice to meet you Lucas.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  She is a mess, but she is a masterpiece

  ~ Lz


  Never in my entire life have I had anyone do something like this for me. The only gifts I’ve ever received are the ones I purchased for myself. As sad as that may be, I’m thankful this day has finally come.

  Bull or Lucas, depending on how you want to view it. Well, he bought me a whole bunch of clothes, a couple purses and some incense. He made a remark about how he always sees my candle burning and thought I might like something new. I was ten seconds away from crying when a knock comes on the door.

  “Ah. Your last present must be here.” Bull mutters while wearing a devilish smirk across his face.

  Oh gosh. What did he do? If anything his smile gives it away. Whoever is behind that door is what we’re doing tonight.

  Bull opens the door and Zane, one of the hottest guys in the MC, walks in. He’s your typical fuckboy. Sexy as sin, overly arrogant, and most of all mysterious. “I heard you like multiple cocks, babygirl. Well, today’s your lucky day.”

  “You don’t have an ol’ lady?” I ask, not understanding how he isn’t tied down to a woman.

  “No. Well, not yet. The woman who will be my ol’ lady is someone I’ve never met. Political alliance and all that shit. But, that isn’t your problem. I’m here to give you what you want, baby.” Zane walks in circles around me, making me feel like he’s a starved lion and I’m a piece of rotting, bloody meat. Is it wrong that it makes me feel even more turned on?

  Bull approaches me slowly, takes the jacket down my arms and allows it to fall to the floor and then tears my shirt off. I’m left standing in the room with only my bra and pants on, considering I took my boots off when I walked through the door.

  While Bull was taking off my jacket and shirt I see Zane stripped himself completely as he palms his cock in front of me. Holy fuck. He has cock piercings. If that isn’t the craziest part, he’s so fucking huge. If you were comparing cocks, Bull and Zane could be brothers.

  Zane snakes his hand around the back of my neck and forces me down to the ground in one movement, shoving his cock into my mouth. He keeps a firm grip on my hair and rocks his hips back and forth. “You won’t forget today, baby. Nope, you’ll fuckin’ remember it for years to come.”

  He goes so far down my throat my eyes begin to water and I feel myself so close to gagging. All of a sudden he rips his cock from my mouth, slides his arms under my body and lifts me up. Zane carries me over to the kitchen and lays me down on my back across the wood table. My legs are hanging off one side while Zane is shoving his cock back into my mouth and his balls are slapping my face. “Breathe through your nose. If you’re good and take all my load I might fill you up again later.”

  A slight graze over my lower lips causes me to jump until I realize it’s Bull. He unbuttons my pants, yanks them down and slides a finger against my wetness. He takes his fingers and dips them inside me, pulls them out and repeats the process over again until he shoves something inside me. I don’t know what it is, but it feels so close to a cock it isn’t even funny.

  Out of nowhere I feel vibrations and come to realize he’s put a vibrator in me. “You’re going to squirt all over this kitchen, little lamb. You’ll come, we’ll come and you’ll come again. By the morning you’ll have our seed oozing out of every hole you have.”

  I can’t respond but I moan against Zane’s cock. He takes that as a sign to speed up the process and fuck my mouth even harder. Bull presses the head of his cock against my ass and I scream out as he shoves himself in in one movement. Fuck, this hurts! But it feels so good. Bull presses his hand against the vibrator and I realize there’s an extension to play with my clit.

  “Fuck, yes. Your throat is getting tighter,” Zane comments, “Shit. I didn’t realize she was such a slut. I love it. If you two want to do this again please let me know, I’ll be glad to unload into this one.”

  “You’re getting ahead of yourself, brother.” Bull grumbles, obviously irritated. He grabs ahold of my hips while he hisses at Zane and begins to fuck me harder, causing me to feel warmth flooding through my core. Already? No. There’s no way I’d come this quickly.

  “Oh shit, she likes that.” Zane chuckles, grabbing my nipples with his hands he gives them both a pinch. Fuck, I do like this. I like it a lot. “Motherfucker, my swimmers wanna flood down that throat of yours, baby.” Zane growls, ramming his cock down my throat, he increases his speed until he comes to a dead halt and I feel the salty warmness coat my throat. He pulls his cock from my mouth, removing his hands from my nipples and palms his cock. He’s still coming and is putting his semen across my face. I think he’s going to pull away until he slaps his cock against my face, rubbing his seed all over my skin.

  Every man I’ve ever been with has come once and then gone soft, but this doesn’t appear to be the same with Zane. He’s as hard as a rock, ready for round two.

  Bull continues to pound his cock into my ass and the warmth inside me heats up even more. Before I know it, I’m coming and feel the vibrator shoot out of me. “Good, little lamb.” Bull growls, keeping his eyes glued on mine.

  Bull pulls himself from me, picks me up like I’m nothing but a feather and lays down on his back on the table. He brings my ass down on his cock slowly and pulls me back, whispering in my ear. “Hope you’re enjoying your present.”

  “I . . . am. What’re we doing?” I whisper back.

  “Waiting for me, of course.” Zane snickers, walking around to the other side of the table. He brings his cock to the entrance of my pussy and swears under his breath, driving himself into me. Bull and Zane move at the exact same time and it feels like I’m in limbo, here but not really here.

  Jesus, this is the best birthday ever.

  Chapter Thirty

  Everything can change in just one day

  ~ Unknown


  In a little over a month everything has changed in my life. It’s crazy to think how changing circumstances can alter your life path. This may sound insane, but if going through the hell I did brought me to the Reapers and Bull . . . then I’d go through it all again. I’d take every beating, every tooth they extracted from my mouth with no pain medication and losing an eye to be where I am today. Because, it feels like home.

  A week has passed since my birthday/Valentine’s Day and I find that every day I’m with Bull we’re getting more in tune with each other. There definitely wasn’t an instant connection between the two of us but I am happy to say we’re where we’re at now. While he’s a cocky asshole, he’s my partner. I’m learning what makes him tick as well as the quirks he has too. After learning so much about him I’m realizing he isn’t too bad.

  It’s late February and the last couple days have been warmer than we thought it would be. The contractors came out to break ground and Zane has had the guys helping the contractors to speed up the process in case the weather suddenly takes a turn for the worse.

  I’m sitting down on Fist’s couch chatting with his daughter Ashley. “We’re going over names right now, but Blackjack and I can’t come to an agreement.”

  “Yeah because Dad is old as dirt.” Blackjack’s son, Dex, mutters from behind us.

  I let
out a giggle, “At least he’s honest.”

  Ashley nods “He is, just like his father. We can’t let it get to his head though.”

  The front door opens and in comes Bull, he looks right at me. “Can you run into town with Fist and go grab a couple parts we ordered from the auto shop? Also, the contractor gave us a list of stuff his guys forgot to grab, so if you could pick some up that would be great.”

  I nod, “I’m game . . . but do you think Fist is feeling up to it?” The man hides in his room quite a bit unless he’s required to make an appearance. I think he’s still depressed, but Bull says he’s slowly getting better. While I’ve seen steps in the right direction I think a lot of the men here think depression is a switch you can turn on and off when that isn’t the case.

  “Get your sweet ass upstairs and ask him. I doubt he’ll say no to you. Plus, the rest of us are helping the contractors get started. People are bitchin’ because they’re packed in like sardines here. We can’t let you go into town with no backup, little lamb.”

  I love it when he calls me little lamb in private, but in public it makes me want to throttle him.

  “Fine. Bye.” I hiss, irritated as hell. Ashley laughs at my small outburst, so I’m taking it she’s gotten fed up with this shit before too. I rise from the couch and head up the stairs, going straight to Fist’s room. I rap my knuckles on the door lightly. “Fist, it’s Alexa. Bull needs us to go pick up something he ordered in town at the auto store and go grab some shit the contractors forgot. I can’t go alone because . . . of my situation. Can you please come with me so I’m not going out alone?”

  Surprisingly the door opens as soon as I finish talking. “Of course, it would be foolish to make you go by yourself. Let’s take my truck.”

  In a matter of ten minutes Fist and I are in the center of town parked in front of the auto store. He walks inside with me and I give the cashier Bull’s legal name for the online pickup. The cashier wants to know who I am to Lucas, so I explain I’m his girlfriend and he creates this whole thing about Lucas not being the one picking up the order and calls over his manager. Fast forward twenty minutes, one intense phone call with my ol’ man and we’re finally walking out of the store with everything he ordered.

  “Want to walk down the block to the general store?” I ask Fist. It’s a beautiful sunny day, so we might as well take advantage of it. God knows it could snow here with a snap of our fingers.

  “Might as well. I’m sure they’ll have everything Bull needs.” Bull texted me a list of everything and for the most part it’s stupid little things that shouldn’t have been forgotten. For example, they need sticks to put in the ground and those plastic things that go on the end of them. Not to mention a staple gun, staples and screws. Like I said, stupid little things.

  I realize I left my wallet at Fist’s on the couch so he pays for all the stuff and we start our walk back to his truck. Both of us have our hands full, with Fist holding a majority of the load. “Thank you for helping me,” I say, offering a small smile to the older man.

  “It’s my pleasure, sweetie. Honestly, it was good to get me out. Reminds me of when I’d come into town with Saffron when she needed a couple things,” His voice shifts from a normal tone to where he cracks mid-way through his words. Fist clears his throat and continues speaking, “Sorry. Still have a hard time believing she’s really gone.”

  I stop, placing my hand on his shoulder and stare up to this man with one of the sweetest souls. “She isn’t gone. She is with you. Right in here,” I put my hand over his heart, “Don’t ever forget that. Okay?”

  “Now I see why Bull claimed ya. He must’ve had one hell of an intuition when it came to you, Alexa. That boy did good with you, that’s for sure.”

  “Thank you, I really—” I’m cut off by a man who steps in front of us. It’s really weird. You only hear about this stuff when it comes to creeps in the big cities.

  “Did you say Alexa?” The man asks, causing me to keep my attention trained on him. Something about him is familiar yet I can’t place him. It doesn’t help he’s covered with facial hair. I look closer at his features and start to put the pieces together. The stress lines in the center of his forehead, but what gives him away is his eyes.

  They’re even worse than I remember. Viciousness pours from them, promising danger is soon to follow.

  “Get away from me!” I scream, stepping backward. At this point Fist is on high alert and shoves my father backward, causing him to fall back a few feet. I feel like I’m in an action film as my father comes running toward me but at the last second Fist jumps in front of me, dropping the bags as he does. He moves his hands and the sound of a gunshot rings through the streets of Billings, Montana.

  Screams fill the streets around us and I see my father bleeding out on the pavement in front of us. Meanwhile Fist is on the ground as well. Only I notice there’s something black sticking out of his chest. It takes me a moment to see the blade so I shoot to the ground beside the old man.

  “Oh my God!” I repeat it over and over while I’m still in shock. Ultimately, I take off my jacket and place it on his wound, careful to not shift the weapon in any way and apply pressure to hopefully stop the bleeding. “Fist, stay with me. Okay? Stay with me.”

  The old man puts his right hand up over mine and holds my own. “Alexa, if I go, I go. It’s where the two women I love are. I’ve been a lucky man, loving two incredible women. I miss them both so much and it’s time I reunite with them.”

  “You don’t know you’re dying.” I say, searching his eyes for some recognition he’s fighting for his life.

  “Sweetie, I feel everything in my body right now. I won’t make it out of this. Now before I go you tell them I love them. You tell my kids. Tell . . . Ashley she’s the most compassionate woman I’ve ever met. She’s just like her momma and her momma would’ve been damn proud of the lady she’s grown into. Kade, tell him I’m sorry for everything I did, for treating Ivy like shit and I hope he can forgive me. Tell Zane I . . .”

  Fist’s eyelashes start to flutter before my eye and I yank his hand, trying not to cry over this obviously dying man’s body. “Fist, what do I tell Zane?” I ask, wanting to get this answer for him.

  “He’s always the one who was meant to lead. I believe in him and he’d better not fuck up my club,” Fist chuckles at the last bit before his eyes go blank and I see his chest stop going up and down.

  This couldn’t have just happened; it has to be a fucking dream. “Ma’am, what happened?” A female police officer comes up to me.

  “Fist Monroe saved my life. That man came at me with a knife and he . . .” I cry out, looking at my hands still putting pressure on a lifeless man’s wounds.

  “Ma’am, my name is Mia and I’m here to help.” Mia takes my hands from Fist’s body and looks at me with more compassion than anyone has ever given me in my entire life.

  What just happened right before my eyes shows me how important every moment we have is. If I’ve learned anything today, it’s how everything can change in a split second. Fist’s death was the wake-up call I needed in order to tell Bull how I really feel.

  I won’t take any time we have for granted ever again.

  This may be insensitive of me, but I can’t help needing to tell Bull how I really feel about him. Being in the lifestyle he’s in, something like this could happen at any given moment and I may never get the chance to tell him I love him.


  Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I’ll miss you until we meet again.

  ~ Unknown


  One Week Later . . .

  “Are you ready?” I ask Alexa who’s staring at her reflection in the mirror of our bedroom. She looks back to me using it, takes in a deep breath and sighs.

  “I don’t think anyone is ready for this, Lucas.” She’s only said my legal name to me once, a few hours after Fist had died. She unleashed her heart and told me how she di
dn’t want to live with regrets, seeing firsthand how things could be taken from us within an instant. Alexa confessed she loved me.

  I was taken aback by her admitting how she felt. Honestly, I didn’t think she’d utter those words for a long while.

  Taking a few steps toward her I place my hands on her shoulders and give her a squeeze. “I know, little lamb. Today is going to be rough.”

  Alexa turns all of a sudden and stares me down, tears pouring from her eye. “Lucas, I feel like this is all my fault. If we had driven down the street maybe I would’ve seen my father and all of this could’ve been prevented.”

  Fuck, no. She’d better not be doing this shit. None of this is on her. “Alexa, listen to me, okay? You couldn’t have done anything differently. If you had you might be the one we’re putting in the ground and God . . . I don’t think I could’ve handled that.” I try to keep my voice strong but half-way through I lose my balls and my voice cracks like a boy going through puberty. Alexa has lit a fire inside me where I thought I couldn’t ever ignite again. She’s shown me I can love another woman. But while she’s opened up my heart, she’s also opened the door to my worst nightmare— losing the woman I love, again.

  Arizona’s death crushed me unlike anything else. I refuse to allow the same thing to happen to Alexa. I wouldn’t be able to survive it.

  “I-I know, but I’m so . . . guilt ridden.” she admits.

  “Alexa, I love you so fuckin’ much but blaming yourself isn’t going to bring Fist back. He died using the strongest muscle in his body, his heart. Everyone will remember him as one of the most compassionate Prez’s in history. He had a heart of gold and his fists were hard as rocks. He protected you when I couldn’t, when I promised you I would. I feel like I failed you, yet I am so grateful for him. He saved the one thing that matters to me the most.” I wrap my arms around Alexa, yanking her into my chest and give her the strongest hug I can.


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