Chaos: A Reapers MC Boxset

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Chaos: A Reapers MC Boxset Page 43

by Elizabeth Knox

  Alexa doesn’t say anything after we pull away from our embrace and we both head outside to my truck. Within fifteen minutes we’re at the club, on the back side of the property where Ashley’s mom, Cracker and all our lost brothers have been buried. Much to my surprise, I see brothers from Vegas up here.

  It looks like the only ones who aren’t in attendance are Amara, Chaz, Cobra and Widow. I bet they stayed behind to make sure they still had manpower at our other charter.

  Ivy is standing alongside Kade who has an arm wrapped around her. She’s sporting a pretty decent baby bump at this point. Ashley and Blackjack are talking to them while Zane is standing at Fist’s casket by himself. The rest of the brothers and ol’ ladies are scattered around the grounds speaking to others in small groups.

  Slipping my hand through Alexa’s I walk forward to where most of the Monroes are. Ashley peers up with her reddened face. “Bull, Alexa,” she mutters, giving us both tight hugs. “I’m so glad you came. I was worried you wouldn’t.”

  “Why would you think that?” I inquire, wanting to know where Ashley’s thoughts lay.

  “I was afraid because of the circumstances you might not have felt welcome,” Ashley turns looking directly to my other half. “You are one of us, Alexa. We want you to be here. I’m not a mind reader or anything but I’d like to think I have a pretty decent perception. I’m sure you’re wondering if something could have gone differently. It wouldn’t have. When fate has plans for us, we simply can’t alter them.”

  Ivy starts hiccupping with tears, “This is exactly why I love our family so damn much.” Kade rubs her back in a soothing manner, trying to calm her down.

  Alexa grabs onto Ashley’s hand and takes her twenty feet or so away from us. She had told me Fist had messages to give his kids, so I’m certain she’s likely relaying them in private. While she’s taken a step away, I look to my right at Kade and Ivy. “Have you guys found the gender out yet?”

  Ivy beams, smiling from ear to ear. “We have. It’s a boy.”

  I slap Kade on the back, “What amazing news! Decide on any names?”

  Kade smiles as he looks down to Ivy. “Yes. The four of us have come together in a sense. Blackjack, Ashley, Ivy and myself. Our son’s name will be George Orion Monroe, and what is the name you’ll choose if you have a boy?” Kade asks Blackjack who smirks.

  “Lloyd Fist Roberts,” Wow. He’s naming his son after his father-in-law. Not many things hit me deep in the heart, but this one sure as fuck does. It’s the proper way to honor both of these amazing men who we lost far too soon.

  Zane comes into view with an urn in his hands, walking toward us. “Are we ready to get this thing started? I think it’s about high time we lay both of these men to rest.”

  Furrowing my brows, I ask, “What do you mean?”

  He glances down at the urn, “Uncle Cracker is in here. Dad told us not to spread his ashes until he passed,” Zane shuts his eyes, sucking in a deep breath. “Just happened way sooner than I thought.”

  “Yeah,” I mutter.

  “C’mon, let’s wrangle in the troops and honor our fallen brother.”


  Reapers MC Book 8


  My Betas, Courtnay, E.C., Jai, Chas, Tania, Janet, Taneesha, Michaela, Laura, Kim, Isabelle & Lisa— Ladies, this book has so many twists and turns that I never planned on. But as you’ve all reminded me, that’s the beauty of when I don’t outline my books or plan any aspect of where the story is going. The way it naturally comes together is not only beautiful, but so much fun. There were times I cried during this story, whereas other times I was jumping up and down for joy. Thank you all for being on this crazy ride with me.

  My Cover Designer, Clarise— You blew my mind creating this cover. You’re one of the few people I go to repeatedly for design work. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for somehow always knowing my vision, even if I don’t have the right words to explain it. But more than that, thank you so much for your countless years of friendship. Love you so much, girl!

  Dante, the special effects editing God— Thank you for adding the tattoo and changing the hair color for this cover. It’s better than what I envisioned and I’m so excited for this book to release.

  My Blogger Team— Without all of you I wouldn’t be able to reach the masses in the way I do. Thank you so much for helping me spread the word about my latest projects, whatever they may be. More than that, thank you for supporting me from the beginning and hopefully until the end. You guys are irreplaceable.

  My Editor, Kim and Proofreader, Jackie— Thank you both from the bottom of my heart. Keeping up with my insane release schedule is no easy task but somehow you two manage to not only keep up with my intense hustling, but ridiculous typos. Which I think we can all agree at times there’s no way to figure out what the hell I was typing at 3 a.m. Just know I’m extremely grateful for the both of you and don’t take either of you for granted.

  A.C., Rae, E.C., and Raven— You ladies keep me sane in my most insane moments. Thank you for everything you’ve all done for me throughout the last month. I’m so lucky to know each of you ladies.

  A.C.— You are a fearless queen. Always remember that, even in your hardest moments.

  Rae— One day soon you’re going to take this industry by storm. I know it’s hard at times but keep truckin’ along.

  E.C.— You’ve come so far in the last year. I’m not only proud of you as a boss/publisher, but as a newfound friend as well. Keep being the contorted darkness you are. It works for you.

  Raven— We’re coming up on three years of knowing one another. You’re truly one of the closest friends I’ve had who I can whole heartedly say we can work together for years to come. Keep being the bada** bit** you are.

  Cody— I appreciate your support so much as a friend and industry professional. Whether it’s helping me promote an upcoming cover reveal, release, attending a signing alongside me for the readers or being the person I text to make sure I won’t die if I take Tylenol with one of my meds, haha. Excited to have another cover with you and can’t wait to see the reviews for this bad boy!

  To all of you out there struggling with something, whether it being acceptance, changing who you are to fit someone else’s view or what have you. Do me a favor and remember this: fuck the haters. Don’t ever change yourself to fit inside what they envision for you. Be true to yourself, always. We only get one life to live, so you’d better be having a smile on your face as much as you can.




  I Wish I Never Met You — Oh Wonder

  Finally // beautiful stranger — Halsey

  Getting Good — Lauren Alaina

  Popular Monster — Falling In Reverse

  Side Effects — Carlie Hanson

  The Reaper — The Chainsmokers & Amy Shark

  Salt — Ava Max

  All Love — FLETCHER

  Old Wounds — PVRIS

  Death of Me — PVRIS

  Feelings — LAUV

  There’s No Way — LAUV & Julia Michaels


  “Don’t judge me. You can’t handle half of what I’ve dealt with. There’s a reason I do the things I do, there’s a reason I am who I am.”



  26 years ago . . .

  Age: 7

  “Colton, are you ready for some cake?” Am I ready for cake my momma is askin’. Boy, she don’t know just how ready I am. I been waitin’ an entire . . . three hund . . . something days! I look up at my momma and smile big, just like she tells me to when it’s lightnin’ outside and it scares me. She says smilin’ can make everything better. I hope it makes her sad eyes better. I don’t think she realizes I see how sad she is. Anytime a celebration like my birthday rolls around there’s always one person who shows up. Someone we don’t want comin’ here.

  Momma makes me have my birthday party two weeks after m
y actual birthday. I hate that so much. Why can’t I have a party the weekend after like all the other kids in my first-grade class do? It’s because of a monster. He always has to show up on my birthday. I don’t even know why. Momma and I don’t want him around. All he does is scare us both. I think when he shows up I’ll set him straight and let him know just how much we don’t need him comin’ around here and makin’ us all sad and stuff.

  All the monster does is intimidate us, makes us so afraid we lock the door to momma’s bedroom and sleep in the same bed. She even moves her dresser in front of the door but always tells me not to worry. I can’t figure out why she’d do that if I’m not supposed to worry. But I do what she always says and smile. Sometimes I think if I smile at my momma she’ll feel a bit better too. Maybe if I act like I’m okay, she’ll be okay.

  “I think I just might be ready,” I reply, putting my elbows on the table to peer over the white icing. Boy, my momma did an amazing job. She got some rocket ships and airplanes on here just like I wanted. Scanning my eyes over the cake I read, ‘Have a blasting birthday Colton!’. Right under the word blasting there’s some fire shooting out of it like a real-life rocket ship. So cool!

  “Are you sure? I may have gotten your favorite.” She teases, wearin’ a mighty fine smile on her face.

  “You got me chocolate?! Oh momma, I love you! You’re the bestest.” I swiftly slide from the table, off the chair and run up to her, wrapping my arms around her.

  “I l-love you too, sweetie.” I know momma just said she loves me, but she sure sounds like she’s cryin’ all of a sudden. I take a step back and look up to her, seein’ her eyes are all watery.

  “Momma, why are you cryin’? Did I do somethin’ wrong?”

  She shakes her head from left to right, “No, baby. Not at all. You see, you just . . .” She kneels down on the ground and places her arms on my shoulders. “You just make me so happy. You give me purpose, Colt. Before I had you my life was a big, jumbled mess.”

  “Like when my LEGO buildings fall apart. That kinda mess?!” There’s no way momma’s life was like that. There’s way too many pieces to pick up.

  She nods, “Yes, baby. Kinda like that, only worse.”

  I wrap my arms around momma once more and hold her tight, “Well I’m glad your LEGOs got picked up, momma. I’m always gonna be here for you, okay? So, your life won’t get messy again!”

  “Oh Colton,” There’s no mistakin’ it, momma is cryin’ pretty bad right now.

  A gust of wind blows against the storm door so loud we hear it rattlin’ in the frame. That’s not untypical for this time of year, though. Ever since I was a tiny baby I remember the April thunderstorms. I think that was actually my first memory, the boom of thunder and flash of lightning shining in through my bedroom window.

  “Looks like there’s a storm comin’ momma. We better get Jackson inside!” I say, letting go of her I run out the front door to where my pit bull Jackson is tied up at his doghouse. Jackson only stays outside when momma and I are home. He sleeps in my bed every night with me and is my best buddy. I love him so much!

  By the time I get to the doghouse I hear the rumbling of a motorcycle off in the distance, grab Jackson’s collar and run the quickest I can to the door, slamming the front door shut behind me and lock it. “Momma turn off the lights!” I holler, hoping we get them all turned off before the monster can see we’re home.

  She looks terrified like she always does when she hears me hollerin’. It really only means one thing and we were both expectin’ it. Today is my birthday after all. One of the only days the monster shows up. I walk Jackson back to my bedroom which sits in the back corner of the house and shut the door then go back to momma. “He might not know we’re home if we’re quiet.”

  Momma covers her hand over her mouth, “Honey, he’s gonna know ‘cause my car is outside. I’m sorry baby. I’m so sorry I didn’t put it in the shed.” She always puts the car in the shed . . . it doesn’t have windows and we can avoid him and his buddies stopping in to check on us. That’s what they say, that they’re checking on us . . . but it doesn’t feel that way. I just think they’re bullies, intimidating my momma and all.

  Three loud knocks rap on the door and the two of us share a terrified look. Momma starts to go toward it, but I put my hand on hers and look up into her hazel eyes. “No, momma. Let me handle this. I’m the man of the house. I’m supposed to do it.” Before she can tell me no— because she usually does— I strut up to the door.

  “I don’t want you here, Titan! You leave me and my momma alone. This is my birthday and I wish you won’t come around no more. You hear me, mister!?”

  In a split second a fist is punched through one of the windowpanes in our front door and blood oozes down his hand as he reaches for the deadbolt and turns it. My momma says some bad words in the background but I was always told not to say ‘em.

  The door comes inching its way open and I’m face to face with a real-life monster. Only, mine is worse.

  “Is that any way to speak to your daddy, boy?” He whips his hand back and I feel his knuckles hit my entire face. Falling backward I read what the patches say on his leather, ‘Titan . . . Enforcer . . . Lucifer’s Heretics MC.’

  Chapter One

  “I don’t believe in magic,” the young boy said, and the old man smiled, “You will, when you see her.”

  ~ Unknown


  One month ago . . .

  “Brother, you’d better get your ass up before Damon loses his shit.” Boog, the club enforcer tells me as his meaty paws shake my shoulders.

  At first I don’t respond. The fuckin’ audacity this man has comin’ inside my bedroom shakin’ me like a damn rat is ridiculous. Glancin’ over to my cell phone I see it’s four in the afternoon. “Shit, you woke me up from my afternoon nap. What the hell, man?!” I grumble, slapping his hands off me.

  Boog takes a step back and sighs, “Cobra, we need to talk to you in church.” Somethin’ about the way he’s speakin’ tells me shit’s gone down or it’s about to.

  Tossing my legs over the side of my bed I slide my black combat boots on and look up at the beefed-up fool. “Wanna give me any sort of heads up, or am I just goin’ in there blind?”

  “I’m afraid I can’t say. Just know it’s important. Otherwise I wouldn’t have woken you from your precious nap.” Boog rolls his eyes at the end the same way all the brothers do. I can’t help it that I need more sleep than everyone else. If I don’t get it, I’m a ragin’ asshole and nobody wants that.

  “You’d sure as hell better hope it’s important.” I grumble out, rising from my bed. Boog and I walk down the hallway, out into the living room and leave the trailer we share with his ol’ lady, Camila.

  As soon as we hit the outside steps that lead up to our trailer I see Damon, our Prez and Amara who’s Damon’s sister and also the VP of the club standing beside him. Both of their eyes are glued on me, wearing bleak expressions on their faces. Dixon stands across from them, smoking a joint but instead of a somber look, the bastard smirks. He and I don’t get along too well, so somethin’ is sure about to fuck my life up. I can feel it.

  “C’mon, we have a lot to go over.” Damon calls out from under the porch. He turns and heads in the clubhouse with Amara and Dixon following suit. Boog and I push the door open, go inside and head towards church. When we walk inside the room where church is held I’m confused, seeing only the five of us are here. We’re not like the other motorcycle clubs around. While they usually restrict who comes into church and hears the important shit, we don’t. We’re the Reapers and we’re a family.

  “Where’s Chaz, Widow, Hawk, Kade and Mouser?” I inquire, lookin’ to the Prez himself.

  Damon shares a look with his sister as he takes a seat at the head of the table, slamming the gavel down. “Church is now in session. They’re not here because this isn’t news they need to be aware of. I’ll tell them what they need to know in a couple weeks when thin
gs have progressed.”

  Drawing my brows together, “I’m not followin’. Wanna explain this further?”

  Amara speaks up, “Your stone-cold bitch is double crossin’ us, that’s what’s up.”

  Boog cringes, suckin’ in a breath and takes a seat beside Damon. “Way to ease Cobra in on that one, Amara.”

  She rolls her eyes, obviously irritated and is sure to tell us all how she really feels. “I’m not here to tip toe around his feelings. We’ve had this information for well over a day and now we’re telling him? This entire situation is ridiculous. What’s more insane is my dear brother allowing Onyx to work her way into the club, only to be an ungrateful, seedy little twat.”

  Heaviness falls on my chest and suddenly I feel like I can’t breathe. Everything they’re saying about Onyx is sinking in right now. “What is she doin’?” I question, prayin’ to some higher power they’re wrong.

  “She kept leaving the grounds at odd hours of the day and night. I had Mouser follow her a few times. Found out she was meeting this seedy lookin’ bunch in town. He took cell phone pics and we were able to identify one of them. Ever hear of the Diaz brothers?” Damon asks.

  I shake my head from side to side, “No. Who’re they?”

  “To us, no one. Onyx seems to think they’re the next people she and her line of whores should be teaming up with, though.” Amara shoots out, glaring at me. Fuck. This has gotta be the biggest load of shit I ever heard.

  Onyx isn’t my ol’ lady by any means, but if I had my way she would be. Ever since I saw her walk into view I knew I didn’t want to let those hips strut off in the distance to never be seen again. With the history I have, gettin’ an ol’ lady and subjecting her to the same torment I’m used to isn’t smart. It’s better for me to stay unattached. Hell, I do it on purpose. If push comes to shove I’ll leave my brothers so they don’t have to deal with the man who’s haunted my life since I was a boy. Up until this point we haven’t crossed paths and I hope we never do.


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