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Shot at Love

Page 2

by Melody Heck Gatto

  “Oh, I know you do, trust me.” Ali shook her head with a laugh. She nodded towards the rink and all the noise echoing off the glass. “Listen to him in there, chirping at the guys.”

  Kassie balled up her napkin and tossed it onto her empty plate. “He’s such a goofball.”

  Kaden was known for being the class clown and joker of the team. Even as a kid, he needed to have all eyes on him.

  Ali picked at her salad as if she’d prefer to be eating something else. “So, how do you like your new job with Triangle Health Care?”

  “I love it.” Ironically, Kassie’s job wasn’t far from the practice rink, the Three Rivers Practice Facility. “Maybe some time I can come over for lunch and watch practice.” She glanced up at the stands and immediately regretted her words. She hated sitting in the stands with all the screaming girls. She wasn’t here to fangirl, or with the hopes of going home with one of the guys. She was here because she liked hockey and to cheer on her bother.

  “Really? Yay! We’ll have to coordinate and meet up.”

  Eating her lunch hanging out with the puck bunnies was not Kassie’s idea of an ideal work break, but now that she had mentioned it to Ali, the excited look on her sister-in-law’s face told her that the possibility was set in stone.

  Ali already had her calendar pulled up on her phone and was pointing out good days for them to meet up. Pushing her dish away, Ali shook her head. “I’m done with this salad. Ugh.”

  She said the word salad with such disdain, it was evident to Kassie that Ali wasn’t eating it because she enjoyed it. Must’ve been the whole “baby weight” thing again.

  “C’mon, Kass.” Ali tossed her trash into the bin and waved Kassie towards the ice rink.

  Kassie didn’t plan on sitting in the stands with the bunnies; the café table was just fine for her. But Ali loved any chance she got to watch Kaden play, and Kassie knew there was no getting out of this now. Agreeing with a nod, she forced a smile. “Great. Let’s go.”

  Ali led her into the rink area and down onto the bleachers. A group of reporters stood in the corner of the rink, taking photos and waiting for practice to be over. Paige was there with her boss Melanie and the rest of the Public Relations team. Kassie couldn’t help but notice the male photographers eye up Ali. Baby fat, my ass. Those guys are ogling her!

  Kassie almost missed Paige waving at her. “Hey, ladies!”

  Before Kassie could answer, Paige’s attention was pulled to a reporter trying to enter a restricted area. Must be a new guy. The seasoned reporters knew not to cross Paige. She was cute and sweet, but could cut you down with a smile.

  “Kassie, over here.” Ali was making herself comfortable in the top row of bleachers closest to Kaden.

  Lucky for Kassie, that was the seating on the opposite side of the young fangirls. Maybe they weren’t as young as she assumed, because if they were, then why weren’t they in school?

  Half of the players were shooting at Kaden’s net and the other half at Dominic’s net. It was like rapid-fire, and the missed shots smashed off the glass, one after another, the earth-shattering sound loud enough to make her jump. It was surprising that they didn’t break the plexiglass. The guys were concentrating and focused on one thing, scoring.

  Most of them circled the ice collecting the pucks, while Kaden slid them out of the net. Ali waved as Kaden took a moment and looked up in their direction. Once the pucks were all collected, Coach Walker blew his whistle, and all the guys fell into place, taking a knee and huddling at center ice for a meeting.

  “So, Ali, how’s motherhood?” Kassie asked, and focused on Alison while there was a lull on the ice.

  “I love it! Kaleb is the best baby. I kind of feel bad being away from him right now. But he’s with your mom, and he just adores her.”

  “So, he’s not keeping you up nights anymore?”

  “No, no. The other O’Conner is who keeps me up at night.” Alison winked at her, but Kassie didn’t find it as cute as Ali intended.

  “Ew.” Kassie shook her head, somewhat grossed out.

  “Oh, stop. Grow up, silly girl. Like you don’t have sex, too.”

  “I don’t talk about it with my brother though!” Having Ali talk to her about sex with Kaden was not high on her list.

  “All right. I’ll stop. What about you? Anyone special in your life yet?”

  Practice started back up. It appeared to be a scrimmage. Kassie kept her attention on the ice as she spoke, not really wanting to get into this topic. A heavy sigh led into her words. “Nope. No one right now.”

  “Maybe I can help.”

  “Nah. I mean… I’m just being overly picky at the moment. You know, I was so busy with school, and now with work. I wasn’t really looking. It’s next on my to-do list. Really,” Kassie lied. It was on her to-do list, just not next, or fifth, or even tenth. It was at the very bottom, like when she had extra time and felt like dealing with looking for a needle in a haystack.

  She was a romantic, like Romeo and Juliet romantic. Star-crossed lovers and stuff like that. She wanted a love of a lifetime, not just some drunk at the bar, slobbering all over her. To find a guy with substance would take time and effort. Or as her heart hoped, he would magically find her. Maybe they’d link glances from across a crowded room. Maybe it would be love at first sight. But she wanted the magic and romance. And magic and romance weren’t supposed to be this difficult.

  “What is going on in that brain of yours?” Alison tilted her head as she asked.

  “Nothing.” Kassie knew there was no such thing as magical romances, but it didn’t keep her from dreaming. Maybe her high expectations were why she hadn’t found her perfect man yet.



  Luc mingled around Kaden’s loft. It was filled with guys from the team, their wives and girlfriends, and some folks he didn’t recognize. Kaden liked throwing parties. Normally Luc would bring a date, mingle a little, drink too much, and leave early. He never saw those girls twice and couldn’t remember any of their names. And honestly, he was a little bored with that.

  Worry ate at his gut. Am I getting older and wiser, or am I becoming boring? Because no way in hell was he going to grow boring. Had to be getting wiser. That was the only choice he’d accept.

  Torin nudged Luc. “Marcella, no lady on your arm tonight? That’s not like you.”

  That wasn’t entirely accurate. He didn’t often have a girl on his arm; he just made it look like he did in public. He had a reputation, one that said he was a ladies’ man. But he didn’t bother to ask anyone to accompany him tonight. Luc hadn’t realized it was a “party.” The way he’d understood it was that it was just going to be the guys hanging out.

  “Nah, not tonight.”

  Hoping this conversation with Torin would be over, Luc took a sip of his beer and glanced around the room. Kaden’s mom was there. She’d spent most of the night talking with a brunette. He hadn’t been able to see the young woman’s face yet. Her hair was dark and long, and covered her face whenever she didn’t have her back to him. Which was not entirely a bad angle.

  He didn’t know why he kept staring at her; maybe it was because he was bored and was trying to entertain himself. Maybe he just needed another beer. Grabbing another from a cooler in the living room, he popped it open and took a swig.

  “Luc, you better take it easy on the beers there,” Kaden called, startling him. “Try some of the snacks Ali made. They’re delicious.”

  He wasn’t wrong. Luc should probably exchange this beer for a water; he was driving home. He sure as hell didn’t want to wreck his Porsche. And he was well aware that wasn’t the worst that could happen if he didn’t slow down on the beers. Knowing better, he set the beer down on the closest table and grabbed a water.

  “Luc! Look, Tri, it’s the Puck-Star himself.” Sam smirked and called him by the nickname Luc was trying to make a thing.

  “Hey, Rock-Star,” Trina cooed.

  Sam’s wife was
very pregnant with their second child. But that didn’t keep her from team functions, even parties. And for some reason, she had also taken to calling him Rock-Star, playing on his taste in music.

  “Maybe you could help Kaden out with his music choices tonight. I’m not hearing any rap or rock ’n’ roll.” Trina rolled her eyes.

  “Are you two still letting little Willow listen to rap? Do I have to drop by for a visit and familiarize her with the monsters of rock? You know that rap crap could stunt her growth!” Luc wasn’t the only guy on the team that teased Sam about his taste in music. He was just the only one allowed to pick on Trina about it, too.

  “Pretty sure that’s coffee that’ll stunt your growth, but nice try,” Sam remarked sarcastically. Then he added with a whisper, “And I’m sorry if that’s what happened to you.” Sam made a gesture with his hand about Luc’s height.

  “Are you two at it again?” Paige asked, as she grabbed a drink from the cooler.

  “Aren’t they always? I swear they were brothers in another life,” Trina answered.

  Paige laughed. “Brothers? I was thinking more like husband and wife!”

  Luc shook his head. When Trina and Paige ganged up on him, it was amusing and the teasing sometimes got out of control. But it was all in jest.

  Not having any siblings, Sam was as close to a brother as Luc had. “Whatever, surfer boy. Don’t you need to go catch a wave somewhere?” It was a lame comeback, but it was all he had at the moment.

  “Tri, did you try any of the buffalo chicken dip Ali made? You like spicy food, right?” Paige asked.

  “I love spicy food! And no, I haven’t tried it yet. Lead the way!”

  “Take it easy on the spicy food, Tri. We don’t want you going into labor during the party!” Sam called after the ladies.

  “She’s due soon, huh?” Luc asked.

  “Yep. This pregnancy feels like it’s gone by quicker than the last.”

  “How’s Willow?”

  “She’s good. Daddy’s little girl, like always. You should stop over sometime soon. She’s been asking to have a tea party with her Uncle Luc.”

  “I’ll plan to drop by soon.” Luc looked around the room, then at his phone. “You know, I’m gonna get out of here. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” He’d had enough small talk for today. Luc said goodbye to Trina and grabbed his keys.

  When he turned to find Kaden to tell him he was leaving, instead he saw the brunette standing with Kaden’s mom. This time she was facing him. She was an attractive young woman, probably no older than himself, dark eyes, very little makeup—she had a natural beauty to her. But she looked familiar. Luc knew he hadn’t met her before, or even dated her, but she was familiar.

  Maybe he wasn’t leaving just yet. Scouting out the room, he saw there weren’t any single ladies here, except her. Putting his keys back into his pocket, he grabbed another water and contemplated his next move.

  “Where you headed, Romeo?” Sam’s voice came from over his shoulder. “Thought you were leaving?”

  Shaking his head, he twisted the top off the bottle. “Changed my mind. Just getting another water.”

  “Regretting not bringing any arm candy, huh? Not really any prospects here. Kaden kept it all friends and family. I don’t blame him. Once you have a little one, you have no interest in wild parties. They transition into family gatherings.”

  “I’m surprised to see that Ali has Kaleb,” Luc commented.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I just thought maybe she’d have a nanny or something helping, so she could enjoy the party.” Admittedly, even with so many of the guys having families, he knew nothing about kids or how to be a parent. Why wouldn’t you want a break? He really had nothing to base his thoughts on.

  “No need for a nanny with this bunch here. Haven’t you seen all the wives and girlfriends doting on him? They can’t get enough of the little guy. Even Trina.”

  “She still doing okay? The pregnancy going okay?” Sam and Trina had had a rocky few months at the end of last season, right after Sam got injured.

  “Yeah, everything is going great.” Sam turned and focused on the direction Luc kept looking. “What is so interesting over there?”

  “The brunette. There’s something about her. I mean, besides the fact that she’s gorgeous and seems to be single. But she looks familiar, and I can’t figure out why. I’m positive she’s not a bunny. I think I would remember that.” Luc kept his attention on the mystery woman. Still with Kaden’s mom, she was laughing. Trina handed a whining Kaleb to the brunette. Damn, she even looked good with a cranky baby on her arm. “And she’s good with kids, so definitely not a bunny.”

  “Dude…” Sam interrupted.

  “What? She’s like the only person here that I don’t know.” Luc ran his hand through his hair, and adjusted his belt.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I was going to go check her out—”

  “Uh, no. You’re not. And you’re right about her not being a bunny. Because she’s Kaden’s sister.”

  Kaden’s sister? “What? No. But she—” Luc looked a little closer, and that’s why she looked so familiar. Not only did he now see the resemblance to Kaden, except for the dark hair, but he also realized that she was the girl from practice the other day. She was with Ali at practice and now she was with Kaden’s mom. It was all making sense. “Aw, hell.”

  “Yeah. She’s Kaden’s sister, and off limits, bro.”

  The code. That damn code. Call it a team code, or guy code, whatever, it was all the same. You don’t mess with a teammate’s/bro’s sister.

  Watching her laugh and toss her hair made his stomach ball up with nerves. O’Conner or not, she was something special. Trying to keep his distance was going to be difficult now that she was in his head.

  Sam’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “I’m not going to tell O’Conner that you were checking out his sister, but don’t let him catch you staring at her like that. I can guarantee you that he won’t like it,” Sam said.

  “Whatever, dude.” But Luc was not as nonchalant on the inside as he was acting on the outside. Trying to move his glance from her to anything else in the crowded loft became a challenge; he always came back to her.

  Turning away was the only thing he could do. If he kept staring at her, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from going over to talk to her.

  “Dude, you can have any bunny you want. Why are you hung up on trying to go after her? You don’t even know her.”

  “I’m not hung up on anyone. Plus, who said I was going after her?”

  “Well, you can’t seem to keep your eyes off her.”

  Luc shook his head with a heavy sigh. This was not a discussion that he wanted to have. He didn’t need Sam accidently telling Kaden he was checking out his sister. “It’s like you said, I can have any bunny at any time. It’s all good.”

  But Sam didn’t look convinced at Luc’s denial. That was understandable since Luc wasn’t so convinced himself.

  Luc set aside his water and grabbed a beer instead. He wasn’t leaving just yet; he’d switch to water after this. He took a long swig and gave it a moment to calm his body. She might be attractive and totally my type. But… she’s off limits. He reminded himself over and over. That’s just how it had to be. He never had any trouble picking up girls before, so he just needed to move on and find himself someone who wasn’t Kaden O’Conner’s sister.

  A few more beers and distracting himself with the conversations of the guys from the team kept his attention away from her―he didn’t even know her name. In a moment of weakness, he looked around the room, searching for her long, dark hair. But she was nowhere to be seen. It was better that way.

  Not getting hung up on Kaden’s sister was easier said than done. Luc wished he knew her name. Maybe it was the mystery of not really knowing anything about her. Maybe it was the fact that she was off limits that made her so enticing. He was sure that was it. Why wouldn’t he desir
e what he couldn’t have? He probably wouldn’t care either way, if she was fair game.

  That was a bald-faced lie. Over the next few days, Kaden’s sister kept invading Luc’s thoughts and his sleepless nights. It was starting to piss him off. He didn’t need that kind of drama or trouble in his life. Why did she have to be Kaden’s sister?

  Practice started early that morning and ran long. Coach Walker was trying some new lines and combinations. Then of course, extra suicide drills for the guys who’d been underperforming lately. Add to that their losing the scrimmage and having to do push-ups on the ice.

  A quick shot of caffeine was necessary. Luc’s body was exhausted, and the lack of sleep wasn’t helping. His mind was on the mysterious O’Conner brunette. How had he not realized she was Kaden’s sister? After all the time he spent with Kaden, you’d think he would know. But any similarities were overshadowed by her flowing dark brown hair. She shared the same genuine smile as their mom, but that captivating sparkle in her eyes was all her own.

  When the barista called his name, he picked up his coffee from the counter. Doing his best to fasten a lid on the cup, he turned and headed for the door. His focus was on the cup and the uncooperative lid. By the time he looked up to see where he was going, he’d walked right into someone. All he saw was Renegades yellow and gray, and long dark hair, before a cold beverage and ice cubes splattered on his team sweatshirt, soaking the entire front of it.

  Luc grabbed at the sweatshirt, pulling it away from his body before the ice-cold beverage could soak his jeans. “What in the hell?”



  Kassie was trying to answer a text from Alison and was not looking where she was walking when she ran into a very hard body. Her large, iced, green tea slipped from her grasp. The drink and ice splashed everywhere. Ironically, she had originally fumbled with getting the lid on, and now that same lid lay on the ground beside the puddle of her drink, mocking her.


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