Book Read Free

Shot at Love

Page 16

by Melody Heck Gatto

  When he dropped Kassie off at her apartment, he felt the shift in her attitude. She was more cautious, reluctant, but he could see her true feelings in her eyes. She knew as well as he did, that if they didn’t end the night here, they’d be on a slippery slope. He wanted to do right by the code, but he also wanted to say fuck the code.

  He shouldn’t have left last night. Would she have let him stay? The odds were in his favor after the way she had accepted his feeding her that cupcake and especially the icing. He had pushed, and she hadn’t shied away. That would be why he had woken up alone, in his own bed this morning, with a boner.

  Now sitting with Kassie outside a coffee shop, enjoying the cool, late afternoon weather, she looked nervous. “I’ll be back in Pittsburgh after the game tomorrow night, late. I’ll pick you up on Saturday at five for the party.”

  Kassie was quiet. She bit her lip as she swirled her coffee and stared at her cup.

  “Kass? You still want to be my date to the party, right?” He did his best not to sound desperate, but it had been a big step to ask her. Possibly a dumbass step, but he didn’t care.

  Looking up at him with large brown eyes, her uneasiness was clear. “Luc, I want to, yes. But—”

  “Then that’s settled.”

  “Do you think we should? I mean, this, it’s fine. It’s just you and me. And we aren’t doing anything but hanging out.”

  Her words were exactly what he’d been thinking. They hadn’t crossed that line yet. This was all very innocent still, and it could be stopped. But once they went to this party together, everything would be different.

  Maybe he should’ve been more concerned. But he wasn’t.

  “You mean when Kaden isn’t around.” He knew exactly what she meant. He’d had the same thoughts. As soon as Kaden saw them together, no matter what they said, the shit would hit the fan. It wasn’t going to be pretty. Luc knew all of this. But his attraction to her was like a drug. It had him by the balls and wasn’t letting go. When he wasn’t with her, he needed to be. Even though the closest to physical they’d gotten was dancing at the club or his finger to her lips, it wasn’t because he didn’t want more. He was doing his best to move slowly. And it was killing him. “If Kaden wasn’t an issue, would this thing we have be so difficult?”

  “Probably not.”

  “So, you like spending time with me?” Luc reached his hand across the table to her.

  As if on cue, she took his hand and her voice brightened up. “Of course I do, Luc. I really hate this damn code. I’ve just conceded to it all my life.”

  She didn’t need to say anything more for him to understand. The truth was, this wouldn’t be so tough if it wasn’t for the damn code. “You and me both, Kass.”

  “I can make up my own mind, and I don’t need to check with him first about who I’m going to his party with, but don’t tell him yet. I’m his sister, so he can be as mad as he wants, but he can’t do anything about it if we just walk in together. You have to work with him, and that’s a different story.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself.” Luc squeezed her hand. “As long as I know what I’m fighting for.”

  “Luc?” A familiar male voice came from behind them. “W’sup, man?”

  “Sam, hey.” Luc took a heavy breath, knowing this could do him in.

  Sam nodded to Luc as he approached their table, setting his coffee down by their intertwined hands. Kassie quickly pulled her hand away from his and off the table. There was no doubt Sam saw the interaction between Luc and Kassie, judging by the way his eyes went from the now empty spot where their hands had been, then to Luc, and finally landing on Kassie.

  “Well if it isn’t Kassie O’Conner. Kaden’s little sister. Hi,” Sam said.

  Kassie sighed heavily, forced a smile and squared off her shoulders. “Yep. That’s me, Kaden’s little sister. Sam. How are you doing?”

  The intense moment they’d been having was now shot to hell. Way to piss her off, Sam.

  Sam smiled his typical, friendly smile. He was a genuine guy, and Luc expected nothing less than perfect manners from him. “I’m good. It’s nice to see you again. Skee ball was fun the other night. I remember Kaden talking about you and your mom moving here. Right? How is your mom doing?”

  Kaden and Kassie’s mom had had a cancer scare not too long ago. Kaden’s urging his mother to accept his support and take advantage of the medical care he could obtain for her in Pittsburgh, had helped to catapult the decision for them to move here from Canada.

  Kassie’s smile relaxed. “Yeah, we’ll have to have another skee ball night soon. My mom is doing very well, thank you. Part time in Pittsburgh has turned in to almost full time. Canada seems to just be a place we vacation to now. Would you like to join us, Sam?”

  Luc hadn’t known Kassie long, but he was amazed at everything she did. She went from angry about being addressed as Kaden’s little sister, to having a pleasant conversation, and even inviting Sam to join us. Luc didn’t mean to, but he was staring at the beauty who sat across from him, grateful that the O’Conner women had decided to move to Pittsburgh.

  “Thanks for the invite, but I’m on my way home. Just doing some quick errands for the wife, and now I need to get home and give her a well-deserved break from the little one.”

  “How far along is Trina, exactly?” Luc asked, finally tearing his eyes away from his breathtaking lunch date.

  “She’s almost eight months along. Speaking of her, I’d better get back. She needs to make sure she takes time to rest, and getting her to do that is a full-time job! You know how she can be. Plus, I have ice cream in the car, don’t want it to melt.” Sam picked up his coffee. “Nice to see you, Kassie. And Luc, I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow morning at the rink.”

  Luc watched Sam walk to his car, and even after he drove away, Luc didn’t bring his attention back to the table.

  Kassie finally spoke up, saying the words they both were thinking. “Do we have to worry about him telling my brother?”

  “Sam? No. He’s cool. But I’m sure he’s going to bust my balls in Boston. We usually room together.” Luc wasn’t concerned about Sam. They’d been through a lot together. But his friend also wasn’t shy about voicing his opinion.

  “He’s better now, right?” Kassie asked.

  Luc nodded. “As far as he’ll say, the headaches are gone. The team doc is pleased with his recovery. And Sam is happy to be back in the game. Concussions are the worst; they are unpredictable and scary as hell.”

  “Yeah, they sure are. I know how scary it is to watch your loved one get hurt out there. You think at some point it’ll get easier, but it never does. Kaden took that puck to the helmet last season, and my mom and I were frantic, especially when they didn’t let him come back in the game. But, luckily, he was fine. It doesn’t always work out like that.”

  Even after spending all this time with her, it was easy to forget that she was part of this world, too. Kassie understood things that other girls didn’t. As much as he thought she was holding back, she knew what she was getting into. She was worth fighting for.

  Luc slid his hand across the table, with the hope she’d take it again.

  “You’re sure he won’t—”

  “I’m sure.” If anything, he’ll come to me about it. She was obviously as concerned as he was about Kaden’s reaction once her brother found out about them.

  Luc got settled in the hotel room. The team went to dinner as soon as they got to Boston, and now they had the rest of the evening to do what they wanted. Most of the guys settled in to their rooms and called or Skyped their families. The younger, single guys took the time to explore the city and whatever else they could find.

  JJ and Travis didn’t make the trip with the team. He could only imagine what trouble they were getting into with Quinn tonight.

  Luc knew the questions from Sam were coming. But right now, Sam was Skyping with his wife, Trina, and his daughter, Willow. Luc never under
stood before what these guys went through, being away from their families. He’d never had someone at home that he cared enough about to miss. The bunnies didn’t tend to miss him; they could always find other company for the night, and he’d do the same thing. He was never truly alone.

  But now all he wanted to do was talk to Kass. He didn’t want to go check out the city or go to the bar; he just wished he could hang out with Kassie. Picking up his cell phone, he sent her a text.

  Luc: Hey Kass, what are you up to?

  Kassie: Hanging with a hot bowl of popcorn and my buddy Netflix.

  Kassie: I thought you’d be out on the town.

  Luc: Me? No. Just sitting here in the room, kinda wishing I could be hanging out with you instead.

  Kassie: I was thinking the same about you.

  That was exactly what he wanted to hear. If it was any other girl, he’d think she was trying to feed his ego. But with Kassie, she knew what it was like, and she wasn’t trying to make a good impression or lead him on. She was just herself, and that was his favorite thing about her.

  Luc: That’s nice to hear.

  Luc: Looking forward to the party on Saturday?

  Kassie: Ha! Not really. I mean, if you and I could go anywhere else together, I’d be excited. But this, I’m just worried about Kaden.

  Luc: Yeah. I get that.

  Kassie: Luc, don’t let me hold you back from going out and having a good time.

  Luc: Kass, the only thing I want to be doing now is talking to you.

  Kassie: All right, Romeo. Whatever you say.

  Luc: Think whatever you want, princess, but it’s true.

  Luc: As worrisome as the party Saturday seems, I’m looking forward to seeing you.

  Kassie: Me too.

  Kassie: For the record, I’m more excited than I am nervous.

  Luc: Yeah, me too.

  They texted back and forth until Sam was done Skyping his family. Luc was sure he’d talk to Kassie again soon. He couldn’t go more than a few hours without sending her something. Whether it was a little message or a funny meme. This girl was changing him, and it was for the better.

  “All right loverboy, what is going on between you and O’Conner’s sister?” Sam flopped down onto the hotel armchair.

  “Nothing. We were just—”

  “Try again,” Sam interrupted, amused.

  “Getting coffee.”


  “What do you want me to say?”

  Sam wildly exaggerated a shrug.

  “Are you going to tell O’Conner? If you are, just give me a head start out of the country.” Luc added a little laugh, but this was no laughing matter.

  “Whatever you do, don’t go north. He’s from Canada, you do know that, right? Maybe head overseas,” Sam said flatly. Getting up from the chair, he raided the mini bar, taking a bottle of water and bag of cookies.

  “You’re going to eat that from the mini bar? We could’ve gotten those a lot cheaper down the street at the convenience store.”

  Sam waved him off and opened the cookies. “Are you doing something worthy of needing to skip out of the country to get away from O’Conner?”

  “No!” He didn’t think so, but it was entirely possible that Kaden wouldn’t be so forgiving. Even talking to Kassie would surely be frowned upon by her brother. “Look, we’re just hanging out.”

  “Dude.” Sam exaggerated the word and shook his head. “Just be careful.”

  A question rattled around Luc’s brain, and as cautious as he was about asking Sam, it was as if he couldn’t help himself. Cocking his head, he bravely asked, “So what’s so different between me being interested in Kassie and you being married to Trina?”

  Luc braced himself in case Sam didn’t take too kindly to his question.

  “The difference?” Sam paused. His voice was deadpan as he continued. “Is that she’s my wife.”

  Luc shook his head and tried to restate his poorly executed question. “Right. I mean I get that. But before she was your wife, she was still Tyler’s sister. Why was that okay and this isn’t?”

  Sitting back down in the armchair, Sam rested his elbows on his knees, and his expression relaxed. “Luc, I’ve known Tyler for a very long time. We were away at private schools and hockey camps together as kids. He knew what kind of man I was. Maybe you’re right, because the code is the code regardless of circumstance, however, he knew once I was committed, I was dedicated for good.” He gave a crooked grin. “And I understood that if I hurt her, he’d kill me.”

  Luc didn’t ask about the time during Sam’s concussion, the way he treated Trina. None of that mattered now. He understood what was being said. Nodding, Luc added, “When you’re young and stupid like me, it’s best to stay away.”

  “Well, yeah. I can’t tell you what to do. Just be careful.”

  “But, what about—”

  Sam didn’t let Luc finish. “What about Dom and Hailee, and Kris and Kat, and Pat and Gia, and Tyler and Paige? That was your next question, right?”

  Luc nodded.

  “Dude, the code is as old as time. Call it the guy code or the teammate code, it’s all the same. But when you find the one that you can’t live without, the code has no place. If you’re serious about Kassie, then Kaden will realize that. But, if you hurt her, he will have every right to kill your ass.”

  Sam was right. This could go amazingly right, and everything would work out, or it could go miserably wrong.

  The fact still remained that messing around with a teammate’s sister was dangerous, and hurting her could possibly be fatal; at the very least, it would be fatal for his career. But they hadn’t gotten that far yet. They were just getting to know one another. He couldn’t possibly get crucified for that. He hadn’t even touched her. Yet. Right?



  It was almost two o’clock on a gorgeous Friday afternoon. Kassie took a half day at work so she could mentally prepare herself for the party at Kaden’s. She sat at the café table with her mom and her sister-in-law, Ali. She poked at her french fries and barely nibbled on her sandwich. The party was tomorrow, and her nerves were a mess. Her stomach was in knots, so eating wasn’t high on her list. But milkshakes, they went down just fine.

  “Dear, what are you so nervous about?” Kassie’s mom asked.

  “Nervous? Me?” Is it really that obvious? Or was it just obvious because her mom knew.

  “Kassie, you’re downing that milkshake with no problem, yet you’ve barely touched your meal. I’m your mother, remember? I know your tells. It’s just us girls here, and a baby, so spill.”

  Kassie looked from her mother to Ali, who was holding little Kaleb. She adored her sister-in-law, and they were close. But this was something she wasn’t sure she could trust Ali with. Looking back at her mother, she tried to convey her concern without words.

  “Ali, can we trust you with a female-only situation?” Kassie’s mom asked with a twinge of annoyance.

  “Mom!” Kassie rolled her eyes.

  “Female only? I assume that means don’t tell your son?” Ali asked, as she popped another french fry into her mouth. “Boy problems? Spill!”

  “Ali, you cannot tell my brother. Okay? If you can’t do that, and I wouldn’t blame you, if you can’t do that, then this conversation ends here.” Kassie’s anxiety was getting the best of her, and it wasn’t pretty.

  Ali frowned, concerned. “Kass, relax. I tell my husband everything, but there IS a girl code too, right?”

  “Oh my god, what’s with all these codes?” Kassie groaned.

  Ali looked at Kassie’s mom, who was calm and almost laughing. “Mom, what am I missing here?”

  It was a good thing that Kassie’s mom spoke up first, because Kassie wasn’t sure she’d be able to fess up. “Kassie has a crush on a hockey boy.”

  “Oh! A hockey boy? Nice! They really are the best, aren’t they?” Ali was all smiles until her words registered with her brain. Then h
er face went pale for a second. It almost matched her blonde hair. Once the pink came back to her face, she dunked a fry in way too much ketchup, and smiled at Kassie while she ate it. “Kass, a Renegade?”

  “It’s nothing serious. But my brother can’t know. Please.”

  “Kass!” Ali shook her head, the color returning to her face along with the smile. “I was shocked for a second. But it’s girl code. Obviously my lips are sealed. Now tell me about this crush.” Ali rested her chin on her palm and turned all her attention to Kassie.

  “I kind of like this guy, and unfortunately he plays with Kaden. I found out the day I met him, but it was already too late.” She’d known the moment she’d run into him in the coffee shop that she was crushing on him.

  “Why— Oh, that’s why you didn’t want me to set you up with a date for the party. You’re going with him.” Ali’s face did a weird thing, like she was excited and nervous all at the same time.

  “Yes. And Kaden doesn’t know yet. Ali, be honest, is this going to blow up in my face? Not that I care what my brother thinks about my love life, but he still has to work with Kaden, so putting him in that situation is what I’m more worried about.”

  “Kass, are you going to tell me who your hockey boy is?” Ali asked.

  Kassie wanted to. She wanted to yell his name from the rooftop. “Ali, does it matter? I wish I was with him every second of every day, and we haven’t even kissed yet.” Woops, that was way more information then I planned on sharing.

  “Kass, if you feel that strongly about him, then let whatever happens happen. I can’t control your brother any more than you can. He’s going to be mad and probably act like a big jerk because he loves you so much. But he only wants what’s best for you. Keep that in mind. Also remember, he’ll get over it.” Ali bounced Kaleb while he fussed.

  “I’m not going to tell you who he is, because I refuse to ask you to keep that from your husband. You’re keeping a big enough secret as it is. You can see tomorrow night with everyone else. But you’ve got my back, right Ali?”

  “Absolutely, sis! Your brother looks big and bad on the outside, but on the inside, he’s just a big teddy bear. He loves you more than anything and will do whatever it takes to protect you. Just remember that when he’s yelling like a moron.” Ali laughed.


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