Walk Into Me

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Walk Into Me Page 14

by Jill Prand

  “Are any of your clients that will be at the table a safe bet to protect you if things get out of hand with Stuart?” He is worried about me because he knows that Stuart is mad about how Bobby just seemed to sweep in and carry me away.

  “He won’t try anything because his boss will be there, that’s the reason he’s bringing Alice. She’s his ammo without getting his own hands dirty.” And to think I actually liked him at one time.

  “Well, I would feel better if you had someone with you. Why not ask Joe to be your date?” Our friend Joe is gay and a Broadway star, but he would watch out for me and he knows the whole thing with Stuart.

  “It’s kinda late notice to call him for tonight. And he has a show tonight so that’s out.” I glance back at him. “I’ll be fine and as soon as the awards are given out I’m going to leave. They won’t need me there anymore and I will use being tired from all the planning as an excuse.”

  “Well, I’m glad next week is a short week. What are you doing for Christmas?”

  Damn, I knew this would come up, but I haven’t made any definite plans because I was expecting Bobby to be home. “I don’t know. I have to be at my mom’s house on Christmas day, but I hadn’t really planned out anything else.” I leave off the whole Bobby excuse, but his name hangs in the air between us.

  “I’m supposed to go down to my sister’s, but if you want me to stay up here I will. Driving to Pennsylvania is so much easier than to North Carolina. And then I would get to avoid my parents and my douchehead brother-in-law.”

  “Let’s talk about it this weekend; I really just need to get through tonight without adding more stress on top.” If I start planning without him does that mean I’m giving up on Bobby coming home?

  “Whatever you want, pretty girl,” he says as he kisses my hair. “So should we stand up and get clean now? I can’t reach any more of you in this tub.”

  We finish in the bathroom about half an hour later. When I finally emerge into my bedroom I look at the time, eleven-thirty. “Shit Brad, Arthur will be here any second! We have to get dressed and get out into the living room.”

  I run to my closet and pull on a skirt and t-shirt, my dress and shoes are already at Bobby’s apartment where I’ll get dressed after my salon appointment. Brad sits on my bed and watches me, but I turn to him, “Brad, get dressed!”

  He stands and walks over to me totally naked, “Do you really think I care if Arthur knows you and I are spending time together? As far as I’m concerned he’s almost as much to blame as Bobby. He didn’t have to deliver those letters to me so soon.”

  I sag against him. “You’re right, but I really don’t want Bobby to know until I can talk to him.” I still hang onto the hope he is coming back because I just can’t handle the other scenario. Brad runs his hands up and down my back and I know that he is trying to hold it together, too. I can’t imagine what he is feeling. If Bobby doesn’t come back he has me all to himself, but Brad would never want Bobby to die just to have me. He would feel guilty for thinking it, but I’m sure the thought has crossed his mind. Just like the thought flitted through mine that I wouldn’t have to make a choice. I would be absolved of all the pressure to figure out who I want more.

  Brad finally pulls back. “I’ll get dressed. You promise to call me when the party is over right? I want to know you are okay and safe.” I’m staying at Bobby’s apartment tonight since the party isn’t due to get out until one, but hopefully I will leave way before then. I do want to spend the night at Bobby’s because I need to think without Brad around.

  “I promise I will call you as soon as I get in the car with Arthur,” I assure him as I lean in and give him a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for worrying about me.”

  He smiles, “I’ll always fret about you, Lisa.” I hear a knock at the door and know Arthur is here. “Go ahead,” he says, “Try to have a good time.” I grunt as I leave the room.

  I pick up my jacket and purse and smile at Arthur as I open the door, “Hi, Arthur. Any news?” He proceeds me to the car and opens my door. “No Lisa, nothing yet.” I see him look over at Brad’s car as he closes the door, but he says nothing about it.


  After Lisa leaves I lock up behind me and drive home. I have a few stock purchases to look at before I head to the event tonight. I also have to check on the closing date of the house. I would like to be in before Valentine’s Day.

  The afternoon passes quickly and I’m surprised at three-thirty when I get a message from Lisa. It is a photo of her hair and make-up.

  What’ya think? Seriously the woman is gorgeous; her hair is piled up on top of her head with little wisps framing her face, and her make-up looks flawless.

  I didn’t know you could improve on perfection :)

  She responds:

  <3 U TTYL

  Before I can stop myself I send her:

  XOXO When did I turn into such a sap that sends hugs and kisses via text message? Who am I kidding? I was always a sap for Lisa. I’m glad she texted though, I have to start getting ready for tonight. This promises to be a fun night. I love helping ringside it makes me feel part of the action without having to get beat up.

  I change into a pair of old jeans and a WWE t-shirt. I don’t have any MMA shirts, this is as close as I get. This shirt is old and tight. I’ve filled out some since high school when I bought this shirt. Lisa always laughs at me when I wear it. She never understood the draw of wrestling. I keep telling her it’s a soap opera for men. We know it’s fake, but we just like the action. I did drag her to watch one time and she said she wouldn’t mind going back because the guys are much hotter in person. That was after one of the wrestlers made his entrance from right beside us. We were in the last row before the tunnel and the guy stood by us in the dark for a few minutes waiting for his music. Lisa drooled the whole time he was there. I think she actually had to hold herself back from touching him. Maybe I should oil myself up for her one day.

  It takes me about half an hour to get to the school holding the event: Sachem our old rivals. I hadn’t been here since playing Lacrosse in high school. It hasn’t changed, but at least this time I won’t have hordes of students cheering against me. Sachem is one of the largest school districts on Long Island and their teams are always in the running for all county. Our lacrosse team just happened to beat them the years I played. Not that it was me that made the difference, but our team was tight and well coached so we did take the county final my junior and senior years.

  Banners for Let Them Be Little X2 are all over the place with the pictures of the two boys, Jason and Justin. I don’t know much about their disease other than they will probably die before their fifteenth birthdays. I am sure I will learn more tonight. I text Kevin and find out he is already in the locker room. The fights don’t start for a couple of hours, but the guys usually like to spar a little beforehand to get used to the ring and warm up their muscles. I walk in and am ushered to the gym by the security guard. School only closed about an hour ago so there are a lot of people running around setting things up. Tables for donations and t-shirt sales, rubber bracelets and bumper stickers are set against the corridor as you walk towards the gym.

  One table holds information on the disease and the National Mucopolysaccharidosis 2 Foundation (Hunter Syndrome). According to the brochure Hunter Syndrome currently affects only three hundred and fifty children in the US. It is a genetic disease that inhibits the body from breaking down long chains of sugar molecules. These molecules create fluids in the body like mucus or fluid around joints. Since Hunter Syndrome kids cannot break these down they build up in their system causing damage to their organs. Most children will die before their mid-teens from heart failure, airway obstruction, or severe neurological damage.

  Pictures of Justin, Jason and their sister Jordan are plastered on the walls showing two young boys that are full of life and a little sister that is so innocent and beautiful. I cannot imagine the pain those parents feel knowing the short term they wi
ll have the boys and how they will deal with their daughter’s broken heart in the end.

  I finally reach the gym and see Kevin walking in from one of the locker rooms. It must be his turn to warm up. I wave so he sees me and he motions for me to come over. His trainer Don is walking with him and so is another fighter who I think is Stan. I know he trains with Don as well.

  Kevin holds his hand out to me, “Brad, glad you could make it. You remember Don and Steve?”

  Steve, that’s the guy’s name. I shake their hands, “Hey nice to see you again.” Kevin pulls me with him to the side of the ring. “Hey, we are going to warm up, but then they want us to take pictures with the kids. If you want you can get in, they said they would like our whole crew.”

  I don’t know why they would want someone who is just going to be holding a spit bucket and towels, but I have no problem standing for a picture if the parents want me to. I put my jacket on the steps to the ring and say, “I’ll be in the picture, but I’m going to go get one of their shirts to wear.”

  I start to walk away when Don calls me back, “That’s a great idea, Brad, get one for me, too.” Then he hands me a fifty. Kevin chimes in, “Get me one, too, Brad and I’ll pay you when we get back in the locker room.” Steve doesn’t say anything so I just walk back into the hall.

  The person setting up the t-shirt table has her back to me. I pick up three extra-large shirts and then clear my throat, “How much for these?”

  She straightens up and turns around, Ericka, a girl I dated for a while last year. “Brad, what are you doing here?” She asks. “Hi Ericka, I’m working Kevin’s corner tonight. So you know the Leiders?” I try to find the safest subject I can think of. Ericka did not take our breakup well. She thought we were good together and the sex was fantastic. The sex was okay, but she was too clingy too fast, one of those girls who already has a five year plan on the second date. After two weeks she told me she thought we would be together a long time, I should have ran then, but I stuck around for a couple more weeks until the word marriage came out of her mouth. That word has only crossed my mind for one girl and it certainly wasn’t Ericka.

  She smiles at me, “Yeah, I moved a couple of months ago and they don’t live far from me. I see them in the park sometimes and then they had a walk which I joined. I started talking to Jeff and decided to help man the events. They really are sweet kids and Jeff is wonderful with them.” Oh the poor mother if Ericka is latching onto Jeff.

  I have to get away from her, “So how much for the shirts? We are supposed to take pictures with the kids once Kevin is warmed up.”

  “They’re twenty-five each,” she tells me. I give her the fifty Don gave me and an extra forty from my wallet.

  She hands me the change and asks, “What are you doing after this? We could get something to eat.” “Kevin and I already have plans with a couple of the other guys, but thanks.” I start to back up while saying, “It was nice seeing you again Ericka, but I have to get back.”

  She walks around the table and hugs me before I even see her intent, “It was great to see you, Brad. Call me, we should get together.” Ah, no we shouldn’t. I pull away from her with a grimace on my face.

  “I’m seeing someone right now, Ericka,” I hope she gets the message. “Have a good night.” I walk away before hearing her response. How did I get so lucky to run into her?

  Kevin and Steve are still sparring when I get back. Don is shouting out orders to each of them. He knows their opponents and tries to work on the way to give them an edge. Even though this is a charity event, as soon as these guys get in the ring they will fight like it’s any other match. I take my shirt off, put the new one on, and then hand Don his. He does the same without taking his eyes off Kevin and Steve, but for the split second it takes to get the shirts over his head.

  I look across the ring and four eyes stare back at me before returning to the action in the ring. Jason and Justin are watching with a guy I assume is Jeff behind them. They both look alike which I think is more from their illness than from genetics. They almost have the look of Down’s Syndrome although not quite as bad, but you can tell they are different. One of them, the older one, yells, but his voice sounds muffled like he has something in his mouth. That must be another side-effect. I put Kevin’s shirt down and go over to meet the boys.

  I kneel down to their level. “Hi. I’m Brad and I help Kevin, the guy in the blue shorts. Do you guys like MMA?” The younger boy, Justin looks up at his dad who nods then he turns back to me. “I want to be a fighter when I grow up.” I glance up at their father and can see the pain in his eyes. How do you deal with a wish for the future that will not happen.

  “Well, when your dad thinks you’re old enough tell him to bring you to Don’s Ring, that’s where Kevin and Steve, the other guy in the ring train. I train there, too, but I don’t do MMA, I just do it to keep in shape,” I explain as I stand up and shake the father’s hand. “Thanks for coming and giving your time, man. We really appreciate everyone’s effort,” he says.

  Don calls from the other side of the ring, “Hey Brad, we’re done. Why don’t you bring the boys over.”

  I look down at the two boys and ask, “Ready guys?” They both nod and follow me over with their father bringing up the rear. “Don, I think you have a future fighter here,” I say. “You may have to give Justin here a try-out.” I point to the smaller boy.

  Don takes over and talks to the boys about MMA. Then he introduces the boys to Kevin and Steve. The photographer comes over a couple of minutes later and sets us all up for the picture. Don puts the boys in a fighting stance, showing them how to hold their hands and to stand with one foot in front of the other for balance. Kevin and Steve mimic them on their knees while Don and I stand in the back in our new Let Them Be Little X2 shirts.

  When we break up to let the next duo warm up Jeff turns to me, “Thanks for coming over and talking with them. A lot of the guys are scared to get close and just stand there.”

  “Hey, I was a kid once and was into wrestling. I would have given anything to be able to talk with one of the wrestlers and have my picture taken so I know just how they feel.”

  Jeff shakes my hand, “Well, thanks anyway, anything we can do to make good memories for them now we try to do. We don’t know how much time we will have with them like this.” I can hear the pain in his voice and again wonder how he lives with it.

  The actual fights start at seven, but before that a whole group of people get up and explain Hunter Syndrome and the fight in store for the kids. Jason has started to show signs of deterioration already and the prospects don’t look bright for this family.

  We are the third match and take the ring to a rambunctious crowd. Kevin’s opponent is someone he’s faced before and won against, but it was a hard fought match. This is limited to two rounds and there are no judges just a ref. No one will be declared the winner it’s all for show. The ref goes over the rules and tells them to take it easy, he doesn’t want any blood drawn since there are children present. The two bump fists and square off. The bell rings and the two start trading punches and kicks. I know Kevin is holding back, but all of a sudden his opponent comes with a roundhouse kick that pushes Kevin to the floor. The guy tries to pin him down, but Kevin loves to grapple. He turns the tide by locking his leg around the guy’s head and he taps out. It is all done in the first round.

  When they stand in the middle and the ref raises Kevin’s hand Jason and Justin run in to give him a medal with LTBLX2 on it. Kevin kneels down so they can place it around his head and he hugs them both. It is a real sweet moment and flashes go off everywhere. I don’t know if they did this with the other fighters, but I don’t think so by the look on their faces.

  While I am enjoying the night I am happy that my obligation is over. It’s only eight o’clock, but I want to get home and wait for Lisa to call me. I am worried about how her night is going. Maybe I’ll text her and make sure she’s okay. While I’m helping Kevin take the tape off his
hands he says, “So how about we go to the Wharf for a couple of drinks?”

  I know Lisa will be at her dinner for hours so there is no reason not to go out with Kevin. “Sure, it will keep my mind off Lisa.”

  “What did you finally decide about that?” “I’ll tell you all about it when we get to the Wharf,” I tell him. It takes us about twenty minutes to get out of there. I made sure to wave to Jason and Justin as we were walking out. Unfortunately Ericka also saw us leaving and raised her hand. Shit, I do not want to be on her radar and hopefully she is too caught up with other things to come back after me.

  Kevin and I spend two hours at the Wharf and when I finally get home I send Lisa a text.

  Hey pretty girl hows it going?

  I don’t have to wait long for her reply.

  Leaving now… will call when I get up in the morning. Been a long night but I’m ok.

  I’m here if you need to talk. <3 U.

  <3 u 2 I really want to talk to her, but I know she needs her space and if she is going to be at Bobby’s her guilt about me will already be overwhelming for her. I don’t want to add to her stress. I will just wait until she gets home tomorrow.


  After leaving Brad this morning Arthur took me straight to my salon appointment. I spent the next couple of hours getting primped. I had my whole body waxed, not my favorite thing to do, but it has to be done occasionally. My hair was cut and put up into an elaborate braid for the evening. Next was a mani-pedi in hot red to accent my gold dress. The final touch was my make-up which was airbrushed on to make it as natural as possible.

  I walked back to Bobby’s since the salon was only three blocks from his apartment, picking up a snack from the deli on the corner. I haven’t eaten anything yet and I need something to hold me over until the cocktail hour starts at six. Not that I will have time to eat during the cocktail hour, I will be busy taking care of clients and making sure everything is going well with the party. My bosses gave me the responsibility for this party and I want to make sure it’s perfect.


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