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Walk Into Me

Page 22

by Jill Prand

  I’m curled up on the couch when John, Brad and Cas walk in. Well, Cas doesn’t walk, he runs and jumps right on me. His whole body is shaking as he licks my face and yips at me. “I missed you, too,” I tell him as I try to calm him down.

  Brad drops the pizza on the coffee table then leans over and kisses my forehead. “We both missed you, pretty girl.” Some of my sadness lifts with my two guys here. It’s hard not to smile when given unconditional love from both man and dog.

  The five of us eat pizza and I tell them about the conference. I explain about the presentation in Bethesda and what I have to go through to even have a chance at winning. “I don’t know how many agencies they’re vetting, but I’m hoping Harber will give me an advantage.” It’s unlike me to use outside influences to get a client, but for some reason this one is important for me to win.

  After we let Cas out for the last time, Brad and I go into my room, “Will you just hold me until I fall asleep?” I ask him. “Whatever you want, Lisa,” he says. I realize we haven’t even kissed tonight and I hope he understands that the scabs on my heart were torn open earlier. And while they’ve stopped bleeding they are still raw.

  I get under the covers while Brad takes off his shoes. He lies down on the bed and draws me close kissing my hair, “So do you want to tell me what happened today?”

  I steel myself knowing I have to be honest with him. Why is it so hard to talk about this? “Karl, the guy Chris sent to look out for me, told me that Bobby was a lucky guy to have had me.” The tears start to gather again. “If he was so lucky he would have made it back.”

  Brad palms my face forcing me to look at him, “Bobby was lucky, Lisa. He had your love, your heart. He still has it. I’m sure if given the choice between loving you for a short while and living a long life without you he would have chosen you.” Brad wipes my tears with his thumb, “I know I would.”

  “I do love you, Brad,” I say dropping my eyes without seeing his reaction.

  He guides my head to his shoulder, “I know you do, Lisa. I just love you more.”

  When I wake in the morning Brad is gone and I can still hear the echoes of my dream where Bobby asks me to wait for him.


  This is it! I’m going to show Lisa the house today! It’s been done for almost a month, but she’s been busy at work getting ready for her trip to Maryland next week. It’s supposed to be in the seventies for the first time since last fall and Lisa took the day off to spend it with me before the fishing season gets into full swing. My boats are booked full starting next week so other than Memorial Day we won’t be spending a lot of time together. I get up at five each morning and don’t get home ‘til seven or eight and I’m usually dead tired and go to bed as soon as I eat something, especially in the beginning of the season as my body gets used to the schedule again.

  We are going to take the boat out and spend the day on the bay. Lisa wants to get some sun on what she calls her pasty white skin. I don’t think she needs a tan, she’s beautiful just as she is. Lisa doesn’t know it, but I’m going to cut our day short and dock at the house. I can’t wait to see her face when she finds out I bought it!

  I get to Jodi’s and practically bounce to the front door. Since Jodi and John are at work I ring the bell. I have a key that I use to pick up Cas each day, but I don’t want to use it if Lisa’s not ready. Cas is barking and I hear Lisa tell him to be good. I’m surprised when she opens the door that she’s still in her pj’s. “I’m not that early,” I laugh as I pick up Cas to calm him down.

  Lisa sneezes, “I think I’m getting a cold. Can we just hang out here or at least wait until it gets warmer?”

  My mood instantly drops. I’ll have to change our plans. No, I need to show her the house today. “That’s fine,” I say dropping Cas on the floor. “But I have a surprise for you so we have to go out at some point.” I pull her to me, “Now how about we go snuggle in your bed for an hour or so.” I inhale the scent of her hair that always smells like sunshine.

  Lisa laughs and pushes off my chest, “Let me feed Cas, then we can snuggle.” Cas is already running for the kitchen, he must be hungry. We have coffee while he eats then let him out into the yard. Half an hour passes before we head into her room.

  We’ve only had sex once since she came back from that conference. She stayed in the city a few times saying she had too much work to do, but I think she needed some time in Bobby’s space. It hurts that she still thinks of him so much, but I just need to give her more time. Our relationship has been in a holding pattern, but I’m banking on the house and my intention to make a future with her to nudge her in the right direction. I won’t push her but I need to know that she wants a future with me.

  I’m lost in thought and don’t recognize that Lisa’s climbed into bed until she says, “Earth to Brad.” My girl is waiting for me naked. How did I miss her taking off her clothes? The blood rushing to my cock is making me lightheaded and my shorts are suddenly too tight. I reach back and pull my t-shirt over my head as I toe off my boat shoes. Lisa watches me and runs her hand down between her breasts. I growl as I watch her and free myself from my shorts and boxers. It takes only three steps for me to reach the bed and crawl over her propping myself up on my hands and knees. The only part of me touching her is the very tip of my cock hitting just below her belly button.

  Lisa reaches between us to stroke me, “I need you Brad, I want you inside me.” Her fingers glide over my length sending chills up my back. I capture her mouth with mine as my fingers start to caress her breast. Her back arches as I pluck her nipple with my thumb and forefinger. I rock back on my heels, out of her grasp so I can taste the puckered nub. I draw as much of her into my mouth as possible, holding her there with my teeth as my tongue circles the bud. Fisting my hair she calls out my name as I suck hard on her. I release her with a pop and give the other nipple the same treatment.

  Lisa bends her knees and pushes her pelvis up against my stomach. I grab her hips and hold her to the bed, “Not yet, pretty girl, I want to taste you first.” I look up into her desire filled eyes as I lick my way down her body. I inhale the scent of her arousal and my cock jerks with the need to be inside the wet channel. I open her up with my fingers and lap at her entrance. The taste of her is intoxicating, “So good,” I mumble against her. Plunging my tongue into her I scrape her clit with my teeth and she screams. Her undulating hips take over and she’s fucking my tongue. I feel her pulsing and her essence floods my mouth as she comes and I drink it all.

  As her orgasm subsides she reaches into the bedside table. I raise my head as she tears open the condom package and make my way back up her body. She reaches for me and spreads the moisture from my tip along my shaft before she sheaths me. Her hand guides me and I push inside until we are fully joined. Being inside her is the only place I ever want to be again. I gaze at her as I start to move, her eyes are closed, her mouth parted and her hair is fanned out around her. I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as she is in this moment. Right now she’s mine and I’m going to move heaven and earth to make sure she stays that way.

  “I love you, Lisa,” I pant as I increase the tempo of my thrusts.

  Her eyes flutter open as her legs wrap around my waist, “I love you, too.” I kiss her, matching the thrust of my tongue in time with my hips. Our breath collides coming in pants as we reach for our release. I swallow her moans as she comes apart around me, two more strokes and I’m shouting her name as I fill the condom.

  Her nails run up and down my back as we start to recover, “Can we stay right here for the rest of the day?” She asks as we cuddle. “Let’s rest a while then I really need to show you your surprise.” I pull her closer to me and she lays her head on my chest.

  “It can’t top what we just did,” she says and I can feel her breathing evening out.

  “Yes, it will,” I promise her as we drift off to sleep.


  After our nap I feel much better. It’s amazing what a few or
gasms can do to your system. Brad is fidgety now that we’re about ready to leave for my surprise. As we walk out to his truck he takes a scarf out of his pocket, “I need to blindfold you so you don’t see where we’re going.”

  “Okay,” I’ll play along, “But it better not be too far.”

  “It’s not,” he says as he ties the scarf around my eyes. “Can you see anything?”

  The scarf is black silk and blocks my view, “Nope, not a thing.” Brad leads me to the truck and even buckles me in. I have to laugh, like I wouldn’t be able to buckle a seat belt blindfolded. We drive for a while. It’s amazing how you lose track of time when you can’t see. We discuss his company which is almost fully booked for the whole season. He blocked off Sunday and Monday of Memorial Day weekend so we can spend it together. My mother usually throws a party that Sunday so we’ll probably end up there. I haven’t been back to her house since Christmas and I’m a little scared of the memories that may hit me but I have to face them. Just another part of moving on.

  The conversation has distracted me and when we stop up a slight incline I really have no idea where we are. Brad opens my door and helps me out. “Step up,” he directs me. “Again and stop,” after we’ve taken ten steps. I hear his keys jingling then a door opens. “One more step,” he says as he guides me through the door from behind.

  Brads hands are on my shoulders and I can feel him shaking. Why is he so nervous? “I bought this for you Lisa,” he whispers as his hands remove the blindfold. I open my eyes. Oh my God!

  I’m standing in my old house. The décor is different, but it’s my foyer. He bought this? I take a step forward and the smell of paint hits me. He’s redone it all. I had seen the pictures online when I found out it was for sale and hated what they had done to it. I even toyed with the idea of asking Bobby if he wanted to buy it with me, but I totally forgot about it when he didn’t come home.


  “I closed in February and worked on it through the beginning of April,” he turns me to face him. “I want us to live here together, eventually.”

  His eyes are so hopeful. “I’m not asking you to live with me right now. I know you need more time, but I want this to be our future.” Our future. Can I give him that? Bobby’s not coming back. I know it even though I still dream of him asking me to wait. A life with Brad would be easy. He would never ask for more than I could give him, he would always be faithful and he would never leave.

  “Alright,” I whisper. The smile that lights up his face is blinding. “Really?” I nod. He picks me up and twirls us around. “You’ll never be sorry Lisa. I’m going to make you happy.”

  I hug him and watch the room spin. Why do I suddenly feel like crying? Because I’m moving on. Without Bobby.

  “NO!” I scream as I wake up. The bright light hurts my eyes. I try to sit up but there are tubes in my arms and a restraint across my chest. What kind of torture are they trying now?

  “Bob, man thank God you’re finally awake.” Chris is here. What is Chris doing here? Am I hallucinating again? “We thought we were going to be too late,” he cries. He’s standing over me holding my hand. This feels so real. I close my eyes figuring when I open them he’ll be gone but he’s still here. I can still feel his hand in mine.

  “Where?” I stutter out. God, please let this be real. “You’re in Germany man. We had to stabilize you before we bring you over to Walter Reed. You’ve been here for two weeks, since we finally found you.” He reaches over for the call button beside my other hand. “Let me call the nurse and let her know you’re awake.”

  I try to sit up again but the restraints hold me in place. I look up questionably to Chris. “You’ve been thrashing around and they restrained you so you couldn’t pull the lines out again.” That makes sense, but I really want to sit up.

  My throat is dry and it hurts. “Water,” I manage to get out. Just then a nurse comes in. “Did you notice a change?” She asks and then looks at me. “Oh, you’re awake. That’s wonderful. Let me get the doctor,” she starts to turn to leave.

  “He wants water,” Chris calls out.

  “Of course he does,” she smiles. “I’ll be right back with some ice chips.” I try to take stock of my body. I hurt all over. Bandages cover my chest and back. My head is pounding. I look down and see that my left leg ends before my knee. Damn, I knew it was infected but did they really have to cut it off? Shit. Now what the fuck am I supposed to do? Hobbling around on a fake leg is not my idea of a fulfilling life.

  Chris pulls out his phone, “I’ve gotta call the guys. They’re gonna be stoked that you’re up. And now that you’re out of the woods I can let Lisa know you’re alive. I bet she’s on the next plane out.”

  “No!” I cough out.

  “No what, man?” “No Lisa.” I need more time before I bring her into this. I’m not going to have her sit around for months as I try to mend. Watch me fall on my face as I try to walk. I can’t fight for her right now. I have to make Chris understand.

  “Hell, bro that woman is on the other side of the ocean mourning your ass.” He moves to stand over me. “And that guy Brad is the one comforting her.” The thought of Lisa in his arms hurts more than my head, but I stand fast, shaking my head. “Arthur says they are together and she’s sleeping at his place on occasion.”

  The nurse walks in, ending our conversation. “Until the doctor sees you all I can give you is ice chips,” she says raising the spoon to my mouth. My eyes never leave Chris’ as the ice slides down my throat easing the pain slightly.

  “Chris, please don’t make that call yet,” I manage to say. “Please.” The nurse gives me more ice and I know I should thank her, but I keep my eyes trained on Chris.

  Finally he puts the phone back in his pocket, “Your call, man, but I think it’s the wrong one.” I close my eyes and relax against the pillow. She thinks I’m dead. Everyone thinks I’m dead. I almost was. I hate that she has to keep thinking that, but I’m too weak to fight for her right now.

  But I will get stronger.

  And when I can walk to her and hold her in my arms I’m never letting go again. Neither one of us will be walking away.

  Author’s Note

  Jason and Justin Leider are real boys. They live two doors down from me with their Mom and Dad (Deena and Jeff) and their little sister Jordan. They are full of life and love. I’ve never heard them complain about having to go to the doctor. (I’m sure they do but their parents are probably the only ones who hear it.) They are rambunctious and mischievous as all little boys are. They love to play with my daughters who are six years older than they are. It is heartbreaking to know that unless a cure is found in the next few years these little boys will probably be dead in ten years. Jason has already shown signs of degeneration. Justin isn’t far behind.

  To read more about their story or to see how you can help please visit their website: or their Facebook page:

  As always I need to thank my family first. This book was a little harder than Watch Me Walk Away. It was very emotional and that sometimes brought me down. I think the next one will be better.

  To my betas, I love you girls and your support is immeasurable!! When I felt like maybe I was going in the wrong direction you assured me you loved it. Not that I could have changed much since these characters have a definite plan that doesn’t always include letting me steer the course.

  To all the bloggers who have become friends as well, THANK YOU for sharing and telling the world about my babies!! You do a huge service to all the authors and you do it selflessly. Please know that you are appreciated even when you feel like quitting. Don’t let the drama get to you. I know sometimes it can be daunting.

  To Nicole Andrews Moore and Becky Carter Nichols from Dominatrix Publishing, you ladies inspire me daily. You both do your jobs even though your outside life gets in the way. I love you both and am happy to be part of the team!

; And lastly to you, the reader, I’ve been jotting down story ideas and making up characters in my mind for as long as I can remember. To have people actually want to read what my imagination spits out is the greatest joy. When I read the reviews or when I get a message and you tell me you enjoyed it you make me want to continue on this journey. I hope to entertain you for years to come and I hope you will stick with me. I love you all!




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