Life Begins at 40- Jersey Jaunt

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Life Begins at 40- Jersey Jaunt Page 16

by Bethan Lewis

  ‘All done? You ready to leave?’ Dan asked.

  ‘Yes. I just want to pop to the gift shop to buy a bottle of the rose. Is that alright? You’re not in a hurry?’

  Dan smiled as he got to his feet. ‘No I’m not in a rush. Nowhere else I need to be other than with you.’

  Erin’s heart skipped a beat. She was sure he felt the same way as she did, but he was a man and Erin knew men didn’t tend to wear their feelings on their sleeve the way women did.

  She stood and suddenly the world started to spin uncontrollably. Her hand reached out to grab Dan, but he had turned away and all she got was a fistful of air.

  ‘Dan!’ she called out in a feeble voice.

  Darkness closed in on her, and she plummeted to the floor.

  ‘Erin! Oh my God,’ Dan cried as he tried to break her fall.

  She slumped in his arms, and he gently lowered her to the ground. The other members of the tour noticed her collapse, and gathered round to help.

  ‘Is she dead?’ a lady asked.

  ‘What can I do to assist?’ said another.

  ‘She fainted. Give her some space,’ Dan instructed. He turned to Angie, ‘Can you fetch me some fresh drinking water please?’

  The words penetrated Erin’s brain as if from far away. Her eyes opened, and she struggled to focus.

  ‘Maybe she’s going through the menopause,’ one man said. ‘My wife passed out on a regular basis when she was going through it.’

  ‘The menopause? Bloody cheek!’ Erin thought. She might be forty, but she still had a few years ahead of her before she hit that stage of her life.

  ‘Probably a mixture of the heat and alcohol,’ Dan said, and noticing the murderous expression on Erin’s face he realised she had heard the last comment.

  Angie returned with the water and Dan helped Erin into a sitting position. ‘Take a swig of this. You fainted, nothing life-threatening.’

  She had blacked out in public? Was there no end to her embarrassment on this holiday? Sensing her discomfiture Dan informed the group that she would be fine and helped her to her feet. Her legs trembled, and she gripped Dan’s arm for support. After thanking Angie for the tour they walked to the jeep. Dan started the engine and the air conditioning came on full blast. The cool air was most welcome after the heat of outside, and Erin started to feel better immediately.

  Casting her a sly look Dan said, ‘Could be the menopause. It does happen to women yo…’

  ‘I dare you to finish that sentence,’ Erin growled, leaving him in no doubt as to her thoughts on the subject.

  Dan grinned, but fell silent, and they didn’t speak for the remainder of the journey back to the hotel. He pulled into the car park a short while later, shut off the ignition and sat there drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. Erin could see the play of emotions across his face and sensed he was struggling to find the words to express them. She sat quietly, not wanting to rush him.

  Dan cleared his throat, ‘So…um…I realise it’s your last night and you probably have a ton of things to do, but would you join me for dinner?’

  ‘Of course. I would love to,’ Erin said. ‘And afterwards you can help me pack my suitcase.’ She grinned, that was pay back for his menopause comment!

  ‘I can, if you need me to,’ he replied without hesitation.

  ‘I was joking. I am quite obsessive about my packing, everything has to go in a specific place. So, where and when? I need to go and shower and change first.’

  ‘Shall we meet in the lobby in an hour?’

  ‘Gives me plenty of time,’ Erin said and leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips. ‘See you soon.’

  She jumped out of the jeep before he could respond and raced up to her room. Pulling off her clothes she flung them haphazardly on the floor, then stepped into the shower. The water rained down on her hot skin, and she turned the knob until the water cooled. What was wrong with her? One minute she was cold, the next she felt like she was going to burst into flames. Perhaps she was coming down with a virus. A nagging voice in her head kept repeating what Dan had said about women her age, but she tried to ignore it. There was no way she was old enough to be going through the change.

  An hour later she was back in the lobby dressed in a short sleeved, red summer dress with a white cardigan draped over her arm. Dan appeared at the same time and taking her hand escorted her out of the hotel towards a restaurant a few doors down the road.

  ‘You are beautiful,’ he said, his gaze roaming hungrily over her low cut dress.

  ‘Thank you.’ Erin blushed, she had never been comfortable accepting compliments.

  A waiter seated them on the terrace overlooking the beach and for a few minutes they stared in silence at the view, each lost in their own thoughts, knowing that in less than a day they would have to part ways.

  Erin reached across the table and took Dan’s hand in hers entwining her fingers around his. He met her gaze staring deep into her eyes.

  ‘I have had a wonderful time with you,’ Erin said. ‘When I booked this holiday I never imagined I would meet anyone like you,’ she paused and let out a little laugh. ‘Well, I wasn’t planning on meeting anyone. But there you were, enticing me every day with your blue eyes and muscular body. You watched me make mistakes and embarrass myself, and you still want to be with me.’

  ‘Erin, you are an incredible woman, and I am so happy we were both on the same aeroplane two weeks ago. If we had caught a different flight, or been seated in different parts of the plane then we would never have met. Fate brought us together. We are meant to be.’

  ‘Oh Dan. I feel the same. I don’t want to leave tomorrow.’

  ‘I don’t want you to go either, but you have a life to get back to. It will be hard, but if this is what we want, then we can find a way to make it work. I will be back in London at the end of the month, for six weeks. Bristol isn’t far from London, I can come to you, or you can visit me.’ A determined expression spread over his face, and he gripped her hand harder. ‘We can do this. I am not going to lose you over a trivial thing such as distance. Lots of people conduct long distance relationships, and they manage alright and are happy. We can do this!’

  Stunned by his vigour and passion, Erin stared at him for a long moment trying to make sense of it all in her own mind. Could it work? There was only one way to find out.

  ‘I don’t want this to end either. So we will sync our schedules and make a plan. Mine is empty at the moment, what with having no job,’ Erin laughed.

  ‘That won’t be for long. A woman with your experience will be snapped up in no time,’ Dan paused. ‘And if you don’t find anything, you can always move out here with me.’

  Panicked, Erin sat back in her chair, her mouth moved but no words came out. Relocate out here? Was he serious? This was too soon. Everything was moving at high-speed and her brain was whirling. She didn’t know what to do, or how to respond. She wanted to be with him, but she had to get to know him better first. There was no way she could pack up her stuff and move to another country to be with a man she had only met a fortnight ago. Or could she? No! What would her children say? She could imagine the conversation and the argument that would no doubt follow.

  ‘Erin. Calm down, I can see you panicking from here,’ Dan laughed, trying to ease the sudden tension. ‘I didn’t mean go home and start packing straight away. I was talking months from now.’

  ‘Oh right. Of course you were.’ Erin said and picked up her fork and shovelled a mouthful of food into her mouth.

  They ate in silence and while Dan paid the bill Erin popped to the ladies. She splashed some water on her face, took a deep breath and re-joined him. Arm in arm they strolled back along the beach as the sun was setting.

  ‘There’s no need to rush this. We have all the time in the world,’ Dan said as he wrapped his muscular arms around her waist.

  His head came down and his lips claimed hers in a kiss that left her in no doubt as to his feelings. At that moment
Erin didn’t care about anything else, she would take the days as they come. One step at a time. She would make this work.

  Chapter 18

  Erin watched in horror as Dan threw her clothes into the suitcase. Did he not know how to pack properly? She should have packed the night before, but she hadn’t wanted to waste her time with Dan. A decision she sorely regretted. They had woken late and now she was rushing around with only two and a half hours until her flight. Her passport had grown legs and walked away to god knows where, and she was still in her nightclothes.

  With a sigh of exasperation, she tore the crumpled garment from Dan’s hand. ‘Leave it, just go sit down.’

  Dan relinquished his grasp on the skirt he was attempting to shove into the overloaded case. ‘Sorry, I am only trying to help. It’s not all going to fit. Why don’t I pop to the shop and buy you another small case.’

  ‘Thank you, I appreciate your help. I don’t need another case, the gifts can go in my carry on.’ She didn’t say that if he folded the clothes properly in the first place then everything would fit. She was taking home the same things she had brought out, and everything had fitted perfectly back then. ‘Can you check the carrier bag by the desk for me? My passport must be somewhere.’

  Dan dutifully checked the bag, all the while guilt gnawed at his insides, the passport was in his pocket. It was meant to be a joke, but given her current mood he didn’t think she was going to find it funny. Erin disappeared into the bathroom to change, and he pulled the passport out.

  ‘Found it,’ he called out.

  ‘Oh what a relief,’ Erin said poking her head around the door. ‘Where was it?’

  ‘On the floor under the bed. Most probably fell out of your bag.’

  ‘Can you put it with the rest of my travel documents please?’

  Half an hour later, Erin was packed and ready to go. She handed the key to reception, thanked them for a lovely stay, and promised to give them a glowing review online. Dan wheeled her case out to the jeep and soon they were whizzing towards the airport. Had it only been a fortnight since she had travelled along the same road? The holiday had been jam-packed, and so much had happened, it seemed like a lifetime ago since she had arrived on the island.

  In those two weeks she had met some fabulous people; June and Arthur, Kath and Bob and Dan of course. This holiday was one she was going to remember for a long time to come.

  The previous day she phoned June to find out the outcome of the case. As it turned out, Brad had previous convictions for similar offences. The court had declared in favour of the prosecution and sent him to prison for two years. Erin was pleased the elderly couple had got the result they deserved. In the afternoon she had met Kath and Bob for a farewell drink, and promised them that she would pop in for a visit if she ever went across the pond to America.

  Dan pulled into the car park. ‘We are here,’ he said, but made no attempt to move.

  ‘Yes.’ Erin was lost for words. What could she say to make the situation easier?

  Dan reached across and hugged her tightly. ‘I am going to miss you so much,’ he said, his voice deep and husky.

  Don’t cry, she told herself over and over. But her emotions won, and hot, salty tears rolled down her cheeks. Dan cradled her face and wiped them away with his thumb.

  ‘Hush. Don’t cry. We can skype every day, and in three weeks I will be in London. Time will fly by,’ he kissed her eyelids gently. ‘Come on, or you will miss your flight.’

  Hand in hand they walked to the check in desk, where Erin handed her boarding pass and passport to the male steward. Once weighed, her suitcase moved along the conveyor belt and then disappeared. She was going through the motions, but all Erin could think was, ten minutes and he would be gone. She couldn’t bear it. Her heart felt like it was being torn in two.

  They moved closer to the departure doors, but Erin couldn’t bring herself to step through them. ‘Five more minutes,’ she thought to herself. Oblivious to the other travellers, they clung to each other, reluctant to let go.

  ‘What have you done to me woman?’ he breathed. ‘My life was mapped out, and then you came along and threw everything into disarray. Now I find myself yearning for things I never thought I wanted.’

  ‘Sorry,’ Erin said, curious as to what things he now desired.

  ‘Don’t be sorry. I’m not. This is a good thing,’ Dan said, his voice thick with emotion. ‘You should go or the plane will leave without you.’

  ‘I know. I will text you the minute I arrive home.’

  ‘Goodbye Erin. Have a safe flight. No throwing up on the other passengers,’ he joked, and their lips met for one last lingering kiss.

  Erin stepped through the glass door, turned and blew Dan a kiss and then strode towards the security zone. As soon as she was out of his sight, the tears started to flow. Three weeks ago she vowed never to let a man get close enough to hurt her, and here she was crying over another one. She had let her guard down again. Disgusted with herself she fled to the ladies. Ten minutes later, her face was scrubbed clean with no trace of tears and she was more composed. She exited the toilet just as her flight was announced.

  ‘All passengers bound for Bristol please make their way to gate 2.’ A voice crackled over the tannoy.

  Erin hurried over, handed the stewardess her boarding pass and walked up the ramp to the plane. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, and she stopped, scanning the building. A familiar figure stood by the window inside the airport. Her heart skipped a beat. He was still there, watching her leave. Would she ever see him again, or had it just been a holiday romance? Would she still feel the same once she got home and back into her normal routine? Only time would tell.

  The plane taxied down the runway and lifted into the air, and Erin felt like she was leaving a part of her behind. Saying goodbye was proving to be a lot harder than she had anticipated. A prisoner to her own thoughts, the entire flight passed in a blur. Erin was unaware of the turbulence as they flew through stormy weather over the English Channel, and thirty minutes later the plane landed with such a bump, she was almost jolted out of her seat.

  Erin joined the throng of passengers as they pushed and jostled their way off the aircraft. She entered the terminal and headed for the baggage claim area. Whilst she waited for her suitcase to come through on the carousel she took out her mobile, and the instant she turned off flight mode a message came through:

  “Missing you already X”

  Tears filled her eyes as she texted back, “Miss you too X.”

  She couldn’t bear it, being in love was too hard. Her suitcase came round and she reached out and grabbed the handle, cursing the fact that Dan wasn’t around to help lift it. Groaning with the effort, she managed to haul the case off the belt.

  Wheeling the heavy case behind her she went through the doors which led to the arrivals. Erin scanned the room, searching for Lily's familiar face, but there was no sign of her daughter. Her phone vibrated in her pocket signalling a message, and she pulled it out to read.

  “Train has been delayed I won’t get to the airport on time. Will meet you back at the house. Sorry. Lily X”

  No one was here to meet her. At least Lily had thought to message her. Erin sighed, it was probably for the best anyway. Now she had time to pull herself together before facing anyone.

  ‘Erin?’ a hand waved in front of her face. ‘I called out a few times. Are you okay?’

  Erin stared blankly at Megan as if she was a stranger. Then reality hit. She burst into tears, dropped the suitcase and flung herself into her startled friend’s arms. They had been in similar situations before, and Megan knew well enough to let the storm ride out, Erin would talk when she was ready. The other travellers stared at them curiously, but Meg ignored them and hugged Erin until she had no tears left to cry. Erin rummaged around in her bag, pulled out a tissue and dabbed at her eyes.

  Megan dragged her into the ladies, and she was horrified by the image staring back at her from the
mirror. Her eyes were red and bloodshot, her nose resembled Rudolph the reindeer’s, and her skin was so pale and grey, she looked like she was dead.

  ‘Here, you can use my face powder,’ Meg reached into her bag for her compact. ‘What happened Erin?’

  ‘I was stupid and fell in love. That’s what happened,’ Erin blurted out and a fresh set of tears formed in her stinging eyes.

  ‘Oh honey. Being in love doesn’t make you stupid,’ Meg said as she gave Erin’s shoulder a comforting squeeze. ‘This guy really got to you didn’t he? Why don’t we go for a cuppa and you can tell me all about it?’

  Erin nodded, ‘Sounds good. Better fix my face first though.’

  She opened the compact and brushed on some loose powder, applied a fresh coat of lipstick then followed Megan to the café. Over a cup of hot tea Erin poured out the whole story, while Megan listened quietly, reserving judgement.

  ‘Sounds to me like you both fell for each other. From what you say, he appears to be genuine. Long distance relationships require more work and trust, but that doesn’t mean it can’t work.’ Meg said and reached across to pat Erin’s hand. ‘It is early days, and you don’t know each other that well. I say give it a go, get to know each other and if it doesn’t work out then you can stay friends. The first few days apart will be hard, but you will adjust to the separation, and things aren’t as bad as they used to be. Communication is a lot easier now because of social media, video calling and email. When you were over in Jersey, and we were skyping, did it seem as if you were hundreds of miles away?’

  ‘No, I suppose not. As usual, you are right,’ Erin sighed. ‘I am being silly. For goodness sake, I am a grown woman, and I am behaving like a teenager in the first throes of love. Thank you for listening. You must be sick to death of hearing about my problems.’

  ‘That’s what friends are for,’ Megan smiled. ‘Come on, let’s go home. Lily will be wondering where you are.’


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