Book Read Free

Life Begins at 40- Jersey Jaunt

Page 18

by Bethan Lewis

  ‘Right I better go and tell Peter my good news. I am sure the two of you want some time alone,’ Meg said as she picked up her jacket and headed for the door. ‘Give me a ring to update me on the situation. If you decide against taking the position, I can put in a word for you at my new firm, they are still advertising for paralegals.’

  ‘Thanks Meg. I appreciate the offer, but as I said the other day, I don’t want to go back to law. I want to try something different.’

  ‘Fair enough. I must go, speak to you in a few days. Bye Lily. Bye Erin.’

  ‘Oh, wait a second. I bought something for you both.’ Erin disappeared into the bedroom and returned carrying a couple of gift bags. ‘Present time.’

  She handed the largest of the bags to Lily, and a smaller one to Megan. Lily ripped off the wrapping of a rectangle box and grinned.

  ‘Ooh chocolate, how did you know? They look too realistic to eat,’ Lily said gazing at the little chocolates in the shape of Jersey cows.

  ‘The only cows you are ever going to eat,’ Megan laughed referring to the fact that Lily was a vegetarian.

  Next Lily opened a small, black velvet box. Inside, nestled on a white cushion was a sterling silver bangle with a pale pink pearl in the centre.

  ‘Oh mum, you don’t have a job at the moment. I should tell you off for doing this, but I am not going to, because the bracelet is beautiful. Thank you.’

  Megan unwrapped a similar box to reveal an identical bangle with a lilac pearl. ‘Gorgeous. Thank you. We should go out somewhere now, so I can wear it.’

  ‘I am so glad you like them,’ Erin said as they both launched themselves at her, and hugged her tight.

  ‘Sweetie, I really must go. Speak to you soon.’

  The door closed behind Meg, leaving Erin alone with her daughter. Lily had disappeared into the kitchen and the bubbling of the kettle reached her ears. Following her, Erin leaned against the counter and watched as her daughter filled two mugs. Lily had taken a few days break from her university work to spend some quality time with her mum. Erin loved having her around and was grateful for the company.

  ‘How is the blog doing today?’ Lily asked handing her a mug of tea.

  ‘Even better than yesterday. Come look,’ Erin said as she walked back into the living room. ‘My inbox is full of messages.’

  ‘Well we better start reading them then,’ Lily said with a grin.

  They sat there for the next couple of hours reading until the words were swimming in front of their eyes. Some messages were just complimentary ones and didn’t need responding too. Others were asking questions regarding accommodation on the island besides hotels, medical care etc.

  ‘Oh here is the email from Melody about the job,’ Lily said and clicked on it before Erin could respond.

  ‘Doesn’t say much other than what she told me on the phone,’ Erin said skimming through the text.

  ‘From the look of it you will be travelling a lot,’ Lily responded. ‘I don’t think there will be much time for you to do anything else.’

  ‘It certainly seems that way. Two weeks travelling, a week off then back on a plane to god knows where. What do you think? Is it worth meeting with them to listen to what they have to say?’

  ‘The decision is yours. You have nothing to lose, but don’t let them railroad you into making a choice that is not right for you. There are other jobs out there, take your time, you have enough money to live on for now.’

  ‘I do, and you are right. I will arrange a meeting, and try to negotiate a better deal, if not I will keep looking.’

  Erin picked up the phone and dialled Melody’s number. It rung three times before Melody’s sing song voice answered.

  ‘Hello. This is Erin, we spoke earlier.’

  ‘Hi Erin, thanks for getting in touch. Did you read the email?’

  ‘I did yes, and I would like us to meet.’

  ‘Fabulous. Can you do three o clock this afternoon, or is that too soon?’

  ‘Um…no that should be fine,’ Erin said. ‘Where is your office?’

  ‘Why don’t we meet at Casper’s coffee shop on the high street, less formal surroundings?’ Melody suggested.

  ‘Okay that sounds fine. See you there then, three o clock.’

  Erin put the phone down and turned to Lily. ‘I am meeting her at Casper’s at three for an informal chat. Is that alright with you? I know you came to spend time with me. I shouldn’t imagine the consultation will take more than an hour.’

  ‘Mum it’s fine, I am a grown woman. I think I can survive an hour or two on my own,’ Lily said smiling. ‘You better hurry if you want to arrive on time.

  Twenty minutes later Erin was dressed in trousers and a blouse. It might be an informal chat in a coffee house, but it was still a job interview of sorts, and she wanted to make the right impression. Hurrying down the street she leapt on the bus and headed into the town centre.

  Casper’s was a modern coffee shop situated on the High Street, a few buildings away from the Watson Dean offices. She had been a regular customer since the café opened, and the woman behind the counter smiled in recognition as she entered.

  ‘Erin! Long time. Where have you been hiding?’ the owner called out.

  ‘Hi Molly. I don’t work up the road anymore. I was made redundant, so I went on a little holiday.’

  ‘Lovely, everyone needs a break now and again. You young women work far too hard these days. What can I get you?’

  Erin grinned, Molly said the same thing to her every time she came to the shop. ‘My usual please, a black coffee.’

  ‘I will bring it over.’

  Erin scanned the room, but Melody hadn’t arrived, so she seated herself at a table and waited. A woman in her early thirties burst through the door and rushed over to Erin, hand extended.

  ‘Hi. I am Melody. So sorry I am late, I got held up at the office.’

  Erin took the proffered hand and shook it briefly. ‘Nice to meet you.’

  ‘I won’t beat around the bush.’ Melody said as she pulled out the chair opposite and sat down. ‘Your blog is fab, and everything a travel site should be, informative, imaginative, colourful and appealing. We want you to come work for us and do something similar. We would pay you to travel, put you up in hotels, B&B’s, pay for your meals and in return we want you to create a review blog. Only downside would be, the content would be exclusive to us, you couldn’t add any to your own blog.’

  ‘I understand. The thing is, I have only just created it. It went live at the weekend and in a short space of time I have acquired quite a following. I would need to update my personal blog on a regular basis.’

  ‘I gathered you would say that, so I have a proposition for you. Your blog is already set up and is exactly what we need, so…,’ she paused dramatically, ‘we want to buy the rights to your blog, but keep you on as the chief editor. So you would upload the content, but we would retain full control.’

  Erin sat back stunned. This was the last thing she had expected, and she didn’t have a response to hand. Buy her blog? How much did they go for? She was completely out of her depth, she had no experience with this.

  ‘How much would you be willing to pay?’ Erin asked as curiosity got the better of her.

  Melody took out a piece of paper and wrote a number down. Erin eyes widened in astonishment. Was it really worth that much? Perhaps she ought to give the offer some serious thought.

  ‘Your offer is very generous,’ Erin said slowly. ‘I will need time to think about this.’

  ‘By all means, take some time to mull it over. I must stress though, our proposal is time sensitive so we need an answer as soon as possible. Do you have any questions?’

  ‘How much time will I be travelling and how long will there be between each assignment?’

  ‘That would depend on the trip itself. You could be away for a day or two or even a few weeks. Between jobs could be a day or a week depending.’

  ‘Right. You have given me mu
ch to think about. I won’t keep you waiting too long for my answer.’

  'Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing your decision,' Melody stood and shook her hand again.

  Deep in thought Erin walked up the road and in a daze climbed aboard the waiting bus. By the time they reached her street Erin was so confused her head was aching. As she turned the key to the flat, voices floated out to her. Who was Lily talking to? Erin pushed opened the door and cried out in surprise.

  ‘Marcus! What a lovely surprise. You didn’t tell me you were coming over.’

  ‘Hi mum. Lily messaged me to say she was here, so I thought I would pop on over and see you both. You don’t mind, do you?’

  ‘Of course not, don’t be so silly.’

  ‘Lily showed me your blog, and I am impressed. I know I teased you originally, but you did well.’

  Erin beamed with pride at her son’s words. ‘The woman I met with this afternoon, she wants to buy my website.’

  ‘She wants to buy your blog?’ Lily repeated. ‘I didn’t know you could do that. So how much did she offer you?’

  ‘Eight thousand pounds,’ Erin laughed as their jaws hit the floor.

  ‘Eight grand for a blog which only went live a few days ago. Madness. Some people have way too much money,’ Marcus exclaimed. ‘Did you accept?’

  ‘No, not yet. I told her I would think about it. They want me to travel and write reviews for them on my blog, but they would own and control it.’

  ‘So what is there to think about?’ Marcus demanded. ‘They give you eight grand and a job travelling the world. If I was offered an opportunity like this I would bite their hand off.’

  Erin and Lily glanced at each other. Both aware of the real reason why Erin was hesitating about accepting the travel job.

  ‘Am I missing something?’ Marcus said catching the look that passed between his sister and mum. ‘What is going on?’

  ‘Mum met a man in Jersey,’ Lily said after the silence had dragged on.

  Marcus rolled his eyes, ‘Is that all? I thought something terrible had happened then. Mum, you aren’t going to pass up this opportunity for a man you met two weeks ago, are you?’

  ‘I haven’t decided what to do yet,’ Erin said defensively. ‘I don’t want to give up my blog, I enjoyed doing it. It was my thing, I did it for me. I loved travelling at my own pace, doing what I wanted, when I wanted to. I don’t know if I want the pressure of travelling for someone else, on their timescale.’

  ‘I think you just made your decision,’ Lily said gently. ‘We can add some advertising space to your site which should generate an income. I am certain you can make more than what they are offering you. Money might be tight for a while, but I am sure you can manage.’

  ‘That’s settled then. I should go and ring Melody and tell her my decision.’

  Erin left the room, and she could hear her children discussing the situation. She had no doubt they would both be expressing more views and opinions when she returned.

  Melody was upset by her announcement, but accepted it with professional grace. As Erin ended the call, a light tap sounded on the bedroom door.

  ‘Mum, there is someone at the front door,’ Lily informed her.

  ‘Who is it?’

  ‘It’s a surprise,’ Lily said cagily.

  ‘Is it better than the huge bunch of roses that were delivered earlier?’ Erin asked, referring to the sizeable floral display that had landed on her doorstep courtesy of Dan.

  ‘Oh, this is much better.’

  Erin left the bedroom and stood stock still in surprise. Dwarfing her hallway was Dan.

  ‘Hi. I hope you don’t mind me showing up like this. I took early leave, I couldn’t bear to be away from you for another minute.’

  In two short steps she was in his arms and his lips were seeking hers. Somewhere in the background Erin heard a ringing.

  ‘I will get it,’ Lily said hurrying to answer the telephone. ‘Hello? No it isn’t… I am afraid she can’t come to the phone at the moment…I see…okay I will go check…’

  Not wanting to interrupt their special moment, Lily hung back a little. ‘Um…sorry to disturb you two love birds, but I think you better take this,’ Lily said, handing the phone to Erin who mouthed, ‘Who is it?’ Lily shook her head and grinned. ‘Just answer it.’

  ‘Hello? Erin here, how can I help you?’

  ‘Hi Erin, so sorry to disturb your evening. My name is Eleanor Crabshaw, and I am the editor of All About Women magazine. I was reading your blog, and one section jumped out and grabbed my interest.’

  ‘Oh yes, which one?’ Erin asked.

  ‘The sector on how women can stay safe while travelling alone.’

  ‘I thought it was an important element to add to the blog.’

  ‘Oh absolutely. A lot of our readers contact us about issues they are going through, or have gone through whilst on holiday. We would like you to work for us and run our help centre. The magazine is published once a month and you would have your own column called Dear Erin. You would answer the letters and give advice on travel concerns such as insurance, money and medical problems. Your legal background would come in handy. The role is home based, all you need is a computer and the internet. You can work from anywhere in the world.’

  Erin mulled it over. The job sounded ideal; it was vastly different to what she had been doing before, but she would still be using her legal knowledge to help people. She became aware that Eleanor was still talking.

  ‘There is another part to the job as well if you want it. Would you be interested in a bit of freelance writing work? Every month we like to do a one-page spread on holiday destinations around the globe. A brief description of the country, and recommendations for accommodation, restaurants and attractions, a few pictures, basically a simplified version of your blog condensed to one page. Obviously the content in our article would vary to that on your own blog, pictures would need to be taken from different angles, things like that. Your salary would be twenty-one thousand a year. I know it’s probably less than what you earned at your previous employment, but you won’t need to commute, and things like using your own electricity can be added to your monthly expenses. When you do travel, all costs will be covered.’

  ‘Gosh, I don’t know what to say. Thank you for considering me for the position. It sounds quite interesting, and I think it is the challenge I am looking for. Can you put all this in writing and email it to me please, along with terms and conditions?’

  ‘Of course, I will email them to you straight away. Are you available Friday morning to come to the office, so we can sign contracts and sort out the necessary paperwork?’

  ‘Yes I am free. What time?’

  ‘Ten o clock. I will also email you a couple of the letters we were sent. Have a read and jot down your responses and bring them with you on Friday.’

  ‘Okay sounds good. I will do my best. See you Friday.’

  Erin put the phone down and glanced up to find Dan watching her, for a second she had forgotten he was there.

  It was strange having another man in her flat, but as she looked at Dan standing awkwardly in the middle of her hallway, his muscular frame filling the small room, she could picture the two of them living there together. He was so uncomfortable and unsure of himself that Erin smiled, it was nice to see the vulnerable side to him.

  She took his hands in hers, ‘I am so pleased you are here.’ Her eyes locked with his, and she pulled him towards her.

  ‘I know it’s only been a few days, but I missed you so much,’ he said huskily. ‘I don’t know how you managed it, but you wriggled into my heart. You are on my mind constantly. I couldn’t concentrate on my work and I had to stop myself from picking up the phone on numerous occasions. When your plane took off, the island seemed empty without you.’

  ‘This is mad,’ Erin thought, ‘how could they have fallen so hard so fast?’

  ‘Are you two going to hide out there all day?’ Lily shouted fr
om the next room.

  Erin smiled and pulled Dan into the living room. Marcus was standing by the fireplace with his arms folded across his chest, doing his best to appear intimidating.

  ‘Marcus, this is Dan.’

  Please be respectful. Erin crossed her fingers and tried to convey her thoughts to her son.

  ‘Hey Dan, pleasure to meet you,’ Marcus said politely shaking Dan’s hand.

  ‘Mum. Dad, oops sorry meant to say Dan. Shall I put the kettle on?’ Lily grinned mischievously.

  Erin blushed and swiped at her daughter playfully. Lily ducked and ran to the safety of the kitchen. Poor Dan had also gone a shade darker and was looking decidedly embarrassed.

  ‘Take a seat,’ she said, sitting on the sofa and patting the seat next to her.

  ‘So mum, what was the phone call about?’ Marcus asked.

  ‘I have been offered a job with a women’s magazine as a legal agony aunt and freelance travel writer.’ Who knew that by writing a blog she would be head-hunted by two companies on the same day?

  ‘That’s fantastic. Are you going to accept?’

  ‘That is wonderful news,’ Dan said.

  ‘I have accepted, but I need to meet them to go through the contract. It’s not something I have done before, but I am up for a new challenge. Its work from home, so happy days.’

  ‘Sounds awesome mum, congratulations.’

  ‘Why don’t we all go out for a meal to celebrate?’ Lily said from the doorway.

  ‘Excellent idea. You too Dan,’ Marcus said.

  Erin was pleasantly surprised that her son was so accepting of Dan. For years Marcus had been overprotective of her, and after everything that happened with Tim she had anticipated a battle.

  ‘Or I could cook us something?’ Erin suggested.

  ‘No, this is your night, we are taking you out, and we are going to spoil you,’ Marcus said. He winked at Dan. ‘Trust me, we are saving you from mum’s cooking.’

  ‘Cheeky! You’re not too old for a slap young man. My cooking’s not that bad,’ Erin said indignantly. Next to her the sofa vibrated, and she turned in time to see Dan’s shoulders moving as he tried not to laugh. She glared at him as she rose to her feet. ‘I better go tidy myself up then. Before I forget, Marcus, the bag on the table is for you.’


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