Knight of Swords: The Swords Trilogy
Page 7
She moved away from me, folding her arms as she stared out at the lake. The temperature suddenly dropped. A chill formed in the air. Clouds began to gather in the sky, blocking out the sun, and a wind began to swirl coldly around us.
‘I said I wished to be alone.’
‘I am sorry, Juliet, but we cannot do that. We are linked to you until the challenges have taken place and one of us is the victor,’ Gabriel informed her callously.
‘You make it sound like sport,’ she hissed. ‘I may not be able to remove you from my mind, but I can banish you to the edge of my consciousness. You will not return until you both learn some manners and respect for my wishes.’
I put my hands on her shoulders to soften her, to reason with her anger, but she flinched away. I felt the sharp sting of rejection. She turned to look at me with contempt. Her eyes were a brilliant black, just as Gabriel’s had been earlier, displaying her potent anger. They gave her a wild, untamed appearance. My desire was fired for her all the more.
I could tell by the warmth seeping into Gabriel’s features that he felt the same heightened arousal. He looked upon her in a way that reminded me of a cat stalking a vulnerable bird just before it pounced. I watched him closely, ready to protect what was mine.
‘I suggest you run, gentlemen, or you will get quite wet,’ she informed us with dark amusement.
Surprised, Gabriel and I followed her gaze out over the lake. A dark shadow was rising from the surface of the water to form a large wave. It grew in stature as it came towards us. Gabriel was angry, but I had to admire the way Juliet stood up for her principles; even if I did condemn the sentiment of them. She was, as Gabriel had suggested, truly magnificent. I ached to possess her.
The wave was too close for comfort. It roared towards us like a ferocious beast, gaining in speed. Juliet was indeed determined. Gabriel was still blustering at her, ‘Never have I seen a hybrid act with such disrespect . . .’ but still the wave thundered at us.
‘Run fast,’ she shouted as the wave breached the shore. Juliet rose high into the air before it, taking the form of an eagle once more. I stared at the wave with a mixture of curiosity and fear that kept me immobile. I felt Gabriel grab my arm and drag me backwards. We began running as fast as we could. But it was too late.
The wave crashed against us, swallowing us whole. I began to sink down into its depths. I fought the current to reach the surface, but it was difficult to keep my head above the cold water. It charged over the land mass we had just been standing on, carrying me with it. I called for Gabriel as I gulped in water. He was nowhere to be seen.
Something pulled on my leg. I was sinking fast, down into the darkness. I fought to breathe even though I was aware I didn’t really need to now. I encountered the strange sensation of falling despite my struggle to break the surface again. Then, I found myself sliding across the floor of the bedroom in Gabriel’s home.
I crashed heavily against the wall. Despite the illusion of a dream, Gabriel was right, somehow it was real. A small amount of water moved across the room with me, and then receded, seeping into the wooden floor. I was soaked through, just as though I had been washed up on the shore of a beach.
I looked down at myself, trying to take in the wonder of it all. I was thrilled by my adventure. Juliet was a strong, exceptional woman. A jewel amongst all other women. I could not help but love her all the more for her fire and spirit. Gabriel clearly felt very differently. He was sitting with his back against the wall, his legs up to his chest. He was also wet and obviously displeased. I laughed.
‘Juliet has a strong temper, does she not Gabriel?’
He gave me a look of contempt. ‘Perhaps you will not see the humour in it anymore when I tell you Juliet is gone.’
The smile faded quickly from my face. I jumped to my feet, searching for Juliet on the bed. But she had disappeared. I saw one of the tall, thin Georgian windows lifted open. It seemed that Juliet had simply shape shifted into a bird once again to make her escape.
‘She has gone to help the woman who called out to her. Foolish child! She is more than likely walking into a trap set by Sebastian.’
‘We have to find her.’ I began pacing the floor, running my hands through my wet hair, desperately calling to Juliet in my mind. I could feel the brush of her consciousness, but as she had promised I was at a distance from her thoughts.
‘Yes we do,’ Gabriel said, getting to his feet. ‘Luckily she is weak. She won’t get far. I am hoping we can catch up with her before she reaches her destination. But you must feed and change first or you will be no good to her.’
I stopped pacing. ‘I am sure that would please you.’
He gave a small grudging smile. ‘Yes it would, but I want a fair fight and I want her safe. We will have to work together until we bring her home.’
‘Why is she so special? What is it you hide from her that makes you so afraid?’ I asked.
Gabriel paused as though contemplating whether or not he should trust me with his explanation. He obviously decided against it because he chose to ignore my question.
‘It is time you learned how to feed from a human. I will bring your donor to you.’
He disappeared through the door before I could protest.
Chapter Seven
Before my donor was brought to my room, Gabriel instructed his valet to attend me and bring some fresh clothes. Thankfully, his taste and tailor were comparable in quality to my own and I was able to consider myself properly attired. Alone, I paced back and forth waiting for him to return. I was agitated with worry for Juliet’s wellbeing. I wanted us to be on our way. He was taking much too long.
I glanced out of the window. Snow was falling in the fading afternoon light, adding to the thick white blanket already covering the ground. Juliet was out there. Alone, cold, and starving for blood. If Gabriel and I had not been so domineering perhaps she would not have run away. She had felt subjugated to our wishes and longed for her freedom. We had driven her to it. I would not be so foolish or insensitive to her passions in the future, whatever the strength of frustration she caused within my emotions. I would not give her cause to leave my side again.
Placing my hands in my trouser pockets, I paced the floor once more, feeling my impatience begin to rise. I stopped suddenly, catching sight of myself in the oval mirror adorning the top of the dresser. I looked different. Something about my appearance I had not noticed whilst dressing. I hurried towards the mirror, sitting down on the chair to examine my face.
I pressed my fingertips onto my skin. It was softer to the touch and much paler than of late. The blue of my eyes had intensified. Their colour was almost hypnotic. Although my body was dead, my eyes sparkled with life. I remembered Juliet and Gabriel’s eyes turning black with anger and tried to imagine my own that way.
I brushed my fingers through my hair. It had lost the faint hue of chestnut. Now it was as dark as a raven’s plumage. It bore a fullness and vibrancy to it I had never seen in hair before. I vainly decided that a diet of blood had enhanced my already more than satisfactory appearance. This would duly be an advantage in wooing Juliet.
I laughed at myself. It would take more than mere good looks to capture the heart of my feisty Juliet. I needed to reinvent my own beliefs of her place in society. Then, within reason, I would be able to grant her the independence her spirit craved so much. It would be a difficult challenge, but one I would attempt for her sake alone.
My heart did not beat anymore. I rested my hand over its place in my chest to experience the strange sensation. I did not breathe, but my sense of smell had increased with great strength. I sniffed at the air around me testing what odours I was able to detect. There were an assortment, some pleasurable, others foul. I set my mind to work separating the different sources.
Someone was cooking food somewhere, a chicken broth. It smelt good, but it did not make me hungry. I inhaled deeply, smelling freshly baked bread rising from deep in the house. I explored my new heightened sen
se further, detecting the odour of manure in the stables. I could not believe it. The stables were set well back from the house. I could even smell urine on the stable-hands and the vermin that scuttled in the out houses. I twisted my nose in disgust. I wanted to smell Juliet and feel her close to me.
A surge of irritation rose inside me as I suddenly noticed a dull ache dwelling in my head again. It appeared every time Juliet placed too much mental distance between us. Whether she desired it or not we were joined by something stronger than the bonds of matrimony. I rose to my feet with a growl, not able to tolerate the waiting any longer. I had to find her. I started towards the door to seek out Gabriel when a strong scent accompanied by a loud noise brought my movement to a halt.
I had protested to Gabriel that I did not need feeding, eager to begin our journey. Besides, it had been merely hours since I had last been fed by his men when he first brought me to the house. He had laughed, informing me that it had been two days since that occurrence. I had been fed when I had awakened from my death. Since then, Juliet and myself had been under his influence to dull the fierce pain and assist our safe transition. We would not remember anything. Now, freed from Gabriel’s hold, it seemed my hunger had returned.
There were two sets of footsteps breaching the stairs. A human heartbeat sounded in my ears. It was deafening. I could feel and see in my mind the thick blood pumping fluidly through the fleshy cavity, fresh, strong and vibrant. It called out to me like a temptress. I closed my eyes, feeling every fibre in my body reach out towards it, ready to obey the call. I could not fight it.
I heard the soft, gentle rustle of a ladies skirt as it brushed the stone floor of the open landing. A smile grazed my lips as I raised an eyebrow. Gabriel was bringing me a woman to feed upon. Did he not know of my scandalous reputation with the fairer sex? He professed to know all about me. The door opened and Gabriel entered the room with a young maid.
‘Nathan, Camille has graciously offered to be your donor.’
Camille stood before me, rolling down the high neck of her maid’s uniform in a businesslike manner. She had clearly done this many times before. I watched her curiously as Gabriel talked. She would not meet my eyes.
‘Just do what comes naturally, Nathan, but act with respect and above all restraint. It is a precious gift Camille bestows upon you.’
I watched Gabriel give Camille a quick glance, resting his hand on her arm. I could feel his anxiety for her fill the room. She nodded at his silent communication of concern, but I did not feel Gabriel’s mind ease. They had clearly been lovers at one time and my suspicions told me they still were. I was perplexed as to why he would bring me one of his conquests for my first human feed. Perhaps he sought to tempt me. Maybe he wished to divert my affections from Juliet whilst he stole her out from under me? I felt my teeth clench together ready to snarl my contempt at him, but he was suddenly leaving.
‘I will leave you both alone. Feeding is a private matter between a vampire and his donor.’
He made it sound as though I was about to make love to her. But I had no objections to his absence; he tried my patience too well. He gave Camille a courteous nod. She returned him a nervous smile. Gabriel briefly hesitated as he opened the door. He turned to Camille. ‘I won’t be far.’ She visibly paled when he closed the door behind him.
I stood watching her with interest, unable to fathom why she would offer her blood to a vampire. She regally jutted her chin out at me, not unlike the way Juliet did when she was vexed. Camille was a pretty, dark haired young woman and, I feared, barely twenty-one.
I was a small distance away from her, and she appeared both confused and anxious by it. She clasped her small dainty hands at the front of her waist, waiting patiently for me to make my move. I could not help but view her with pity. What would make her commit such an act of self sacrifice? She must be very afraid. I put my hands in my pockets and spoke.
‘You do not have to do this, Camille,’ I reassured her as I swept my eyes over her petite, fragile form, inspecting her for visible signs of fear and reluctance.
‘I am unafraid, sir. Please . . . do not hesitate a moment longer.’
I searched her eyes for the truth of her statement but they did not betray her. Still I could sense her potent fear in the atmosphere of the room.
‘Camille, please tell me what benefit you receive from being a blood donor to a vampire?’
That nervous smile danced upon her lips again. She seemed both amused and disbelieving of my lack of knowledge. She put her hand to her chest and I noticed it suffered a slight tremble. ‘Why, sir, it is I who receives the greatest benefit.’
I widened my eyes with surprise. ‘Please, forgive my ignorance and explain. I have no wish to hurt you. I am finding it difficult to believe that you would simply offer yourself to me as a delicacy.’ I felt instant remorse for my mocking, sarcastic tone.
Her eyes rose to look at me directly this time. They were filled with disapproval at both my tone and choice of words. Camille’s friendly cockney tone was dispelled. ‘I am not a delicacy, sir, and nor do I view myself as a victim to be served up for lunch.’
I lowered my face to look at the floor, vainly attempting to hide my smile. I had dulled the sound of her thudding heart in my ears when she and Gabriel had entered the room, but its pace had strengthened and now her blood called loudly to me once more. I felt all of my muscles tense as I fought the sudden urge to simply rip her throat open and drink. I heard myself breathe hard with shock at the violence of my thoughts and the massive strain they placed on my moral restraint. I could not hold out much longer but I needed to know. I needed her to give me some excuse for allowing myself to engage in such barbarism upon a young, innocent girl. I was not Sebastian.
‘I have cancer, sir,’ she blurted out as I raised my eyes to her once more.
There was a plea in her voice, as though I might deny her my bite. I stared at her for a moment, shocked at her piteous outburst. She was far too young to suffer the agonies of an early death. There were unshed tears in her voice when she addressed me again.
‘Your saliva, sir. The venom it contains to stun your prey. It keeps the disease at bay, so to speak. I have a sick father and five younger brothers and sisters. I must work to provide for them. Beggin’ your pardon, your Lordship, but I cannot afford to die.’
I straightened to my full height. For her sake, I must think no more about my conscience. I could only feel respect for her courage and selflessness. There was no choice but for me to feed, and she had none but to allow me. I began to walk towards her, no more words were necessary. They were insufficient to console either of us.
Tiny beads of sweat sprouted upon her forehead the moment I began to move. Her breathing became erratic. I fancied that she imagined I would be upon her swiftly, taking what I needed from her before she could think upon it. I intended to take my time, not wishing her to feel attacked. But as I approached, she took two steps back from me, her eyes widening with sudden terror as she looked up at my own. I quickly turned to the mirror to ascertain what had increased her fear so acutely. My eyes were as black as midnight, darker than Gabriel’s or Juliet’s had turned with their anger. The colour contributed to the cruelness that now haunted my features, turning them dark and threatening. The beast inside me curled my lips with amused satisfaction at my appearance, revealing the cold violent predator I had become.
I noticed Camille was still taking steps away from me. Her eyes flicked back and forth between myself and the door. But it was too late for escape now. She cried out as she reached for the door handle. I focused my gaze on it. As easily as I had held William Cameron against the wall with the simple flick of my eyes, I mentally forced it to lock.
Camille gave another sob and pressed herself back into the door in a vain attempt to reel from me. I closed the distance between us, cupping her chin with my fingers, lifting it so I might search her eyes more deeply. ‘Camille, do you still wish to do this of your own free will or do you want
me to force you?’
She snatched her hand away from the handle as though it were scalding her. I put my free hand above her against the wall, trapping her there. Her small voice quivered, ‘Yes, I want to be willing . . . It is just that . . . your eyes, they are so dark, so fierce . . . and you are . . .’
‘Unpractised,’ I finished for her.
‘Yes. I am sorry, sir, but Lord Masters usually keeps me as his donor. I belong to no one else.’
‘I am not surprised, you are a pretty woman. He would be a fool, if he did not keep you all to himself. I warrant you also share his bed.’
Her eyelashes flickered down to hide her guilt. I smiled as I smoothed my fingers along the line of her jaw. She was tempting, but she did not bear Juliet’s beauty or finely carved countenance, or her grace. There was no comparison to be made between them. Gabriel would not win this game, despite my nature.
‘Lord Masters is gentle . . .’
I put a finger to her moist, trembling lips, whispering softly to her, ‘Shhh, hush. I will also be gentle.’
I cupped the side of her face with a little more firmness. Stroking my thumb over her pale cheek, I tilted her head to one side.
‘I promise I will be gentle. Close your eyes, Camille. Put your trust in me as you do in Lord Masters. Do not open them until I am finished,’ I instructed.
She nodded and obediently closed her eyes. I brushed her forehead with a kiss to calm her fear. With rampant hunger I looked down at her vulnerable, exposed throat. I widened my mouth feeling a tingling sensation in my incisors, not the ache I had felt with Juliet. But there was one more final hesitation from my prey.
Camille made a sharp movement away from the door. I quickly slipped my arm tightly around her waist, pulling her to me as I secured her captive position. She cried when I cradled her head more firmly to the side. I began to caress the area I was to bite with the tip of my tongue. Gabriel was correct, it did feel natural. She gave another cry as my saliva burned hotly against her skin, then she became perfectly still.