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Safe On Base

Page 6

by Sandra R Neeley

  “I’m engaged to be married. She’s being stalked. I can’t leave her or our son to be alone for now,” Basilio said, trying to not say too much so he didn’t frighten Kaiser. “I’m taking them somewhere safe, and then I’ll reevaluate once the problem is solved.”

  “Why didn’t you just hire security? Why don’t you call in the police? You just going off all half-cocked and hiding somewhere is not going to solve it!” Coach said.

  “All very valid points. But I have my reasons, and so does she,” Basilio said.

  “You planning on coming back?” Coach asked point blank.

  “Honestly… I’m not sure. Maybe.”

  “You know I go out of my way to look out for you. You know I’m responsible for you being a Beast, I snapped you up after your first walk-on try out. Put my reputation on the line for you because of your talent.”

  “I know that, Coach. I appreciate it, and you. But this is something I have to see to. I don’t know how long it’s going to take. I’m not sure if I’m coming back,” Basilio admitted.

  “I hate to lose you, son. You’re a good man and damned talented ball player. Let me think about it. I’ll call you,” Coach said. The line went dead before Basilio even had time to respond.

  “It’s still not too late. I can drop you at the next exit,” Renata said.

  “Not an option, honey,” Basilio answered.

  “You’re giving up your career…” she started.

  “I’m not giving up anything. I’m tired of the lifestyle. The only thing that bothers me is letting down Coach. I’ve got time left on my contract. I can buy myself out of it and still be well off, it’s the letting him down that gets me,” Basilio explained.

  “Next exit?” Renata asked.

  “Hell, no! Just keep driving, woman,” he said, smiling at her. “You’re stuck, already explained it all to you,” Basilio said, returning to his normal jovial self. “We’ll see what Coach says when he calls back and go from there.”

  Renata risked a sideways glance, then made a point of staring straight ahead.

  Kaiser’s little voice piped up from the back seat a few minutes later. “Are you my Daddy? I heard you tell that man I’m your son.”

  Renata looked in the rear view and found Kaiser’s little face in a serious moue. “He’s not your Daddy, baby.”

  “But I want to be,” Basilio hurried to add. “I want to be your Daddy, and always be there to take care of you and your Mama.”

  “Why?” Kaiser asked.

  “Because you both make me happy. I know I just met you, but you both make me feel like I’m supposed to be here and that everything is going to be okay,” Basilio said, turning around in his seat to look at Kaiser.

  Kaiser was holding onto his stuffed bear and he pulled it in close for a hug.

  Basilio realized it comforted Kaiser to have his stuffed bear close. “You know how when you are really tired, or angry, or scared, if you hug your bear it makes you feel better?” Basilio asked.

  “Yeah,” Kaiser said suspiciously.

  “That’s how I feel when I’m with your mom and you. I want you to feel that way about me, too.”

  “You wanna be in our family?” Kaiser asked.

  “I do. To me we already are a family.”

  Kaiser didn’t say anything else, but he hugged his bear tighter and went back to looking out of the window.

  Renata looked in the rear view again, and thinking Kaiser was distracted whispered to Basilio. “Great job. Now you can’t leave even if you wanted to. You can’t say those things then just leave!”

  Basilio looked at her, his eyebrows raised. “Wasn’t planning on leaving, love. When are you going to accept that?” he asked.

  “Oh, I don’t know, maybe when I’ve been with you for… let’s say, more than twenty-four hours?” she answered.

  Chapter 7

  Looking over his shoulder into the backseat, Basilio checked to be sure Kaiser was asleep before he spoke to Renata. “I think I have an idea,” he said.

  “About what?” Renata asked.

  “We’re just driving down the interstate with no destination in mind…”

  “And?” Renata asked, waiting for him to continue.

  “You want a place in the country with land and trees that’s off the beaten path,” he started.

  “Yes, that’s my dream for me and Kaiser,” she said.

  When Basilio didn’t say anything further, Renata glanced at him. He was watching her, his eyebrows raised, waiting for her to add to her last statement.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Just you and Kaiser?”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake. Us. My dream for us,” she said, emphasis on the word us and waving her right hand between the three of them.

  “Better,” Basilio said. “Anyway, at some point the men you’re running from will find us. When they do, if it’s just the Prime that comes to bring you and Kaiser back, it’s not a problem — I can protect you both. Even if he brings one or two with him, I’m not concerned. But if he sends a team — I’m just one. I’ll fight to the death, but while I’m fighting, what if he has someone grab you?”

  “We just have to always be on guard,” Renata said quietly. She was frightened, he could feel it.

  “There’s another way. I have an uncle that lives in Missouri. I know if we were near my uncle, he’d stand with me. I can beat three or four alone. I can’t beat seven or eight without risking you and Kaiser, and that’s something I’m not willing to do.”

  “I don’t want to be a burden to anyone else. It’s bad enough you’re mixed up in the train wreck that is my life,” Renata said sincerely.

  “It’s not a train wreck. You’ve done one hell of a job protecting yourself and Kaiser, but it’s time to accept a little help. Let me call him. He reached out to me not too long ago. He joined a new Pride, and that’s really saying something.”

  “What do you mean?” Renata asked.

  “He left our Troop when I was young for the same reasons I eventually did. He refused to be a part of the lifestyle my father enforced. He got away by joining the military. He wandered for a while after being released from active duty, and ended up stumbling on this Pride. For him to join another group of shifters, it’s gotta be something he respects and feels is a good thing. He left our Troop denouncing all that it was,” Basilio explained.

  “And you don’t think waltzing into his life bringing along all the danger that follows me is a bad idea?” Renata asked.

  “He was in black ops. There’s no danger here at home that even makes him do a double take. Besides, we’ll only be there for a little while until we can find our own place. Once we do, as long as it’s close enough by, I know I can depend on him to help me defend my family.”

  “I don’t know, Basilio,” Renata hesitated.

  Basilio felt strongly enough about his idea that he justified coercing her, though he knew it’d piss her off. “We can either do that, or we go back. I’ll hire professional security. When Kaiser’s father comes for the two of you, the security team will probably find out about shifters. Not just your ex coming for you, but me and Kaiser, too. Once they realize he’s your ex and Kaiser’s father, they’ll put two and two together and realize Kaiser’s a shifter, too. What happens after that is anybody’s guess, but it can’t be good.”

  Renata’s brows drew together and she was working up to blasting him, so Basilio wrapped up before she could interrupt him. “That’s not even the point, Renata. You deserve better than this constant running,” he said. “Kaiser does, too. I’ve been trying to go along with whatever you felt you wanted so’s not to ruffle your feathers because I know you’re not too sure about me claiming you and this whole turn of events, but this is a good plan. I trust my uncle with my life. I know this is the right thing to do. And we’d be close enough to other shifters to have backup if we needed it.”

  Renata was sitting ramrod straight in her seat, her hands squeezing her steering wheel. She t
hought about what he’d said, and unfortunately, he made perfect sense. “What kind of Pride is it? It is just another group of Primates under a different label?” she asked, through tight lips.

  “No. It’s a Pride, like a Panther Pride. The Alpha is a Panther. He’s got other big cats in his Pride, a Bear, and my uncle. The Alpha’s mate is a Wolf shifter. There are even a few humans in the Pride. I’m telling you, it’s like nothing I’ve ever heard of before. My uncle loves it there, and he invited me to visit whenever I had the time.”

  “Inviting you to visit versus showing up with me and Kaiser and all our baggage is not the same.”

  “He won’t care. He’ll be happy I came to him for help. You’ll see,” Basilio assured her.

  There was an uncomfortable silence while Renata rolled her options over and over in her head. It was exactly what she’d hoped for eventually — people like Kaiser that were kind and accepting and could help her. “Fine. Call him, but on speaker phone. If he’s not comfortable with us being there, then we make a new plan.” She glanced over at Basilio. “You have to tell him everything so he knows up front what he’s getting into. If he’s okay with it, then we’ll try it. If not, new plan. Deal?” she asked.

  “Deal,” Basilio answered with a huge smile on his face. He reached for his phone and scrolled through his contacts. He pressed a number, waited ‘til it started ringing then placed it on speaker phone.

  “Hello?” a very deep voice rumbled over the speaker.

  “Uncle Roman?” Basilio asked.

  “Basilio! How are you?” Roman said, with warmth in his voice.

  “I’m good,” Basilio answered.

  “What’s up?” Roman asked, with several voices in the background.

  “I got a favor to ask,” Basilio said, holding his phone in his palm so Renata could hear every word. “If this is a bad time, I can call back.”

  “No, we just hanging out by the pool, having a few beers. Ask away,” Roman said.

  “I found my mate,” Basilio said.

  “I saw that on television! Congratulations!” Roman’s voice boomed loudly, filling the small car.

  “Thanks, thanks. But, there’s a problem.”

  “What problem?” Roman asked, sobering.

  “She has a son, which is the best damn thing. He’s a great kid and I’m already possessive as hell. He’s like us. Like you and me. Her ex lied to her, didn’t tell her what he was and when she gave birth to a son, he took them to his Troop and told her what their lives would be. There’s a lot more to it, but she ran from the Troop, been raising the baby on the run ever since.”

  “And they put her on television the other day,” Roman finished.

  “Yeah. They’re gonna find her. I’m with them, no way I could let them run again without me.”

  “Bring ‘em. Come on,” Roman said. They could hear movement in the background, a rustling sound coming from Roman’s end of the connection.

  “I need to be sure you understand, Uncle Roman. They’re going to come after Renata and Kaiser. I will not allow them to take either one from me. Neither will I allow them to be harmed. I’ll fight to the death if I have to. And anyone that’s found with us…”

  “Basilio!” Roman said, his voice loud and forceful, sounding like he’d switched to speaker phone as well all of a sudden.

  “Yes, sir,” Basilio answered, startled.

  “Bring ‘em. Come on, we got you.”

  “I’ve got this, I think. I just might need a little backup, if they bring more than I can handle on my own.

  “I’m not saying you can’t handle it. I’m sure you can. I’m saying I got you, I’m your backup. Bring your family here,” Roman insisted.

  “What about your Alpha? I don’t want to cause any trouble for you or your new Pride,” Basilio said, making sure everyone understood.

  A voice he didn’t recognize spoke instead of his Uncle Roman. “My name is Riley Colter. I’m Alpha of this Pride. You, your mate, and your son are granted sanctuary. Roman is family. That makes you family. Come.”

  “You hear that, Basilio?” Roman asked.

  “I did. Tell me where in Missouri you are. We’re heading that way.”

  “Hang up and I’ll text the address. No worries, Basilio. If you have to protect yours, you’re not fighting alone anymore.”

  The call ended and Basilio looked at Renata. “We going?” he asked.

  Renata looked at Basilio with tears running down her face. She nodded. “Yes. We are.”

  “Why you crying, honey?” he asked.

  “Because I finally feel like we have a chance. Like Kaiser will have a real chance. And it’s because of you.”

  Basilio reached out for Renata’s right hand. She placed her hand in his and he lifted it to his lips, kissing her knuckles. “We’re going to be fine. One way or another, we’re going to be fine.”

  Renata nodded. “I’m starting to think you might be right,” she answered.

  Basilio’s phone beeped and he let go of her hand to pick it up. “Uncle Roman sent the address. I’m keying it into my maps app now.”

  “Okay,” she said, using the back of her hand to wipe the tears from her face.


  “Prime, we have eyes on the stadium. The moment she comes or goes, we’ll see her.”

  A huge male, with thick silver streaks at his temples, and salt and pepper hair curling at his nape glanced with his eyes only from the female kneeling before him to the male speaking to him. “Have you located my female?” he asked, his voice a steady rumble.

  “No, sir. But we’ve only just arrived. There were two teams originally, eight each. They’ve split into three teams. One at Lyakhov’s home, one at the stadium, and another is back at the hotel. The hotel team has their systems up and they’re coming online soon. It shouldn’t be long before they hack into the systems at the stadium, and the Beasts’ headquarters. We’ll search for your female’s information in the employee database and on Lyakhov as well. In the event we can’t get her home address from the database, the team at the stadium is watching for her. If she returns to the stadium, she will be seen immediately. The third team is watching Lyakhov’s home. They will be immediately aware of any activity. One way or the other, we’ll be led to her.”

  “Very well. Proceed. The moment you have information on where she is, let me know.”

  “I will, sir.”

  “Do not forget this has to be handled with the utmost finesse. This has to be done discreetly. I do not want this sensationalized. We cannot just snatch them violently in front of everyone. It must be a secretive maneuver. Once they are returned to me, then the violence does not have to be so secretive. She will pay for humiliating me and for kidnapping the next Prime of this Troop. She will live, though. I will have her live to see my son assume his role, and look on her with disdain and resentment for daring to deny him his birthright.”

  “And Lyakhov, sir?”

  “It’s best if he can be left untouched. We do not need him in front of cameras claiming she’s been kidnapped. What we need is for him to believe she left him, running from him of her own accord. He should only be harmed if he attempts to stop me from reclaiming mine. I will deal with him later after any attention to their alluded to relationship has faded. He will answer for touching mine, but it will have to wait.”

  “I understand, sir. Your instructions will be given. All will be as you wish it.”

  “Of course, it will,” the Prime answered. He reached out cupping the jaw of the female before him. “Did I instruct you to stop servicing me?” he asked, pinching her jaw a little tighter than was necessary.

  “No, Prime. I just thought that I shouldn’t distract you from important matters,” she answered in a barely audible voice.

  “Is it your job to think?” he asked calmly, looking down at her.

  “No, Prime,” she answered, leaning forward to take his hard cock in her mouth again.

  He reached out wrapping her hair in his f
ist and stopping her forward movement. “What is your job?” he asked.

  “To serve you and only you. To attend you in any way you need,” she answered, her face pointed to the ceiling as he held her immobile.

  “And,” he prompted.

  “To appreciate the opportunity to do so,” she finished.

  “Do not forget it again,” he snapped, shoving her from him as he released her hair.

  The female didn’t hesitate. She got back to her knees and hurriedly took him in her mouth again, taking him as deep as she possibly could and using her tongue and teeth just the way she knew he liked best. He’d not given her other instructions, so until he did, it was her job to continue to service him and she dared not defy him.

  “You may use your hands to pleasure me as well,” he ordered.

  The female didn’t give any indication she heard other than to immediately move her hands to his body to assist in pleasing him. She rolled his heavy balls in one hand gently and wrapped the fingers of her other hand around the base of his cock to stroke in conjunction with her mouth.

  The Prime’s assistant, Spencer, waited silently beside him while the female brought the Prime to completion.

  The Prime barely gave indication at all that he was near orgasm. He simply ground his teeth and his body tensed momentarily.

  Only the sudden swallowing of the female and her change in posture to be sure she spilled absolutely none of her Prime’s seed were the only giveaway that the session was over.

  “Why is it that none gives me the satisfaction she did?” he growled.

  “Perhaps it is because she ran, Prime. Once she is returned, you may avail yourself of all her temptations endlessly and break the craving.”

  The female let him fall from her mouth as he softened and he waved her away. “Leave us. Return to your quarters and wait there for other instructions. Clean yourself and be prepared,” he ordered.

  “Yes, Prime,” the female answered.

  “I will have Renata bow before me and service me at will, before I am finished,” he snarled.

  “I have no doubt, Prime,” Spencer answered.


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