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TENSE - Volume Two (The TENSE Duet Book 2)

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by Deborah Bladon

  Chapter 8


  "The only thing I hate more than this is…" I tilt my head as I watch him intently. "I can't think of anything. I hate this more than anything else on the face of this earth."

  He straightens, the black T-shirt he's wearing pulls taut over his muscular chest. My eyes scan his arms and the colorful tattoos that cover his skin. I checked out his website when I found out that I was going to meet him today. Noah Foster may be one of the most sought after photographers in the country, but he's also one of the most intimidating. It's not just that he's tall with broad shoulders. The jagged scar that covers his face tells a story that he's not willing to. He was hurt at some point, but that's not evident in the tone of his voice or the gentle way he's been guiding me.

  "You'll survive, Sophia." He tosses me a smile from where he's standing three feet in front of me. "Try and loosen up. Think of something that makes you happy."

  The only thing I've been able to think about since I walked into his studio is Nicholas. It's not just because I can't get my mind off the man. Nicholas owns a Noah Foster original photograph. I saw it hanging in the foyer of his apartment the first time I was there. It's a tasteful shot of a woman. Her face isn't visible, but the curves and contours of her nude body are. It's breathtaking.

  "I used to follow your work," I say it before I realize that it's a backhanded compliment. "What I meant to say is that I always thought the photographs you took a few years ago were breathtaking."

  The corner of his mouth twitches. "The photographs I take now are breathtaking too. It's just in a much different way."

  I know he's right. All of the galleries on his website feature work he's completed recently. In addition to the gorgeous selection of portraits of notable New York residents, he has an entire online portfolio devoted to people in the city who don't have a home of their own. Those pictures, in particular, are filled with turbulent emotions. The joy mixed with sorrow in the faces of his subjects is mesmerizing.

  "Gabriel told me you used to work for him." He fills the silence in this studio with his words. "What kind of a boss is my cousin?"

  "He's the best," I say quietly. "I learned a lot from him and now he's given me the chance of a lifetime."

  "When he called to ask me to handle your portrait, I was honored." He points the camera in his hands at me before he looks through the viewfinder. "He doesn't usually handle stuff like that himself."

  He's right. It's always been my job to book photo shoots for the designers that come on board. I've spoken to Noah's assistant more than once when I've reached out looking for an opening in his schedule so he could handle a portrait session. I never thought I'd be the one in front of his camera.

  "He's always spoken very highly of you, Noah."

  "Gabriel's one of the good ones." He snaps a picture. "This is a test shot so don't flip the fuck out."

  I laugh aloud. I haven't tried to hide my nervous agitation. I don't like having my picture taken. I never have. I was the kid in grade school who would perfectly time a stomach ache so she could stay home in bed on photo day. I can't avoid this. The portrait Noah takes today is going to be included in all the promo material Foster Enterprises distributes during the pre-launch period for the Ella Kara collection.

  "I'm not like the other people you photograph," I hesitate briefly. "I saw all the famous faces on your website."

  "Do you know any of them?" He takes a series of pictures while I lean forward on the stool he sat me on when I arrived. He didn't let me fix my hair or my makeup. His assistant brushed a piece of lint from the front of the red dress I'm wearing before she took a seat at a small desk, her eyes trained to a laptop that instantly displays every picture he's taking.

  "Nicholas Wolf," I say evenly. "I've met him."

  "You've more than met him." He snaps another picture. I glance at his assistant's laptop screen to see if my mouth is hanging open the way I expect it to be. It's not.

  "What's that supposed to mean?" My eyes narrow. I know for a fact that there was no inflection in my tone when I said the name of the man who singlehandedly tried to fuck up my entire life. Noah can't know anything unless Gabriel said something which is highly unlikely since Mr. Foster doesn’t discuss personal things very often. He hasn't mentioned Nicholas at all to me recently other than when he told me he fired Joe because he was the one who stole the book.

  "Gabriel told me about you and Nick." Noah moves closer, the faint sound of the shutter of his camera fills the air as he rapidly takes one picture after another of my face. "He said you two were dating until recently. He's obsessed with Nick's books. When he found out I had photographed Nick last year for his book cover, Gabriel was pissed that I didn't ask for an autographed copy of Burden's Proof."

  "He has one now." I sweep my hair from my forehead. "I feel like my hair is a mess. I think my headshot should be polished."

  He reaches forward to move my hair back to where it was. "Your headshot should be reflective of who you are, Sophia. I'd say your hair is perfect."

  I take it as a compliment because I just want this photo shoot to be over.

  "Nick's a good guy." He takes half a step back. "When I first met him he asked about my wife. He wanted to know how I found someone in this city who didn't give a shit that I was the Noah Foster."

  "He did?" I'm mildly surprised by that. I know that Nicholas had a reputation before we met. I also know that since we stopped seeing each other, it's highly likely that there are a few more of his books floating around Manhattan with lunch invitations written on the inside of the front cover. He seems like the type who would get over a woman in ten seconds flat.

  "He did," he confirms. "You don't give a shit that he's Nicholas Wolf, do you?"

  "I don't." I shake my head slowly.

  "He's the one who fucked up what you two had going on. I know I'm right."

  I smile and nod slowly. "You're right."

  "He's an idiot." He lifts the camera up again to eye level. "You remind me a lot of my wife. You're genuine. You have an honest soul."

  "That's quite the compliment." I don't know a lot about his wife, Alexa, other than what Gabriel has mentioned in passing. I know she's a teacher and just as devoted to her kids as she is to her husband.

  "One day he'll realize that you're the one who got away. I fucked things up with Alexa once. By God's grace, I got her back and I can tell you that I'd eat glass for that woman. Nick will come around too."

  I want to tell him that he's making assumptions he shouldn't, but I stop myself. I'm here for one reason and one reason only. I need a new portrait. I don't need to talk about Nicholas. He's my past and the portrait, and what it represents, is my future.

  Chapter 9


  Two weeks. It's been two fucking weeks since I saw Sophia on the street outside Nova. I've been sending her text messages at least once a day since. Her one or two-word responses may vary slightly from day-to-day but they're always followed by the goddamn smiley face emoji which I've come to realize is her subtle way of flipping me off.

  Her excuse is always that she's too busy or she already has plans.

  She's stubborn, but so am I.

  I've filled my time with plotting and outlining my next release. The book that was leaked online will still be sold but at a reduced price with all the proceeds going to a scholarship fund for students who want to pursue a degree in creative writing. It's not an ideal situation, but at least the time I devoted to writing the book won't be a total waste.


  I hear Gabriel's voice as he exits his office. I've been sitting in the reception area with his new assistant waiting for him to end a conference call. She's the one who called me late yesterday afternoon to tell me that Gabriel wanted to see me. The only thing we have in common beyond my books is Sophia, so I told his assistant I'd be at his office bright and early to meet with him.

  "Gabe." I stand and extend my hand. "It's good to see you."

/>   It is good to see him. It would be better to see Sophia. It's been pure torture being in this building knowing that she's here as well.

  "Do you want a coffee? We can get you a bottle of water if you'd prefer." He tosses his assistant a look that instantly draws her to her feet.

  "What do you take in your coffee, Mr. Wolf?" She eyes me eagerly. She spoke briefly about Burden's Proof when I first arrived. I used an incoming text message from Liam as an out; keeping my gaze focused on my phone until her voice finally trailed off and I heard the urgent rap of her fingers against her keyboard.

  "Cream, no sugar." I don't glance at her. "What do you need, Gabe?"

  "Follow me." He leads the way to his office, leaving the door open. "Have a seat."

  I do. I'm tired as shit. My head didn't hit my pillow until just past four this morning. I was up at eight so I could make it here by nine sharp.

  He rounds his desk and takes the seat behind it. He looks good there. He's comfortable in this environment. It's a life I never wanted. I need the freedom of setting my own hours and guiding my career, not worrying about the livelihoods of hundreds of other people.

  "Here's your coffee, Nick." The new assistant, whose name I didn't bother to get, places a white ceramic mug filled with steaming coffee in my hands. "If you need anything else, you know exactly where to find me."

  Gabriel quirks his brow as she turns to leave. "Shut the door behind you, Ms. Allen."

  "How's she working out?" I take a sip of the coffee. It's bitter.

  "I want Sophia back."

  His words resonate with me. I feel the same way for glaringly different reasons. "Ms. Allen isn’t cutting it?"

  "I'm convinced she lied on her resume." He exhales. "I'll give her another month. If things don't improve, she'll be replaced."

  The words are as clear as the expression on his face. I knew Sophia was good at her job, but this conversation reinforces just how good. Her understanding of fashion and her ability to anticipate what her boss wanted at any given second made her completely irreplaceable in his eyes. He'll struggle to find someone as competent as her because the bar has been set so high.

  "How's Sophia doing in her new position?"

  Sitting back in his chair, he studies my face. "I take it things between you two are still at a stalemate?"

  That's a polite way of saying I'm still being shut out of her life. "We haven't had a chance to connect in a few weeks."

  He knows why. I forced him into the middle of my mission to destroy Sophia's life. Since that night, I've replayed the conversation we had over and over in my mind. He was hesitant to believe me. I heard it in his voice and it was there in the silence before I ended the call. I should be grateful I didn't convince him to fire her.

  "That's about to change."

  "How so?" I take another swallow of the coffee before I push the mug aside.

  "Did she fuck up the coffee?" He sighs. "She drinks at least a dozen cups a day so I assumed she'd be an expert at that, at least."

  My eyes scan the length of his desk. There's not a coffee cup in sight. "It's not the worst I've ever had."

  I didn't drag my ass out of bed to discuss his assistant's coffee brewing skills, so I press on. "You mentioned Sophia."

  I leave it open-ended so he can take the lead. I want to talk to Sophia and if Gabe is my in, I'm not about to let that opportunity slip past me.

  "I'm planning a small gathering to celebrate the creation of the Ella Kara line. It's mostly industry people attending but I wanted you to know that your name is already on the guest list."

  "When and where?"

  "Friday night. I've booked a new restaurant for the night. It's called Hibiscus. Do you know it?"

  If that's not irony in its finest form, I don't know what the fuck is. "I'll be there."

  "I'll have Ms. Allen email you the details."

  "Good." I push to stand. "I didn't need to come down for this. I know you're a busy man. You're welcome to call me whenever you want."

  His face lights up. I know he'll respect the boundaries of common decency. I don't expect a deluge of calls from the CEO of a worldwide conglomerate. "Sit, Nick. You're about to understand why I called you down here for this."

  I move to sit just as there's a soft knock at the door of his office.

  "Come in," he calls loudly across the room.

  I turn toward the door and as it opens, my heart rate rises. It's her. Sophia, dressed in a stylish black dress with her hair piled loosely on top of her head, stops in place as her eyes meet mine.

  Chapter 10


  Son of a bitch.

  I say that to myself. Mr. Foster tricked me. He goddamn tricked me into coming to his office at nine fifteen because he knew damn well Nicholas Wolf would be here.

  Shit. He looks better than I remember. He must have rolled out of bed and came straight here. His hair, the growth of beard on his chin and that sleepy, all-too-sexy look in his eyes are all dead giveaways.

  I shake the thought of Nicholas in his bed out of my mind.

  "You asked to see me, sir?" I shift my gaze from the man I once thought I loved to the man I temporarily loathe. Mr. Foster isn't a matchmaker and he shouldn't be playing one on a random Monday morning.

  "I did, Sophia. I wanted to go over the two designs you submitted to Sasha last week."

  I already know how much Sasha loves those designs. She told me as much this morning when I got in. Since I signed my new employment contract, it's been full steam ahead on the launch of the Ella Kara line. I've worked tirelessly on not only creating designs but on sewing samples so that Sasha and Mr. Foster have a clear understanding of my vision.

  "I came come back later if you're busy." My voice shakes. It's not surprising. I've been avoiding Nicholas for the past two weeks. Every single time he sends me a text message, I fire one back to him telling him that I'm too busy to meet. It's not a complete lie. Ella Kara is my life at the moment and since the launch is only a couple of months away, I need to have six outfits in place, approved and ready for the manufacturer before we unveil the collection to the press.

  "Nicholas was just leaving."

  I turn to look at him. His brows lift in surprise. Apparently, he wasn't aware that his meeting with Gabriel is over.

  I step aside to allow Nicholas room to pass me after he stands. "It's always a pleasure to see you, Gabe."

  I bite back a laugh at the expression on Mr. Foster's face. He relishes whatever this is that is going on between him and his favorite author. "I'll see you soon."

  "You can count on that." Nicholas moves toward me. "It's good to see you, Sophia."

  It's good to see him too and painful. My stomach bunches as he brushes past me and exits the office without another word to me.


  "You look so fucking hot right now." Dexie eyes me as I enter the living room of my apartment. "Can you believe we are going to a party to celebrate your fashion line?"

  I can't. I've tried wrapping my brain around it since Mr. Foster told me about it during our meeting on Monday morning. I was still reeling from seeing Nicholas when I found out that I'd be attending a get together of some of the most influential professionals in the fashion industry. I've literally had to pinch myself more than once to make sure this isn't a dream.

  I glance down at the simple red dress I chose to wear. It's a new design for me. It's fitted with a cut out back. It's too daring to wear to work, but it's perfect for tonight. Dexie helped me pull my hair into a tight, high ponytail. The entire look is sleek and sexy. It screams successful fashion designer.

  "Is Cadence meeting us there?" The excitement in Dexie's voice is palpable. I invited her as my plus one as soon as I got back to my workstation on Monday. I also told her that I'd need a clutch to carry with me tonight. This may be a party to celebrate the impending launch of my collection, but I want eyes on Dexie's designs too.

  "She'll be there. Tyler's coming too."

  I didn'
t have to ask Mr. Foster if there was room for them. Cadence received a formal email invitation from Mr. Foster's new assistant on Monday. My parents did too but the cost of coming here from Florida on such short notice made the trip impossible for them. I promised my mom I'd take loads of pictures and send them to her tomorrow.

  "What about Nicholas?" Dexie wiggles her perfectly shaped brows. She looks gorgeous tonight. Her small frame tucked into a sleek black dress I designed just for her. Her pink hued hair is in loose waves that cascade down her shoulders and onto her back.

  "What about him?" I bite back as I fasten my mom's silver watch to my wrist. "He's a writer. He doesn't know the first thing about fashion."

  "He's a part of your life," she points out.

  "Was a part of my life," I correct her quickly. "This night is all about me and my accomplishments. My current success has nothing to do with him."

  That's not entirely true. If Nicholas hadn't freaked the fuck out and called Mr. Foster because he thought I stole his book, I wouldn't be the head of the Ella Kara collection. It's a bare truth that I think about every single day. His rantings lead Mr. Foster to my website and the rest is history.

  "We're going to be late if we don't head out now." She taps the face of my watch. "The last time you were at Hibiscus is going to be a distant memory after tonight."

  I confided in Dexie about my reservations about stepping foot in that restaurant again. It's filled with the bad taste of the angry words that Nicholas was throwing at me. She's right though. Tonight will change everything for me. This is my new slate and I'm ready to make the most of it.

  Chapter 11


  Ever since I've understood the concept of high fashion, I've followed the careers of the trailblazers in the industry. I'd read every magazine I could get my hands on and study the designs that the world was talking about. Then I'd hide away in my bedroom in my parents' home in Florida and use those pieces as my inspiration.


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