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TENSE - Volume Two (The TENSE Duet Book 2)

Page 11

by Deborah Bladon

  "I can't." He reaches for my hand but I pull back. "Sophia, please understand. There's nothing for you to worry about."

  "Come to my office when you're done here and we'll talk," I repeat. "I want to talk about this today."

  "I won't have time." He glances back over his shoulder. "I'm taking a late afternoon flight out to Boston. I'll be spending the night there."

  "Why? I thought it was one interview. You said you'd be gone half a day at most."

  "Cheyenne scheduled another tomorrow morning. Flying back and forth won't work. I'll stay the night and be back here tomorrow afternoon. I'll call you tonight and we can talk."

  "No." I shake off the urge I have inside to stomp my feet and scream at him. "I don't want to talk on the phone. You said this is complex, so I want it to be in person. I'll meet you tomorrow night at your place."

  "I love you, Sophia. I need you to understand that is a fact that will never change."

  Words are words. Actions speak for themselves.

  "Have a safe flight, Nicholas." I hold onto my words I know he wants to hear because his actions are making me question everything. "I'll see you tomorrow."

  Chapter 29


  Telling Sophia that I almost married the woman she saw me holding hands with, wasn't something I could do in the crowded entrance of a restaurant when I knew I had to board a plane hours later.

  Del may be part of my past, but she inches into my life at regular intervals. Unlike Franco, she hasn't crossed over into stalker yet. Del is more discreet, her approach subtle.

  We met when I was in therapy after Briella's death. Del was on her way out of the office when I was on my way in. That happened twice before we fucked in a stairwell without any formal introductions. It was intense and marred by the pain we were both in. I'd lost the woman I loved and Del had lost a father she hated.

  At the time, I didn’t realize that I viewed her as a second chance. I could protect her from her demons and give her pleasure all while avoiding falling in love with her. I felt nothing for her beyond pity and lust. She proposed to me on a rooftop one night and I accepted. I was drunk on cheap beer and the idea of a second chance at something that would fill the pit of desperation I was feeling.

  Once I sobered up, I ended it.

  For years after we broke up, she'd call me at regular intervals. I'd take those calls at face value. I knew that she was only calling to see if I was interested in hooking up. I was back then. I'd meet her for dinner, we'd go back to her place and by the time I'd left, we would have screwed, laughed about the good old days and then said our goodbyes again.

  She was like a habit I couldn't break until I had to. She fell into the pit of addiction and as her need for her next fix grew, my concern for her did as well.

  I stepped back because partying with her suddenly included her being high and wanting to take risks that almost ruined me.

  One night we went to a member's only club in mid-town and as we fucked in a room filled with nude bodies and the sounds and the smells of sex, I saw my face in a wall of mirrors that was designed to heighten the pleasure of everyone in the room.

  My reflection showed a man lost in a crowd of thrill-seeking addicts. It also showed a tanned woman being fucked from behind by a man. That woman had been to every book signing I'd ever held and when our eyes met in the mirror's reflection, she offered her brow in an invitation to fuck her if I wanted. I fled.

  I ended things with Del but helped her navigate through her recovery. She needed me by her side and I needed to know she'd be all right.

  "I asked if you were good with the new tour schedule." Cheyenne walks through the doorway of our adjoining rooms. "I need your go-ahead before I confirm these dates."

  I read them over. It's a schedule I would have approved without a second thought six months ago, but that was pre-Sophia. I don't want to be away from her, but I know my career's success is based solely on my fan base. I need to see them and interact with them if I expect to keep selling books.

  "I want to run it by Sophia." I don’t bother to look at my publicist. I know what I'll see on her face. Disappointment.

  "Get on that today or tomorrow, Nick." She picks up the room service menu. "Are you eating here tonight or do you want to hit the town?"

  I've been checking flights back to Manhattan but it makes no sense. I tried calling Sophia but it went straight to voicemail. I know she was pissed that I didn't explain things with Del to her earlier at the restaurant but I need time to reassure her that there's nothing left between me and any woman from my past. I hadn't thought of Del in months before today.

  "There's an Axel here. Can you get us a table, Cheyenne?"

  "I've never been to Axel Boston. Axel New York is a personal favorite of mine."

  I know that. She reminds me almost weekly. Cheyenne has expensive taste in food, fashion, and men. I can only satisfy the first, so I do on occasion.

  "I'll drop your name." Her fingers skim over her phone's screen. "If they know Nicholas Wolf is in town and ready to enjoy a meal at their restaurant, they'll give us the best table in the place."

  "Make it happen." I get up from the uncomfortable couch I've been sitting on. "I'll shower and be ready in an hour."


  "I'm leaving, Cheyenne." I toss my napkin onto the half-eaten plate of food in front of me. "I'm going back to New York now."

  "Now?" She takes a sip of the way-too-expensive wine she ordered with the pricey appetizer and entree. "You can't go. I doubt you'll make it back in time for your interview in the morning."

  "Cancel it." I pocket my phone. "That call I left the table to take is about something urgent. It's personal so don't bother asking. It's none of your business."

  "And he slides right back into asshole mode." She smiles. "Are you folks all right? Is this about your brothers?"

  "They're fine." I button my suit jacket. "It's not about any of them. I have to go back to Manhattan to meet someone. This is more important than the interview so reschedule."

  "They might not agree to that." There's a subtle warning in her tone. "If you keep canceling shit like this, it's going to impact you in the long run."

  "You'll smooth it over. I pay you to do that."

  "It's Sophia, isn't it?" Her brow quirks. "Did you have a lover's quarrel and now you have to rush back to the city so you can kiss and make up?"

  She can't possibly know how much I wish that were it. "Mind your own business, Cheyenne and don't drink me into poverty. I'll put a limit on that credit card I gave you if you spend too much tonight."

  "You'd never do that to me." She leans forward. "I'm a call away if you need anything, Nick. I hope you know that."

  "I do." I'm tempted to embrace her but I don't. "I'll talk to you tomorrow so don't inundate me with calls and texts. Handle this on your own."

  "You've got it boss and say hi to Sophia for me."

  I will if I find her.

  Chapter 30


  "Tell me how the fuck this happened?" I grab the front of Crew's coat. "I want to know who messed up."

  He's calm. I see it immediately in his eyes. "I can't tell you how but I'll tell you what I know, Nick. I need you to sit and take a breath. You're not doing Sophia any favors by losing it."

  I sit in a chair across from him. We're in his office. It's after two a.m. It took me three hours to get a seat on a flight back to New York.

  During the time I sat in the terminal waiting to board my concern for Sophia went from mild to intense. At first, I thought she was ignoring my calls and texts because she was pissed that I didn't take the time to explain my connection with Del to her. When Crew called me to say that her phone had been found in an alley outside of Foster Enterprises, my world instantly went dark.

  "He's not in Florida." Crew picks up printed copy of Franco Abano's mug shot. "He didn't fly out. There's no record of him on a bus or train. The best we can figure is that he rented a car and drove here."r />
  "He's here?" I stand again. "That fucker is in New York?"

  "I called Gabriel Foster an hour ago. He had his security team pull footage from the cameras outside the Foster Enterprises building. Franco was there. He kept his distance, but he was outside mid-afternoon."

  "He has her." My voice cracks. "That prick took her. Someone must have seen it."

  "The police are on it, Nick. I called Sebastian while you were in the air. He contacted someone in missing persons, and I just got off the phone with them. They'll be at Foster bright and early to review that security footage and to interview anyone who went in or out of the building around the time Sophia left."

  "Where would he take her?" I pinch the bridge of my nose trying to think. "He must have rented a room. Are you checking that out?"

  "As we speak. We have someone at her place too. If he tries to take her back there, we'll be on him immediately. I need you to remember something, Nick. Listen to me."

  I look across the desk at where he's standing in front of the windows of his office. "What?"

  "He's in love with her." He exhales harshly. "He doesn't want to hurt her. He won't hurt her. I believe that. I need you to believe that too."

  "She's scared as fuck right now." I clench my fists at my side. "You know that she is."

  "I know she's strong. Sophia is the most resourceful woman I know." He cups his jaw in his hand. "If anyone can talk their way out of this, it's her."

  "What if there's no way out?"

  "I refuse to believe that." He points at his phone. "I called Cadence. She's going to fill Sophia's folks in. I've arranged a private jet to bring them here."

  It's all shit I should have handled myself but I'm damn grateful he's done it.

  "I hurt her before I left New York today." I look him straight in the eye. "She saw me with Del and wanted an explanation."

  "That would have taken all day."

  I filled Crew in on the details of what happened between Del and me one night over a case of beer. He understood and told me back then to steer clear of her. I should have refused when she asked to sit next to me today. I should never have let her touch me.

  "I had all day. I could have given her that."

  "You'll give her that when you see her again." He moves closer. "We'll find her, Nick and when we do, you can make things right."

  I hope I get that fucking chance. If I don't, I know my heart won't survive this loss.


  "Sophia tells us that you're an author." Her mother dabs a tissue over her cheeks. "We haven't read your book yet, but it's on our list."

  I smile weakly at her. Doris and Robert Reese are good people. They're strong. I sensed it when we met in the lobby of Foster Enterprises. Her mom embraced me and her dad offered his hand. His grip was weakened by the sorrow on his face.

  He feels he let his little girl down. I'm the one who did. I didn't press Sophia about the security detail I wanted on her. I let it slide because I thought I had time. That piece of shit Franco was in Florida, dating another woman. I had no idea he'd bail on that and head to New York to take Sophia away from us all.

  "Can I get you anything?" Cadence approaches us from the left. She's been here all day with her husband. She's spent most of the time crying in his arms.

  "Not a thing, dear." Doris leans her head against Cadence's arm. "I think you should go home and rest. This stress can't be good for the baby."

  "He's strong." Her voice cracks. "He's like Sophia."

  Doris sniffles her way through a response. "Sophia won't let him hurt her. She'll fight back. I taught my daughter to fight."

  "We taught her well." Robert kisses his wife's cheek. "I'm going to find the detective we met earlier. I'll see if she has an update."

  I nod as he walks toward the door of the conference room that Gabriel arranged for us to use as a meeting place. He's been in and out himself all day; his brow etched with worry.

  "Do you think there will be some leads from the press conference we had?" Doris turns to face me directly. "I think Franco will give her back to us when he sees how much we love her."

  Franco is a sick bastard who doesn't give a shit about anyone else. The press conference that was held an hour ago was meant to draw tips from anyone who had seen Sophia or Franco in the past twenty-four hours. His picture, along with hers, splashed across the screen before Sophia's parents took the podium. They both cried through an emotional explanation of what she meant to them.

  I couldn’t keep it together. With Crew by my side, I sobbed as I watched as the city learned that a beautiful, talented and loving woman was missing and a cold-hearted stalker was the man responsible.

  "I think the press conference might change everything." I rest my hands on her shoulders. "Your daughter will come back. I need her to. I love her too much to lose her."

  "She loves you too, dear." She reaches up to cup my cheek. "You're the first boy our Sophia has ever loved."

  Chapter 31


  I watch as Franco pours a can of something red into a pot on the stove. We're in the basement of a brownstone in Lower Manhattan. He brought me here yesterday. I came willingly.

  I decided to take a shortcut to the subway after work. It was just starting to rain, and the dress I'm wearing is too special to risk the long walk around the corner. Darting through the alley meant time saved and fewer stains on the fabric of the skirt. As soon as I saw Franco step in front of me with a small knife in one hand, I froze.

  I didn't scream. I didn't try and run. Instead, I walked with him to a rusted car he pointed at that was parked less than ten feet away.

  I got in the back seat when he told me to and then I watched in silence as he opened the other back passenger door so he could help the young boy who had been holding his hand, get in.

  "Elroy," I whisper to that same boy who is now resting his head on my lap. "Are you hungry?"

  He nods.

  I spent all of last night wide awake watching Franco interact with the child. At first, I had no idea who he was but as the evening wore on, Elroy spoke. His mother and Franco were friends at one time. Elroy lived on the streets and Franco would stop and offer whatever he could to them both. When Elroy's mother was taken to the hospital yesterday, Franco stood by and watched before he took the child by the hand and led him away from the uncertainty of life in the same foster care system Franco himself had grown up in.

  "It's almost ready," Franco calls back over his shoulder. "I only have enough for you two."

  I have no appetite other than a hunger for contact with someone I know. I didn't realize that I'd dropped my phone until we got here. I searched for it in the pockets of my coat but it wasn't there.

  "Elroy feels warm." I rest my lips against the forehead of the five-year-old again. "I think he needs to see a doctor, Franco."

  "Our son is fine." Franco turns to look at us both. "I knew you'd be a good mom, Sophia. Our son is going to grow up and tell people that you're the best of the best."

  He's delusional. When I first heard him tell Elroy to call him dad, I saw the look of confusion on the brown haired boy's face. He's as terrified as I am which means I can't leave his side.

  "I think you can give a child ibuprofen when they're fevered," I ignore Franco's ramblings about our make believe family. "Can't you go get some, Franco?"

  "And waste time being with my wife and son?" he scoffs. "No way. This soup will help. He'll fall asleep and be fine by morning."

  He won't be. His skin is clammy and his eyes barren. I know a lot of that has to do with what he witnessed back on that street in Florida when his mother was taken away. He has to be terrified now, wondering if she's survived and whether he'll ever see her again.

  "Let me go get it." I reach out my hand toward him. "Please, baby. He needs help."

  The pet name does the trick. The grin on Franco's face is genuine and broad. "People might be looking for you, beautiful. I don't want anyone to take you away from me."

/>   He's right. People will be looking for me. It's been almost a full day now since I got in his car. Nicholas will be frantic by now. My parents will be too.

  I go to Plan B. "On the ride here I noticed there's a pharmacy a block from here. We can order the medicine and they'll bring it right to us."

  "They'll bring it here? They'll come to our place?"

  "A delivery boy will." I try and laugh. "Most of them are teenagers. The last one I had didn't even look up from his phone when I gave him the money for my order."

  He contemplates what I'm saying. "You really think our son needs that to get better?"

  It shouldn't be this easy. I'm drawing him in hook, line, and sinker. He loves this child. That's obvious and if I have to play on that to get this little boy back to his mother, I will. "Fevers can get dangerous quickly, babe. If we stop it now, he'll feel better in a day or two and maybe then we can take him to the park and for ice cream."

  "How do I do this?" He tugs his phone from the pocket of his pants. His long dark hair shields his face as he stares at the screen. "Do I just call?"

  "I usually do my orders online." I hold out my palm. "I can order that way. It would be the fastest."

  He eyes me before his gaze drops to Elroy. "That won't work. I'll call and see if they can bring it. I have a credit card I can use."

  I know there's no way in hell that credit card bears his real name. "Is the card stolen?"

  He nods. "It probably won't work by now."

  "We can pay cash." I scramble for my purse. "You call and I'll see how much money I have on me. Tell them we need children's ibuprofen and get some candy too."

  "You think of everything." He turns his back and pours the soup into two ceramic mugs. "I'll call while you two eat. We'll have our boy feeling better in no time flat."


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