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Page 21

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Bitch!” Pike put his hand on her throat and squeezed. “Fine, I’ll kill you then take her.”

  Vanessa screamed as she tried to push him off Lacey, but was thrown. Bonnie did the same, but no use. The only used his power to push them away.

  Blackness crept at the edges of her vision, but she continued to hold Drew to her with one arm while trying to remove his hand off her throat with the other. It was no use. He was too strong.

  Suddenly a foot appeared and hit him in the face, but it hardly fazed him. “Get off her,” Bonnie screamed, her voice sounding far away.

  Right as Lacey felt her grip on the baby loosening, she knew it was over for her. She gave one last try to dislodge his hand, but she failed, and then he was gone. His hand was gone. Lacey tried to take in long deep breaths. Her eyes watered and her throat burned like fire.

  “He’s mine!” Viktor’s voice broke through her foggy brain and then his face was before hers. “Lacey!”

  Bonnie helped her sit up, then took Drew from her. Still not able to get her breath, her throat felt swollen tight, and panic threatened to consume her.

  “Slow down, take slow breaths.” Viktor was looking at her throat, then touched her cheek, which was also on fire from the asshole’s slap. She grabbed his hand and squeezed, trying to get air. “Focus, Lacey. Slow breaths. I know it feels like you aren’t getting air, you are. Just take it slow.”

  A few times she gagged, sending her back into panic mode. She tried to say something, but no sound came out. She started to claw at her throat.

  “Lacey, stop.” Viktor grabbed her hands. “Look at me. Look! Trust me.”

  Looking at him, tears blurred her vision. She didn’t want to die. After a few attempts, she finally swallowed, but choked once again and grabbed his coat in a death grip.

  “Look at me,” Viktor ordered her, and she did. Then he whispered, “I love you. Do you hear me? I love you, too. I never got to say it back to you at your apartment. I would never lie to the woman I love. You will be fine. Just breathe slowly. Take your time. I promise you’re getting air, just not what your body is used to. This has happened to me a few times. I know what you’re feeling.”

  Finally, the air came a little easier, and she didn’t feel like she was suffocating. She tried to speak, but it just came out in a croak. She tried again. “I’m... okay.”

  “Yeah, you are.” He smiled. A moment later, it disappeared quickly as his eyes turned black when he let her go and stood up slowly. “Bishop, take her back.”

  Bishop walked over and stood next to her as she remained sitting on the wet grass. She glanced to see Charger with a shaking Vanessa. Bonnie held Drew, who had stopped crying, on the other side of Bishop.

  “No,” she managed to say, pushing Bishop’s hands away when he tried to help her stand. She remained sitting and was relieved when Bishop left her alone. No way in hell was she leaving.

  Finally, her eyes fell on Pike, who was being held by Damon and Jared. Viktor walked toward them, shedding his coat and tossing it to the side. They pushed Pike toward him. And for the first time in her life, she wished someone dead.

  Viktor had only felt this kind of deep rage once before in his life. That time, he’d never been able to take that rage out on the person deserving of it.

  “Where is Orjyll?” The question was asked with a calmness that Viktor didn’t feel, but he would do this right. Get the information before he killed the bastard.

  “Fuck you.” Pike sneered, then laughed. “Ask Steve.”

  Without warning, Viktor’s hand shot out, punching him in the mouth. “Wrong answer.”

  Pike spat out blood and teeth, then looked up and smiled. “I’m not telling you shit, so let’s get this over with. I’m not the only one, you know. More will be inside your compound ready to take you out, one at a time if necessary. We are growing stronger, smarter.”

  “Well if you call dying in the next few minutes smarter, then guess you’re the man.” Sid snarled, then gave Pike a wink when he looked his way.

  “I almost had you all.” Pike laughed, then looked over at Lacey, then Viktor. “Starting with that cunt.”

  Viktor spun, hook-kicking him on the side of the head, dropping him to his knees. “Where’s Orjyll?”

  Shaking his head, Pike started to stand, but charged Viktor, grasping him around the waist and taking them both to the ground. Viktor easily rolled him and put his hand on the fucker’s face before pushing himself up. He put his boot on Pike’s throat as he looked toward Sloan.

  “Out of respect, I’m asking permission, even though I don’t have to.” Viktor stepped down harder on his throat when Pike started fighting underneath it.

  “Ask one more time,” Sid said from the sideline. “Shit, make it last for a minute.”

  Viktor didn’t take his eyes off Sloan, who finally gave him a nod. “One more time,” Sloan said, earning a “fuck yeah” from Sid.

  Viktor removed his foot, reached down, and grabbed Pike by the throat. Lifting him up, he squeezed tightly. “Doesn’t feel good, does it?” Viktor growled in his face, wanting him to feel what Lacey had felt. “Where is Orjyll?”

  Pike pulled at Viktor’s hand as he was lifted higher, his feet kicking. Viktor held him a few seconds longer before opening his hand and dropping the bastard to the ground. He watched Pike gag and fight for air before using his foot on Pike’s forehead to push him back.

  “Fuck you,” Pike managed to say, then stood. Coughing a few times, he cleared his throat. “None of you are safe. You have no idea what’s coming. Killing me isn’t going to help your cause.”

  Done with the bullshit, Viktor open-hand bitch smacked him just to humiliate him. “No, but it sure as fuck will make me happy.” Viktor slapped him again. “Fight me, you piece of shit.”

  Pike came at him swinging for the fences. Only one shot landed, but Viktor barely felt it his rage was so great. He let Pike have a moment, and then Viktor smiled. “My turn.”

  Never in his life had Viktor felt a deep sense of satisfaction as each hit landed. Every kick took Pike off his feet, and each time Viktor was there to drag his ass up just to put him back down again. It wasn’t until Pike glanced toward Lacey and spat on the ground toward her that Viktor lost his shit.

  Grabbing Pike in a headlock, Viktor growled. “You made many mistakes tonight.” He twisted Pike’s neck. “That one was your last.” With one final twist, he heard the crack he wanted to hear, let the bastard go, and walked away.

  Heading toward Lacey, he bent down and picked her up, making sure he avoided where Pike lay dead. He knew she had watched him, but that didn’t mean he needed to take her past the man he’d just killed. Crossing the street, Viktor just wanted to get away from everyone so he could make sure she was okay and honestly, see what her reaction was to him killing a man in front of her.

  Making it to the gate, he cursed when he saw the chains to the side. After he keyed in the code, he headed toward the back of the compound where there were benches the mates had placed to sit outside on nice days.

  Neither of them said a word, and he took quiet comfort in her head resting against his chest. Finally at the bench, he lowered her so she sat and he then knelt in front of her. They stared at each other for a long time not saying anything. She slowly reached out and cupped his face, her thumb moving back and forth slowly.

  “This is my world, Lacey,” he finally said, his eyes searching hers, hoping to see her truth.

  She shook her head. “No.” Lacey’s voice was raspy, and she had to clear her throat a couple of times. He knew that was painful by her wince, and he wanted to kill the bastard all over again. “This is our world. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

  Viktor had no idea how much her answer was going to affect him either way. His head dropped as he squeezed his eyes closed. She pulled him to her, the top of his head against her chest. Her fingers ran through his hair. After a minute, he raised his head, and their eyes met.

hat you did tonight to save Drew... not many would have done that.” This time Viktor touched her face gently; her eye was already turning black. “I’m sorry I didn’t get to you sooner.”

  “No one was going to hurt that baby.” Lacey frowned, then wrapped her arms around his neck. “You got to me at exactly the right time. Now come on, and let’s check on Steve. I know you’re worried about him, and so am I.”

  “I love you.” Viktor helped her up. “And I’m glad you didn’t end up with fake fang.”

  Lacey’s laugh turned into a groan. She touched her face and then throat. “Oh, don’t make me laugh. It hurts.” She wrapped her arm around him as he led them into the compound.

  “I’m sorry.” Viktor’s brow dipped low as he stopped her. He quickly nicked his wrist. Then watched as her tongue snaked out and licked the bead of blood. He let her do it twice more before pulling it away.

  “I’m going to end up draining you dry.” Lacey smiled up at him. “Thank you.”

  “Never thank me for that.” Viktor kissed her, tasting his blood on her lips. “Anything of me is yours.”

  “You really said you loved me.” Lacey sighed with a smile.

  “Yes, I did, and I will be saying it so much you’ll probably get sick of hearing it.” Hearing her whisper “never,” Viktor held her close. Trouble was coming for them, but he swore he’d do whatever it took to protect her. There wasn’t a chance in hell he could ever let her go.

  Chapter 33

  For two days straight Lacey along with the rest of the Warriors and their mates held vigil at the medical bay where Steve lay. There was always someone there, inside next to him or in the hallway just staring without saying a word. Mira was always present. Lacey used to believe that everything happened for a reason, but she wasn’t so sure of that anymore. Seeing Steve so still and quiet in with Mira hovering over him had her rethinking a lot of things.

  When Mira saw her standing in the doorway, she gave her a small smile. Mira walked toward her and Lacey backed up into the hallway. “How is he today?” Lacey asked, concerned at how exhausted Mira looked.

  “Getting a little better, but Slade seems worried.” Mira sighed. “He tries to hide it from me, but I see it.”

  “Please let me know if there’s anything I can do, even if it’s to sit with him while you get some rest or to watch Drew. Anything,” Lacey offered, but knew from the look on Mira’s face she was wasting her breath.

  “If that was Viktor in there, would you be able to rest?” Mira tilted her head, their gazes meeting.

  “No,” Lacey answered honestly. “I wouldn’t.”

  “I haven’t been able to thank you for what you did for Drew. Bonnie told me everything.” Mira reached out and hugged her tightly. “And I know Steve would be thanking you too and will as soon as he can.”

  “I’d do anything for that precious bundle.” Lacey hugged her back. “No way was that bastard getting her.”

  Steve groaned, and Mira hurried back to his side. Lacey stayed at the doorway, her heart aching for them.

  “Drew.” Steve’s mumble reached Lacey’s ears.

  “Drew is fine,” Mira assured him. “And waiting for you, Steve. You have to get better. Now rest.”

  Even though Steve was covered up, the slashes on his neck and face were visible. Some were healing, and others still looked raw. A bag of blood hung from the IV rack. Mira placed her hand on the top of Steve’s head, the only place she could touch him. She began to chant something, and Lacey backed away to give them privacy.

  When she ran into something hard, she gasped. She turned to find Viktor behind her. “You scared me, sneaking up on me like that.”

  “Sorry.” He grinned then kissed her before peering into the room at Steve. “She okay?”

  Lacey glanced back to see Mira with her head bent and her lips moving. “No, she’s not.”

  Viktor nodded, and took her hand leading her away. “Come on, Sloan wants to talk to you.”

  “Uh-oh, am I in trouble?” Lacey frowned. Not many people intimidated her, but Sloan Murphy set her on edge a little.

  “I’ve got your back,” Viktor assured her with a chuckle as he pulled her into his office. “Found her.”

  Lacey looked at Sloan, then Duncan. “What did I do?” She glanced at the computer thinking maybe she and Jinx had screwed it up.

  “Why does everyone think they’ve done something wrong when I summon them to my office?” Sloan frowned, his eyes narrowing.

  “Maybe because you never smile and always look like you’re ready to yell at someone,” a woman said from the back of the room. Lacey peeked around Viktor to see a beautiful woman sitting behind a computer. “Hi, Lacey. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “Lacey, that’s Becky, my mate,” Sloan introduced, and Lacey heard a softening in the gruff man’s voice that surprised her.

  “And secretary,” she added with a roll of her eyes. “Nice meeting you, Lacey, and don’t let him scare you.”

  “Anyway, I talked to Viktor, and I want to offer you a job.” Sloan sat down behind his desk staring at her.

  “If you’re offering me a job, why did you have to talk to Viktor?” Lacey frowned with a cocked eyebrow.

  “Oh, I’m going to like her,” Becky said. She chuckled at the look Sloan tossed her way.

  “Do you want to hear what the job offer is or not?” Sloan leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, waiting for her answer.

  “Yes, I do,” Lacey responded after waiting a few seconds, still a little perturbed that he needed to talk to Viktor first when it was her decision.

  “I’d like to offer you the job of doing all the computer work here at the compound,” Sloan said. When he noticed her looking at Duncan, he continued, “I need him out in the field.”

  “Please take it,” Duncan all but begged. “I hate computers and got stuck with it because none of these other assholes wanted to do it.”

  “The pay is ninety thousand a year, which is more than you made at your old job. Full benefits which are offered to all humans, vacations paid, and sick time off,” Sloan rattled off before he glanced at Duncan. “Did I forget anything? Oh, yeah. I want all computers in the compound upgraded as well as new systems in place, which will be at your discretion. If you need to bring your guy Jinx in, I’ll pay him also. We were impressed with your abilities and would like to make you this offer.”

  “How did you know how much I made at my old job?” Lacey frowned, trying not to jump up and down in excitement or worse yet, run around the desk and hug the hell out of Sloan Murphy.

  “I may hate computer shit, but I have my ways of finding information.” Duncan grinned and winked at her. “But he’s right. Your skills impressed me, and that’s not an easy feat.”

  “Ain’t that the fucking truth,” Jared said as he walked in with Charger and Sid. “Take the job, Lacey, so we can stop listening to Duncan bitch about it all the time.”

  Her mind swam with so many thoughts she felt dizzy. Even though she had grown bored with her computer job, she looked around at the men staring at her. She seriously doubted there were many boring moments around this place, and working near Viktor was a big plus. The research and knowledge she could gain for her book were mind-blowing. She could still help her dad out at the tavern, and the Red Dragon she knew wasn’t a permanent situation. She didn’t even know when they would reopen, so what the hell... she was doing this. “I accept,” Lacey finally said, smiling excitedly. “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you.” Duncan’s grin was wide and full of relief. “When can you start?”

  “Whenever,” Lacey said, ready to get back to it.

  “Tomorrow at eight,” Sloan said, then pretty much dismissed her to look at Jared. “What in the hell do you guys want?”

  “Ah, am I done?” Lacey whispered to Viktor who laughed and nodded. She was going to have to get used to working for all these personalities, but for that kind of money, she would cope.

  Viktor’s grin
faded as his eyes met Sloan’s questioning stare. He knew exactly what he was asking him without words. Even though Jared was talking, Sloan was glaring at him.

  “Are you even listening to me?” Jared asked, irritated.

  “No,” Sloan replied, without looking his way. “So, what’s it going to be, Valentino? I just hired her and if you think you’re going to be hanging around all the time, you’re wrong. You aren’t one of my Warriors.”

  “Wait, what?” Lacey asked, confused as Viktor walked up to the desk. “He is a Warrior. You are a Warrior right?” She glanced over at Viktor looking confused.

  “Not one of mine. Not until he signs a contract,” Sloan answered her as he pulled out a contract still staring at Viktor with a half grin.

  “Whoa, wait a minute.” Lacey moved forward and grabbed Viktor’s arm. “Don’t sign that because you think you have to for me.”

  Even with her hand on his arm, he picked up a pen and signed the paper. He slid it back to Sloan. “Was I worth the wait?” Viktor grinned back at Sloan, laughing when he growled at him.

  “Get the fuck out of my office,” Sloan ordered, putting the contract back in the drawer. “And make sure your ass is back in here tomorrow. Charger has more Guardians coming in, and I want everyone here. Vanessa has been talking and knows more than she said because Pike was the one threatening harm to her child. She is more than willing to cooperate.”

  “I’ll be here,” Viktor said as he led Lacey out of the office, happy to hear that they could get more information. Shaking his head, he chuckled. He had planned on signing the contract after his brother signed on but wanted to make Sloan wait. Yeah, he was a son of a bitch that way.

  “You didn’t have to do that.” Lacey frowned up at him. “Not because of me.”

  “Lacey, I’d sign my soul over for you,” Viktor said, just as he heard a voice down the hallway. “Come on. I have one more thing to take care of before we get out of here for the day. I have plans for us.”


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