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Perfect Bride for Christmas, A

Page 22

by Dyann Love Barr

  Hope and anger warred with each other until she wanted to scream with frustration. Where did all this leave her and the girls? Alex never kept his attention focused on anyone or anything for long.

  “I can’t marry her.” Panic threaded through the desperation in his voice.

  “What do you want me say, Alex?”

  “That you’ll give me another chance.” Hope and longing burned bright in his eyes, but she knew his track record.

  “What if you get tired of me or the girls? Will you leave us like you left all the others? I thought Sydney was your perfect bride—what, less than two weeks ago?”

  “I did, but I fell for an image not the real person.


  A Perfect Bride for Christmas She’s not—”

  “Perfect? None of us are. You aren’t.” Zoe untied her apron. “You didn’t want me because I didn’t fit into the image of what you wanted. I can’t keep feeding off scraps. I told you, no more.” She pulled in a shaky breath. “I meant it.” She threw her apron on the table, unmindful that it fell into a plate swimming with syrup.


  “You need to figure out what you want to do with your life, but you damn well better make sure my—our—children don’t suffer. I will stand between them and hellfire to keep them safe from everything, everyone, including you. Do you understand me?”

  Desolation filled his eyes. “Yeah, I understand.”

  He surveyed the food covering the countertop. “Just pick out something, anything, and give Mom a quote.

  I’ve got some stuff to do.”

  Alex left without looking back.

  Zoe held on the edge of the counter. Her legs refused to hold her. She leaned over the sink, watching Alex through the kitchen window. He trudged through the shin-deep snow towards his Hummer, his back hunched over. Zoe stuffed her fist in her mouth to hold back the sobs burning inside her chest. They screamed for release, but Zoe forced them down until they were belly deep. She’d cried over the man for the last time. He had to work out his own life before she could let him in hers. The girls were different, they loved him unconditionally—Zoe had to protect her heart.


  Alex spent several hours in his father’s library to catch up on a few loose ends concerning Keeley. He shut down his netbook and leaned back in his chair. Christmas lights glimmered on the pines outside the windows; a few flakes fell in a lazy slide from the night sky. Christmas-card perfect.


  Dyann Love Barr

  Except nothing was perfect.

  He might as well go with the flow and marry Sydney. A partnership in the firm should’ve soothed away any lingering doubts but now it tasted more like a consolation prize rather than a promotion. Not that it mattered. Zoe made it clear she didn’t want to give him another shot, so what did he have to lose besides his sanity?

  He could make it work with Sydney. They would go to Paris, spend New Years there. She’d like that.

  He’d use the time during their honeymoon to reconnect and work on her insecurities.

  Alex let out a sigh.

  Then there were the children. God knew, he hadn’t a clue about how to handle that situation.

  Alex smiled with pride. They were good girls—who could fail to love them?

  He went to the credenza to pour himself a drink.

  The thought of the girls brought him right back to Zoe. His whole body strained and itched with need.

  Right now, he didn’t care if he pulled out the bourbon or scotch. He had to dull the driving ache with anything. He closed his eyes as he took the first sip, letting the burn hit his belly, the taste linger on his tongue as he waited for the metal anesthesia to take hold. Instead, his brain and body went right for the heart and a foot or so lower. It replayed the images of Zoe in the warmth of her bed, her legs tangled with his, the rise of her body as she met his thrusts. He could still taste the faint salt of the skin under her chin, the way she moaned in pleasure—

  pleasure he’d given her that one afternoon. The only time he’d been free.

  “Fuck.” He slammed the heavy glass down on the credenza and paced the room. He’d turned into a mental yo-yo. Life with Sydney would insure the goal he’d worked for his whole professional life, if not more. Alex knew the crowd she ran with and how 226

  A Perfect Bride for Christmas Sydney’s father hoped marriage would change that, would have a calming effect on his daughter. Sydney would revert to her fun loving self once the stress of the wedding had passed.

  No more messing around, he had to deal with his feelings for Zoe. She’d said she still loved him, yet refused to have anything to do with him. The girls had to be his priority. The soft scent of Zoe’s skin, the feel of it under his fingers came to him unbidden.

  His cell phone rang, jerking him out of his suckfest. It was Keeley’s number on the caller ID.

  “Alex King here.” He didn’t feel like getting into any fancy legal footwork this evening, not after the day he’d had.

  “Keeley Jacobs. I apologize for calling you so late but I wanted to let you know I made my flight and I’m at the hotel. I’ve already talked with Amelia and we plan to meet on the twenty-first.”

  “Good, good,”

  “You sound a bit distracted. Is anything wrong?”

  “Why should you care?” He heard Keeley’s intake of breath. “I’m sorry. It’s been a bad day and you stepped in right on cue. There was no excuse for that remark.”

  “I’m not used to dealing with baby brothers, either.”

  He had to laugh at her dry dig at his earlier big sister remark. “I’m thinking about running away to a desert island with all the rum I can drink. Do you want to come with me?”

  “Don’t tell me I’ve driven you to drink?”

  “No, sorry to say, you’re on the bottom of the totem pole.” He sat down in his father’s chair and swung his feet on the desk. Something that, if Dad were alive, would’ve resulted with a loving swat on the shoulder. He looked down at the paperwork on his desk. “Did you get the copies of documents?”


  Dyann Love Barr

  “Yes,” she said and hesitated. “Would it be too much trouble to show me around later? I’m meeting with the attorney and appraiser to set up times to go over the property.”

  “Is it possible to do that after Christmas? It’s only a few days away.”

  “My people have given me until the first of the year.”

  “Tell you what. If there’s any sort of hang-up, I’ll take care of the financial end of things. Hell, I’ll even give you the money as a short term loan if they want it sooner.”

  “You’d do that for me?”

  “Yes. I’ve got this situation that came up, oh, by the way, you’re now the proud aunt of three little girls. But the whole thing made me stop and rethink a lot of things. Oh, by the way, the wedding is back on.” “What? Did I fall in with a crazy family?”

  “It’s a long story. I’ll tell you once we’re able to get together. “

  “All right.” She sounded dubious. “Thank you, Alex, and goodnight.”

  “Goodnight. Let me know if you need anything.”

  They ended the call and Alex stared at his phone, marveling at how he didn’t feel this sense of doom any longer. Whatever the problems, they would work it out. Now, if only he could get Clint and Heath up to speed. Especially Heath.

  He got back to work, going over the papers he’d put together for Keeley’s inspection. The documents gave her a complete listing of all the assets owned by the family as a whole and his mother in particular.

  He made sure every financial aspect of the King’s was at her disposal, per his mother’s request.

  The library door opened.

  Sydney’s attempt at seductive walk turned into a drunken totter across the room. “Hi, I wanted to 228

  A Perfect Bride for Christmas say good night, maybe see if you’d like to sneak up to my room.” She gave him a wicked leer,
along with a giggle, and perched on the edge of the desk.

  Alex took in her over-bright eyes and red cheeks.

  “You look like you need a cup of coffee more than fun and games.” She’d gone out with the Houseman’s again—no telling what else she’d had to boost her high. “Besides, I’m a little preoccupied with some family business.”

  “No, I want some time with you.” She slid from the desk into his lap. “You’ve been so distant lately.”

  Sydney’s fingers slid through his hair, her mouth brushed his, filling it with the taste of whatever exotic drink she’d had with her friends. “We don’t have any privacy here.” Her lips moved to his jaw, her teeth nibbling at him and then plucking at his earlobe.

  “What did you expect?”

  She pulled back with a frown. “I thought you’d want me here. We could be together—do all the things brides and grooms do before the wedding.”

  “You knew I’d be helping my mother and trying to work from here. I don’t have time to spend running around getting things ready for a wedding.”

  He gave her a half-hearted smile.” That’s your job.”

  Sydney laid her head against his chest with a sigh. “I love you. Don’t ever leave me.”

  “I’m here, aren’t I?”

  “Ummm.” Sydney snuggled in closer. “I think I’m a little drunk.”

  “Come on.” He hauled Sydney to her feet. “Let me get you upstairs and into bed.”

  Sydney perked up. She raised her arms, but he caught them before she could coil them around his neck.


  “You’re being mean.”

  “Why would I do that? Besides, you’re in no 229

  Dyann Love Barr

  shape for roll in the hay.”

  For an instant, the mutinous light filled her eyes before her lashed dropped over them. She pressed her palm against her forehead. “My head hurts, I can’t think. I don’t know what to do.”

  “I don’t believe that for a moment. You’d give Machiavelli a run for his money.”

  Sydney blinked, her face a mask of confusion.


  “A great manipulator. One of the best.” Alex opened the library door and motioned her out. “Go upstairs, pop a couple of aspirin. By the way, I told Zoe to pick out whatever she’d recommend for the reception.”

  “Zoe Bennett can go to hell,” Sydney snarled as she squared her shoulders and tossed back her hair.

  Her steps were precise and well considered as any drunk’s. “And those brats of hers, too.”

  Alex closed the door and leaned back with a sigh while his fingers felt for Zoe’s wedding band in his pocket.


  A Perfect Bride for Christmas Chapter Twenty-Two

  Alex watched his mother making waffles and beating a bowl of eggs at the same time. He wanted to be anywhere but here. His talk with Zoe left him more confused than ever. Alex needed more time to think, but Mom had demanded everyone’s presence for breakfast.

  She went all out. The typical breakfast at the King household filled the kitchen with the smell of bacon and sausage. It seemed like old times. Except for Sydney. She sat at the table, sipping at her coffee and ignoring everyone.

  Alex tried to hide his gut-burning emotions behind laughter but if he couldn’t concentrate on the conversation floating around him. He and Sydney were still engaged and the wedding loomed closer. If he had to fake some enthusiasm, so be it.

  Heath didn’t seem to be in top spirits either. His tried to hide behind good humor, but Alex didn’t buy it. He saw the occasional look in Heath’s eye, the way his normal, laser-focus seemed fuzzy. A twinge of worry stabbed at Alex. Maybe it had to do with Keeley and their father’s affair. It hit Heath harder than him or Clint. Heath might have been Dad’s clone. They walked, talked, and thought the same, had big hearts and were loyal to a fault.

  His eldest brother finally showed up for breakfast. Clint walked through the door looking like early morning ugly. “Morning.”

  “Morning,” Alex and Heath greeted in unison.

  Sydney nodded, but said nothing. A smart move 231

  Dyann Love Barr

  until Clint had his first cup of coffee.

  His brother had all the animation of a zombie as he shambled to the coffee pot, poured a mug, then took a long drink. Alex half expected him to demand brains instead of waffles.

  Chaperoning a bunch of kids to a skating rink with Jesse had probably turned into something more. If it had, it would be hard to get the lust monkeys back in the barrel. Alex felt the need to probe, anything to get his mind off his own problems. “Long night?”

  Clint didn’t bother to reply. He stood by Mom, waiting for a waffle to come out of the iron. The buzzer went off, and Clint held out his plate, only to have Heath attempt to snatch it up.

  Clint slapped Heath’s forearm. “Mine. Back off.”

  Heath’s usual grin popped through the clouds as he made his move. “Gotta move faster, Clinty.”

  Clint gave Heath a sour look at the nickname Jesse saddled him with so long ago. “Don’t touch that waffle, Candy.”

  Heath’s old football moves came into play, but Clint moved faster. Mom slid the waffle into Clint’s waiting plate. Alex half expected him to take a victory lap around the table. Instead, he eased into the chair opposite Sydney and gave her a smile that made Alex sit up in his chair.

  No, oh, no. Clint was on the warpath. Alex should’ve kept his mouth shut about last night.

  Damn, things were going to get dicey.

  Clint’s eyes sparked with mischief. “Mornin’, Sis. Have a waffle. They’re good for you.”

  He might as well have asked Sydney to eat a cockroach.

  “No thanks.” Her aloof tone held a hint of a sneer.

  Clint leaned back in his chair and gave Alex a look that said what the hell is wrong with you, bro?


  A Perfect Bride for Christmas Alex shrugged and turned back to Heath.

  Discussing last night’s basketball stats seemed a safer topic. Alex opened his mouth to ask about the score, but Heath cut him off.

  “So, Mom,” Heath asked. “Why the insistence we come for breakfast?”

  His mother turned off the stove and set the scrambled eggs on the table. “Well, boys, it seems to be the only time I can get my family in one place at one time.”

  She eased into the chair at the head of the table with a wry laugh. “Keeley’s coming by today. She called me late yesterday afternoon. Asked if I minded. I’ve invited her over, and I want to tell you all, at the same time, I won’t tolerate any shenanigans. You’ll behave. Treat her like our family.”

  No one said anything until Sydney broke the stillness. “Isn’t that just peachy.” She got up, smoothed her tan suede skirt, and glanced down at Alex. “I’m going into the city for a while. Remember what I told you.”

  Everyone stared at him as Sydney left the room.

  Alex shook his head. “She’s stressed about the wedding.” The heat of anger and embarrassment flooded his face. In that instant, any remaining love or concern for her feelings evaporated. “Now, Alex.”

  His mother started toward the living room entry. “I need you to run me over to Margery Thomas’s house before Keeley arrives. I’m on the Kappa’s Annual Association Meeting committee, and I need to go over venue details with her.”

  “Sure thing, Mom. I’ll go ahead and get ready.”

  The shower gave him time to think. Zoe told him she wouldn’t give him a second chance however, that didn’t mean he had to marry Sydney. No, he’d break off the wedding even without Zoe in the picture. He soaped up and decided he needed to find a house 233

  Dyann Love Barr

  with a large yard. The girls had to have a place to play. The idea of having his children for more than a couple of hours scared him to death, but it filled him with anticipation as well. He wondered if they each wanted their own room.

  Plans formed.
Decisions were made.

  Alex knew he had to prove himself to Zoe—and he would. He’d always loved her, but that feeling had grown until she touched a part of him he’d tried to fill but failed. She was the missing piece of his soul. It might take months, even years to win her back.

  Satisfied, he finished dressing and went out into the cold morning to bring the Hummer around for his mother’s trip into town. If he didn’t watch her, she’d sneak out and drive with her bum ankle. It surprised him that she’d asked for help. Something was hinky.

  A few minutes later, he gripped the steering wheel as he negotiated the snow-packed drive. The small amount of sun had melted the top layer and refroze into a sheet of ice. He hoped the road crews had the main roads scraped and salted.

  Alex slid a look over at his mother’s tight-lipped face. Black leather-gloved hands smoothed her blue coat over her knees while she sat quiet as a mouse.

  Oh yeah, she was in a mood. Anything she had to say to Margery Thomas could’ve been done over the phone. No, she wanted to get him alone to blast him with motherly hellfire.

  “Okay, out with it, Mom.”

  She opened her purse, got out her lipstick, and flipped down the visor of the mirror to apply a soft coral color to her lips. “I don’t know what you mean,”

  she said with her mouth open, lips pressed tight against her teeth but it came out, “I on’t o wa ou een.” “Oh, cut it out. I’m an attorney in good standing.


  A Perfect Bride for Christmas I’ve busted better witnesses than you on the stand.

  Besides, I’m your son. Do you think I don’t know when something is stuck in your craw? And don’t give me that ‘I’m your mother’ look, either,” he ground out. “I’ve never known you to keep your opinions to yourself.”

  She shoved the lipstick back into her purse and twisted in her seat. “Are you out of your ever-loving mind?”

  Alex glanced over at her. “Close.”

  “Whatever possessed you to propose to that self-absorbed little witch? I’m sure she has some good qualities, because you must have seen them—or maybe she’s just talented in bed.”


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