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Perfect Bride for Christmas, A

Page 27

by Dyann Love Barr

  “I’m ah…I’m going upstairs to check on the girls.”

  He took his cue from her and stepped out of her way. “Do you mind if I go up with you? I’ve never seen them sleeping.”

  “No, of course not.”

  Alex went up behind her, admiring the movement of her hips, the way they filled out her jeans. No stick figure there, but enough to hold onto in the heat of lovemaking. His mind went back to the near miss in the kitchen. Maybe later tonight after the girls went to sleep for the night. Then, he’d give her the ring from his jacket pocket, ask her to be his wife. Zoe opened the door and flicked on the light. His appreciation died at the sound of her gasp. He surveyed the room with the unmade beds of bright pink and white, the covers tossed aside as if the kids had just gotten up from their naps.

  “They’re not here.” Worry threaded through Zoe’s voice.

  Her fear set off a wave of dread that hit him dead-center in the chest. “Could they be somewhere else in the house?”

  “Usually, they come down like a herd of 277

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  elephants the minute they get out of bed.”

  “Maybe they’re hiding in a closet or in another room. Let’s search before we get upset, okay?”

  Zoe’s eyes went to the small coat tree in the corner of the room “Their coats and scarves are gone.” She raced to the closet and opened the door.

  “So are their snow boots.”

  The worry in her eyes turned to panic. “The house feels too quiet. They’re not here.”

  Ignoring the rapid cadence of his own pulse, he sought to keep her calm. “You don’t know that until we look.”

  “They took their coats, “ her voice rose as she raced down the stairs. “They’ve been outside the whole time we were—”

  “Stop it.” He couldn’t let her go there.

  “I’ve got to find them!”

  Alex followed her, stopping only long enough to grab their coats from the hall closet. Snow flew harder. The sky grew dark and low even though it was only two in the afternoon. The wind tore at them. The flakes not so gentle now, bit with stinging little teeth.

  “Macy,” Zoe called out. “Michaela, Mia!”

  “Hey Mac, Mike, Mee-Mee, it’s Daddy. Answer me. You’re not in trouble.”

  Nothing but the snow-muffled groan of the wind answered their calls. They shouted around the yard and the area beyond.

  No little voices answered back

  “I don’t see any footprints.” Alex cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled. “Girls, answer me.” Zoe hugged her arms around herself to keep warm.

  Alex pulled her against his chest even though the frigid air siphoned the heat from his body. “They might have been here, but it’s snowing so fast their 278

  A Perfect Bride for Christmas footprints could have been covered up.”

  “Oh, God, where can they be?” Her cry of desperation echoed his growing alarm.

  “Zoe, you’ve got to hold it together. Can you think where they might have gone?” he yelled over a frigid gust of air. “Anywhere.”

  “Maybe they went to the park. We built a snowman there a couple of days ago. What if they fell into the creek?” Her eyes glittered with half frozen tears as she blinked away the snow.

  “What creek?”

  “A creek runs through the park, near the back.

  If the girls went back there, they might not be able to see the bank because of the snow.”

  “Let’s get back in the house.” The bone deep chill closed over his heart. Scenario after scenario, none of them good, turned into a fear colder. deadlier than the storm blowing around them. “I need to make some calls—fast.”

  She nodded, taking one last look toward the park. and followed him back to the house. They both trembled with the cold and reaction. He had to focus, keep his mind on the situation. Alex leaned into what he did best—he treated the storm as an opponent, with his children as the victims of a crime.

  The mindset let him think beyond this nightmare.

  He contacted the police first.

  The officers searched in and around the house as well, asking a multitude of questions that only Zoe could answer. Alex watched her face, so pale, her eyes dark with worry and fear as she gave the officer in charge a picture of the girls, along with a description of what they were wearing.

  “They were all wearing blue jeans. Macy had on a red sweater with Dora.” She held up the doll.”

  “Yeah, my kid is crazy about Dora.” Officer Eldon’s mouth thinned, his dark chiseled face set into a professional mask. “Mrs. Bennett,” he asked, 279

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  his voice soft, yet firm. “What about the other two?

  Do they dress alike?”

  Zoe frowned, her mouth worked as she tried to speak. “Not always. Ah, Mia—Mia had on her favorite yellow sweatshirt with flowers and some lace.” She indicated the neckline of the sweatshirt.

  “Right here. And Michaela had on a blue, long-sleeved knit top, just a plain little top.” She dashed tears from her cheeks and inhaled. “They had matching, dark green, ski jackets, the kind with all the puffs, and green snow boots. Macy has a scar through her right eyebrow.” Zoe touched her own with trembling fingers to show him the spot.

  Officer Eldon gave her a sympathetic smile.

  “We’ll get an Amber Alert out on this right away.

  Here’s my card if you think of anything that might help find your daughters.”

  Zoe took the offered card with shaking fingers.

  “Yes, yes, thank you, I will.”

  She didn’t crumble until they left. Even then, she rocked in the chair, tears falling and holding Macy’s Dora doll to her breasts.

  The hardest call was to his mother.

  “Mom, I want you to sit down.” He didn’t know how to begin to tell her. This would be as great a blow as his father’s death.

  “Okay, I’m sitting.” She sounded happy and full of anticipation. “What is it, Alex? Did you propose to Zoe? She accepted?”

  “No, Mom. It’s the girls.” The lump clogging his throat made speaking difficult. He cleared his voice.

  “Something has happened. The girls are missing.”

  A low, long moan filled his ear. Alex’s heart sank at the sound. It matched the aching fear filling his chest, the agony of not knowing where his children were, if they were hurt.

  “Alex, it’s Keeley. What’s happened?” This sister he’d never known echoed his concern.


  A Perfect Bride for Christmas He swallowed back his fear. “The girls have disappeared. We think they’re outside in this storm.”

  “Oh, dear God. Have you contacted the police?”

  “Yes, yes,” he ran his hand through his hair.

  “They’ve already been here.”

  “Keeley, give me the phone,” his mother commanded in the background.

  Good. Mom rallied a lot quicker than he expected. He couldn’t worry about her and the children at the same time. “Alex, I’m calling Bill Taylor. He’ll bring Keeley and me in. I’m not sitting here while everyone is out searching.”

  Bill, his mother’s neighbor on the other side of their property, had a snow removal business on the side. If anyone could get around in this weather it was Bill, but Alex didn’t want his mother out in the storm.

  “Mom, stay there. Zoe will be here at the house while I’m out searching for them.”

  “I’m going with you.” Zoe tugged on his sweater.

  Alex shook his head. “You are staying here. I’ve got enough to worry about if you go out in this mess.

  The kids need you here when they get back.”

  Zoe’s face tore at his heart. “They will be back, love.” He couldn’t allow her to see the fear he had for his children. Alex smiled down and touched her cheek, thumbing the tears away. “I promise you.”

  “Let me speak to Zoe.” The tone in Mom’s voice, a calmness he’d heard so many time
s as a child, made him hand his cell phone to Zoe. It occurred to him that his mother could relate to Zoe as a woman, and a mother, something of which he was totally clueless.

  “Yes, Amelia. You’re right.” Whatever Mom said made Zoe’s breathing even out, her face less white.

  “I’ll stay here and wait for you and Keeley. Please be careful. They’re saying on the news that the roads are getting bad.”


  Dyann Love Barr

  She handed his phone back to him. “She wants to speak to you again.”

  “I’m on my way, Alex.” His mother tone said she’d come if she had to hobble all the way on the damned crutches. “Have faith the girls will be found, but be safe while you’re out searching. Bring our babies home.”

  “Will do, Mom.”

  She hung up, and Alex grabbed up his coat. “I’m heading out to check the stores on the south side of town. Have Keeley take the north side. Tell her which streets to search and to keep her cell phone handy.” He didn’t want to leave her alone but he had no choice.

  She nodded, her fingers smoothing the doll’s hair. “I need my girls.” The words were barely a whisper, but they broke his heart.

  No, they shattered the last barriers he’d set around it. He had to say the words, give her what she needed to hear. “I love you, Zoe, with everything I have. I love you and the girls more than my life.”

  He took her mouth in kiss meant to reassure, but he drew strength from it, fueling him for the hunt ahead.

  Alex opened the door and looked back. This was his home, his family, the life he wanted was here in this room, and out in the cold, dark night.

  Alex got hold of Clint over at Jesse’s. Once Alex explained what had happened, Jesse said they were on their way.

  He called Heath but he sounded distracted.

  “Hey, bro. What’s up?”

  “It’s the girls.” Alex’s voice tried to keep his voice calm but his concern bled through with each word. “They’re missing.”

  “Missing? The triplets?”

  “Yeah. They were in their room and now they’re gone.” This was his brother. He may have beaned 282

  A Perfect Bride for Christmas Heath in the head, Heath may have given him more wedgies than he could remember, but blood won out.

  He couldn’t hide his feelings anymore. “Shit, Heath.

  I’m scared.”

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m near Zoe’s shop. We’re out looking for them, but I could use your help.”

  “You got it. I’ll call my buddy at the force. Have him get searchers out. We’ll meet you.”

  Alex ended the call and pulled in the first steady breath he’d taken since he and Zoe discovered the girls were gone. He didn’t know what he’d do without his brothers having his back.

  He’d find his children if he had to walk into the mouth of hell.


  Dyann Love Barr

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Zoe’s world collapsed around her as Alex walked out the door. She jumped to her feet, arms wrapped around her waist to keep from flying apart. Biting back a sob, she glanced at the clock. How long had they been out in the cold?

  Too long. The only thing she had to hold on to was his words before he left. “I love you, Zoe, with everything I have. I love you and the girls more than my life.”

  It seemed like hours, long stretches of time to imagine every horror, until she heard the doorbell ring. Keeley ushered Amelia into the room with the snow buffeting them through the door.

  “We’re here, Zoe. Don’t argue with me.” Amelia turned to wave at a huge truck with a snowplow blade on the front. Yellow, rotating lights, and a steady, loud beep accompanied as the driver carefully backed out of the snow-packed drive.

  “That’s Bill. He’s going to help clear the streets around here for any of the police or emergency vehicles.”

  “What can I do?” Keeley helped Amelia with her coat and crutches. She led her into the living room, next to the cold fireplace. “Why don’t I start a fire and get some tea or coffee going?”

  Zoe tried to remember what Alex said before he left. She frowned and rubbed her forehead to ease the stress headache screaming through her brain.

  “No, no. Alex told me he wanted you to look for the girls in the stores on the north side of the business 284

  A Perfect Bride for Christmas district. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “I’m not used to all this cold weather, and I don’t know the area, but I can’t leave three little girls out there. Just tell me you’ll have a big pot of coffee when I get back.”

  “Let me get you a map.” Zoe ran into the shop and picked up one of the promotional maps of the commercial area as well as a flashlight she kept in the top drawer of the counter. “Here you are. He said to keep your cell phone on.”

  “Sure, no problem.” Keeley took the map and flashlight, testing the beam with quick flick of her thumb on the switch. “It looks like a good strong beam. I think most of the stores were closed, at the least the ones I saw on the way in. This weather is crazy.”

  Amelia motioned Keeley over and drew her down to plant a kiss on her cheek. “Thank you, Keeley, and in case I forgot to say it, welcome to the family. Be safe, okay.”

  A shocked and pleased look came to Keeley’s eyes. “I will be.” She pulled the stocking cap lower, her scarf higher. “Keep an eye on her.” Keeley pointed at Amelia. “She has a tendency toward stubbornness and needs to use those crutches.”

  “I will,” Zoe assured.

  “She’s got a lot of heart, that one.” Amelia watched the door close behind Keeley. “So much like my Frank.” She raised herself out of the chair and grabbed her crutches. “And she nags as bad as Alex.”

  She let out a heavy sigh. “I’m through trying to be a tough old broad. My ankle hurts, and I could use a bit of tea. Let’s go into the kitchen.”

  The doorbell rang, and Zoe rushed to answer.

  Clint stood there, his face set, his eyes filled with compassion. “Alex called.” He saw Amelia at the dining room door. “Hey Mom.” He nodded a hello.

  “Clint,” said Amelia. “We need you.”


  Dyann Love Barr

  Zoe nodded, her hand covering her mouth to hold back a sob. Clint wrapped an arm around Zoe’s shoulder and gave her a quick hug. “Where’s Alex?”

  The small gesture said buck up. Zoe pulled herself together. “He’s out looking. We—ah—we looked around the park but there’s a creek.” Her voice cracked. “Some swings and things. The police are checking around the area but the girls love the park. Alex is looking the south side of the business district, Keeley is on the north. Heath has a friend organizing a search party, I think somewhere near the old train depot.”

  “I’m on it. Jesse is out in the truck. It’ll go better with both of us looking.”

  Amelia hobbled over and gave Clint a hug. “Be careful out there, son. You may be grown, but I don’t like my children out there in that mess either.”

  Clint bent down to give his mother a peck on the cheek. “Will do, Mom.”

  He left, and the room seemed too quiet. The wood in the fireplace crackled as the flames danced in the gas logs, the tick of the clock seemed to slow.

  Zoe noticed the pinched look around Amelia’s mouth, the way worry, concern for her entire family who were out in the storm, dulled the bright blue of her eyes.

  “Thank you for staying with me. I’d be crazy waiting by myself.” Zoe picked up the teakettle with shaking hands. “Who am I kidding? I’m a basket case.” She went about filling the kettle and turning on the stove in autopilot. Unable to hold back her fear, Zoe sank into one of the kitchen chairs. “I can’t lose them.” Her breath hitched, and she covered her mouth with her hand to hold back a cry of despair.

  Amelia hobbled over, wrapped her arms around Zoe, and gave her a reassuring hug. “I believe they’ll be found. I have faith, and I’ve been praying since Alex’s c


  A Perfect Bride for Christmas Zoe blinked against the threatening tears. “I’m sorry. The girls should be here, playing, watching TV. Not out in this storm. Maybe if we hadn’t been making l—”

  Amelia’s hand came up to stop Zoe’s rambling.

  “Alex is doing everything he can to bring them back.

  This isn’t easy on him either.”

  How could she have forgotten Alex’s feelings in all this? What must it be like to find your children only to what—lose them? A moan escaped her, then a cry of hopelessness. One sob after another racked her body, tearing at her until the fear and hurt bloomed into despair.

  “Go on, get it out before the children come home.” Amelia ran her hand in a soothing circle over her shoulders. “Scream if you want to. There’s no one but you and me to hear.”

  “I want my babies,” she whimpered. “I want my babies.” Doubled over with anguish, Zoe rocked back and forth in the chair.

  “Of course you do.” Amelia pulled a chair over and eased down into it. “We all want them to come home. What plans do you have for Christmas?”

  Zoe’s sobs hitched to a stop. “What?”

  “You heard me.” Amelia took her hand.

  “Christmas here at the Bennett house—how do you usually celebrate?”

  It took a few seconds for Amelia’s question to sink in. She had to think. “Stockings, they like to take down their stockings first. Last year was the first time they really got into Christmas.”

  “Good. We made stockings the other day. That’s why they came home covered with glitter. Mia really loves the stuff. Macy and Michaela are more into beads and buttons.”

  Zoe let out a watery laugh. “They told me about making the stockings.” She felt her heartbeat slow, her breathing steady.


  Dyann Love Barr

  The snow beat against the window, scratching to get in. She had to take her mind off the life and death drama beyond the glass separating her from her children and the storm. Zoe got out of her chair, scrubbing at the tears that continued to flow in spite of her efforts to hold them back. The teakettle whistled.


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