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Perfect Bride for Christmas, A

Page 32

by Dyann Love Barr

  “I haven’t had a chance to kiss the bride.”

  Tommy stared at her with surprise and male appreciation.

  “No, too late,” Alex said as he put his arm around her shoulder. “I’m getting out of here with my wife. There’s a bottle of champagne with our name on it.”

  Tommy shook his head. “I can’t believe it. I always liked you, Zoe, even when I was being an ass.

  Too bad I didn’t know you hid all this under—”

  “Stop right there, Tommy, unless you really want another black eye.” Zoe curled her hand into a fist. “I don’t weigh as much, but I still pack quite a whollop.”

  He held both hands up in surrender. “I’ll quit while I’m ahead.”

  The rest of the leave-taking went without a hitch. The girls didn’t cry, but Amelia blubbered like a baby. Keeley kept giving her tissues as Alex pulled the Hummer out of its parking space and down the long drive.

  Soon they were alone, heading down the road.

  Zoe leaned back with a satisfied sigh and watched the Christmas lights on the houses.

  Alex smiled in the glow of the dash. “Mom kept saying there would be a wedding at Hollyfield on Christmas Eve.”

  “Thank you for making us a part of your family.”

  Zoe’s hand snaked over to rest on his thigh, reveling in the feel of the muscle bunching under her hand as he worked the pedals. “I love you.”


  A Perfect Bride for Christmas Alex’s blue eyes lit up as he slid a look in her direction while keeping track of what of the traffic.

  “I love you too. Never doubt that.”

  “Never again.”


  Alex woke to the sound of a gentle snore, his arm draped over a shapely hip. His eye adjusted to the half-light in the bedroom and caught a glint of gold on his ring finger. He was married, and in bed with Zoe Bennett, no…make that Zoe King. He smiled, snuggled closer to her backside, and let his body go on autopilot. His erection was immediate and intense. A gentle thrust brought a slow, sleepy moan of pleasure from his wife. Zoe rolled over, opened her fantastic eyes to smile up at him. “Hey, you better cut that out or my husband will get testy with you.”

  Alex nuzzled the underside of her chin, inhaling the sleep-warmed scent of her skin. “Testy? If you were my wife, I’d get a hell of a lot more than testy.”

  He raised his head. “No wait, I am your husband, or have you forgotten already?”

  A finger ran from his chin, down his chest, over the tense muscles of his abdomen until she had captured his hard length in her hand. “How could I forget when you keep reminding me?”

  Zoe reached up with her free hand to bring him down for a kiss, her mouth sliding over his in invitation. He didn’t need any further inducement.

  He took her face in his hands, his fingers feathering the sides of her face as he covered her mouth, taking the kiss past the first flush of desire into the full-blown furnace burning inside his body.

  Zoe gripped him tighter. She stroked along his shaft until she came to the head where she swirled her finger over the sensitive flesh. His body jerked forward, his hips acting on their own accord.

  The taste of her, the feel of her silken skin 331

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  against his fingertips spurred him on. His mouth left hers to glide down the slender column of her neck.

  His tongue traced the curve of her breast, the tight bud of her nipple and down the gentle rise of her abdomen.

  Her hand slackened, let go, and skimmed to his shoulders. He worked his way down in gentle nips and swirls of his tongue until he came to the prize.

  The scent of her, the taste drove him on, pressing against the slick folds, in a relentless attack.

  A satisfied feminine moan rolled from her throat. He continued to work his tongue, teasing her tender flesh until the moan became a cry of release.

  Zoe lay spent, but Alex didn’t give her chance to recover. He held her hips up, positioned himself at her entrance to thrust home. Her eyes widened, as did her smile.

  “Grandmother, what big teeth you have.” She stretched and wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “All the better to eat you with my dear.”

  “Too late, you already did that.”


  He leaned down to rub his morning stubble against her cheek and pulled his hips back. “I’ll have to think of something else.” His hips surged forward, and he buried himself into her, into the very depths of her body.

  Her arms reached to wind around his neck, her hands forcing his head down for a kiss. Time after time, he pounded into her, sweat pouring off his body as he tried to hold off his release.

  Zoe lifted her hips up to his, capturing him with a tight squeeze each time he tried to take charge. He let out a small laugh. She’d laid her trap, and he fell into it willingly.

  The tempo slowed. He wanted this moment to last. The feel of her in his arms, the way she threw back her head as her release came, the sound of his 332

  A Perfect Bride for Christmas name on her lips. He gave one last thrust, impaling her and yet found himself lost in the sharp plummet as he came hard and fast.

  Zoe’s eyes closed as he reached down, still inside her, to push her sweat-damped hair from her face.

  Never again would he feel as he did right now. He’d died with her and felt reborn in this instant. The past burned away in the ferocious heat of his love.

  Alex lowered his forehead to hers, pulling in a sharp breath to slow the beat of his heart. Emotions swamped him, but the words to convey how he felt seemed inadequate to the task.

  “Zoe King, I will love you until the day I die. You are my perfect bride in every way.”

  She put a hand on his cheek, her eyes bright, her smile slow and sweet. “I know.”


  Dyann Love Barr

  Chapter Thirty

  Christmas morning. The clock read 7:30. Zoe managed to catch a few minutes of sleep after the last bout of early dawn lovemaking. The gift she’d prayed for lay next to her. Alex’s dark, tousled hair and morning stubble made her heart stammer, her body ache with need, but she didn’t have time to indulge again. The girls were probably up and causing all manner of mayhem at Amelia’s house.

  “Come on, Cupcake, rise and shine.” Zoe gave Alex a gentle push.

  His eyes flew open. He scooted away from her, horror, and confusion in his eyes. Alex blinked before he got a good look at Zoe lying next to him. She laughed as Alex rolled on his back and covered his eyes with his hand.

  “Geez, for a second I thought I was in bed with Jesse.” He shuddered. “I mean, I love her but—no I don’t even want to go there.” Alex rose on one elbow.

  “And how in the hell did you know she calls me Cupcake.”

  Zoe jumped out of the bed and headed for the bathroom. “Little bird told me,” she shouted over the shower. “You better get in here. We have a houseful of children who’ll be going on a Christmas rampage if we don’t get to your mother’s house ASAP.”

  Alex followed her to the bathroom and joined her in the shower. Hot water flowed over the planes of his chest, down the ripped abs, to sluice over his half-erect penis. Unable to resist, she soaped her hands and worshiped his body.


  A Perfect Bride for Christmas

  “Kids,” he whispered in her ear as she cupped him, stroking the length of the hot flesh between his legs. “Remember the kids.”

  “We have kids?” She rubbed her body against his, sliding and slipping until her clit begged for attention. His slick fingers found the bud of her desire and stroked it in a slow, deliberate caress.

  She lay her cheek against his chest and let the feeling flow through her body.

  His laugh vibrated through his chest. “Three at last count. You were the one who said we had get out of here and save my mother from an avalanche of Christmas wrappings.” Alex’s fingers stopped their delicious attention.

, I’m such a buzz-kill.” She backed away and moved to get under the showerhead.

  They finished their shower, dressed and started for Hollyfield. The kids’ packages filled up the back of the Hummer. Along the way, Alex stopped by his apartment for the rest of his Christmas gifts,

  “This is going to be a short honeymoon. I’ve got to be out this place by the first of the year. Let’s decide on a time and then we’ll take two weeks off later, preferably someplace sunny.” He surveyed the room. “Are you sure you have enough space in your house—our house for all this?”

  Zoe nodded, taking in the nice leather couch filled with magazines, an empty potato chip sack, along with shopping bags filled with brightly wrapped gifts. A recliner sat to one side with assorted clothes piled on top. She went over to the recliner and picked up a sweatshirt between her thumb and forefinger. “I think we need to discuss housekeeping. You have to set a good example for the girls now.”

  Alex blushed and plucked the sweatshirt out of her hands. “Duly noted.”

  “You know.” She took in the boxes and piles of 335

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  stuff on the floor. “I think you might be able to use the attic for a man cave. It’s finished. The things I have up there can go into storage or be given to the Salvation Army. You need a space where to run to if there’s an estrogen overload.”

  “Great, I’ll check it out when we get back.” Alex grabbed up a couple of shopping bags full of oddly shaped presents. “Could you get those?”

  He nodded toward the sacks sitting on the end of the couch. “You know, I may be out of a job.” Alex glanced over at her. “Sydney’s father didn’t take to kindly of me dumping his baby girl.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” he smiled as closed the door behind them. He stuffed the rest of the sacks full of presents onto the back seat of the Hummer. “I’ve wondered about starting my own law practice. I’m solvent enough to get it going but I’ll be starting from scratch.”

  The sun broke through the gray ceiling of clouds to turn the snow-covered world dazzling bright. Joy tumbled through Zoe’s heart. “You’re the best attorney I know. Cox, Zuckerman, Howe & Stanford would be crazy to let you go, however, I know you can do anything you want.”

  “Great,” he patted her hand. “This will be a crazy month or two ahead of us.”

  Zoe laughed. “Let’s get over Christmas first and let the rest take care of itself.”

  They spent the remainder of the trip in a friendly argument over potential honeymoon locations until Alex pulled up in front of Amelia’s porch.

  The girls were waiting. They raced down steps in their slippered feet, unmindful of cold. Macy held a bobbling Walter in her arms, the pink bow around the poor kitten’s neck looked bedraggled and unwelcome.


  A Perfect Bride for Christmas

  “We got a kitty,” Macy shouted while Walter wriggled and scouted out an avenue of escape.

  “A kitty,” Mia and Michaela joined in. “Gramma let us have Walter.”

  Amelia and Keeley stood in the doorway, dressed in their robes.

  “Come in. I’ve got breakfast started.” Amelia held the door open.

  Alex pointed to Heath’s Tahoe. “We must not be the first one’s here. Where’s Clint? I don’t see his truck.”

  Amelia nodded. “Heath and Nicolette are in the kitchen. I heard Clint stirring around earlier this morning. He set out all his gifts and took off.

  Probably to check on his mare and her new foal.”

  “He’ll be back, won’t he?” Zoe asked as she watched her children struggled over who would hold Walter next. “The girls will be so disappointed if he isn’t.”

  Amelia glanced over her shoulder at Keeley and back at them. “I’ve got this vibe—a feeling this will be the best Christmas ever for the King family.”

  “Not the sixties stuff again.” Alex’s face colored up. “You’re not having flashbacks are you?”

  Zoe’s mother-in-law laughed and shook her head. “Girls, let’s bring Walter inside to warm up.”

  “‘K, Gramma.” Michaela tried to take Walter from Macy. “It’s my turn.”

  “No, mine,” Mia begged.

  Alex groaned. “Dear sweet lord. Are we going to have to get three cats?”

  Zoe reached up to give Alex a kiss on the cheek.

  “Merry Christmas, love. Merry Christmas.”


  A word from the author...

  I want to thank everyone who kept my dream alive. It's been a long road with many bumps but without fellow travelers it wouldn't have been nearly as interesting.

  My friends at Heartland Romance Authors helped to pave the way. Les Belle Dames sans Merci were by my side. Liz Laffery, Sara Attebury, Judy Fedynich, Valerie Hatfield, Sherry Foley, and Shannon K. Butcher kept me on the straight and narrow. Then there is Alicia Dean, the newest member of this road trip.

  And lastly, I'd like to say a big thank you to my husband, Dennis, who supports me in every way.

  He's even joined my RWA chapter—now there's a true hero.

  Turn the page

  for an exciting preview of

  Heath King’s Christmas story in the second Three Kings novel from author Alicia Dean

  A Knight



  The Three Kings, Book II

  Available now from The Wild Rose Press Chapter One

  Given a choice between smearing honey all over his naked body and leaping into a bear cave, or returning to Kansas City for Christmas, Heath King would have stripped off his clothes, popped the top from a bottle of Cloverleaf, and asked for directions to the nearest den.

  But no one had given him a choice, so here he was, driving along I-35, sixty miles north of Wichita, his dread ratcheting up with every click of the odometer.

  He looked forward to seeing his mother and his brothers, Alex and Clint, but the memories he left behind were still too raw. The last two trips to Kansas City had been for funerals, his father’s this past July, and his best friend’s in January.

  His friend, Burke, was looking out for Heath’s security firm during his absence, so at least he didn’t have to worry about that. No, it wasn’t concern over his company that had Heath’s stomach tied in a knot the size of Texas. It was the news he’d received nearly two weeks ago.

  Heath, we have a sister.

  Just like Alex to come right out with it, no softening the blow.

  Dad conceived a child with another woman.

  When he was in Viet Nam.

  Translated: the father Heath grew up believing could move mountains, could part the sea, would be the one person he could always trust, the one he learned his values from, was a cheating liar.


  Alicia Dean

  Loyalty schmoyalty.

  What really pissed him off was that his mother seemed okay with it. Well, maybe not okay, but accepting, forgiving. She actually wanted to meet this woman, this mascot of betrayal.

  He’d done a background check on his sister, Keeley Jacobs, and he didn’t mind admitting he’d hoped to dig up some dirt. His quest had been unsuccessful. She was either on the up and up or good enough not to get caught.

  He tilted a Pez dispenser to his lips and tapped a couple of candies into his mouth. Out the windshield ahead, a few snowflakes fell. It hadn’t snowed at home in Oklahoma City yet, but it looked like there was a good chance they’d have a white Christmas in Kansas City, something he used to enjoy and hope for. Now he could care less. He just wanted it to be over.

  The radio was dialed to a country station, the volume low, but Heath still heard the start of “Blue Christmas” and punched the power button to Off. He might have suffered through the song in spite of his uncharacteristic Grinch-ness had it been the version by Elvis. This one was by the Chipmunks, and their squeaky voices grated on his already frayed nerves.

  His cell phone rang, and he checked the display, manag
ing a smile as he answered. “Hey, Jesse, what’s up?”

  Jesse was a childhood friend who’d grown up with the King brothers. She was more of a sister than some stranger could ever be.

  “Just checking on you,” Jesse said. “How’s the trip going?”

  “The usual, long and uneventful, just enjoying the spectacular scenery.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, the plains of Kansas are breathtaking. What do you have planned for tomorrow night?”


  A Knight Before Christmas

  Heath’s only plan for the entire visit was to get through each excruciating moment as painlessly as possible. “Nothing yet.”

  “Great. Wasn’t sure if you knew yet, but they’re holding a dedication ceremony tomorrow night to honor Rudy Morgan. I knew you’d want to be there.”

  Did you now? Well, what would you think if I said it’s the last place I wanted to be? The last place and the first, actually, which he had to admit, was pretty fucked up.

  “Heath, you there?”

  “Yeah. I’m here. Thanks for letting me know.”

  “So you’ll go?”

  “I’ll try.”

  “I’m sure Nicolette would love to see you.”

  And there it was. Nicolette. The person he both dreaded and desired to see more than anyone else in the world. His best friend’s widow. The woman Heath had been in love with since college.

  He tried not to reveal his turmoil as he said,

  “Yeah. It’d be great to see her.”

  “I’ll let you go so you can get your attention back to your driving. See you when you get here.”

  He flipped his phone closed and turned the radio back on. He felt marginally better after Jesse’s call.

  Not because of the news she’d delivered, not by a long shot, but somehow, just hearing the voice of his childhood pal brought a small measure of peace.


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